int main(){ std::cout << std::endl; { std::shared_ptr<int> sharedPtr1( new int,IntDeleter() ); std::shared_ptr<int> sharedPtr2( new int,IntDeleter() ); auto intDeleter= std::get_deleter<IntDeleter>(sharedPtr1); intDeleter->getInfo(); sharedPtr2.reset(); intDeleter->getInfo(); } createRandomNumbers(); IntDeleter().getInfo(); { // create three Smart pointer for doubles std::unique_ptr<double,DoubleDeleter > uniquePtr( new double, DoubleDeleter() ); std::unique_ptr<double,DoubleDeleter > uniquePtr1( new double, DoubleDeleter() ); std::shared_ptr<double> sharedPtr( new double, DoubleDeleter() ); std::shared_ptr<double> sharedPtr4(std::move(uniquePtr)); std::shared_ptr<double> sharedPtr5= std::move(uniquePtr1); DoubleDeleter().getInfo(); } DoubleDeleter().getInfo(); }
void TestCppTools::BasicSharedPointer_test() { int spyHint = 0; { DeleteHook* delHook = new DeleteHook(-1, &spyHint); cpp::BasicSharedPointer<DeleteHook> sharedPtr(delHook); } QCOMPARE(spyHint, -1); spyHint = 0; { DeleteHook* delHook = new DeleteHook(-1, &spyHint); cpp::BasicSharedPointer<DeleteHook> sharedPtr(delHook); QCOMPARE(, delHook); cpp::BasicSharedPointer<DeleteHook> sharedPtr1; QVERIFY(sharedPtr1.isNull()); sharedPtr1 = sharedPtr; QCOMPARE(, delHook); } QCOMPARE(spyHint, -1); }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<ParameterObject> Sphere::createDialog() { return std::tr1::shared_ptr<ParameterObject>(new ParameterSphere(sharedPtr())); }
bool MainFile::LoadMainFile(bool bReadOnly) { if (!OTDB::Exists(".", server_->m_strWalletFilename.Get())) { Log::vError("%s: Error finding file: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, server_->m_strWalletFilename.Get()); return false; } String strFileContents(OTDB::QueryPlainString( ".", server_->m_strWalletFilename.Get())); // <=== LOADING FROM DATA STORE. if (!strFileContents.Exists()) { Log::vError("%s: Unable to read main file: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, server_->m_strWalletFilename.Get()); return false; } bool bNeedToSaveAgain = false; bool bFailure = false; { OTStringXML xmlFileContents(strFileContents); if (false == xmlFileContents.DecodeIfArmored()) // bEscapedIsAllowed=true by // default. { Log::vError("%s: Notary server file apparently was encoded and " "then failed decoding. Filename: %s \n" "Contents: \n%s\n", __FUNCTION__, server_->m_strWalletFilename.Get(), strFileContents.Get()); return false; } irr::io::IrrXMLReader* xml = irr::io::createIrrXMLReader(xmlFileContents); std::unique_ptr<irr::io::IrrXMLReader> theXMLGuardian(xml); while (xml && xml->read()) { // strings for storing the data that we want to read out of the file String AssetName; String InstrumentDefinitionID; const String strNodeName(xml->getNodeName()); switch (xml->getNodeType()) { case irr::io::EXN_TEXT: // in this xml file, the only text which occurs is the // messageText // messageText = xml->getNodeData(); break; case irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT: { if (strNodeName.Compare("notaryServer")) { version_ = xml->getAttributeValue("version"); server_->m_strNotaryID = xml->getAttributeValue("notaryID"); server_->m_strServerNymID = xml->getAttributeValue("serverNymID"); String strTransactionNumber; // The server issues // transaction numbers and // stores the counter here // for the latest one. strTransactionNumber = xml->getAttributeValue("transactionNum"); server_->transactor_.transactionNumber( strTransactionNumber.ToLong()); Log::vOutput( 0, "\nLoading Open Transactions server. File version: %s\n" " Last Issued Transaction Number: %" PRId64 "\n Notary ID: " " %s\n Server Nym ID: %s\n", version_.c_str(), server_->transactor_.transactionNumber(), server_->m_strNotaryID.Get(), server_->m_strServerNymID.Get()); } // todo in the future just remove masterkey. I'm leaving it for // now so people's // data files can get converted over. After a while just remove // it. // else if (strNodeName.Compare("masterKey") || strNodeName.Compare("cachedKey")) { OTASCIIArmor ascCachedKey; if (Contract::LoadEncodedTextField(xml, ascCachedKey)) { // We successfully loaded the masterKey from file, so // let's SET it // as the master key globally... // OTCachedKey::It()->SetCachedKey(ascCachedKey); if (!OTCachedKey::It()->HasHashCheck()) { OTPassword tempPassword; tempPassword.zeroMemory(); std::shared_ptr<OTCachedKey> sharedPtr( OTCachedKey::It()); bNeedToSaveAgain = sharedPtr->GetMasterPassword( sharedPtr, tempPassword, "We do not have a check hash yet for this " "password, " "please enter your password", true); } } Log::vOutput(0, "\nLoading cachedKey:\n%s\n", ascCachedKey.Get()); // // It's only here, AFTER the master key has been loaded, // that we can // go ahead and load the server user, the server contract, // cron, etc. // (It wasn't that way in version 1, before we had master // keys.) // // This is, for example, 2.0 if (version_ != "1.0") { if (!LoadServerUserAndContract()) { Log::vError("%s: Failed calling " "LoadServerUserAndContract.\n", __FUNCTION__); bFailure = true; } } } else if (strNodeName.Compare("accountList")) // the voucher // reserve // account IDs. { const String strAcctType = xml->getAttributeValue("type"); const String strAcctCount = xml->getAttributeValue("count"); if ((-1) == server_->transactor_.voucherAccounts_.ReadFromXMLNode( xml, strAcctType, strAcctCount)) Log::vError("%s: Error loading voucher accountList.\n", __FUNCTION__); } else if (strNodeName.Compare("basketInfo")) { String strBasketID = xml->getAttributeValue("basketID"); String strBasketAcctID = xml->getAttributeValue("basketAcctID"); String strBasketContractID = xml->getAttributeValue("basketContractID"); const Identifier BASKET_ID(strBasketID), BASKET_ACCT_ID(strBasketAcctID), BASKET_CONTRACT_ID(strBasketContractID); if (server_->transactor_.addBasketAccountID( BASKET_ID, BASKET_ACCT_ID, BASKET_CONTRACT_ID)) Log::vOutput(0, "Loading basket currency info...\n " "Basket ID: %s\n Basket Acct ID: " "%s\n Basket Contract ID: %s\n", strBasketID.Get(), strBasketAcctID.Get(), strBasketContractID.Get()); else Log::vError("Error adding basket currency info...\n " "Basket ID: %s\n Basket Acct ID: %s\n", strBasketID.Get(), strBasketAcctID.Get()); } // Create an OTAssetContract and load them from file, (for each // instrument definition), // and add them to the internal map. else if (strNodeName.Compare("assetType")) { OTASCIIArmor ascAssetName = xml->getAttributeValue("name"); if (ascAssetName.Exists()) ascAssetName.GetString(AssetName, false); // linebreaks == false InstrumentDefinitionID = xml->getAttributeValue( "instrumentDefinitionID"); // hash of contract itself Log::vOutput(0, "\n\n****Asset Contract**** (server " "listing)\n Name: %s\n Contract ID: %s\n", AssetName.Get(), InstrumentDefinitionID.Get()); String strContractPath; strContractPath = OTFolders::Contract().Get(); AssetContract* pContract = new AssetContract( AssetName, strContractPath, InstrumentDefinitionID, InstrumentDefinitionID); OT_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != pContract, "ASSERT: allocating memory for Asset " "Contract in MainFile::LoadMainFile\n"); if (pContract->LoadContract()) { if (pContract->VerifyContract()) { Log::Output(0, "** Asset Contract Verified **\n"); pContract->SetName(AssetName); server_->transactor_ .contractsMap_[InstrumentDefinitionID.Get()] = pContract; App::Me().DHT().Insert( InstrumentDefinitionID.Get(), *pContract); } else { delete pContract; pContract = nullptr; Log::Output(0, "Asset Contract FAILED to verify.\n"); } } else { delete pContract; pContract = nullptr; Log::vOutput( 0, "%s: Failed reading file for Asset Contract.\n", __FUNCTION__); } } else { // unknown element type Log::vError("%s: Unknown element type: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, xml->getNodeName()); } } break; default: break; } } } if (!bReadOnly) { { if (bNeedToSaveAgain) SaveMainFile(); } } return !bFailure; }
bool MainFile::CreateMainFile(const std::string& strContract, const std::string& strNotaryID, const std::string& strCert, const std::string& strNymID, const std::string& strCachedKey) { if (!OTDB::StorePlainString(strContract, "contracts", strNotaryID)) { Log::Error("Failed trying to store the server contract.\n"); return false; } if (!strCert.empty() && !OTDB::StorePlainString(strCert, "certs", strNymID)) { Log::Error( "Failed trying to store the server Nym's public/private cert.\n"); return false; } const char* szBlankFile = // todo hardcoding. "<notaryServer version=\"2.0\"\n" " notaryID=\"%s\"\n" " serverNymID=\"%s\"\n" " transactionNum=\"%ld\" >\n" "\n" "<cachedKey>\n" "%s</cachedKey>\n" "\n" "<accountList type=\"voucher\" count=\"0\" >\n" "\n" "</accountList>\n" "\n" "</notaryServer>\n\n"; int64_t lTransNum = 5; // a starting point, for the new server. String strNotaryFile; strNotaryFile.Format(szBlankFile, strNotaryID.c_str(), strNymID.c_str(), lTransNum, strCachedKey.c_str()); std::string str_Notary(strNotaryFile.Get()); if (!OTDB::StorePlainString(str_Notary, ".", "notaryServer.xml")) // todo hardcoding. { Log::Error("Failed trying to store the new notaryServer.xml file.\n"); return false; } OTASCIIArmor ascCachedKey; ascCachedKey.Set(strCachedKey.c_str()); OTCachedKey::It()->SetCachedKey(ascCachedKey); if (!OTCachedKey::It()->HasHashCheck()) { OTPassword tempPassword; tempPassword.zeroMemory(); std::shared_ptr<OTCachedKey> sharedPtr(OTCachedKey::It()); sharedPtr->GetMasterPassword( sharedPtr, tempPassword, "We do not have a check hash yet for this password, " "please enter your password", true); if (!SaveMainFile()) { OT_FAIL; } } // At this point, the contract is saved, the cert is saved, and the // notaryServer.xml file // is saved. All we have left is the Nymfile, which we'll create. const String strServerNymID(strNymID.c_str()); server_->m_nymServer.SetIdentifier(strServerNymID); if (!server_->m_nymServer.LoadCredentials(true)) { Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Error loading server credentials, or " "certificate and private key.\n", __FUNCTION__); } else if (!server_->m_nymServer.VerifyPseudonym()) { Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Error verifying server nym. Are you sure you " "have the right ID?\n", __FUNCTION__); } else if (!server_->m_nymServer.SaveSignedNymfile(server_->m_nymServer)) { Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Error saving new nymfile for server nym.\n", __FUNCTION__); } else { Log::vOutput(0, "%s: OKAY, we have apparently created the new " "server.\n" "Let's try to load up your new server contract...\n", __FUNCTION__); return true; } return false; }
template <class U> static std::tr1::shared_ptr<U> internalConstruct(U * u){ std::tr1::shared_ptr<U> retval(u); std::tr1::shared_ptr<T> sharedPtr(retval); sharedPtr->mWeakPtr=sharedPtr; return retval; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VolumeMesh::Pointer VolumeMesh::New( QObject* parent) { Pointer sharedPtr(new VolumeMesh(parent)); return sharedPtr; }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Parameterdialog> RandomdotStereogram::createDialog() { return std::tr1::shared_ptr<Parameterdialog>(new ParameterRandomDot(sharedPtr())); }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Scene const> Scene::scene() const { return std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<Scene const>(sharedPtr()); }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Scene> Scene::getScene() { return std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<Scene,Object>(sharedPtr()); }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Container> Scene::getParent() { return std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<Container,Object>(sharedPtr()); }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<ParameterObject> Scene::createDialog() { std::tr1::shared_ptr<Scene> thisPtr = std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<Scene>(sharedPtr()); return std::tr1::shared_ptr<ParameterObject>(new ParameterScene(thisPtr)); }
const AnimSet* AnimationAllocator::requestPtr(const std::string& rFileName) { const AnimSet* constAnimSetPtr = NULL; auto it_find = m_animationSets.find(rFileName); bool parsedSuccess; if(it_find != m_animationSets.end())//if it exists { constAnimSetPtr = &*(it_find->second); } else//if it doesn't exist { std::tr1::shared_ptr<AnimSet> sharedPtr(new AnimSet); Json::Value root;//Let's parse it Json::Reader reader; std::ifstream test(rFileName, std::ifstream::binary); parsedSuccess = reader.parse(test, root, false); if(parsedSuccess) { std::vector<int> copyPositions;//positions of settings that need a copy of another setting const Json::Value stateList = root["stateList"]; int counter = 0; for(auto it = stateList.begin(); it != stateList.end(); ++it)//get all the state settings { if(not (*it)["copyFrom"].isNull())//check if we have some value to copy from { copyPositions.push_back(counter);//store us for later } else//copy that data to one of our animation states { AnimationSetting setting; setting.delay = (*it)["delay"].asFloat(); setting.nextState = (*it)["nextState"].asString(); setting.texTileSize = sf::Vector2f(root["texTileSize"][0].asInt(), root["texTileSize"][1].asInt()); const Json::Value tileList = (*it)["tileList"]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i<tileList.size(); i+=2) { setting.sequence.push_back(sf::Vector2f(tileList[i].asInt(), tileList[i+1].asInt())); } (*sharedPtr)[(*it)["state"].asString()] = setting; } ++counter; } for(auto it = copyPositions.begin(); it != copyPositions.end(); ++it) { (*sharedPtr)[stateList[*it]["animState"].asString()] = (*sharedPtr)[stateList[*it]["copyFrom"].asString()]; } m_animationSets[rFileName] = sharedPtr;//if everything went right, we can add it to our list constAnimSetPtr = &*(m_animationSets[rFileName]); } else//we failed to parse successfully { std::cout << "\nFailed to parse JSON file [" << rFileName << "]." << std::endl << FILELINE; ///ERROR LOG constAnimSetPtr = this->requestPtr("textures/default.acfg");///why doesn't this work, this causes crash? } } return constAnimSetPtr; }