// Advance to the next script run, returning false when the end of the
// TextRun has been reached.
bool ComplexTextController::nextScriptRun()
    // Ensure we're not pointing at the small caps buffer.
    m_item.string = m_run.characters();

    if (!hb_utf16_script_run_next(0, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
        return false;

    // It is actually wrong to consider script runs at all in this code.
    // Other WebKit code (e.g. Mac) segments complex text just by finding
    // the longest span of text covered by a single font.
    // But we currently need to call hb_utf16_script_run_next anyway to fill
    // in the harfbuzz data structures to e.g. pick the correct script's shaper.
    // So we allow that to run first, then do a second pass over the range it
    // found and take the largest subregion that stays within a single font.
    m_currentFontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos], false).fontData;
    unsigned endOfRun;
    for (endOfRun = 1; endOfRun < m_item.item.length; ++endOfRun) {
        const SimpleFontData* nextFontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos + endOfRun], false).fontData;
        if (nextFontData != m_currentFontData)
    m_item.item.length = endOfRun;
    m_indexOfNextScriptRun = m_item.item.pos + endOfRun;


    return true;
    // Advance to the next script run, returning false when the end of the
    // TextRun has been reached.
    bool nextScriptRun()
        if (m_iterateBackwards) {
            // In right-to-left mode we need to render the shaped glyph backwards and
            // also render the script runs themselves backwards. So given a TextRun:
            //    AAAAAAACTTTTTTT   (A = Arabic, C = Common, T = Thai)
            // we render:
            //    TTTTTTCAAAAAAA
            // (and the glyphs in each A, C and T section are backwards too)
            if (!hb_utf16_script_run_prev(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
                return false;
        } else {
            if (!hb_utf16_script_run_next(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
                return false;

            // It is actually wrong to consider script runs at all in this code.
            // Other WebKit code (e.g. Mac) segments complex text just by finding
            // the longest span of text covered by a single font.
            // But we currently need to call hb_utf16_script_run_next anyway to fill
            // in the harfbuzz data structures to e.g. pick the correct script's shaper.
            // So we allow that to run first, then do a second pass over the range it
            // found and take the largest subregion that stays within a single font.
            const FontData* glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos], false, false).fontData;
            int endOfRun;
            for (endOfRun = 1; endOfRun < m_item.item.length; ++endOfRun) {
                const FontData* nextGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_item.string[m_item.item.pos + endOfRun], false, false).fontData;
                if (nextGlyphData != glyphData)
            m_item.item.length = endOfRun;
            m_indexOfNextScriptRun = m_item.item.pos + endOfRun;


        return true;
Exemple #3
    // Advance to the next script run, returning false when the end of the
    // TextRun has been reached.
    bool nextScriptRun()
        if (m_iterateBackwards) {
            // In right-to-left mode we need to render the shaped glyph backwards and
            // also render the script runs themselves backwards. So given a TextRun:
            //    AAAAAAACTTTTTTT   (A = Arabic, C = Common, T = Thai)
            // we render:
            //    TTTTTTCAAAAAAA
            // (and the glyphs in each A, C and T section are backwards too)
            if (!hb_utf16_script_run_prev(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
                return false;
        } else {
            if (!hb_utf16_script_run_next(&m_numCodePoints, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
                return false;


        if (!shapeGlyphs())
            return false;
        return true;
Exemple #4
// Advance to the next script run, returning false when the end of the
// TextRun has been reached.
bool ComplexTextController::nextScriptRun()
    // Ensure we're not pointing at the small caps buffer.
    m_item.string = m_run.characters();

    if (!hb_utf16_script_run_next(0, &m_item.item, m_run.characters(), m_run.length(), &m_indexOfNextScriptRun))
        return false;

    // It is actually wrong to consider script runs at all in this code.
    // Other WebKit code (e.g. Mac) segments complex text just by finding
    // the longest span of text covered by a single font.
    // But we currently need to call hb_utf16_script_run_next anyway to fill
    // in the harfbuzz data structures to e.g. pick the correct script's shaper.
    // So we allow that to run first, then do a second pass over the range it
    // found and take the largest subregion that stays within a single font.
    SurrogatePairAwareTextIterator iterator(static_cast<const UChar*>(&m_item.string[m_item.item.pos]), 0, static_cast<int>(m_item.item.length), static_cast<int>(m_item.item.length));
    UChar32 character;
    unsigned clusterLength = 0;
    if (!iterator.consume(character, clusterLength))
        return false;
    m_currentFontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(character, false).fontData;
    while (iterator.consume(character, clusterLength)) {
        const SimpleFontData* nextFontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(character, false).fontData;
        if (nextFontData != m_currentFontData)
    m_item.item.length = iterator.currentCharacter();
    m_indexOfNextScriptRun = m_item.item.pos + iterator.currentCharacter();


    return true;