Exemple #1
 *  Part 2 of early emudesk.inf processing
 *  This has two functions:
 *      1. Determine the auto-run program to be started (from #Z).
 *      2. Set the double-click speed (from #E).  This is done here
 *         in case we have an auto-run program.
 *  Returns:
 *      TRUE if initial program is a GEM program (normal)
 *      FALSE if initial program is character-mode (only if an autorun
 *      entry exists, and it is for a character-mode program).
static BOOL process_inf2(void)
    WORD    env, isgem = TRUE;
    char    *pcurr;
    BYTE    tmp;

    pcurr = infbuf;
    while (*pcurr)
        if ( *pcurr++ != '#' )
        tmp = *pcurr;
        if (tmp == 'E')             /* #E 3A 11                     */
        {                           /* desktop environment          */
            pcurr += 2;
            scan_2(pcurr, &env);
            ev_dclick(env & 0x07, TRUE);
        else if (tmp == 'Z')        /* something like "#Z 01 C:\THING.APP@" */
            BYTE *tmpptr1, *tmpptr2;
            pcurr += 2;
            scan_2(pcurr, &isgem);  /* 00 => not GEM, otherwise GEM */
            pcurr += 3;
            tmpptr1 = pcurr;
            while (*pcurr && (*pcurr != '@'))
            *pcurr = 0;
            tmpptr2 = sh_name(tmpptr1);
            *(tmpptr2-1) = 0;
            KDEBUG(("Found #Z entry in EMUDESK.INF: path=%s, prg=%s\n",tmpptr1,tmpptr2));
            sh_wdef(tmpptr2, tmpptr1);

    return isgem ? TRUE : FALSE;
Exemple #2
*       Part 2 of early emudesk.inf processing
*       This has two functions:
*        1. Determine the auto-run program to be started (from #Z).
*        2. Set the double-click speed (from #E).  This is done here
*           in case we have an auto-run program.
static void process_inf2(void)
        WORD    env;
        char    *pcurr;
        BYTE    tmp;

        pcurr = infbuf;
        while (*pcurr)
          if ( *pcurr++ != '#' )
          tmp = *pcurr;
          if (tmp == 'E')               /* #E 3A 11                     */
          {                             /* desktop environment          */
            pcurr += 2;
            scan_2(pcurr, &env);
            ev_dclick(env & 0x07, TRUE);
          else if (tmp == 'Z')      /* something like "#Z 01 C:\THING.APP@" */
            BYTE *tmpptr1, *tmpptr2;
            pcurr += 5;
            tmpptr1 = pcurr;
            while (*pcurr && (*pcurr != '@'))
            *pcurr = 0;
            tmpptr2 = sh_name(tmpptr1);
            *(tmpptr2-1) = 0;
            kprintf("Found #Z entry in EMUDESK.INF with path=%s and prg=%s\n",
                    tmpptr1, tmpptr2);
            sh_wdef(tmpptr2, tmpptr1);
Exemple #3
static void sh_init(void)
        WORD    cnt, need_ext;
        BYTE    *psrc, *pdst, *pend;
        BYTE    *s_tail;
        SHELL   *psh;
        BYTE    savch;

        psh = &sh[0];

        sh_deskf(2, (LONG)&ad_pfile);
                                                /* add in internal      */
                                                /*   search paths with  */
                                                /*   right drive letter */
                                                /* set defaults         */
        psh->sh_doexec = psh->sh_dodef = gl_shgem
                 = psh->sh_isgem = TRUE;
        psh->sh_fullstep = FALSE;

                                                /* parse command tail   */
                                                /*   that was stored in */
                                                /*   geminit            */
        psrc = s_tail = &D.g_dir[0];            /* reuse part of globals*/
        cnt = *psrc++;

        if (cnt)
                                                /* null-terminate it    */
          pend = psrc + cnt;
          *pend = NULL;
                                                /* scan off leading     */
                                                /*   spaces             */
          while( (*psrc) &&
                 (*psrc == ' ') )
                                                /* if only white space  */
                                                /*   get out don't      */
                                                /*   bother parsing     */
          if (*psrc)
            pdst = psrc;
            while ( (*pdst) && (*pdst != ' ') )
              pdst++;                           /* find end of app name */

                                                /* save command to do   */
                                                /*   instead of desktop */
            savch = *pdst;
            *pdst = '\0';                       /* mark for sh_name()   */
            pend = sh_name(psrc);               /* see if path also     */
            *pdst = savch;                      /* either blank or null */      
            pdst = &D.s_cmd[0];
            if (pend != psrc)
              if (*(psrc+1) != ':')             /* need drive           */
                *pdst++ = gl_logdrv;            /* current drive        */
                *pdst++ = ':';
                if (*psrc != '\\')
                  *pdst++ = '\\';
              while (psrc < pend)               /* copy rest of path    */
                *pdst++ = *psrc++;
              if (*(pdst-1) == '\\')            /* back up one char     */
              *pdst = '\0';
              pend = &D.s_cmd[0];
              while (*pend)                     /* upcase the path      */
                *pend = toupper(*pend);
              dos_sdrv(D.s_cmd[0] -'A');
              *pdst++ = '\\';
            need_ext = TRUE;
            while ( (*psrc) &&
                    (*psrc != ' ') )
              if (*psrc == '.')
                need_ext = FALSE;
              *pdst++ = *psrc++;
                                                /* append .APP if no    */
                                                /*   extension given    */
            if (need_ext)
              strcpy(pdst, ".APP");
              *pdst = NULL;
            pdst = &D.s_cmd[0];
            while (*pdst)                       /* upcase the command   */
              *pdst = toupper(*pdst);

            psh->sh_dodef = FALSE;
                                                /* save the remainder   */
                                                /*   into command tail  */
                                                /*   for the application*/
            pdst = &s_tail[1];
/*          if ( (*psrc) &&                     * if tail then take     *
               (*psrc != 0x0D) &&               *  out first space      *
               (*psrc == ' ') )
            if (*psrc == ' ')
                                              /* the batch file allows  */
                                              /*  three arguments       */
                                              /*  one for a gem app     */
                                              /*  and 2 for arguments   */
                                              /*  to the gem app.       */
                                              /*  if there are < three  */
                                              /*  there will be a space */
                                              /*  at the end of the last*/
                                              /*  arg followed by a 0D  */
            while ( (*psrc) && 
                    (*psrc != 0x0D) &&
                    (*psrc != 0x09) &&          /* what is this??       */
                    !((*psrc == '/') && (toupper(*(psrc+1)) == 'D')) )
              if ( (*psrc == ' ') &&
                   ( (*(psrc+1) == 0x0D) ||
                     (*(psrc+1) == NULL)) )
                *pdst++ = toupper(*psrc++);
            *pdst = NULL;
            s_tail[0] = strlen(&s_tail[1]);
                                                /* don't do the desktop */
                                                /*   after this command */
                                                /*   unless a /d was    */
                                                /*   encounterd         */
            psh->sh_doexec = (toupper(*(psrc+1)) == 'D');
        LBCOPY(ad_stail, (LONG)(&s_tail[0]), 128);
Exemple #4
void sh_ldapp()
        WORD    ret, badtry, retry;
        SHELL   *psh;

        psh = &sh[rlr->p_pid];
        strcpy(sh_apdir, D.s_cdir);             /* initialize sh_apdir  */
        badtry = 0;     

        /* Set default DESKTOP if there isn't any yet: */
        if(psh->sh_desk[0] == 0)
          strcpy(&psh->sh_desk[0], DEF_DESKTOP);
          strcpy(&psh->sh_cdir[0], &D.s_cdir[0]);

                                                /* set up so that we    */
                                                /*   will exec the      */
                                                /*   default next time  */
                                                /*   unless the         */
                                                /*   application does   */
                                                /*   a set command      */
          psh->sh_dodef = TRUE;
                                                /* init graph/char mode */
          if (gl_shgem)
                                                /* fix up/parse cmd tail*/ 
          sh_fixtail(psh->sh_fullstep == 2);
          sh_draw(D.s_cmd, 0, 0);               /* redraw the desktop   */

                                                /* clear his desk field */
          desk_tree[rlr->p_pid] = 0x0L;
                                                /* exec it              */
                                                /* handle bad try msg   */
          if (badtry)
            ret = fm_show(badtry, NULLPTR, 1);
            if (badtry == ALNOFIT)
            badtry = 0;

            retry = FALSE;

            Dprintf(("sh_ldapp: Starting %s\n", D.s_cmd));
            if(psh->sh_isdef && strcmp(D.s_cmd, DEF_DESKTOP) == 0)
              /* Start the ROM desktop: */
              p_nameit(rlr, sh_name(&D.s_cmd[0]));
              p_setappdir(rlr, D.s_cmd);
#if WITH_CLI != 0
            else if(strcmp(D.s_cmd, "EMUCON") == 0)
              /* start the EmuCON shell: */
            else if ( sh_find(D.s_cmd) )
              /* Run a normal application: */
              p_nameit(rlr, sh_name(&D.s_cmd[0]));
              p_setappdir(rlr, D.s_cmd);
              if (psh->sh_fullstep == 0)
                dos_exec(0, D.s_cmd, ad_stail, ad_envrn);   /* Run the APP */

                /* If the user ran an alternative desktop and quitted it,
                   return now to the default desktop: (experimental) */
                if(psh->sh_isdef && psh->sh_dodef)
                  Dprintf(("sh_ldapp: Returning to ROM desktop!\n"));
                  strcpy(&psh->sh_desk[0], DEF_DESKTOP);
                  strcpy(&psh->sh_cdir[0], &D.s_cdir[0]);
              else if (psh->sh_fullstep == 1)
                dos_exec(0, D.s_cmd, ad_stail, ad_envrn);
                DOS_ERR = psh->sh_doexec = FALSE;
              if (DOS_ERR)
                badtry = (psh->sh_isdef) ? ALNOFIT : AL08ERR;
/*  02/11/86 LKW begin  */
              if (wind_spb.sy_owner == rlr)     /* if he still owns screen*/
                  unsync(&wind_spb);            /*   then take him off. */
/*  02/11/86 LKW end    */
              if ( (gl_shgem) &&
                   (psh->sh_isdef) )
                ret = fm_show(ALOKDESK, NULLPTR, 1);
                if (ret == 1)
                  retry = TRUE;
                  retry = psh->sh_doexec = FALSE;
                badtry = AL18ERR;
          } while (retry && !badtry);

          desk_tree[rlr->p_pid] = 0x0L;         /* clear his desk field */

        } while(psh->sh_doexec && !gl_changerez);

Exemple #5
WORD sh_find(BYTE *pspec)
        WORD            path;
        BYTE            gotdir, *pname;

        pname = sh_name(pspec);                 /* get ptr to name      */
        gotdir = (pname != pspec);


        /* first, search in the application directory */
        if (!gotdir && rlr->p_appdir[0] != '\0')
          strcpy(D.g_dir, rlr->p_appdir);
          strcat(D.g_dir, pname);
          dos_sfirst(D.g_dir, F_RDONLY | F_SYSTEM);
          if (!DOS_ERR)
            strcpy(pspec, D.g_dir);
            return 1;

        /* second, search in the current directory */
        strcpy(D.g_dir, pspec);                 /* copy to local buffer */
        if (!gotdir)
          sh_curdir(D.g_dir);                   /* get current drive/dir*/
          if (D.g_dir[3] != NULL)               /* if not at root       */
            strcat(&D.g_dir[0], "\\");          /*  add foreslash       */
          strcat(&D.g_dir[0], pname);           /* append name to drive */
                                                /* and directory.       */
          /* the actual search will be performed in the loop below */

        /* third, search in the AES path */
        path = 0;
          dos_sfirst(D.g_dir, F_RDONLY | F_SYSTEM);

          if ( (DOS_AX == E_PATHNOTFND) ||
                ((DOS_ERR) && 
                 ((DOS_AX == E_NOFILES) ||
                  (DOS_AX == E_PATHNOTFND) ||
                  (DOS_AX == E_FILENOTFND))) )
            path = sh_path(path, (LONG)D.g_dir, pname);
            DOS_ERR = TRUE;
            path = 0;
        } while ( !gotdir && DOS_ERR && path );

        /* fourth, search in the current drive root directory */
        if (DOS_ERR && !gotdir)
          strcpy(D.g_dir, "\\");
          strcat(D.g_dir, pname);
          dos_sfirst(D.g_dir, F_RDONLY | F_SYSTEM);

        if (!DOS_ERR)
          strcpy(pspec, D.g_dir);
