void ComboSelection::processRender(const GsRect<float> &RectDispCoordFloat)
    // Transform to the display coordinates
    GsRect<float> displayRect = mRect;
    SDL_Rect lRect = displayRect.SDLRect();

    GsWeakSurface sfc(gVideoDriver.getBlitSurface());

        mTextDisabledSfc.blitTo(sfc, lRect);
            mTextLightSfc.blitTo(sfc, lRect);
        else // Button is not hovered
            mTextDarkSfc.blitTo(sfc, lRect);

Exemple #2
float msl ( float height )
/*  MSL                                                      */
/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
/*                                                           */
/*  Converts height (meters) AGL to MSL.                     */
	if ( sndgp == NULL ) return ( -999.0F );

	if( height <= -998.0F )
	   { return -999; }
	   { return sndgp->sndg[sfc()].hght + height; }
Exemple #3
float agl ( float height )
/*  AGL                                                      */
/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
/*                                                           */
/*  Converts height (meters) MSL to AGL.                     */
	if ( sndgp == NULL ) return ( -999.0F );

	if( height <= -998.0F )
	   { return -999; }
	   { return height - sndgp->sndg[sfc()].hght; }
Exemple #4
Surface* Surface::createSurface(const Polyline &ply)
	if (!ply.isClosed())
		std::cout << "Error in Surface::createSurface() - Polyline is not closed..." <<
		return NULL;

	if (ply.getNumberOfPoints() > 2)
		// create empty surface
		Surface* sfc(new Surface(ply.getPointsVec()));

		Polygon* polygon (new Polygon (ply));
		polygon->computeListOfSimplePolygons ();

		// create surfaces from simple polygons
		const std::list<GEOLIB::Polygon*>& list_of_simple_polygons (
		for (std::list<GEOLIB::Polygon*>::const_iterator simple_polygon_it (
		     simple_polygon_it != list_of_simple_polygons.end(); ++simple_polygon_it)
			std::list<GEOLIB::Triangle> triangles;
			std::cout << "triangulation of surface: ... " << std::flush;
			MathLib::EarClippingTriangulation(*simple_polygon_it, triangles);
			std::cout << "done - " << triangles.size () << " triangles " << "\n";

			// add Triangles to Surface
			std::list<GEOLIB::Triangle>::const_iterator it (triangles.begin());
			while (it != triangles.end())
				sfc->addTriangle ((*it)[0], (*it)[1], (*it)[2]);
		delete polygon;
		return sfc;
		std::cout <<
		"Error in Surface::createSurface() - Polyline consists of less than three points and therefore cannot be triangulated..."
		          << "\n";
		return NULL;
Exemple #5
void testSoftICADriver2()
  const int numPatches = 20000;
  const int patchWidth = 8;
  NaturalImageDataFunction nidf(numPatches, patchWidth);
  Config config;

  const int numFeatures = 50;
  const double lambda = 0.0005f;
  const double epsilon = 1e-2;

  SoftICACostFunction sfc(numFeatures, lambda, epsilon);

  LIBLBFGSOptimizer lbfgs;
  Driver drv(&config, &nidf, &sfc, &lbfgs);

Exemple #6
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	logog::Cout* logog_cout (new logog::Cout);
	BaseLib::LogogSimpleFormatter *custom_format (new BaseLib::LogogSimpleFormatter);

	TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Converts TIN file into VTU file.", ' ', BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe);
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inArg("i", "input-tin-file",
	                                     "the name of the file containing the input TIN", true,
	                                     "", "string");
	TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outArg("o", "output-vtu-file",
	                                      "the name of the file the mesh will be written to", true,
	                                      "", "string");
	cmd.parse(argc, argv);

	INFO("reading the TIN file...");
	const std::string tinFileName(inArg.getValue());
	auto pnt_vec = std::unique_ptr<std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>>(
	    new std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>);
	GeoLib::PointVec point_vec("SurfacePoints", std::move(pnt_vec));
	std::unique_ptr<GeoLib::Surface> sfc(FileIO::TINInterface::readTIN(tinFileName, point_vec));
	if (!sfc)
		return 1;
	INFO("TIN read:  %d points, %d triangles", pnt_vec->size(), sfc->getNTriangles());

	INFO("converting to mesh data");
	std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh(MeshLib::convertSurfaceToMesh(*sfc, BaseLib::extractBaseNameWithoutExtension(tinFileName), std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
	INFO("Mesh created: %d nodes, %d elements.", mesh->getNNodes(), mesh->getNElements());

	INFO("Write it into VTU");
	FileIO::VtuInterface writer(mesh.get());

	delete custom_format;
	delete logog_cout;

	return 0;
Exemple #7
Surface* Surface::createSurface(const Polyline &ply)
	if (!ply.isClosed()) {
		WARN("Error in Surface::createSurface() - Polyline is not closed.");
		return NULL;

	if (ply.getNumberOfPoints() > 2) {
		// create empty surface
		Surface *sfc(new Surface(ply.getPointsVec()));

		Polygon* polygon (new Polygon (ply));
		polygon->computeListOfSimplePolygons ();

		// create surfaces from simple polygons
		const std::list<GeoLib::Polygon*>& list_of_simple_polygons (polygon->getListOfSimplePolygons());
		for (std::list<GeoLib::Polygon*>::const_iterator simple_polygon_it (list_of_simple_polygons.begin());
			simple_polygon_it != list_of_simple_polygons.end(); ++simple_polygon_it) {

			std::list<GeoLib::Triangle> triangles;
			GeoLib::EarClippingTriangulation(*simple_polygon_it, triangles);

			// add Triangles to Surface
			std::list<GeoLib::Triangle>::const_iterator it (triangles.begin());
			while (it != triangles.end()) {
				sfc->addTriangle ((*it)[0], (*it)[1], (*it)[2]);
		delete polygon;
		if (sfc->getNTriangles() == 0) {
			WARN("Surface::createSurface(): Triangulation does not contain any triangle.");
			delete sfc;
			return nullptr;
		return sfc;
	} else {
		WARN("Error in Surface::createSurface() - Polyline consists of less than three points and therefore cannot be triangulated.");
		return nullptr;

Exemple #8
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    ApplicationsLib::LogogSetup logog_setup;

    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd(
        "Converts TIN file into VTU file.\n\n"
        "OpenGeoSys-6 software, version " +
            BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe +
            "Copyright (c) 2012-2018, OpenGeoSys Community "
        ' ', BaseLib::BuildInfo::git_describe);
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inArg("i", "input-tin-file",
                                         "the name of the file containing the input TIN", true,
                                         "", "string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outArg("o", "output-vtu-file",
                                          "the name of the file the mesh will be written to", true,
                                          "", "string");
    cmd.parse(argc, argv);

    INFO("reading the TIN file...");
    const std::string tinFileName(inArg.getValue());
    auto pnt_vec = std::make_unique<std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>>();
    GeoLib::PointVec point_vec("SurfacePoints", std::move(pnt_vec));
    std::unique_ptr<GeoLib::Surface> sfc(
        GeoLib::IO::TINInterface::readTIN(tinFileName, point_vec));
    if (!sfc)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    INFO("TIN read:  %d points, %d triangles", pnt_vec->size(), sfc->getNumberOfTriangles());

    INFO("converting to mesh data");
    std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh(MeshLib::convertSurfaceToMesh(*sfc, BaseLib::extractBaseNameWithoutExtension(tinFileName), std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
    INFO("Mesh created: %d nodes, %d elements.", mesh->getNumberOfNodes(), mesh->getNumberOfElements());

    INFO("Write it into VTU");
    MeshLib::IO::VtuInterface writer(mesh.get());

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
void testSoftICADriver()
  const int numPatches = 200000; // 200000 10000
  const int patchWidth = 8;
  MNISTSamplePatchesDataFunction mnistdf(numPatches, patchWidth);
  Config config;
  config.setValue("addBiasTerm", false);
  config.setValue("meanStddNormalize", false);
  config.setValue("configurePolicyTesting", false);
  config.setValue("trainingMeanAndStdd", false);

  const int numFeatures = 50;
  const double lambda = 0.0005f;
  const double epsilon = 1e-2;

  SoftICACostFunction sfc(numFeatures, lambda, epsilon);

  LIBLBFGSOptimizer lbfgs(1000);
  Driver drv(&config, &mnistdf, &sfc, &lbfgs);

Exemple #10
draw_hodo (void)
	/*  DRAW_HODO                                                */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Draws a standard Hodograph display.                      */
  short x1, y1, x2, y2, i, y3;
  float wdir, wspd, mnu, mnv, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
  char st[10];

  setcolor (0, draw_reg, gc);
  rectangle (1, 1, 1, hov.brx + 14, hov.bry + 14);
  setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
  set_font (2);
  setcliprgn (hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry, draw_reg, gc);
  setlinestyle (1, 1);
  rectangle (0, hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry);

  /* ----- Plot crosshairs ----- */
  setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
  hodo_to_pix (180.0F, 60.0F, &x1, &y1);
  moveto (x1, hov.tly);
  lineto (x1, hov.bry);

  setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
  hodo_to_pix (270.0F, 60.0F, &x1, &y1);
  moveto (hov.tlx, y1);
  lineto (hov.brx, y1);

  /* ----- Plot Radius circles ----- */
  setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
  setlinestyle (2, 1);
  hodo_to_pix (0.0F, 0.0F, &x1, &y1);
  x2 = x1;
  y2 = y1;
  for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
      hodo_to_pix (0.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
      y3 = (y1 - y2);
      ellipse (0, x2 - y3, y2 - y3, x2 + y3, y2 + y3);

  setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
  /* ----- Plot X-Coord hash marks ----- */
  for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
      hodo_to_pix (180.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
      lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
      itoa (i, st, 10);
      outgtext (st, x1 - getgtextextent (st) - 4, y1 - 5);

      hodo_to_pix (360.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
      lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
      itoa (i, st, 10);
      outgtext (st, x1 - getgtextextent (st) - 4, y1 - 5);

  /* ----- Plot Y-Coord hash marks ----- */
  setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
  for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
      hodo_to_pix (90.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
      lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
      itoa (i, st, 10);
      outgtext (st, x1 - (getgtextextent (st) / 2), y1 + 5);

      hodo_to_pix (270.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
      lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
      itoa (i, st, 10);
      outgtext (st, x1 - (getgtextextent (st) / 2), y1 + 5);

  /* ----- Plot Hodograph (Shear Vectors) ----- */
  setcolor (2, draw_reg, gc);
  setlinestyle (1, 2);

  if ((sndgp != NULL) && (sndgp->numlev > 0))
      trace_hodo (3);

      /* ----- Plot Mean Wind Vector ----- */
      setcolor (5, draw_reg, gc);
      mean_wind (-1.0F, -1.0F, &mnu, &mnv, &wdir, &wspd);
      hodo_to_pix (wdir, wspd, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1, y1);
      rectangle (0, (short) (x1 - 4), (short) (y1 - 4), (short) (x1 + 4),
		 (short) (y1 + 4));

      /* ----- Plot 30/75 Storm Motion Vector ----- */
      mean_wind (sndgp->sndg[sfc ()].pres, i_pres (msl (6000.0F)), &ix1, &ix2,
		 &ix3, &ix4);
      setcolor (11, draw_reg, gc);
      setlinestyle (1, 1);
      ix4 *= .75F;
      ix3 += 30.0F;
      if (ix3 > 360.0F)
	ix3 -= 360.0F;
      hodo_to_pix (ix3, ix4, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
      lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
      moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
      lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
      ellipse (0, x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3);

      /* ----- Plot 15/85 Storm Motion Vector ----- */
      mean_wind (sndgp->sndg[sfc ()].pres, i_pres (msl (6000.0F)), &ix1, &ix2,
		 &ix3, &ix4);
      setcolor (12, draw_reg, gc);
      setlinestyle (1, 1);
      ix4 *= .85F;
      ix3 += 15.0F;
      if (ix3 > 360.0F)
	ix3 -= 360.0F;
      hodo_to_pix (ix3, ix4, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
      lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
      moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
      lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
      ellipse (0, x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3);

      /* ----- Plot Current Storm Motion Vector ----- */
      setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
      setlinestyle (1, 1);
      hodo_to_pix (sndgp->st_dir, sndgp->st_spd, &x1, &y1);
      moveto (x1 - 6, y1);
      lineto (x1 + 6, y1);
      moveto (x1, y1 - 6);
      lineto (x1, y1 + 6);
      ellipse (0, x1 - 6, y1 - 6, x1 + 6, y1 + 6);

      /* ----- Display Hodograph Inset ----- */
      draw_hoinset ();

      setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
      set_font (1);
      outgtext (sndgp->title, skv.tlx, 1);

  /* ----- Draw final outline of hodograph ----- */
  setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
  setlinestyle (1, 1);
  rectangle (0, hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry);

  /* reset clip region */
  setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);

  XCopyArea (XtDisplay (draw_reg), canvas, XtWindow (draw_reg),
	     gc, 0, 0, xwdth, xhght, 0, 0);
Exemple #11
void posneg_temperature(float start, float *pos, float *neg, float *top, 
	                float *bot)
/* POSNEG                                                              */
/* Calculates positive and negative areas as related to winter weather */
/* forecasting.  Search begins at 500mb, but only returns results if   */
/* a positive area is found, overlaying a negative area.               */
/* START is the upper limit of search.(default=init_phase)             */
	float upper, lower, pe1, h1, te1, tp1, totp, totn, pe2, h2, te2, 
	      tp2, tdef1, tdef2;
	float lyrlast, lyre, tote, pelast, ptop, pbot, lvl;
	short i, lptr, uptr, warmlayer=0, coldlayer=0, phase;
	short pIndex, zIndex, tdIndex;

	/* ----- If there is no sounding, do not compute ----- */
	if (!qc(i_temp(500, I_PRES)) && !qc(i_temp(850, I_PRES))) return;

	pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
	zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
	tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");

	if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || zIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1)
	/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
        lptr = sfc();

        /* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
	if (start=-1) {
	  (void)init_phase(&lvl, &phase);
	  strcpy( st, init_phase( &lvl, &phase ));
	  if (lvl > 0.0)
   	   upper = lvl;
   	   upper = 500.0;
	else { 
	  upper = start;
        while(sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) {
	  if (i < 0) {
      "Warning: posneg_temp: Could not find a pressure greater than %.2f\n",
	    fprintf(stderr, "Using %.2f as the upper level.\n", 
	    i = 0;
        uptr = i;
        if (sndg[i][pIndex] == upper)

        /* ----- Start with top layer ----- */
        pe1 = upper;
        h1 =  i_hght(pe1, I_PRES);
        te1 = i_temp(pe1, I_PRES);
        tp1 = 0;

        totp = totn = tote = ptop = pbot = 0;

        for( i = uptr; i >= lptr; i--) {
           if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) {
              /* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
              pe2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
              h2  =  sndg[i][zIndex];
              te2 = i_temp(pe2, I_PRES);
              tp2 = 0;
              tdef1 = (0 - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
              tdef2 = (0 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
              lyrlast = lyre;
              lyre = 9.8F * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h1);

	      /* Has a warm layer been found yet? */
	      if (te2>0) 
		if (warmlayer==0) {

	      /* Has a cold layer been found yet? */
	      if (te2<0) 
		if ((warmlayer==1) && (coldlayer==0)) {

	      if (warmlayer>0) {
	        if (lyre>0)
	 	  totp += lyre;
		  totn += lyre;

	        tote += lyre;
                printf("%4.0f - %4.0f E=%6.0f TOT=%6.0f Top=%6.0f Bot=%6.0f\n", 
	          pe1, pe2, lyre, tote, ptop, pbot);

              pelast = pe1;
              pe1 = pe2;
              h1  = h2;
              te1 = te2;
              tp1 = tp2;

	if ((warmlayer==1) && (coldlayer==1)) {
	  *pos = totp;
	  *neg = totn;
	  *top = ptop;
	  *bot = pbot;
	  printf("Tot= %.0f J/kg   Pos= %.0f J/kg   Neg= %.0f J/kg\n",
            tote, totp, totn);
	  printf("Top= %.0f        Bot= %.0f\n", ptop, pbot);
	else {
	  printf ("Warm/Cold Layers not found.\n" );
	  *pos = 0;
	  *neg = 0;
	  *top = 0;
	  *bot = 0;
Exemple #12
void plot_thetae(void)
	/*  PLOT_THETAE                                              */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots vertical profile of Theta-E (sfc-500mb)            */
	float bothgt, tophgt, h, cthe, ix1;
	short x1, y1, x2, y2, i, tlx, tly;
	short pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
	char st[10];

	pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
	zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
	tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
	tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");

	if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1 ||
	    zIndex == -1)

	/* tlx = hov.brx - 150;
	tly = hov.tly; */

	tlx = hov.tlx + 120;
	tly = hov.bry;

	setcliprgn(tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120);
	setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
	rectangle(1,tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120); 
	rectangle(0, tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120);

	/* ----- Set Layer (AGL) ----- */
	bothgt = 0;
	tophgt = agl(i_hght(500, I_PRES));

	/* ----- Plot Label ----- */
	outgtext("Theta-E vs", tlx+55, tly+3);
	outgtext("Pressure",  tlx+55, tly+15);

	/* ----- Plot horizontal legend ----- */
        if (800 < pIndex < 850){
                cthe = (thetae(800, i_temp(800, I_PRES), i_dwpt(800, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(650, i_temp(650, I_PRES), i_dwpt(650, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (750 < pIndex < 800){
                cthe = (thetae(750, i_temp(750, I_PRES), i_dwpt(750, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(600, i_temp(600, I_PRES), i_dwpt(600, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (700 < pIndex < 750){
                cthe = (thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(500, i_temp(500, I_PRES), i_dwpt(500, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (pIndex >= 850){
                cthe = (thetae(850, i_temp(850, I_PRES), i_dwpt(850, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
	for(h=cthe - 30.0; h<=cthe + 30.0; h += 10) {
	   x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((h-cthe)*2.5));
	   y1 = tly+120;
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y1-5);
	   sprintf(st, "%.0f", h + 273.15);
	   outgtext(st, x1-6, y1-14);

	/* ----- Plot vertical theta-e profile ----- */
	setlinestyle(1, 2);
	x2 = 999;
        if (sndg[numlvl-1][pIndex] < 500) {
	   for (i=0; sndg[i][pIndex] >= 500; i++) {
	      /*printf ("i = %d,    PRES = %.1f\n", i, sndg[i][pIndex]);*/
	      if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) {
	         x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((thetae(sndg[i][pIndex], 
	              sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex])-cthe)*2.5));
   	         y1 = vert_coords(agl(sndg[i][zIndex]), tophgt, tly);
	         if(x2 == 999) { x2=x1; y2=y1; }

	         moveto(x1, y1);
	         lineto(x2, y2);


	/* ----- Plot Vertical Legend ----- */
	setlinestyle(1, 1);
	x2 = 999;
	for(i=1000; i >= 600; i -= 100) {
	   x1 = tlx;
	   y1 = vert_coords(agl(i_hght(i, I_PRES)), tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1+5, y1);
	   sprintf(st, "%d", i);
	   if (i<1000) outgtext(st, x1+6, y1-5);

	setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght);

	/* plot theta-e index */
	sprintf( st, "TEI = %s", qc2( ThetaE_diff(&ix1), "", 0));
        outgtext( st, tlx + 80, tly + 50);
Exemple #13
float visual1(float lower, float upper, float pres, float temp, float dwpt, int ulx, int uly, int vwid)
	/*  VISUAL1                                                  */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Lifts specified parcel, given an initial 5 m/s push.     */
	/*  parcel trajectory is then calculated, using strict       */
	/*  parcel theory.  Updraft size is assumed 1km dia.         */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  All calculations use the virtual temperature correction. */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  lower       =  Bottom level of layer (mb)  [ -1=SFC]     */
	/*  upper       =  Top level of layer (mb)     [ -1=TOP]     */
	/*  pres        =  LPL pressure (mb)                         */
	/*  temp        =  LPL temperature (c)                       */
	/*  dwpt        =  LPL dew point (c)                         */
	short i, lptr, uptr, pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
	float te1, pe1, te2, pe2, h1, h2, lyre, tdef1, tdef2, totp, totn;
	float te3, pe3, h3, tp1, tp2, tp3, tdef3, lyrf, lyrlast, pelast;
	float tote, dh, restim, uvv, ix1, ix2, tottim;
	float u, v, du, dv, tsu, tsv, tdist, tangle, disp, angl;
	short colrx;

	lyre = -1;
	totp = 25;
	totn = 0;

	pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
	zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
	tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
	tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
	if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || zIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1) return RMISSD;

	/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
	if (lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
	if (upper == -1) { upper = sndg[numlvl-1][pIndex]; }

	/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
	if( lower > pres ) { lower = pres; }
	if( !qc( i_vtmp( upper , I_PRES))) { return RMISSD; }
	if( !qc( i_vtmp( lower , I_PRES))) { return RMISSD; }

	/* ----- Begin with Mixing Layer (LPL-LCL) ----- */
	te1 = i_vtmp(pres , I_PRES);
	pe1 = lower;
	h1 =  i_hght(pe1 , I_PRES);
	tp1 = virtemp(pres, temp, dwpt);

	drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &pe2, &tp2);
	h2 =  i_hght(pe2 , I_PRES);
	te2 = i_vtmp(pe2 , I_PRES);

	if( lower > pe2 ) { lower = pe2; }

	/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
	i = 0;
	while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower)  { i++; }
	while ( !qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) ) { i++; }
	lptr = i;
	if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }

	/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
	while(sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--; }
	uptr = i;
	if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }

	/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
	pe1 = lower;
	h1 =  i_hght( pe1 , I_PRES);
	te1 = i_vtmp( pe1 , I_PRES);
	tp1 = wetlift(pe2, tp2, pe1);

	totp = 25;
	totn = 0;
	tsu = 0;
	tsv = 0;
	restim = 0;
	tottim = 0;
	for (i = lptr; i < numlvl; i++) {
	   if (qc(sndg[i][tIndex])) {
	      /* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
	      pe2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
	      h2 =  sndg[i][zIndex];
	      te2 = i_vtmp( pe2 , I_PRES);
	      tp2 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe2);
	      tdef1 = (virtemp(pe1, tp1, tp1) - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
	      tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
	      lyrlast = lyre;
	      lyre = 9.8F * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h1);

	      if( lyre > 0 ) { totp += lyre; }
	      else { if(pe2 > 500) { totn += lyre; } }
	      tote += lyre;

	      uvv = (float)sqrt( totp * 2 );
	      dh = h2 - h1;
	      restim = dh / uvv;
	      tottim += restim;

	      sr_wind( pe1, pe2, st_dir, st_spd, &u, &v, &ix1, &ix2);
	      du = kt_to_mps(u) * restim;
	      dv = kt_to_mps(v) * restim;
	      tsu -= du;
	      tsv += dv;
	      tdist = (float)sqrt((tsu*tsu) + (tsv*tsv));
	      tangle = angle(tsu, tsv);

	      pelast = pe1;
	      pe1 = pe2;
	      h1 = h2;
	      te1 = te2;
	      tp1 = tp2;

	      /* ----- Is this the top of given layer ----- */
	      if(i >= uptr) {
		 pe3 = pe1;
		 h3 = h1;
		 te3 = te1;
		 tp3 = tp1;
		 lyrf = lyre;

		 if( lyrf > 0 )
		    { totp -= lyrf; }
		    { if(pe2 > 500) { totn -= lyrf; } }

		 pe2 = upper;
		 h2 = i_hght( pe2 , I_PRES);
		 te2 = i_vtmp( pe2 , I_PRES);
		 tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
		 tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
		 tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
		 lyrf = 9.8F * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h3);
		 if( lyrf > 0 )
		    { totp += lyrf; }
		    { if(pe2 > 500) { totn -= lyrf; } }

		 if( totp == 0 ) { totn = 0; }

		 uvv = (float)sqrt( totp * 2 );
		 dh = h2 - h1;
		 restim = dh / uvv;
		 tottim += restim;

		 sr_wind( pe1, pe2, st_dir, st_spd, &u, &v, &ix1, &ix2);
		 du = kt_to_mps(u) * restim;
		 dv = kt_to_mps(v) * restim;
		 tsu -= du;
		 tsv += dv;
		 tdist = (float)sqrt((tsu*tsu) + (tsv*tsv));
		 tangle = angle(tsu, tsv);

		 colrx = 7;
		 vis_xy( -tsu, -tsv, colrx, ulx, uly, vwid);

		 angl = 90 - angle( tdist, agl(h2));

		 write_vis_data( tottim, angl, ulx, uly, vwid );
		 return 1;

	      colrx = 13;
	      if (h2>msl(3000)) colrx=3;
	      if (h2>msl(6000)) colrx=27;
	      if (h2>msl(9000)) colrx=20;
	      if (h2>msl(12000)) colrx=6;
	      vis_xy(-tsu, -tsv, colrx, ulx, uly, vwid);

	      if (sndg[i][pIndex] == 500) {
		 disp = tdist;
		 angl = 90 - angle( tdist, agl(sndg[i][zIndex]));

	return 1.0;  /* ? mkay. there was no value before. bad thing */
Exemple #14
        /* NP */
short ww_type(short *wwtype, short *dcp)
        /*      Watch type guidance                                         */
        /*      A decision tree to help with ww issuance                    */
        /*                                                                  */
        /*      Rich Thompson SPC OUN                                       */
        float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, lr75, shr6, t500, fzlh, mumixr, lowrh, midrh, low_mid_rh;
        float mucn, mlcn, mlcp, sbcp, mucp, lr1, lr3, shr6_dir, sr46_dir, sr46_spd, shr6_sr46_diff, mmp;
        float sig_tor, sig_tor_winter, sighail, wind_dmg, rm_scp, cbsig, dncp, srh1, sblcl, mllcl;
        float oldlplpres, pres, pbot, ptop, shr8, bot, top, esrh, lm_scp;
        short oldlplchoice, ww_choice;
        short pIndex, tIndex, zIndex, tdIndex;
        short x1, y1, x2, y2, tlx, tly, wid;
        struct _parcel pcl;
        char st[40];

        tlx = hov.tlx + 409;
        tly = hov.bry;
        wid = 119;

        setcliprgn( tlx+2, tly+2, tlx+wid+24, tly+wid+1);
        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
        rectangle( 1,tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid+1);
        rectangle( 0, tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid+1);
        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
        moveto( tlx + 2, tly + 18);
	lineto(tlx + wid + 27, tly + 18);

        /* ----- Plot Label ----- */
        outgtext( "Psbl Watch Type", tlx + 20, tly + 3 );

	*wwtype = 0;
	*dcp = 0;

        oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;

        tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
        pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
        zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
        tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");

/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/*        effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);*/

	/* sb parcel */
        ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        sbcp = pcl.bplus;
        sblcl = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
        sig_tor_winter = sigtorn_fixed(st_dir, st_spd);

	/* ml parcel */
        ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        mlcn = pcl.bminus;
        mlcp = pcl.bplus;
        mllcl = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
        sig_tor = sigtorn_cin(st_dir, st_spd);

	/* mu parcel */
        mucp = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        mucn = pcl.bminus;

	dncp = dcape(&ix1, &ix2);

	/* sighail ingredients */
        lr75 = lapse_rate(&ix1, 700, 500);
        wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
        shr6 = ix4;
        shr6_dir = ix3;
        wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(8000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	shr8 = ix4;
        mumixr = mixratio(lplvals.pres, lplvals.dwpt);
        t500 =  i_temp(500, I_PRES);
        fzlh = mtof(agl(i_hght(temp_lvl(0, &ix1), I_PRES)));
        sighail = sig_hail(pcl.bplus, mumixr, lr75, t500, kt_to_mps(shr6), fzlh, pcl.bminus, 0, 0, 25, mlcp);

        rm_scp = scp(st_dir, st_spd);
        wind_dmg = damaging_wind();

        sr_wind( i_pres(msl(4000)), i_pres(msl(6000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
        sr46_dir = ix3;
        sr46_spd = ix4;
        shr6_sr46_diff = (shr6_dir - sr46_dir);
	srh1 = helicity(0, 1000, st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2);
	bot = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
	top = agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES));	
	esrh = helicity(bot, top, st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2);

        lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+1000));
        lr1 = ix2;
        lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+3000));
        lr3 = ix2;

        mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-350);
        midrh = ix1;
        mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150);
        lowrh = ix1;
        low_mid_rh = ((lowrh + midrh)/2);
        mmp = coniglio1();
        cbsig = (mlcp * kt_to_mps(shr6));

/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* all "p_bot" below were changed from "pbot" */

/* Decision tree below is identical to the operational "ww_type" flow chart documentation 9/23/09 RLT */
        if ((sig_tor >= 3.0) && (sig_tor_winter >= 3.0) && (srh1 >= 150) && (esrh >= 150) && (sr46_spd >= 15.0) && (shr8 >= 40.0) && (sblcl < 1000) && (mllcl < 1100) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
		*dcp = 1;
		*wwtype = 5;
                ww_choice = 5;
        	/*printf("\n dcp (in PDS) = %d", *dcp);*/
        	outgtext( "PDS TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

/*        else
        if ((sig_tor_winter >= 4.0) && (sr46_spd >= 15.0) && (shr8 >= 40.0) && (sblcl < 1000) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 2;
                *wwtype = 5;
                ww_choice = 5;
                outgtext( "PDS TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );
        if (((sig_tor >= 3.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 4.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 3;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );
        if (((sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && ((sr46_spd >= 15.0) || (shr8 >= 40.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 4;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

        if (((sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && (low_mid_rh >= 60) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 5;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

        if ((( sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 6;
                *wwtype = 3;	
                ww_choice = 3; 
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "mrgl TOR", tlx + 40, tly + 60 );

        if (((( sig_tor >= 0.5) && (esrh >= 150)) || ((sig_tor_winter >= 0.5) && (srh1 >= 150))) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 7;
                *wwtype = 3;	
                ww_choice = 3;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "mrgl TOR", tlx + 40, tly + 60 );

        if ((( sig_tor_winter >= 1.0) || (rm_scp >= 4.0) || (sig_tor >= 1.0)) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 8;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );

        if ((rm_scp >= 2.0) && ((sighail >= 1.0) || (dncp >= 750)) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 9;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );

        if ((cbsig >= 30000) && (mmp >= 0.6) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 10;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );
        if ((mucn >= -75.0) && ((wind_dmg >= 0.5) || (sighail >= 0.5) || (rm_scp >= 0.5)))  {
                *dcp = 11;
                *wwtype = 1;
                ww_choice = 1;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "MRGL SVR",  tlx + 40, tly + 60 );
        else    {
                *dcp = 0;
                /*printf("\n dcp (after logic checks) = %d", *dcp);*/
                *wwtype = 0;
                ww_choice = 0;

        if (*wwtype == 0) {
                outgtext( "NONE",  tlx + 50, tly + 60 );
    	//printf("sig_tor=%f sig_tor_winter=%f srh1=%f esrh=%f sr46_spd=%f shr8=%f sblcl=%f\n mllcl=%f lr1=%f bot=%f low_mid_rh=%f rm_scp=%f\n mucn=%f dncp=%f sighail=%f cbsig=%f wind_dmg=%f",
    	//		sig_tor,sig_tor_winter,srh1,esrh,sr46_spd,shr8, sblcl, mllcl, lr1, bot, low_mid_rh, rm_scp,mucn, dncp, sighail, cbsig, wind_dmg);

/*      define_parcel(oldlplchoice, oldlplpres); */
        /* set parcel back to user selection */
        if (oldlplchoice == 1)
          pres = 0;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
          pres = 0;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
          pres = mu_layer;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
          pres = mml_layer;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
          pres = user_level;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
          pres = mu_layer;
        define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);

        return ww_choice;

Exemple #15
void plot_advectionprofile(void)
        /*  PLOT_ADVECTIONPROFILE                                    */
        /*  John Hart  SPC Norman                                    */
        /*                                                           */
        /*  Plots vertical profile of Wind Speeds                    */
        float bothgt, tophgt, h, wsp, advt, ix1, z;
        short x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, i, tlx, tly, wid, hgt;
        short pIndex, zIndex, wsIndex, wdIndex; 
        char st[10];

        pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
        zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
        wsIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");

        if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || zIndex == -1 || wsIndex == -1) return;

        tlx = skv.brx + 93;
        tly = skv.tly;
        wid = 67;
        hgt = skv.bry - skv.tly;

        setcliprgn(tlx, tly, tlx+wid, tly+hgt+15);
        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
        rectangle(1,tlx, tly, tlx+wid, tly+hgt);
        rectangle(0, tlx, tly, tlx+wid, tly+hgt);

	/* Draw centerline */
        setlinestyle( 2, 1 );
	moveto( tlx + (wid/2), tly); lineto(tlx + (wid/2), tly + hgt);

        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
	for (h=sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; h>=200; h-=100) {
		advt = advection_layer(&ix1, h, h - 100);

		/* Draw tick marks 
                x1 = tlx + (wid/2) + 5;
                x2 = tlx + (wid/2) - 5;
                y2 = pres_to_pix(h);
                y1 = pres_to_pix(h - 100);
		moveto( x1, y1); lineto(x2, y1);
		moveto( x1, y2); lineto(x2, y2);
                x1 = tlx + (wid/2);
                x2 = tlx + (wid/2) + (advt*2.5);
                y2 = pres_to_pix(h);
                y1 = pres_to_pix(h - 100);
		moveto( x1, y1); lineto(x2, y1);
		moveto( x1, y2); lineto(x2, y2);
        	if (advt > 0) setcolor(13);
		sprintf( st, "%.1f", advt);
		if(advt > 0) rectangle(0, x1, y1, x2, y2); else rectangle(0, x2, y1, x1, y2);
		if (advt > 0) {
			x3 = x2 + 3;
			if (advt > 2) x3 = x1 + 3;
		else {
			x3 = x2 - getgtextextent(st); 
			if (advt < -2) x3 = x1 - getgtextextent(st); 
		if (advt > -999) outgtext( st, x3, ((y1+y2)/2)-4);

        /* ----- Plot Label ----- */
        outgtext("Inferred", tlx+5, tly+3);
        outgtext("Temp Advection",  tlx+5, tly+13);
        outgtext("(C / hr)",  tlx+5, tly+23);

	setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght);
Exemple #16
void testStlDriver()
  const int numPatches = 200000; // 200000
  const int patchWidth = 9;

  const int numFeatures = 50;
  const double lambda = 0.0005f;
  const double epsilon = 1e-2;
  Config config;
  config.setValue("addBiasTerm", false);
  config.setValue("meanStddNormalize", false);
  config.setValue("configurePolicyTesting", false);
  config.setValue("trainingMeanAndStdd", false);

  if (false)
    MNISTSamplePatchesUnlabeledDataFunction mnistUnlabeled(numPatches, patchWidth);
    SoftICACostFunction sfc(numFeatures, lambda, epsilon);

    LIBLBFGSOptimizer lbfgs(200); // 1000
    Driver drv1(&config, &mnistUnlabeled, &sfc, &lbfgs);
    const Vector_t optThetaRica = drv1.drive();

    Matrix_t Wrica(
        Eigen::Map<const Matrix_t>(optThetaRica.data(), numFeatures, pow(patchWidth, 2)));

    std::ofstream ofs_wrica("../W2.txt");
    ofs_wrica << Wrica << std::endl;

  Matrix_t Wrica;
  // debug: read off the values
  std::ifstream in("/home/sam/School/online/stanford_dl_ex/W2.txt");
  if (in.is_open())
    std::string str;
    int nbRows = 0;
    while (std::getline(in, str))
      if (str.size() == 0)
      std::istringstream iss(str);
      std::vector<double> tokens //
      { std::istream_iterator<double> { iss }, std::istream_iterator<double> { } };
      Wrica.conservativeResize(nbRows + 1, tokens.size());
      for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
        Wrica(nbRows, i) = tokens[i];
    std::cerr << "file W.txt failed" << std::endl;

  const int imageDim = 28;
  Eigen::Vector2i imageConfig;
  imageConfig << imageDim, imageDim;

  const int numFilters = numFeatures;
  const int poolDim = 5;
  const int filterDim = patchWidth;
  const int convDim = (imageDim - filterDim + 1);
  assert(convDim % poolDim == 0);
  const int outputDim = (convDim / poolDim);

  StlFilterFunction stlFilterFunction(filterDim, Wrica);
  SigmoidFunction sigmoidFunction;
  ConvolutionFunction convolutionFunction(&stlFilterFunction, &sigmoidFunction);
  MeanPoolFunction meanPoolFunction(numFilters, outputDim);

  MNISTSamplePatchesLabeledDataFunction mnistLabeled(&convolutionFunction, &meanPoolFunction,
      imageConfig, numFilters, poolDim, outputDim);

  SoftmaxCostFunction mnistcf(0.01f);
  LIBLBFGSOptimizer lbfgs2(300);
  config.setValue("configurePolicyTesting", false);
  config.setValue("trainingMeanAndStdd", true);
  config.setValue("meanStddNormalize", true);
  config.setValue("addBiasTerm", true);

  config.setValue("numGrd", true);
  config.setValue("training_accuracy", true);
  config.setValue("testing_accuracy", true);
  //config.setValue("addBiasTerm", false);
  Driver drv2(&config, &mnistLabeled, &mnistcf, &lbfgs2);
