void QFontEngineWin::recalcAdvances(QGlyphLayout *glyphs, QTextEngine::ShaperFlags flags) const
    HGDIOBJ oldFont = 0;
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    if (ttf && (flags & QTextEngine::DesignMetrics)) {
        for(int i = 0; i < glyphs->numGlyphs; i++) {
            unsigned int glyph = glyphs->glyphs[i];
            if(int(glyph) >= designAdvancesSize) {
                int newSize = (glyph + 256) >> 8 << 8;
                designAdvances = q_check_ptr((QFixed *)realloc(designAdvances,
                for(int i = designAdvancesSize; i < newSize; ++i)
                    designAdvances[i] = -1000000;
                designAdvancesSize = newSize;
            if (designAdvances[glyph] < -999999) {
                if (!oldFont)
                    oldFont = selectDesignFont();

                int width = 0;
                calculateTTFGlyphWidth(hdc, glyph, width);
                designAdvances[glyph] = QFixed(width) / designToDevice;
            glyphs->advances_x[i] = designAdvances[glyph];
            glyphs->advances_y[i] = 0;
            DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, oldFont));
    } else {
void QFontEngineWin::getCMap()
    ttf = (bool)(tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE);
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    bool symb = false;
    if (ttf) {
        cmapTable = getSfntTable(qbswap<quint32>(MAKE_TAG('c', 'm', 'a', 'p')));
        int size = 0;
        cmap = QFontEngine::getCMap(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(cmapTable.constData()),
                       cmapTable.size(), &symb, &size);
    if (!cmap) {
        ttf = false;
        symb = false;
    symbol = symb;
    designToDevice = 1;
    _faceId.index = 0;
    if(cmap) {
        OUTLINETEXTMETRIC *otm = getOutlineTextMetric(hdc);
        designToDevice = QFixed((int)otm->otmEMSquare)/int(otm->otmTextMetrics.tmHeight);
        unitsPerEm = otm->otmEMSquare;
        x_height = (int)otm->otmsXHeight;
        _faceId.filename = QString::fromWCharArray((wchar_t *)((char *)otm + (quintptr)otm->otmpFullName)).toLatin1();
        lineWidth = otm->otmsUnderscoreSize;
        fsType = otm->otmfsType;
    } else {
        unitsPerEm = tm.tmHeight;
HGDIOBJ QFontEngineWin::selectDesignFont() const
    LOGFONT f = logfont;
    f.lfHeight = unitsPerEm;
    HFONT designFont = CreateFontIndirect(&f);
    return SelectObject(shared_dc(), designFont);
Exemple #4
// ### maybe move to qapplication_win
QFont qt_LOGFONTtoQFont(LOGFONT& lf, bool /*scale*/)
    QString family = QT_WA_INLINE(QString::fromUtf16((ushort*)lf.lfFaceName),
    QFont qf(family);
    if (lf.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE) {
        int weight;
        if (lf.lfWeight < 400)
            weight = QFont::Light;
        else if (lf.lfWeight < 600)
            weight = QFont::Normal;
        else if (lf.lfWeight < 700)
            weight = QFont::DemiBold;
        else if (lf.lfWeight < 800)
            weight = QFont::Bold;
            weight = QFont::Black;
    int lfh = qAbs(lf.lfHeight);
    qf.setPointSizeF(lfh * 72.0 / GetDeviceCaps(shared_dc(),LOGPIXELSY));
    return qf;
// ### maybe move to qapplication_win
QFont qt_LOGFONTtoQFont(LOGFONT& lf, bool /*scale*/)
    QString family = QString::fromWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName);
    QFont qf(family);
    if (lf.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE)
    int lfh = qAbs(lf.lfHeight);
    qf.setPointSizeF(lfh * 72.0 / GetDeviceCaps(shared_dc(),LOGPIXELSY));
    return qf;
Exemple #6
static void initFontInfo(QFontEngineWin *fe, const QFontDef &request, HDC fontHdc, int dpi)
    fe->fontDef = request;                                // most settings are equal

    HDC dc = ((request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) && fontHdc) ? fontHdc : shared_dc();
    SelectObject(dc, fe->hfont);
    wchar_t n[64];
    GetTextFace(dc, 64, n);
    fe->fontDef.family = QString::fromWCharArray(n);
    fe->fontDef.fixedPitch = !(fe->tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
    if (fe->fontDef.pointSize < 0) {
        fe->fontDef.pointSize = fe->fontDef.pixelSize * 72. / dpi;
    } else if (fe->fontDef.pixelSize == -1) {
        fe->fontDef.pixelSize = qRound(fe->fontDef.pointSize * dpi / 72.);
    if (designAdvances)

    if (widthCache)

    // make sure we aren't by accident still selected
    SelectObject(shared_dc(), (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT));

    if (!stockFont) {
        if (!DeleteObject(hfont))
            qErrnoWarning("QFontEngineWin: failed to delete non-stock font...");
Exemple #8
// ### maybe move to qapplication_win
QFont qt_LOGFONTtoQFont(LOGFONT& lf, bool /*scale*/)
    QString family = QString::fromWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName);
    // Substitute font by myself.
    // Windows return font family name which should be substituted from SystemParametersInfo().
    // If we use GDI's font engine, Windows substitute font family.
    // If we use FreeType, FreeType don't do that, and we need to substitute font by myself.

    //std::cout << "family: " << family.toUtf8().data() << std::endl;
        HKEY key;
        if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes"), 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            int i = 0;
            TCHAR buff[MAX_PATH];
            DWORD size = sizeof(buff) / sizeof(buff[0]);
            BYTE data[1024*4];
            DWORD dataSize = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]);
            DWORD type;
            while (RegEnumValue(key, i++, buff, &size, NULL, &type, data, &dataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                QString subFamily = QString::fromWCharArray(buff);
                if (family.compare(subFamily) == 0) {
                    if (type == REG_SZ)
                        family = QString::fromWCharArray((WCHAR *)data);
                size = sizeof(buff) / sizeof(buff[0]);
                dataSize = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]);
    //std::cout << "use family: " << family.toUtf8().data() << std::endl;
    QFont qf(family);
    if (lf.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE)
    int lfh = qAbs(lf.lfHeight);
    qf.setPointSizeF(lfh * 72.0 / GetDeviceCaps(shared_dc(),LOGPIXELSY));
    return qf;
QFontEngineWin::QFontEngineWin(const QString &name, HFONT _hfont, bool stockFont, LOGFONT lf)
    //qDebug("regular windows font engine created: font='%s', size=%d", name, lf.lfHeight);

    _name = name;

    cmap = 0;
    hfont = _hfont;
    logfont = lf;
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    this->stockFont = stockFont;
    fontDef.pixelSize = -lf.lfHeight;

    lbearing = SHRT_MIN;
    rbearing = SHRT_MIN;
    synthesized_flags = -1;
    lineWidth = -1;
    x_height = -1;

    BOOL res = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
    fontDef.fixedPitch = !(tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
    if (!res) {
        qErrnoWarning("QFontEngineWin: GetTextMetrics failed");
        ZeroMemory(&tm, sizeof(TEXTMETRIC));

    cache_cost = tm.tmHeight * tm.tmAveCharWidth * 2000;

    widthCache = 0;
    widthCacheSize = 0;
    designAdvances = 0;
    designAdvancesSize = 0;

    if (!resolvedGetCharWidthI)
Exemple #10
static QFontEngine *loadEngine(int script, const QFontDef &request,
                               HDC fontHdc, int dpi, bool rawMode,
                               const QtFontDesc *desc,
                               const QStringList &family_list)
    LOGFONT lf;
    memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));

    bool useDevice = (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) && fontHdc;

    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    QString font_name = desc != 0 ? desc->family->name : request.family;

    if (useDevice) {
        hdc = fontHdc;
        font_name = request.family;

    bool stockFont = false;
    bool preferClearTypeAA = false;

    HFONT hfont = 0;

#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
    bool useDirectWrite = (request.hintingPreference == QFont::PreferNoHinting)
                       || (request.hintingPreference == QFont::PreferVerticalHinting);
    IDWriteFont *directWriteFont = 0;
    bool useDirectWrite = false;

    if (rawMode) {                        // will choose a stock font
        int f, deffnt = SYSTEM_FONT;
        QString fam = desc != 0 ? desc->family->name.toLower() : request.family.toLower();
        if (fam == QLatin1String("default"))
            f = deffnt;
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("system"))
            f = SYSTEM_FONT;
#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("system_fixed"))
            f = SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT;
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("ansi_fixed"))
            f = ANSI_FIXED_FONT;
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("ansi_var"))
            f = ANSI_VAR_FONT;
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("device_default"))
            f = DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT;
        else if (fam == QLatin1String("oem_fixed"))
            f = OEM_FIXED_FONT;
        else if (fam[0] == QLatin1Char('#'))
            f = fam.right(fam.length()-1).toInt();
            f = deffnt;
        hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(f);
        if (!hfont) {
            qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetStockObject failed");
            hfont = systemFont();
        stockFont = true;
    } else {

        int hint = FF_DONTCARE;
        switch (request.styleHint) {
            case QFont::Helvetica:
                hint = FF_SWISS;
            case QFont::Times:
                hint = FF_ROMAN;
            case QFont::Courier:
                hint = FF_MODERN;
            case QFont::OldEnglish:
                hint = FF_DECORATIVE;
            case QFont::System:
                hint = FF_MODERN;

        lf.lfHeight = -qRound(request.pixelSize);
        lf.lfWidth                = 0;
        lf.lfEscapement        = 0;
        lf.lfOrientation        = 0;
        if (desc == 0 || desc->style->key.weight == 50)
            lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE;
            lf.lfWeight = (desc->style->key.weight*900)/99;
        lf.lfItalic         = (desc != 0 && desc->style->key.style != QFont::StyleNormal);
        lf.lfCharSet        = DEFAULT_CHARSET;

        int strat = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
        if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap) {
            strat = OUT_RASTER_PRECIS;
#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE
        } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) {
            strat = OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS;
        } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferOutline) {
            strat = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS;
        } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceOutline) {
            strat = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;

        lf.lfOutPrecision   = strat;

        int qual = DEFAULT_QUALITY;

        if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferMatch)
            qual = DRAFT_QUALITY;
#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE
        else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferQuality)
            qual = PROOF_QUALITY;

        if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferAntialias) {
            if (QSysInfo::WindowsVersion >= QSysInfo::WV_XP) {
                qual = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
                preferClearTypeAA = true;
            } else {
                qual = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
        } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoAntialias) {
            qual = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY;

        lf.lfQuality        = qual;

        lf.lfClipPrecision  = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
        lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | hint;

        QString fam = font_name;

            fam = QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif");

        if ((fam == QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif"))
            && (request.style == QFont::StyleItalic || (-lf.lfHeight > 18 && -lf.lfHeight != 24))) {
            fam = QLatin1String("Arial"); // MS Sans Serif has bearing problems in italic, and does not scale
        if (fam == QLatin1String("Courier") && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap))
            fam = QLatin1String("Courier New");

        memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, fam.utf16(), sizeof(wchar_t) * qMin(fam.length() + 1, 32));  // 32 = Windows hard-coded

        hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
        if (!hfont)
            qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontIndirect failed");

        stockFont = (hfont == 0);
        bool ttf = false;
        int avWidth = 0;
        BOOL res;
        HGDIOBJ oldObj = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);

        TEXTMETRIC tm;
        res = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
        avWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
        ttf = tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE;
        SelectObject(hdc, oldObj);

        if (!ttf || !useDirectWrite) {
            useDirectWrite = false;

            if (hfont && (!ttf || request.stretch != 100)) {
                if (!res)
                    qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetTextMetrics failed");
                lf.lfWidth = avWidth * request.stretch/100;
                hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
                if (!hfont)
                    qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontIndirect with stretch failed");

#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE
            if (hfont == 0) {
                hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT);
                stockFont = true;
            if (hfont == 0) {
                hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
                stockFont = true;


#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
        else {
            // Default to false for DirectWrite (and re-enable once/if everything
            // turns out okay)
            useDirectWrite = false;

            QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
            if (db->directWriteFactory == 0) {
                HRESULT hr = DWriteCreateFactory(
                            reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(&db->directWriteFactory)
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: DWriteCreateFactory failed");
                } else {
                    hr = db->directWriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&db->directWriteGdiInterop);
                    if (FAILED(hr))
                        qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetGdiInterop failed");

            if (db->directWriteGdiInterop != 0) {
                QString nameSubstitute = fontNameSubstitute(QString::fromWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName));
                memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, nameSubstitute.utf16(),
                       sizeof(wchar_t) * qMin(nameSubstitute.length() + 1, LF_FACESIZE));

                HRESULT hr = db->directWriteGdiInterop->CreateFontFromLOGFONT(
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
                    qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontFromLOGFONT failed "
                                  "for %ls (0x%lx)",
                                  lf.lfFaceName, hr);
                } else {
                    useDirectWrite = true;


    QFontEngine *fe = 0;
    if (!useDirectWrite)  {
        QFontEngineWin *few = new QFontEngineWin(font_name, hfont, stockFont, lf);
        if (preferClearTypeAA)
            few->glyphFormat = QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask;

        // Also check for OpenType tables when using complex scripts
        // ### TODO: This only works for scripts that require OpenType. More generally
        // for scripts that do not require OpenType we should just look at the list of
        // supported writing systems in the font's OS/2 table.
        if (scriptRequiresOpenType(script)) {
            HB_Face hbFace = few->harfbuzzFace();
            if (!hbFace || !hbFace->supported_scripts[script]) {
                FM_DEBUG("  OpenType support missing for script\n");
                delete few;
                return 0;

        initFontInfo(few, request, fontHdc, dpi);
        fe = few;

#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
    else {
        QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();

        IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace = NULL;
        HRESULT hr = directWriteFont->CreateFontFace(&directWriteFontFace);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            QFontEngineDirectWrite *fedw = new QFontEngineDirectWrite(db->directWriteFactory,

            initFontInfo(fedw, request, dpi, directWriteFont);

            fe = fedw;
        } else {
            qErrnoWarning(hr, "QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontFace failed");

    if (directWriteFont != 0)

    if(script == QUnicodeTables::Common
       && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoFontMerging)
       && desc != 0
       && !(desc->family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Symbol] & QtFontFamily::Supported)) {
        if(!tryFonts) {
            LANGID lid = GetUserDefaultLangID();
            switch( lid&0xff ) {
            case LANG_CHINESE: // Chinese (Taiwan)
                if ( lid == 0x0804 ) // Taiwan
                    tryFonts = ch_TW_tryFonts;
                    tryFonts = ch_CN_tryFonts;
            case LANG_JAPANESE:
                tryFonts = jp_tryFonts;
            case LANG_KOREAN:
                tryFonts = kr_tryFonts;
                tryFonts = other_tryFonts;
        QStringList fm = QFontDatabase().families();
        QStringList list = family_list;
        const char **tf = tryFonts;
        while(tf && *tf) {
                list << QLatin1String(*tf);
        QFontEngine *mfe = new QFontEngineMultiWin(fe, list);
        mfe->fontDef = fe->fontDef;
        fe = mfe;
    return fe;
Exemple #11
    int size;
    size = GetOutlineTextMetricsA(hdc, 0, 0);
    GetOutlineTextMetricsA(hdc, size, otm);
    return otm;

void QFontEngineWin::getCMap()
        ttf = (bool)(tm.w.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE);
    } , {
        ttf = (bool)(tm.a.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE);
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    bool symb = false;
    if (ttf) {
        cmapTable = getSfntTable(qbswap<quint32>(MAKE_TAG('c', 'm', 'a', 'p')));
        int size = 0;
        cmap = QFontEngine::getCMap(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(cmapTable.constData()),
                       cmapTable.size(), &symb, &size);
    if (!cmap) {
        ttf = false;
        symb = false;
    symbol = symb;
    designToDevice = 1;
    _faceId.index = 0;
int QFontEngineWin::getGlyphIndexes(const QChar *str, int numChars, QGlyphLayout *glyphs, bool mirrored) const
    int i = 0;
    int glyph_pos = 0;
    if (mirrored) {
#if defined(Q_WS_WINCE)
        if (symbol) {
            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                unsigned int uc = getChar(str, i, numChars);
                glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, uc);
                if (!glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] && uc < 0x100)
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, uc + 0xf000);
        } else if (ttf) {
            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                unsigned int uc = getChar(str, i, numChars);
                glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, QChar::mirroredChar(uc));
        } else {
            wchar_t first = tm.tmFirstChar;
            wchar_t last = tm.tmLastChar;

            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                uint ucs = QChar::mirroredChar(getChar(str, i, numChars));
                if (
#ifdef Q_WS_WINCE
                    tm.tmFirstChar > 60000 || // see line 375
                        ucs >= first && ucs <= last)
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = ucs;
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = 0;
    } else {
#if defined(Q_WS_WINCE)
        if (symbol) {
            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                unsigned int uc = getChar(str, i, numChars);
                glyphs->glyphs[i] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, uc);
                if(!glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] && uc < 0x100)
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, uc + 0xf000);
        } else if (ttf) {
            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                unsigned int uc = getChar(str, i, numChars);
                glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = getTrueTypeGlyphIndex(cmap, uc);
        } else {
            wchar_t first = tm.tmFirstChar;
            wchar_t last = tm.tmLastChar;

            for (; i < numChars; ++i, ++glyph_pos) {
                uint uc = getChar(str, i, numChars);
                if (
#ifdef Q_WS_WINCE
                    tm.tmFirstChar > 60000 || // see comment in QFontEngineWin
                        uc >= first && uc <= last)
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = uc;
                    glyphs->glyphs[glyph_pos] = 0;
    glyphs->numGlyphs = glyph_pos;
    return glyph_pos;

QFontEngineWin::QFontEngineWin(const QString &name, HFONT _hfont, bool stockFont, LOGFONT lf)
    //qDebug("regular windows font engine created: font='%s', size=%d", name, lf.lfHeight);

    _name = name;

    cmap = 0;
    hfont = _hfont;
    logfont = lf;
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    this->stockFont = stockFont;
    fontDef.pixelSize = -lf.lfHeight;

    lbearing = SHRT_MIN;
    rbearing = SHRT_MIN;
    synthesized_flags = -1;
    lineWidth = -1;
    x_height = -1;

    BOOL res = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
    fontDef.fixedPitch = !(tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
    if (!res) {
        qErrnoWarning("QFontEngineWin: GetTextMetrics failed");
        ZeroMemory(&tm, sizeof(TEXTMETRIC));

    cache_cost = tm.tmHeight * tm.tmAveCharWidth * 2000;

    widthCache = 0;
    widthCacheSize = 0;
    designAdvances = 0;
    designAdvancesSize = 0;

#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE
    if (!resolvedGetCharWidthI)
Exemple #13
bool QFontEngineWin::hasCMapTable() const
    HDC hdc = shared_dc();
    SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
    return GetFontData(hdc, MAKE_TAG('c', 'm', 'a', 'p'), 0, 0, 0) != GDI_ERROR;