Exemple #1
static void
float_norm_test (const char *filename)
{	SNDFILE			*file ;
	SF_INFO			sfinfo ;
	unsigned int	k ;

	print_test_name ("float_norm_test", filename) ;

	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format		= (SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
	sfinfo.frames		= BUFFER_LEN ;

	/* Create float_data with all values being less than 1.0. */
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN / 2 ; k++)
		float_data [k] = (k + 5) / (2.0 * BUFFER_LEN) ;
	for (k = BUFFER_LEN / 2 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		float_data [k] = (k + 5) ;

	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_open_write failed with error : ", __LINE__) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Normalisation is on by default so no need to do anything here. */

	if ((k = sf_write_float (file, float_data, BUFFER_LEN / 2)) != BUFFER_LEN / 2)
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_write_float failed with short write (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, k) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Turn normalisation off. */
	sf_command (file, SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT, NULL, SF_FALSE) ;

	if ((k = sf_write_float (file, float_data + BUFFER_LEN / 2, BUFFER_LEN / 2)) != BUFFER_LEN / 2)
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_write_float failed with short write (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, k) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	/* sfinfo struct should still contain correct data. */
	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_open_read failed with error : ", __LINE__) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (sfinfo.format != (SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16))
	{	printf ("Line %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, (SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16), sfinfo.format) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (sfinfo.frames != BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Incorrect number of.frames in file. (%d => %ld)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
	{	printf ("Line %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Read float_data and check that it is normalised (ie default). */
	if ((k = sf_read_float (file, float_data, BUFFER_LEN)) != BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_read_float failed with short read (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, k) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		if (float_data [k] >= 1.0)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: float_data [%d] == %f which is greater than 1.0\n", __LINE__, k, float_data [k]) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	/* Seek to start of file, turn normalisation off, read float_data and check again. */
	sf_seek (file, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
	sf_command (file, SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT, NULL, SF_FALSE) ;

	if ((k = sf_read_float (file, float_data, BUFFER_LEN)) != BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_read_float failed with short read (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, k) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		if (float_data [k] < 1.0)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: float_data [%d] == %f which is less than 1.0\n", __LINE__, k, float_data [k]) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	/* Seek to start of file, turn normalisation on, read float_data and do final check. */
	sf_seek (file, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
	sf_command (file, SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;

	if ((k = sf_read_float (file, float_data, BUFFER_LEN)) != BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_read_float failed with short read (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, BUFFER_LEN, k) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		if (float_data [k] > 1.0)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: float_data [%d] == %f which is greater than 1.0\n", __LINE__, k, float_data [k]) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	unlink (filename) ;

	printf ("ok\n") ;
} /* float_norm_test */
Exemple #2
EXIT_STATUS bb_encode( const char* _number, const char* _outfname )
    if (    !_number
         || !_outfname
        fprintf(  stderr, "NULL number(%c) || outfname(%c)\n"
                , ( _number ? 'f' : 'T' )
                , ( _outfname ? 'f' : 'T' )

        return ES_BADARG;

#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
    printf( "'%s' -> '%s'\n"
            , _number
            , _outfname
#endif /* =================================================================== */

    /*check for number validity*/
    int i = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < strlen( _number ); i++ )
        if ( !index( DTMF_NUMBERS, _number[i] ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "incorrect character '%c'\n"
                     "allowed characters are '%s'\n"
                     , _number[i]
                     , DTMF_NUMBERS
            return ES_BADARG;

    static const char* outext = ".wav";
    char* outfname = (char*)calloc( strlen( _outfname ) + strlen( outext ) + 1
                                    , sizeof(char)
    if ( !outfname )
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to allocate memory for extfilename\n" );
        return ES_BAD;

    strncpy( outfname
             , _outfname
             , strlen(_outfname)

    /*check for file extension*/
    if ( !strstr( _outfname + strlen( _outfname ) - strlen( outext ), outext ) )
        strncpy( outfname + strlen( outfname )
                 , outext
                 , strlen( outext )

    SF_INFO opt = { 0 };
    opt.samplerate  = DTMF_SAMPLE_RATE;
    opt.channels    = 1;
    opt.format      =   SF_FORMAT_WAV
                      | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT

    SNDFILE* ofd = sf_open( outfname
                            , SFM_WRITE
                            , &opt
    if ( !ofd )
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to open output file: %s\n"
                , sf_strerror( ofd )

        return ES_BAD;

    printf( "encoding '%s' to '%s'\n"
            , _number
            , outfname

    /*run encoding*/
    for ( i = 0; i < strlen( _number ); i++ )
        char c = _number[ i ];
#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
        printf( "processing '%c' key\n"
                , c
#endif /* =================================================================== */
        DTMF_KEYPAD key = dtmf_c2kp( c );
        if ( !dtmf_is_keypad_value( key ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "'%c'(position %d) -> %d - in not keypad value\n"
                    , c
                    , i
                    , key

            es = ES_BAD;

        if ( !DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ key ].filled )
#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
        printf( "generating '%c' key signal data\n"
                , c
#endif /* =================================================================== */

            if ( bbe_fill_key_signal( key ) != ES_OK )
                fprintf( stderr, "unable to fill signal data for key '%c'\n"
                        , c

                es = ES_BAD;
#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
            printf( "'%c' signal already cached\n"
                    , c
#endif /* =================================================================== */

        if ( !DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ DTMF_KP_PAUSE ].filled )
#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
        printf( "generating pause signal data\n" );
#endif /* =================================================================== */

            if ( bbe_fill_key_signal( DTMF_KP_PAUSE ) != ES_OK )
                fprintf( stderr, "unable to fill signal data for pause\n" );

                es = ES_BAD;
#ifdef _DEBUG /* ============================================================ */
            printf( "pause signal already cached\n" );
#endif /* =================================================================== */

        sf_write_float(   ofd
                        , (float*)(DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ DTMF_KP_PAUSE ].data)
                        , DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ DTMF_KP_PAUSE ].datasz
        sf_write_float(   ofd
                        , (float*)(DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ key ].data)
                        , DTMF_KEY_SIGNALS[ key ].datasz

    free( outfname );
    sf_close( ofd );

    printf( "encoding %s\n"
            , ( es == ES_OK ?
                "done" :
    return es;
Exemple #3
void ofxGSTT::audioIn(float * buffer,int bufferSize, int nChannels, int deviceId){
	int deviceIdx=0;
	for(int i=0;i<deviceIds.size();++i){

	if(bRecordingBlocked[deviceIdx]){//TODO ARRAY

	float curVol = 0.0;

	// samples are "interleaved"
	int numCounted = 0;

	//lets go through each sample and calculate the root mean square which is a rough way to calculate volume
	for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){
		left[i] = buffer[i * 2];
		right[i] = buffer[i * 2 + 1];

		curVol += left[i] * left[i];
		curVol += right[i] * right[i];
		numCounted += 2;
	}//TODO mehrfachverwendung von left & right - problem

	//this is how we get the mean of rms :)
	curVol /= (float) numCounted;

	// this is how we get the root of rms :)
	curVol = sqrt(curVol);

	smoothedVolume[deviceIdx] *= 0.9; //TODO settings for this ratio needed
	smoothedVolume[deviceIdx] += 0.1 * curVol;

	//lets scale the vol up to a 0-1 range
	//float scaledVol = ofMap(smoothedVol, 0.0, 0.17, 0.0, 1.0, true);//TODO set by settings!
	float scaledCurVolume = ofMap(curVol, 0.0, 0.17, 0.0, 1.0, true);

	bool bActiveVolume = scaledCurVolume > volumeThreshold;

	//TODO revisit: should be in an extra update function?!
		bRecording[deviceIdx] = true;
			bRecording[deviceIdx] = false;
			sf_write_float(outfiles[deviceIdx], buffer, bufferSize * 2);
//	if(deviceId>10){
//		delete[] buffer;
//	}
Exemple #4
static int audio_callback(	const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
                            unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
                            const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
                            PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
                            void *userData )
    int i;
    float *out = (float*)outputBuffer;
    float b, d, f, mod;
    int beat;

    float v;

    for( i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer; i++ )
        d = 0;

        beat = global_frame % ( SAMPLE_RATE / ( DEFAULT_BPM / 60 ) / 4 );

        if( beat == 0 )
            if( beat_count % 4 == 0 )
                bass_lfofreq = ((float)DEFAULT_BPM/60.0f) * flt_freq[ rand()%4 ];

            if( rand()%RANDOM_NOTE_CHANGE_CHANCE == 0 )
                bass_freq = midi_to_hz( BASE_NOTE + minor_scale[ rand()%7 ] + ((rand()%RANDOM_OCTAVE_JUMP_CHANCE==0)?12:0) );

            if( ( beat_count % 4 == 0 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_GLITCH_CHANCE == 0 ) )
                bass_fmindex = (float)( rand()%999 + 1 );

            if( ( beat_count % 4 == 0 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_GLITCH_RETURN_CHANCE == 0 ) )
                bass_fmindex = 0.0f;

            if( rand()%RANDOM_MODULATION == 0 )
                bass_fmmod = (float)( rand()%3 + 1 );

            if( beat_count % 16 == 0 )
                bd_time = 0;

            if( beat_count % 16 == 8 )
                if( rand()%RANDOM_SNARE_SILENCE_CHANCE == 0 )
                    bass_vol = 0.0f;
                sd_time = 0;

            if( ( beat_count % 16 == 10 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_SNARE_CHANCE == 0 ) )
                sd_time = 0;

            if( beat_count % 16 == 12 )
                bass_vol = 1.0f;

            if( beat_count % 16 == 6 )
                bd_time = 0;

            if( beat_count % 2 == 0 )
                hh_time = 0;


        if( bd_time >= 0 )
            d = bd[bd_time++];
            if( bd_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
                bd_time = -1;

        if( sd_time >= 0 )
            d = d * 0.8f + sd[sd_time++];
            if( sd_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
                sd_time = -1;

        if( hh_time >= 0 )
            d = d * 0.8f + hh[hh_time++] * 0.05f;
            if( hh_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
                hh_time = -1;

        bass_lfoval = sin( 2.0 * M_PI * bass_lfofreq * (float)global_frame / (float)SAMPLE_RATE );
        bass_lfoval = bass_lfoval/100.0f + 0.99f;

        mod = sin( 2.0 * M_PI * bass_fmmod * bass_freq * (float)global_frame / (float)SAMPLE_RATE );
        b = sgn( sin( 2.0 * M_PI * ( bass_freq * (float)global_frame / (float)SAMPLE_RATE ) + mod * bass_fmindex ) );

        bass_z = bass_lfoval * bass_z + ( 1.0f - bass_lfoval ) * b;

        v = 0.3f;

        out[i] = bass_vol * bass_z * v + d * ( 1.0f-v );

        if( out[i] > 1.0f ) out[i] = 1.0f;
        if( out[i] < -1.0f ) out[i] = -1.0f;


    sf_write_float( wave_output, out, framesPerBuffer );
    if (to_stdout)
        for (i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer; i++)
            double f = (double)out[i];
            convert_buf[i] = (int32_t)(f * 0x7fffffffL);
        write(STDOUT_FILENO, convert_buf, framesPerBuffer * 4);

    if (mute)
        memset(out, 0, sizeof(float) * framesPerBuffer);

    return paContinue;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    long i = 0;
    long readcount = 0;
    PaStreamParameters inputParameters;
    PaStream *stream = NULL;
    long sizeonesec = (PLAY_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * 2) * sizeof(float);

    /* Alloc size for one block */
    float *sampleBlock = (float *)malloc(sizeonesec);
    PaError retval = 0;
    struct sigaction sa;

    printf("Record to file: '%s'\n", argv[1]);

      We use two channels
      Samplerate is 44100
      Wave 16 bit output format
    sfinfo.channels = 2;
    sfinfo.samplerate = 44100;
    sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;

    /* Open file. Because this is just a example we asume
      What you are doing and give file first argument */
    if (! (outfile = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo))) {
        printf ("Not able to open output file %s.\n", argv[1]) ;
        sf_perror (NULL) ;
        return  1 ;

    sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
    sa.sa_sigaction = handler;

    if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
        printf("Can't set SIGINT handler!\n");
        return -1;

    if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
        printf("Can't set SIGHUP handler!\n");
        return -1;

    /* -- initialize PortAudio -- */
    retval = Pa_Initialize();

    if(retval != paNoError) {
        goto exit;

    inputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(); /* default output device */

    if (inputParameters.device == paNoDevice) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: No default output device.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* -- setup stream -- */
    inputParameters.channelCount = 2;       /* stereo output */
    inputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;  /* 32 bit floating point output */
    inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->defaultLowOutputLatency;
    inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

    retval = Pa_OpenStream(
                 NULL, /* no output */
                 paClipOff,      /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */

    if(retval != paNoError) {
        printf("Can't open device\n");
        goto exit;

    /* -- start stream -- */
    retval = Pa_StartStream(stream);

    if(retval != paNoError) {
        goto exit;

    printf("Wire on. Will run one minute.\n");

    /* -- Here's the loop where we pass data from input to output -- */
    for(i = 0; i < ((10 * sizeonesec) / (44100 * 2)); ++i) {
        retval = Pa_ReadStream(stream, (void *)sampleBlock, sizeonesec / 8);

        if(retval != paNoError) {
            printf("** Can't read from input!\n");
            goto exit;

        readcount = sf_write_float(outfile, sampleBlock, sizeonesec / 4);

        if(readcount <= 0) {
            printf("** Can't write to file!\n");
            goto exit;


    retval = Pa_StopStream(stream);
    retval = Pa_CloseStream(stream);
    return 0;

Exemple #6
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    if ( argc < 3 )
        printf( "specify input and output files\n" );
        return 1;

    const char* infname     = argv[1];
    const char* ofname      = argv[2];

    printf( "'%s' -> '%s'\n"
            , infname
            , ofname

    FILE* ifd = fopen( infname, "r" );
    if ( !ifd )
        printf( "unable to open in file\n" );

        return 1;

    SF_INFO opt;
    memset( &opt, 0, sizeof(opt) );

    opt.samplerate  = 8000;
    opt.channels    = 1;
    opt.format      =   SF_FORMAT_WAV
                      | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT

    SNDFILE* ofd = sf_open(   ofname
                            , SFM_WRITE
                            , &opt

    if ( !ofd )
        printf( "unable to open out file: '%s'\n"
                , sf_strerror( ofd )

        fclose( ifd );
        return 1;

    char line[BUFSZ];
    memset( line, 0, sizeof(line) );
    char c = 0x00;
    int p = 0x00;
        if ( '\n' == c )
            line[p] = 0x00;

            if ( strlen( line ) )
                float t = 0x00;
                float v = 0x00;

                int r = sscanf(   line
                                , "%f\t%f"
                                , &t
                                , &v

                if ( r != 2 )
                    printf( "unable to parse line\n" );

                /*write file*/
                sf_write_float(   ofd
                                , &v
                                , 1

            p = 0x00;

        c = fgetc( ifd );
        line[ p++ ] = c;
    } while ( c != EOF );

    fclose( ifd );
    sf_close( ofd );

    return 0;
Exemple #7
size_t wav_write(SNDFILE *wav, const quiet_sample_t *samples, size_t sample_len) {
    return sf_write_float(wav, samples, sample_len);
Exemple #8
main (void)
{   /* This is a buffer of double precision floating point values
    ** which will hold our data while we process it.
    static float data [BUFFER_LEN] ;

    /* A SNDFILE is very much like a FILE in the Standard C library. The
    ** sf_open function return an SNDFILE* pointer when they sucessfully
	** open the specified file.
    SNDFILE      *infile, *outfile ;

    /* A pointer to an SF_INFO stutct is passed to sf_open.
    ** On read, the library fills this struct with information about the file.
    ** On write, the struct must be filled in before calling sf_open.
    SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
    int			readcount ;
    const char	*infilename = "input.wav" ;
    const char	*outfilename = "output.wav" ;

    /* Here's where we open the input file. We pass sf_open the file name and
    ** a pointer to an SF_INFO struct.
    ** On successful open, sf_open returns a SNDFILE* pointer which is used
    ** for all subsequent operations on that file.
    ** If an error occurs during sf_open, the function returns a NULL pointer.
	** If you are trying to open a raw headerless file you will need to set the
	** format and channels fields of sfinfo before calling sf_open(). For
	** instance to open a raw 16 bit stereo PCM file you would need the following
	** two lines:
	**		sfinfo.format   = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;
	**		sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
    if (! (infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
    {   /* Open failed so print an error message. */
        printf ("Not able to open input file %s.\n", infilename) ;
        /* Print the error message from libsndfile. */
        puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
        return  1 ;
        } ;

    if (sfinfo.channels > MAX_CHANNELS)
    {   printf ("Not able to process more than %d channels\n", MAX_CHANNELS) ;
        return  1 ;
        } ;
    /* Open the output file. */
    if (! (outfile = sf_open (outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
    {   printf ("Not able to open output file %s.\n", outfilename) ;
        puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
        return  1 ;
        } ;

    /* While there are.frames in the input file, read them, process
    ** them and write them to the output file.
    while ((readcount = sf_read_float (infile, data, BUFFER_LEN)))
    {   process_data (data, readcount, sfinfo.channels) ;
        sf_write_float (outfile, data, readcount) ;
        } ;

    /* Close input and output files. */
    sf_close (infile) ;
    sf_close (outfile) ;

    return 0 ;
} /* main */
Exemple #9
int OlaRandom::WriteSoundFile( char filename[], float * data, int datasize )
	if( m_winsize != datasize )
		hanna( m_window, datasize );
		m_winsize = datasize;
	apply_window( data, m_window, datasize );
	/*int hopsize = segsize / 2; //m_last_buffer_size / 2; //m_last_buffer_size - datasize / 2;
	if( hopsize < 0 )
		hopsize = 0;

	BirdBrain::ola( m_ola_buffer, data, hopsize, datasize );
	m_last_buffer_size = datasize;
	// reset data and datasize for writing
	memcpy( data, m_ola_buffer, sizeof(float) * hopsize );
	datasize = hopsize;	*/

	if( !m_top )
		m_hopsize = m_last_buffer_size / 2;
	//fprintf( stderr, "hop: %d\n", m_hopsize );
	m_top = !m_top;
	memcpy( m_swap_buffer, m_ola_buffer, sizeof(float) * m_hopsize );	
	BirdBrain::ola( m_ola_buffer, data, m_hopsize, OLAR_BIG_BUFFER_SIZE, datasize );
	m_last_buffer_size = datasize;
	memcpy( data, m_swap_buffer, sizeof(float) * m_hopsize ); 
	datasize = m_hopsize; 

    // data will always fit in one buffer because buffer size = max tree size (CUTOFF)
    if( this->write_to_buffer )
        while( m_data_count >= m_max_data_count ) {
			BB_log( BB_LOG_FINE, "Background: waiting for empty buffer" );
			usleep( 2000 );
		// used to be if ... return 0;

        // set #samples for the write buffer
        if( m_buffer_samples[m_write_index] != 0 )
			BB_log( BB_LOG_WARNING, "Background: overwriting!" );
		m_buffer_samples[m_write_index] = datasize;

		// set the buffer to write
		float * next_buffer = m_big_buffer[m_write_index++];
        m_write_index %= m_max_data_count;

        // copy the data
        memcpy( next_buffer, data, datasize * sizeof(float) );

        // increment data count

/*		fprintf( stderr, "+ " );
		for( int i = 0; i < m_max_data_count; i++ )
			fprintf( stderr, "%d	", m_buffer_samples[i] );
		fprintf( stderr, "(%d)\n", datasize );
*/	}
    // if it's also writing to buffer, it doesn't get here until after the write succeeds
    // so the same data should not be written more than once to the file
	int itemswritten = 0;
    if( this->write_to_file )
        if( !sfwrite ) {
            writeinfo = readinfo;
			sfwrite = sf_open( filename, SFM_RDWR, &writeinfo );

			if( !sfwrite )
				std::cerr << "OlaRandom::WriteSoundFile : cannot open file '" << filename << "', quitting" << std::endl;
				//char x[256];
				//std::cin.getline( x, 256 );
                return 2;
		sf_seek( sfwrite, writeinfo.frames, SEEK_SET );
		itemswritten = sf_write_float( sfwrite, data, datasize );
		if( itemswritten <= 0 ) {
			std::cerr << "OlaRandom::WriteSoundFile : cannot write to file '" << filename << "'" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "needed to write " << datasize << " samples" << std::endl;

            //char x[256];
			//std::cin.getline( x, 256 );
            return 2;
		sf_close( sfwrite );
		sfwrite = NULL;
    // wrote something
	if( this->write_to_file )
		return itemswritten;
		return datasize;
int write_audio_buffer_float(struct audio_out_t *out, float* buffer, int size)
    sf_count_t amnt_written;
    amnt_written = sf_write_float(out->sf, buffer, (sf_count_t) size);
    return amnt_written == (sf_count_t) size;
Exemple #11
void testApp::setup(){


	// 2 output channels,
	// 0 input channels
	// 22050 samples per second
	// 256 samples per buffer
	// 4 num buffers (latency)

//	ofSetDataPathRoot("../bin/data/");

	sampleRate 			= 44100;
	phase 				= 0;
	phaseAdder 			= 0.0f;
	phaseAdderTarget 	= 0.0f;
	volume				= 0.1f;
	bNoise 				= false;
	lAudio = new float[256];
	rAudio = new float[256];
	ofSoundStreamSetup(2,0,this, sampleRate,256, 4);

	fvec_t * my_fvec_t;
	aubio_onset_t* my_aubio_result;
	aubio_onsetdetection_t * my_onset_detection;
	scrollWidth = 1600;
	int readcount = 0; // counts number of samples read from sound file

	//string inputFilename = "sound/GetIntoTheGroove.wav";// input file name placed in bin

	sfinfo.format = 0;
	moveOn = true;
	energyIndex = 0;
	frameIndex = 0;
	chromaIndex = 0;
	chromoGramm.initialise(FRAMESIZE,2048);//framesize 512 and hopsize 2048

	readcount = 1;
	while(readcount != 0 && moveOn == true)
		// read FRAMESIZE samples from 'infile' and save in 'data'
		readcount = sf_read_float(infile, frame, FRAMESIZE);
	//processing frame - downsampled to 11025Hz
	//8192 samples per chroma frame

		if (chromoGramm.chromaready)
			if (chromaIndex < ENERGY_LENGTH/CHROMA_CONVERSION_FACTOR){// && energyIndex < ENERGY_LENGTH){//dont exceed vector length
			for (int i = 0;i<12;i++){
				chromoGramVector[chromaIndex][i] = chromoGramm.rawChroma[i] / chromoGramm.maximumChromaValue;
			//this would do chord detection
			rootChord[chromaIndex] = chord.root;


	//	printf ("Root %i", chord.root);
		//get energy of the current frame and wait
		// write 'readcount' samples from 'frame' to 'outfile' 
		sf_write_float(outfile, frame, readcount) ;

totalNumberOfFrames = frameIndex;

printf("Total frames %i energy index %i and Chroma index %i", frameIndex, energyIndex, chromaIndex);

////// NEw soundfile test
 // Open the sound file
        SF_INFO FileInfos;
			string Filename = "../../../GetIntoTheGroove.wav";
        SNDFILE* File = sf_open(Filename.c_str(), SFM_READ, &FileInfos);

        if (File)
			printf("SF CLOSE : closed file okay");
                case SF_ERR_UNRECOGNISED_FORMAT:
                    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofxSoundPlayer loading file - unrecognised format");
                case SF_ERR_SYSTEM:
                    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofxSoundPlayer loading file - system error");
                case SF_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE:
                    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofxSoundPlayer loading file - malformed file");
                case SF_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING:
                    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofxSoundPlayer loading file - unsupported encoding");
                    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofxSoundPlayer loading file - unknown error");

//end new soundfile ftest

Exemple #12
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  SNDFILE *soundfile = NULL;
  SF_INFO info;

  SNDFILE *soundfile_out = NULL;
  SF_INFO info_out;

  float integrator=0.0;
  float error_signal=0.0;
  float out=0.0;

  int i,j,k;
  int count;
  int error;

  int ttyfd=-1;
  struct termios oldtio,newtio;

  unsigned char outbyte;

  SRC_STATE *samplerate;
  SRC_DATA resample_data;
  SRC_STATE *samplerate_out;
  SRC_DATA resample_data_out;


  int quiet = 0;
  char device[128];
  char outfile[1024];
  char infile[1024];
  char output[1024];
  int rate = 48000;

  strcpy(device, "/dev/ttyS0");
  strcpy(output, device);

  int opt;
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "qd:r:w:")) != -1) {
    switch(opt) {
      case 'd':
        strcpy(device, optarg);
        strcpy(output, device);
      case 'r':
        rate = atoi(optarg);
      case 'w':
        strcpy(outfile, optarg);
        strcpy(output, outfile);
      case 'q':
        quiet = 1;

  if (optind >= argc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\t%s [-q] [-r sample_rate] [-d device | -w out.wav] in.wav\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;
  } else strcpy(infile, argv[optind]);

  if (!quiet)
    fprintf(stderr,"Playing:\t%s\nOutput:\t\t%s\nSample rate:\t%d\n", infile, output, rate);



  if (strlen(outfile) > 1) {

    if ((soundfile==NULL) || (soundfile_out==NULL)) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open that file. Sorry.\n");
      return 1;
  } else { // we're not writing an output file, try serial I/O
    // blocking I/O blocks forever on open(), dunno why.
    ttyfd = open(device, O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NONBLOCK);
    if (ttyfd <0) {perror(device); exit(-1); }
    tcgetattr(ttyfd,&oldtio); /* save current serial port settings */
    bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio)); /* clear struct for new port settings */

    if (0!=cfsetospeed(&newtio,SERIAL_BAUDRATE)) { perror(device); exit(-1); }
    if (0!=tcflush(ttyfd, TCIFLUSH)) { perror(device); exit(-1); }
    if (0!=tcsetattr(ttyfd,TCSANOW,&newtio)) { perror(device); exit(-1); }


  if (error) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Samplerate error. Sorry.\n");
    return 1;


  if (error) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Samplerate error. Sorry.\n");
    return 1;

  resample_data.data_in=(float *)malloc((int)(SOUND_BUFFER_LEN*info.samplerate*info.channels)*sizeof(float));
  resample_data.data_out=(float *)malloc(2*(int)(SOUND_BUFFER_LEN*BAUDRATE)*sizeof(float));


  resample_data_out.data_in=(float *)malloc(2*BAUDRATE*sizeof(float));
  resample_data_out.data_out=(float *)malloc(2*(int)(SOUND_BUFFER_LEN*rate)*sizeof(float));


  while ((count=sf_readf_float(soundfile,resample_data.data_in,(int)(SOUND_BUFFER_LEN*info.samplerate)))) {

    // make mono
    for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
      for (i=1; i<info.channels; i++) {


    // following has a bug...
    if (count<(int)(SOUND_BUFFER_LEN*info.samplerate)) {


    // Now we have our input signal converted to the serial baudrate.  All that's left is sigma-delta modulate
    // and write to the serial port

    for (j=0; j<resample_data.output_frames_gen; j++) {



      switch (k%10) {
      case 0:
        out=-1.0; //start bit
      case 9:
        out=1.0; //stop bit
        if (ttyfd>=0) {
          while ( 1!=write(ttyfd,&outbyte,1)) { /* What's a spinloop among friends? */ ; }
        out=(integrator>0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
        if (out>0.0) outbyte |= 1<<((k%10)-1);



    if (soundfile_out) {




  if (soundfile_out) sf_close(soundfile_out);

  // restore serial port settings
  if (ttyfd>=0) {

  return 0;
Exemple #13
bool TransientExtractor::remove_transients( const char *outfilename, std::vector< uint > rmindexs )
    TransLoc tl;
    int tranLen, gapLen, postgapLen, overlap, pad = allowableGap / 4, tstart, mingapLen;
    //float prenoise, postnoise, noise;
    //int count, noiselen = allowableGap; 

    Treesynth ts;
    Tree * ts_tree = NULL; // gets deleted from inside treesynth
    int levels;
    SAMPLE * syn;

    SAMPLE * buffer = NULL;

    // Read original file
    AudioSrcFile * orig = new AudioSrcFile;
    orig->open( filename.c_str(), 0, 0, FALSE );
    uint size = orig->info().frames;
    SAMPLE * working = new SAMPLE[size];
    orig->mtick( working, size );

    // Open output file
    SF_INFO sf_info_write = orig->info();
    sf_info_write.channels = 1;
    SNDFILE * out = sf_open( outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sf_info_write );

    // "bitmap" of transients
    bool * bmp = new bool[size];
    for( int b = 0; b < size; b++ ) 
        bmp[b] = false;
    for( int t = 0; t < transients.size(); t++ )
        tl = transients[t]; 
        for( int b = estart + tl.start; b < estart + tl.end; b++ )
            bmp[b] = true;

    for( int r = 0; r < rmindexs.size(); r++ )
        tl = transients[rmindexs[r]];
        tstart = tl.start - pad; 
        if( tstart < 0 ) tstart = 0;
        tranLen = tl.end - tstart;
        mingapLen = tranLen/4; 
        // inefficiently find size of nearest preceding transient-free zone
        int e = estart + tstart;
        gapLen = 0;
        while( gapLen < 2 * tranLen && e > 0 )
            if( !bmp[e] )
            else if( gapLen <= mingapLen )
                gapLen = 0;

        // and nearest _next_ free zone
        int f = estart + tl.end;
        postgapLen = 0;
        while( postgapLen < 2 * tranLen && f < size-1 )
            if( !bmp[f] )
            else if( postgapLen <= mingapLen )
                postgapLen = 0;

        // find final gap length
        bool pre = false, post = false;
        if( postgapLen <= mingapLen )
            pre = true;
        else if( gapLen <= mingapLen )
            post = true;
            gapLen = postgapLen;
            gapLen = postgapLen < gapLen ? postgapLen : gapLen;
        fprintf( stderr, "%s %s %i %i %i\n", pre ? "true" : "false", post ? "true" : "false", gapLen, 2*tranLen, mingapLen ); 

        if( gapLen <= 0 )

        // add non-trans zones
        SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( buffer );
        buffer = new SAMPLE[gapLen];
        for( int g = 0; g < gapLen; g++ )
            if( pre )
                buffer[g] = working[e + g];
            else if( post )
                buffer[g] = working[f - postgapLen + g];
                buffer[g] = (working[e + g] + working[f - postgapLen + g]) * 0.7;

        levels = lg( gapLen );
        gapLen = ::pow(2, levels);
        overlap = gapLen / 2;

        // zero out transient
        memset( working + estart + tstart, 0, tranLen * sizeof( SAMPLE ) );

        // treesynth
        SAFE_DELETE( ts_tree );
        ts_tree = new Tree;
        ts_tree->initialize( levels );
        //memcpy( ts_tree->values(), working + e, gapLen * sizeof( SAMPLE ) );
        memcpy( ts_tree->values(), buffer, gapLen * sizeof( SAMPLE ) );
        ts.tree = ts_tree;
        ts.percentage = 0.8;
        ts.randflip = true;
        ts.stoplevel = 10; // if that's too big, it will stop at the last level automatically

        bool done = false;
        int index = estart + tstart - overlap; 
        if( index < 0 ) index = 0;
        if( !ts.setup() ) return false;

        while( !done )
            fprintf( stderr, "a tree " );   
            syn = ts.outputSignal();

            // overlap add synthesized signal into working buffer
            for( int i = 0; i < gapLen; i++ )
                if( index + i < size )
                    if( index + i < estart + tstart || index + i >= estart + tl.end )
                        working[index + i] *= 0.5; 
                    working[index + i] += 0.5 * syn[i];
                    //working[index + i] += syn[i];
                    //working[index + i] = 0.5 * working[index + i] + 0.5 * syn[i];

            index += (gapLen - overlap);
            if( index >= estart + tl.end )
                done = true;
        // noise floor?
        /*prenoise = postnoise = noise = 0;
        count = 0;
        int n;
        for( n = estart + tstart <= noiselen ? 0 : estart + tstart - noiselen; 
             n < estart + tstart; 
             n++, count++ )
            prenoise += fabs(working[n]);
        prenoise /= (count > 0 ? count : 1);
        for( n = estart + tl.end, count = 0; 
             n < size && n < estart + tl.end + noiselen; 
             n++, count++ )
            postnoise += fabs(working[n]);
        postnoise /= (count > 0 ? count : 1);
        for( n = estart + tstart, count = 0; n < estart + tl.end; n++, count++ )
            noise += fabs(working[n]);
        noise /= (count > 0 ? count : 1);
        float slope = (postnoise - prenoise)/tranLen;
        if( noise != 0 ) slope /= noise;
        for( n = tstart; n < tl.end; n++ )
            working[estart + n] *= ( slope * n + prenoise );

        // sigh of relief
        fprintf( stderr, "\n\n" );

    // Write out working
    sf_count_t write = sf_write_float( out, working, size );

    // Close stuff
    sf_close( out );
    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( working ); 
    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( buffer );

    return true;
Exemple #14
Fichier : jeg.c Projet : deveah/jeg
/*	main function that makes the dubstep sound */
static int audio_callback(	const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
							unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
							const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
							PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
							void *userData )
	int i;
	float *out = (float*)outputBuffer;
	float b, d, f, mod;
	int beat;

	float v;

	for( i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer; i++ )
		d = 0;

		beat = global_frame % ( SAMPLE_RATE / ( DEFAULT_BPM / 60 ) / 4 );

		/*	if the stream has hit a beat */
		if( beat == 0 )
			/*	4 beats is half a measure; alter the filter's LFO */
			if( beat_count % 4 == 0 )
				bass_lfofreq = ((float)DEFAULT_BPM/60.0f) *
					flt_freq[ rand()%4 ];

			/*	change the note by choosing another from the provided scale */
			if( rand()%RANDOM_NOTE_CHANGE_CHANCE == 0 )
				bass_freq = midi_to_hz( BASE_NOTE + minor_scale[ rand()%7 ] +
					((rand()%RANDOM_OCTAVE_JUMP_CHANCE==0)?12:0) );

			/*	alter the FM index (modulator amplitude), to add overtones to
				the bassline, thus creating the 'glitched' sound */
			if( ( beat_count % 4 == 0 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_GLITCH_CHANCE == 0 ) )
				bass_fmindex = (float)( rand()%999 + 1 );

			/*	reset the FM index to return to the normal square bass sound */
			if( ( beat_count % 4 == 0 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_GLITCH_RETURN_CHANCE == 0 ) )
				bass_fmindex = 0.0f;
			/*	alter the FM mod (modulator frequency multiplier) */
			if( rand()%RANDOM_MODULATION == 0 )
				bass_fmmod = (float)( rand()%3 + 1 );

			/*	a bassdrum hits every two measures */
			if( beat_count % 16 == 0 )
				bd_time = 0;

			/*	sometimes, the snare won't trigger */
			if( beat_count % 16 == 8 )
				if( rand()%RANDOM_SNARE_SILENCE_CHANCE == 0 )
					bass_vol = 0.0f;
				sd_time = 0;

			/*	trigger a snare drum on the 10th beat of two measures combined */
			if( ( beat_count % 16 == 10 ) && ( rand()%RANDOM_SNARE_CHANCE == 0 ) )
				sd_time = 0;

			/*	reset the volume of the bassline, if it has been previously
				diminished, to create the impression of a compressor */
			if( beat_count % 16 == 12 )
				bass_vol = 1.0f;

			/*	trigger a bass drum */
			if( beat_count % 16 == 6 )
				bd_time = 0;

			/*	trigger a hihat */
			if( beat_count % 2 == 0 )
				hh_time = 0;


		/*	advance sample counters and mix the drum channel */
		if( bd_time >= 0 )
			d = bd[bd_time++];
			if( bd_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
				bd_time = -1;

		if( sd_time >= 0 )
			d = d * 0.8f + sd[sd_time++];
			if( sd_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
				sd_time = -1;

		if( hh_time >= 0 )
			d = d * 0.8f + hh[hh_time++] * 0.05f;
			if( hh_time > SAMPLE_RATE )
				hh_time = -1;

		/*	compute the LFO value */
		bass_lfoval = sin( 2.0 * M_PI * bass_lfofreq * (float)global_frame /
			(float)SAMPLE_RATE );
		/*	the LFO value is in range 0.00 .. 0.01 */
		bass_lfoval = bass_lfoval/100.0f + 0.99f;

		/*	compute the modulator */
		mod = sin( 2.0 * M_PI * bass_fmmod * bass_freq * (float)global_frame /
			(float)SAMPLE_RATE );
		/*	compute the bassline */
		b = sgn( sin( 2.0 * M_PI * ( bass_freq * (float)global_frame /
			(float)SAMPLE_RATE ) + mod * bass_fmindex ) );

		/*	process the bassline through a lowpass filter */
		bass_z = bass_lfoval * bass_z + ( 1.0f - bass_lfoval ) * b;

		v = 0.3f;

		/*	final mix of the two tracks */
		out[i] = bass_vol * bass_z * v + d * ( 1.0f-v );

		if( out[i] > 1.0f ) out[i] = 1.0f;
		if( out[i] < -1.0f ) out[i] = -1.0f;


	sf_write_float( wave_output, out, framesPerBuffer );

	return paContinue;
Exemple #15
void EngineRecord::process(const CSAMPLE* pBuffer, const int iBufferSize) {

    float recordingStatus = m_pRecReady->get();

    if (recordingStatus == RECORD_OFF) {
        //qDebug("Setting record flag to: OFF");
        if (fileOpen()) {
            Event::end("EngineRecord recording");
            closeFile();  // Close file and free encoder.
    } else if (recordingStatus == RECORD_READY) {
        // If we are ready for recording, i.e, the output file has been selected, we
        // open a new file.
        updateFromPreferences();  // Update file location from preferences.
        if (openFile()) {
            Event::start("EngineRecord recording");
            qDebug("Setting record flag to: ON");
            emit(isRecording(true));  // will notify the RecordingManager

            // Since we just started recording, timeout and clear the metadata.
            m_iMetaDataLife = kMetaDataLifeTimeout;
            m_pCurrentTrack = TrackPointer();

            // clean frames couting and get current sample rate.
            m_frames = 0;
            m_sampleRate = m_pSamplerate->get();

            if (m_bCueIsEnabled) {
                m_cueTrack = 0;
        } else {  // Maybe the encoder could not be initialized
            qDebug("Setting record flag to: OFF");
    } else if (recordingStatus == RECORD_ON) {
        // If recording is enabled process audio to compressed or uncompressed data.
        if (m_encoding == ENCODING_WAVE || m_encoding == ENCODING_AIFF) {
            if (m_pSndfile != NULL) {
                sf_write_float(m_pSndfile, pBuffer, iBufferSize);
                emit(bytesRecorded(iBufferSize * 2));
        } else {
            if (m_pEncoder) {
                // Compress audio. Encoder will call method 'write()' below to
                // write a file stream
                m_pEncoder->encodeBuffer(pBuffer, iBufferSize);

        // update frames counting and recorded duration (seconds)
        m_frames += iBufferSize / 2;
        unsigned long lastDuration = m_recordedDuration;
        m_recordedDuration = m_frames / m_sampleRate;

        // gets recorded duration and emit signal that will be used
        // by RecordingManager to update the label besides start/stop button
        if (lastDuration != m_recordedDuration) {

        if (m_bCueIsEnabled) {
            if (metaDataHasChanged()) {
Exemple #16
	/* Collect read stats */
	printf ("    Read  %-5s  from %s : ", "int", subtype) ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	clock_time = 0 ;
	op_count = 0 ;
	start_clock = clock () ;

	while (clock_time < (CLOCKS_PER_SEC * TEST_DURATION))
	{	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
		{	printf ("Error : not able to open file : %s\n", filename) ;
			perror ("") ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		for (k = 0 ; k < BLOCK_COUNT ; k++)
		{	if ((retval = sf_read_int (file, int_data, item_count)) != item_count)
			{	printf ("Error : write returned %d (should have been %d)\n", retval, item_count) ;
				exit (1) ;
				} ;
			} ;

		sf_close (file) ;

		clock_time = clock () - start_clock ;
		op_count ++ ;
		} ;

	performance = (1.0 * item_count) * BLOCK_COUNT * op_count ;
	performance *= (1.0 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / clock_time  ;
	printf ("%6.2f%% of raw read\n", 100.0 * performance / read_rate) ;

	unlink (filename) ;

} /* calc_int_performance */
static void
calc_float_performance (int format, double read_rate, double write_rate)
{	SNDFILE *file ;
	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
	clock_t start_clock, clock_time ;
	double	performance ;
	int k, item_count, retval, op_count ;
	const char* subtype ;
	float *float_data ;
	char *filename ;

	filename = "benchmark.dat" ;
	subtype = get_subtype_str (format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) ;

	float_data = data ;
	item_count = BUFFER_SIZE ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < item_count ; k++)
		float_data [k] = 1.0 * sin (2 * M_PI * k / 32000.0) ;

	/* Collect write stats */
	printf ("    Write %-5s   to  %s : ", "float", subtype) ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
	sfinfo.format = format ;
	sfinfo.frames = 1 ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = 32000 ;

	clock_time = 0 ;
	op_count = 0 ;
	start_clock = clock () ;

	while (clock_time < (CLOCKS_PER_SEC * TEST_DURATION))
	{	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
		{	printf ("Error : not able to open file : %s\n", filename) ;
			perror ("") ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		/* Turn off the addition of a PEAK chunk. */
		sf_command (file, SFC_SET_ADD_PEAK_CHUNK, NULL, SF_FALSE) ;

		for (k = 0 ; k < BLOCK_COUNT ; k++)
		{	if ((retval = sf_write_float (file, float_data, item_count)) != item_count)
			{	printf ("Error : sf_write_short returned %d (should have been %d)\n", retval, item_count) ;
				exit (1) ;
				} ;
			} ;

		sf_close (file) ;

		clock_time = clock () - start_clock ;
		op_count ++ ;
		} ;

	performance = (1.0 * BUFFER_SIZE) * BLOCK_COUNT * op_count ;
	performance *= (1.0 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / clock_time  ;
	printf ("%6.2f%% of raw write\n", 100.0 * performance / write_rate) ;

	/* Collect read stats */
	printf ("    Read  %-5s  from %s : ", "float", subtype) ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	clock_time = 0 ;
	op_count = 0 ;
	start_clock = clock () ;

	while (clock_time < (CLOCKS_PER_SEC * TEST_DURATION))
	{	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
		{	printf ("Error : not able to open file : %s\n", filename) ;
			perror ("") ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		for (k = 0 ; k < BLOCK_COUNT ; k++)
		{	if ((retval = sf_read_float (file, float_data, item_count)) != item_count)
			{	printf ("Error : write returned %d (should have been %d)\n", retval, item_count) ;
				exit (1) ;
				} ;
			} ;

		sf_close (file) ;

		clock_time = clock () - start_clock ;
		op_count ++ ;
		} ;

	performance = (1.0 * item_count) * BLOCK_COUNT * op_count ;
	performance *= (1.0 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / clock_time  ;
	printf ("%6.2f%% of raw read\n", 100.0 * performance / read_rate) ;

	unlink (filename) ;

} /* calc_float_performance */