void KLameOptionsDialogue::setupInitialDefault() { wipeSettings(); if (lameOptions_ == "") // Set basic defaults if no options given setupDisplay(); else setDefaultOptions(lameOptions_); }
int c_video_restart(lua_State *L) { initGameScreen(); shutdownDisplay( gScreen ); setupDisplay( gScreen ); updateCallbacks(); changeDisplay(-1); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *path; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ fpsetmask(0); #endif SystemInit(&argc, argv); path = getFullPath("settings.txt"); if(path != 0) initMainGameSettings(path); /* reads defaults from ~/.gltronrc */ else { printf("fatal: could not settings.txt, exiting...\n"); exit(1); } parse_args(argc, argv); /* sound */ #ifdef SOUND printf("initializing sound\n"); initSound(); path = getFullPath("gltron.it"); if(path == 0 || loadSound(path)) printf("error trying to load sound\n"); else { if(game->settings->playMusic) playSound(); free(path); } #endif printf("loading menu\n"); path = getFullPath("menu.txt"); if(path != 0) pMenuList = loadMenuFile(path); else { printf("fatal: could not load menu.txt, exiting...\n"); exit(1); } printf("menu loaded\n"); free(path); initGameStructures(); resetScores(); initData(); setupDisplay(game->screen); switchCallbacks(&guiCallbacks); switchCallbacks(&guiCallbacks); SystemMainLoop(); return 0; }
VideoTab::VideoTab(QWidget *parent, CodeInterface &codInt, const bool editFlag) : QWidget(parent) { code_int = &codInt; setupDisplay(); getStreamNum(); createActions(); setReadWrite(editFlag); onComboSelect(0); //Initialise setup_autocomplete(); }
QtDensity::QtDensity(RInside & R) : m_R(R) { m_bw = 100; // initial bandwidth, will be scaled by 100 so 1.0 m_kernel = 0; // initial kernel: gaussian m_cmd = "c(rnorm(100,0,1), rnorm(50,5,1))"; // simple mixture m_R["bw"] = m_bw; // pass bandwidth to R, and have R compute a temp.file name m_tempfile = QString::fromStdString(Rcpp::as<std::string>(m_R.parseEval("tfile <- tempfile()"))); m_svgfile = QString::fromStdString(Rcpp::as<std::string>(m_R.parseEval("sfile <- tempfile()"))); setupDisplay(); }
void UIManager::draw() { setupDisplay(); std::list<pp::Widget*>::iterator it; for(it=widgets.begin();it!=widgets.end();it++){ (*it)->draw(); } drawCursor(); }
void initVideo(void) { videoInit(); runScript(PATH_SCRIPTS, "video.lua"); initVideoData(); consoleInit(); initArtpacks(); runScript(PATH_SCRIPTS, "menu.lua"); runScript(PATH_SCRIPTS, "menu_functions.lua"); setupDisplay(gScreen); }
Raspbed::Raspbed(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::Raspbed), bed() { ui->setupUi(this); settings.loadSettings(); setupDisplay(); settingsMenu = ui->menuBar->addMenu("Menu"); settingsAction = settingsMenu->addAction("Settings"); connect(settingsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openSettings())); selectedButton = ui->headUpButton; selected = false; callInProgress = false; numRightClicks = 0; numLeftClicks = 0; resetBed(); }
//********************************************************************************************************************************** void FWMenu::setupMenu(int pace) { // Button number masks. button1 = Btn1; button2 = Btn2; button3 = Btn3; button4 = Btn4; button5 = Btn5; button6 = Btn6; button7 = Btn7; button8 = Btn8; _pace = pace; // Pace at which the menu changes - default 500 milliseconds. n = 0; // Number of menu primary items. (Set by number of calls to addMenuItem). p = 0; // Index to current menu item. (array subscript). // Set up LED display. . setupDisplay(true, 7); // 'Option' mode to start. mode = 'o'; }
/** * @brief Raspbed::openSettings */ void Raspbed::openSettings() { std::unique_ptr<Settings> settingsDialog(new Settings); QStringList serialPortOptions; for (std::string device : bed.getSerialPort()->getDevices()) { qDebug() << "Serial option: " << QString::fromStdString(device); if(device.find("USB") != std::string::npos){ qDebug() << "Found: " << QString::fromStdString(device); serialPortOptions.push_back(QString::fromStdString(device)); } } settingsDialog->setSerialPorts(serialPortOptions); settingsDialog->setPort(settings.getPort()); settingsDialog->setContact(settings.getContact()); settingsDialog->setBordered(settings.isBordered()); settingsDialog->setButtonMode(settings.isButtonMode()); settingsDialog->setDarkHighlight(settings.isDarkHighlight()); settingsDialog->setButtonHoldTime( QString::number(settings.getButtonHoldTime())); settingsDialog->populateSettings(); settingsDialog->exec(); if (settingsDialog->result() == QDialog::Accepted) { settings.setContact(settingsDialog->getContact()); settings.setPort(settingsDialog->getPort()); settings.setBordered(settingsDialog->isBordered()); settings.setDarkHighlight(settingsDialog->isDarkHighlight()); settings.setButtonMode(settingsDialog->isButtonMode()); settings.setButtonHoldTime(settingsDialog->getButtonHoldTime().toInt()); settings.saveSettings(); setupDisplay(); resetBed(); } }
void UIManager::drawCursor() { GLuint texobj; char *binding; binding = "mouse_cursor"; if ( !get_texture_binding( binding, &texobj ) ) { texobj = 0; } setupDisplay(); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj ); glBegin( GL_QUADS ); { glTexCoord2f( 0, 1 ); glVertex2f( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ); glTexCoord2f( 0, 0 ); glVertex2f( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y - 32 ); glTexCoord2f( 1, 0 ); glVertex2f( cursorPos.x + 32, cursorPos.y - 32 ); glTexCoord2f( 1, 1 ); glVertex2f( cursorPos.x + 32, cursorPos.y ); } glEnd(); }
void initGameStructures() { /* called only once */ /* default art names */ char *path; /* init game screen */ /* init players. for each player: */ /* init model */ /* init display */ /* init ai */ /* create data */ /* create trails */ /* create camera */ gDisplay *d; int i; /* int onScreen; */ /* Data *data; */ /* Camera *c; */ /* Model *m; */ AI *ai; Player *p; game->winner = -1; game->screen = (gDisplay*) malloc(sizeof(gDisplay)); d = game->screen; d->h = game->settings->height; d->w = game->settings->width; d->vp_x = 0; d->vp_y = 0; d->vp_w = d->w; d->vp_h = d->h; d->blending = 1; d->fog = 0; d->shademodel = GL_SMOOTH; d->wall = 1; d->onScreen = -1; d->textures = (unsigned int*) malloc(game_textures * sizeof(unsigned int)); //Setup display here setupDisplay(game->screen); game->players = PLAYERS; game->player = (Player *) malloc(MAX_PLAYERS * sizeof(Player)); for(i = 0; i < game->players; i++) { p = (game->player + i); p->model = (Model*) malloc(sizeof(Model)); p->display = (gDisplay*) malloc(sizeof(gDisplay)); p->ai = (AI*) malloc(sizeof(AI)); p->data = (Data*) malloc(sizeof(Data)); p->data->trails = (line*) malloc(MAX_TRAIL * sizeof(line)); p->camera = (Camera*) malloc(sizeof(Camera)); p->camera->type = (CameraType*) malloc(sizeof(CameraType)); /* init model & display & ai */ update_splash(splash, 0.3+i*.1, "init model"); initModel(p, i); ai = p->ai; if(game->settings->screenSaver) { ai->active = AI_COMPUTER; } else { switch(i) { case 0: ai->active = game->settings->ai_player1; break; case 1: ai->active = game->settings->ai_player2; break; case 2: ai->active = game->settings->ai_player3; break; case 3: ai->active = game->settings->ai_player4; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "player index #%d not caught!\n", i); ai->active = AI_NONE; } } ai->tdiff = 0; ai->moves = 0; ai->danger = 0; ai->lastx = 0; ai->lasty = 0; } /* load recognizer model */ update_splash(splash, 0.7, "loading recognizer"); path = getFullPath("recognizer.obj"); if(path != NULL) // recognizer = loadModel(path, RECOGNIZER_HEIGHT, 0); // recognizer = loadModel(path, 60, MODEL_NORMALIZE | MODEL_INVERT_NORMALS); recognizer = loadModel(path, 60, MODEL_NORMALIZE ); else { printf("fatal: could not load recognizer - exiting...\n"); exit(1); } free(path); changeDisplay(); game2->events.next = NULL; game2->mode = GAME_SINGLE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Set up ROS. ros::init(argc, argv, "slice_client"); ros::NodeHandle n; // Initialize node parameters from launch file or command line. // Use a private node handle so that multiple instances of the node can be run simultaneously // while using different parameters. ros::NodeHandle private_node_handle_("~"); //Set up the clients, one to call for slices, the other to order stims ros::ServiceClient sliceClient = n.serviceClient<img_slicer::ImageSlicer>("red_px_counts"); ros::ServiceClient stimClient = n.serviceClient<zanni::Stim>("deliver_stim"); //Rate to loop in Hz ros::Rate r(10); //Run in a loop forever, making requests img_slicer::ImageSlicer srv; srv.request.slices = 5; //Set up plotter for visualization XPlotter* plot = setupDisplay(); //Run in a loop making the calls while (n.ok()) { if (sliceClient.call(srv)) { redrawDisplay(plot, srv.response.pixelCount, MODE); uint64_t leftCount = 0; uint64_t rightCount = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { leftCount += srv.response.pixelCount[ii]; rightCount += srv.response.pixelCount[4 - ii]; } ROS_INFO("R: %lu L: %lu\n", leftCount, rightCount); //Don't bother stimulating at all unless difference is big if (abs(leftCount - rightCount) > 500) { //Fill in the service request with the data from the header file. zanni::Stim stimSrv; int elements = sizeof(training_signal) / sizeof(training_signal[0]); for (int ii = 0; ii < elements; ii++) { stimSrv.request.signal.push_back(training_signal[ii] * 10000); } //Pick a channel if (leftCount > rightCount) { stimSrv.request.channel = 0; //Arbitrary decision that 0 = left } else { stimSrv.request.channel = 1; } //Make the call if (stimClient.call(stimSrv)) { if (stimSrv.response.done) { ROS_INFO("Stimulation sent"); } else { ROS_WARN("Problem on stimulation end"); } } else { ROS_ERROR("Failed to call stimulation"); return 1; } } } else { ROS_ERROR("Call failed to get pixel counts"); } r.sleep(); } return 0; }
void Dialog::tabChanged(int index) { #ifdef QTM_EXAMPLES_SMALL_SCREEN switch(index) { case 0: setupGeneral(); break; case 1: setupGeneral(); break; case 2: setupDevice(); break; case 3: setupDevice(); break; case 4: setupDevice(); break; case 5: setupDisplay(); break; case 6: setupStorage(); break; case 7: setupNetwork(); break; case 8: setupNetwork(); break; case 9: setupNetwork(); break; case 10: setupSaver(); break; }; #else switch(index) { case 0: setupGeneral(); break; case 1: setupDevice(); break; case 2: setupDisplay(); break; case 3: setupStorage(); break; case 4: setupNetwork(); break; case 5: setupSaver(); break; }; #endif }
OMX_ERRORTYPE NonTextureEngine::onCameraEventParamOrConfigChanged() { ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "START"; OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Enable Camera Output Port OMX_CONFIG_PORTBOOLEANTYPE cameraport; OMX_INIT_STRUCTURE(cameraport); cameraport.nPortIndex = CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT; cameraport.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE; error =OMX_SetParameter(camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &cameraport); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera enable Output Port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } if (omxCameraSettings.doRecording) { if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) { //Set up renderer setupRenderer(); } //set up encoder OMX_CALLBACKTYPE encoderCallbacks; encoderCallbacks.EventHandler = &BaseEngine::encoderEventHandlerCallback; encoderCallbacks.EmptyBufferDone = &BaseEngine::encoderEmptyBufferDone; encoderCallbacks.FillBufferDone = &NonTextureEngine::encoderFillBufferDone; string encoderComponentName = "OMX.broadcom.video_encode"; error =OMX_GetHandle(&encoder, (OMX_STRING)encoderComponentName.c_str(), this , &encoderCallbacks); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_GetHandle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } configureEncoder(); if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) { //Create camera->video_render Tunnel error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT, render, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera->video_render OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } } // Tunnel camera video output port and encoder input port error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, encoder, VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT); if(error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT->VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Set encoder to Idle error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Set camera to Idle error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) { //Enable camera preview port error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_CommandPortEnable CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } } //Enable camera output port error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_CommandPortEnable CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Enable encoder input port error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_CommandPortEnable VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Enable encoder output port error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_CommandPortEnable VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) { //Enable render input port error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } } OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE encoderOutputPortDefinition; OMX_INIT_STRUCTURE(encoderOutputPortDefinition); encoderOutputPortDefinition.nPortIndex = VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT; error =OMX_GetParameter(encoder, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &encoderOutputPortDefinition); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_GetParameter OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); }else { ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT eColorFormat: " << OMX_Maps::getInstance().colorFormatTypes[encoderOutputPortDefinition.format.video.eColorFormat]; } error = OMX_AllocateBuffer(encoder, &encoderOutputBuffer, VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL, encoderOutputPortDefinition.nBufferSize); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_AllocateBuffer VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Start camera error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Start encoder error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) { //Start renderer error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } setupDisplay(); } error = OMX_FillThisBuffer(encoder, encoderOutputBuffer); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_FillThisBuffer FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } bool doThreadBlocking = true; startThread(doThreadBlocking); }else { setupRenderer(); //Create camera->video_render Tunnel error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, render, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera->video_render OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Enable camera output port error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Enable render input port error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Start renderer error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } //Start camera error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL); if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) { ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error); } setupDisplay(); } isOpen = true; return error; }
void KLameOptionsDialogue::setDefaultOptions(QString& options) { bool isOk; int parm = 0; short optionNumber = 0; QString option = parseOptions(options, optionNumber); QString additionalOpts = ""; while (option != "") { QString keyword = option.section(" ",0,0); // Pull out option keyword QString parameter = option.section(" ",1,1);// First parameter if any if (parameter != "") parm = parameter.toInt(&isOk,10); if (keyword == "-m") { if (parameter == "m") optionsDialogueUi.mode->setCurrentIndex(1); else if (parameter == "s") optionsDialogueUi.mode->setCurrentIndex(2); else if (parameter == "j") optionsDialogueUi.mode->setCurrentIndex(3); else if (parameter == "f") optionsDialogueUi.mode->setCurrentIndex(4); else if (parameter == "d") optionsDialogueUi.mode->setCurrentIndex(5); } else if (keyword == "-V") { optionsDialogueUi.qualityPref->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.qualitySelect->setValue(100-parm*10); } else if (keyword == "--vbr-new") { optionsDialogueUi.qualityPref->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.algorithmVbr->setCurrentIndex(1); } else if ((keyword == "--vbr-old") || (keyword == "-v")) { optionsDialogueUi.qualityPref->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.algorithmVbr->setCurrentIndex(0); } else if (keyword == "-B") { optionsDialogueUi.useMaxBitrate->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.maxBitrateVbr->setValue(parm); } else if (keyword == "-b") { optionsDialogueUi.bitrateSelect->setValue(parm); optionsDialogueUi.useMinVbrBitrate->setChecked(true); } else if (keyword == "--abr") { optionsDialogueUi.bitratePref->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.abrBitrateSelect->setValue(parm); } else if (keyword == "--cbr") { optionsDialogueUi.bitratePref->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.useCbr->setChecked(true); } else if (keyword == "-q") optionsDialogueUi.qualitySetting->setValue(parm); else if (keyword == "-k") optionsDialogueUi.noFiltering->setChecked(true); // Obsolete keyword // else if (keyword == "-d") // blockSizeDifference->setChecked(true); else if (keyword == "--preset") { optionsDialogueUi.presetSelect->setChecked(true); if (parameter == "standard") optionsDialogueUi.presetComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); if (parameter == "medium") optionsDialogueUi.presetComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1); if (parameter == "extreme") optionsDialogueUi.presetComboBox->setCurrentIndex(2); if (parameter == "insane") optionsDialogueUi.presetComboBox->setCurrentIndex(3); } else if (keyword == "--highpass") { optionsDialogueUi.highpassFreqSelect->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.highpassFreq->setText(parameter); } else if (keyword == "--highpass-width") { optionsDialogueUi.highpassWidthSelect->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.highpassWidth->setText(parameter); } else if (keyword == "--lowpass") { optionsDialogueUi.lowpassFreqSelect->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.lowpassFreq->setText(parameter); } else if (keyword == "--lowpass-width") { optionsDialogueUi.lowpassWidthSelect->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.lowpassWidth->setText(parameter); } else if (keyword == "--cwlimit") { optionsDialogueUi.useTonalityLimit->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.tonalityLimit->setText(parameter); } else if (keyword == "--resample") { optionsDialogueUi.useResampleFrequency->setChecked(true); if (parameter == "8") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(0); else if (parameter == "11.025") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(1); else if (parameter == "12") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(2); else if (parameter == "16") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(3); else if (parameter == "22.05") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(4); else if (parameter == "24") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(5); else if (parameter == "32") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(6); else if (parameter == "44.1") optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(7); else optionsDialogueUi.resampleFrequency->setCurrentIndex(8); } else if (keyword == "-X") { optionsDialogueUi.changeQualityMeasure->setChecked(true); optionsDialogueUi.qualityMeasure->setValue(parm); } else if (keyword != "--silent") additionalOpts += option + " "; optionNumber++; option = parseOptions(options, optionNumber); } setupDisplay(); optionsDialogueUi.additionalOptions->setText(additionalOpts); on_qualityPref_toggled(); on_bitratePref_toggled(); on_useMaxBitrate_stateChanged(); on_changeQualityMeasure_stateChanged(); on_useResampleFrequency_stateChanged(); on_useCbr_stateChanged(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *path; list *l; #ifdef SOUND int c; #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ fpsetmask(0); #endif #ifdef macintosh setupHomeEnvironment (); #endif SystemInit(&argc, argv); #ifndef CURRENT_EQ_DATA_DIR goto_installpath(argv[0]); #endif /* initialize artpack list before loading settigns! */ initArtpacks(); path = getFullPath("settings.txt"); if(path != NULL) initMainGameSettings(path); /* reads defaults from ~/.gltronrc */ else { printf("fatal: could not settings.txt, exiting...\n"); exit(1); } parse_args(argc, argv); consoleInit(); initGameStructures(); resetScores(); /* sound */ path = getMusicPath(MUSIC_DIR); game->settings->soundList = readDirectoryContents(path, SONG_PREFIX); game->settings->soundIndex = -1; l = game->settings->soundList; #ifdef SOUND printf("initializing sound\n"); initSound(); setFxVolume(game->settings->fxVolume); if(l->next != NULL) { char *tmp; tmp = malloc(strlen(path) + 1 + /* seperator */ strlen((char*) l->data) + 1); sprintf(tmp, "%s%c%s", path, SEPERATOR, (char*) l->data); fprintf(stderr, "loading song %s\n", tmp); loadSound(tmp); free(tmp); game->settings->soundIndex = 0; } c = 0; while(l->next != NULL) { l = l->next; c++; } game->settings->soundSongCount = c; if(game->settings->playMusic) playSound(); fprintf(stderr, "setting music volume to %.3f\n", game->settings->musicVolume); setMusicVolume(game->settings->musicVolume); free(path); #endif printf("loading menu\n"); path = getFullPath("menu.txt"); if(path != NULL) pMenuList = loadMenuFile(path); else { printf("fatal: could not load menu.txt, exiting...\n"); exit(1); } printf("menu loaded\n"); free(path); setupDisplay(game->screen); switchCallbacks(&guiCallbacks); switchCallbacks(&guiCallbacks); SystemMainLoop(); return 0; }