int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char * mode = NULL; SHF_ASSERT(NULL != setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, ""), "setlocale(): %u: ", errno); if (argc >= 2) { SHF_ASSERT((0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2js"))) || (0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2c" ))) || (0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("4c" ))), "ERROR: please supply an argument; c2js, c2py, c2c, or 4c; got: '%s'", argv[1]); } if (argc > 1 && 0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2js"))) { plan_tests( 6); mode = strdup(argv[1]); } else if (argc > 1 && 0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2py"))) { plan_tests( 5); mode = strdup(argv[1]); } else if (argc > 1 && 0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2c" ))) { plan_tests( 9); mode = strdup(argv[1]); } else if (argc > 1 && 0 == memcmp(argv[1], SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("4c" ))) { plan_tests( 7); mode = strdup(argv[1]); } else { plan_tests(10); mode = "c2c" ; } /* default if no arguments */ pid_t pid = getpid(); SHF_DEBUG("pid %u started; mode is '%s'\n", pid, mode); if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2js"))) { /* just for fun, test C to C call speed; useful for comparing to V8 to C call speed */ double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); double test_iterations = 0; do { test_iterations += test_dummy(); } while (test_iterations < 10000000); double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " c2*: called expected number to dummy function // estimate %'.0f calls per second", test_iterations / test_elapsed_time); } char test_shf_name[256]; char test_shf_folder[] = "/dev/shm"; SHF_SNPRINTF(1, test_shf_name, "test-%05u-ipc-queue", pid); SHF * shf; uint32_t uid; uint32_t test_keys = 100000; if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("4c"))) { SHF_ASSERT(argc == 3, "ERROR: please supply arguments; 4c <name of shf>"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); shf_init (); shf = shf_attach_existing (test_shf_folder, argv[2]); ok(NULL != shf, " 4c: shf_attach_existing() works for existing file as expected"); shf_log_attach_existing (shf ); shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("'4c' mode; behaving as client\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); char * test_q_items_addr = shf_q_get(shf); SHF_UNUSE(test_q_items_addr); /* todo: this test doesn't actually manipulate the item itself */ uint32_t test_qid_free = shf_q_get_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-free")); uint32_t test_qid_a2b = shf_q_get_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-a2b" )); uint32_t test_qid_b2a = shf_q_get_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-b2a" )); ok( test_qid_free != SHF_QID_NONE, " 4c: shf_q_get_name('qid-free') returned qid as expected"); ok( test_qid_a2b != SHF_QID_NONE, " 4c: shf_q_get_name('qid-a2b' ) returned qid as expected"); ok( test_qid_b2a != SHF_QID_NONE, " 4c: shf_q_get_name('qid-b2a' ) returned qid as expected"); shf_race_start(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-q-race-line"), 2); shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("testing process b IPC queue a2b --> b2a speed\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); { uint32_t test_pull_items = 0; double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); shf_qiid = SHF_QIID_NONE; while(1) { while(SHF_QIID_NONE != shf_q_push_head_pull_tail(shf, test_qid_b2a, shf_qiid, test_qid_a2b)) { test_pull_items ++; } if (test_pull_items >= 1000000) { goto FINISH_LINE_4C; } } FINISH_LINE_4C:; double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " 4c: moved expected number of new queue items // estimate %'.0f q items per second with contention", test_pull_items / test_elapsed_time); } { shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("testing process b IPC lock speed\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); SHF_MAKE_HASH ("lock"); SHF_LOCK * lock = shf_get_key_val_addr(shf ); ok( lock != NULL , " 4c: got lock value address as expected"); shf_race_start(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-lock-race-line"), 2); double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); double test_lock_iterations = 0; do { SHF_LOCK_WRITER(lock); SHF_UNLOCK_WRITER(lock); test_lock_iterations ++; } while (test_lock_iterations < 2000000); double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " 4c: rw lock expected number of times // estimate %'.0f locks per second; with contention", test_lock_iterations / test_elapsed_time); } shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("ending child\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); shf_detach(shf); goto EARLY_OUT; } /* 4c */ shf_debug_verbosity_less(); shf_init (); shf_set_data_need_factor(1); shf = shf_attach (test_shf_folder, test_shf_name, 1 /* delete upon process exit */); ok(NULL != shf, " c2*: shf_attach() works for non-existing file as expected"); shf_log_thread_new (shf, 0 /* use default log buffer size */, STDOUT_FILENO); { shf_race_init(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-q-race-line" )); shf_race_init(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-lock-race-line")); if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2c"))) { SHF_MAKE_HASH ( "lock"); uid = shf_put_key_val(shf, NULL, sizeof(SHF_LOCK)); ok(uid != SHF_UID_NONE , " c2*: put lock in value as expected"); } } uint32_t test_qs = 3; uint32_t test_q_items = 100000; uint32_t test_q_item_size = 4096; ok( NULL != shf_q_new (shf, test_qs, test_q_items, test_q_item_size, 1000), " c2*: shf_q_new() returned as expected"); uint32_t test_qid_free = shf_q_new_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-free") ); uint32_t test_qid_a2b = shf_q_new_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-a2b" ) ); uint32_t test_qid_b2a = shf_q_new_name(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("qid-b2a" ) ); { double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); uint32_t test_pull_items = 0; while(SHF_QIID_NONE != shf_q_pull_tail(shf, test_qid_free )) { shf_q_push_head(shf, test_qid_a2b , shf_qiid); test_pull_items ++; } double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(test_q_items == test_pull_items, " c2*: moved expected number of new queue items // estimate %'.0f q items per second without contention", test_keys / test_elapsed_time); } pid_t child_pid = 0; if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2js"))) { child_pid = shf_exec_child(shf_backticks("which node || which nodejs"), shf_backticks("which node || which nodejs"), "TestIpcQueue.js", test_shf_name); } else if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2py"))) { child_pid = shf_exec_child(shf_backticks("which python" ), "python" , "", test_shf_name); } else if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2c" ))) { child_pid = shf_exec_child(shf_backticks("which test.q.shf.t" ), "test.q.shf.t" , "4c" , test_shf_name); } else { SHF_ASSERT(0, "ERROR: should never get here!"); } shf_race_start(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-q-race-line"), 2); shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("testing process a IPC queue b2a --> a2b speed\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); { double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); uint32_t test_pull_items = 0; shf_qiid = SHF_QIID_NONE; while (1) { while(SHF_QIID_NONE != shf_q_push_head_pull_tail(shf, test_qid_a2b, shf_qiid, test_qid_b2a)) { test_pull_items ++; if (1000000 == test_pull_items) { shf_q_push_head_pull_tail(shf, test_qid_a2b, shf_qiid, test_qid_b2a); goto FINISH_LINE_C2; } } if ((0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2js"))) || (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2py")))) { /* the rw spin locks are fair but don't create unnecessary contention for javascript or python client */ usleep(1000); /* 1/1000th of a second */ } } FINISH_LINE_C2:; double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; usleep(3000); /* hack: wait 3/1000th of a second so that the oks do not conflict */ ok(1, " c2*: moved expected number of new queue items // estimate %'.0f q items per second with contention", test_pull_items / test_elapsed_time); } if (0 == memcmp(mode, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("c2c"))) { shf_debug_verbosity_more(); SHF_DEBUG("testing process a IPC lock speed\n"); shf_debug_verbosity_less(); SHF_MAKE_HASH ("lock"); SHF_LOCK * lock = shf_get_key_val_addr(shf ); ok( lock != NULL , " c2*: got lock value address as expected"); shf_race_start(shf, SHF_CONST_STR_AND_SIZE("test-lock-race-line"), 2); double test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); double test_lock_iterations = 0; do { SHF_LOCK_WRITER(lock); SHF_UNLOCK_WRITER(lock); test_lock_iterations ++; } while (test_lock_iterations < 2000000); double test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " c2*: rw lock expected number of times // estimate %'.0f locks per second; with contention", test_lock_iterations / test_elapsed_time); SHF_LOCK lock_without_contention; memset(&lock_without_contention, 0, sizeof(lock_without_contention)); test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); test_lock_iterations = 0; do { SHF_LOCK_WRITER(&lock_without_contention); SHF_UNLOCK_WRITER(&lock_without_contention); test_lock_iterations ++; } while (test_lock_iterations < 2000000); test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " c2*: rw lock expected number of times // estimate %'.0f locks per second; without contention", test_lock_iterations / test_elapsed_time); test_start_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds(); test_lock_iterations = 0; do { test_lock_iterations ++; } while (test_lock_iterations < 2000000); test_elapsed_time = shf_get_time_in_seconds() - test_start_time; ok(1, " c2*: rw lock expected number of times // estimate %'.0f locks per second; without lock, just loop", test_lock_iterations / test_elapsed_time); } shf_debug_verbosity_more(); int status; waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); ok(1, " c2*: test still alive"); SHF_DEBUG("ending parent\n"); SHF_PLAIN("test: shf size before deletion: %s\n", shf_del(shf)); EARLY_OUT:; return exit_status(); } /* main() */
int main(void) { plan_tests(1); if (getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_ENABLE") && atoi(getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_ENABLE"))) { } else { fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: prefix make with SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_ENABLE=1 ?\n"); goto EARLY_EXIT; } uint32_t cpu_count_desired = getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_CPUS") ? atoi(getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_CPUS")) : 0; uint32_t test_keys_desired = getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_KEYS") ? atoi(getenv("SHF_PERFORMANCE_TEST_KEYS")) : 0; TEST_INIT(); #define TEST_MAX_PROCESSES (16) #ifdef TEST_LMDB uint32_t test_keys_default = 100 * 1000000; /* assume enough RAM is available for LMDB */ #else uint64_t vfs_available_md = shf_get_vfs_available(shf) / 1024 / 1024; uint32_t test_keys_10m = vfs_available_md / 436 * 10; /* 10M keys is about 436MB */ uint32_t test_keys_default = test_keys_10m > 100 ? 100 * 1000000 : test_keys_10m * 1000000; SHF_ASSERT(test_keys_default > 0, "ERROR: only %luMB available on /dev/shm but 10M keys takes at least 436MB for SharedHashFile", vfs_available_md); #endif uint32_t test_keys = test_keys_desired ? test_keys_desired : test_keys_default; uint32_t cpu_count = cpu_count_desired ? cpu_count_desired : test_get_cpu_count(); uint32_t process; uint32_t processes = cpu_count > TEST_MAX_PROCESSES ? TEST_MAX_PROCESSES : cpu_count; uint32_t counts_old[TEST_MAX_PROCESSES] = { 0 }; volatile uint32_t * put_counts = mmap(NULL, SHF_MOD_PAGE(TEST_MAX_PROCESSES*sizeof(uint32_t)), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0); SHF_ASSERT(MAP_FAILED != put_counts, "mmap(): %u: ", errno); volatile uint32_t * get_counts = mmap(NULL, SHF_MOD_PAGE(TEST_MAX_PROCESSES*sizeof(uint32_t)), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0); SHF_ASSERT(MAP_FAILED != get_counts, "mmap(): %u: ", errno); volatile uint32_t * mix_counts = mmap(NULL, SHF_MOD_PAGE(TEST_MAX_PROCESSES*sizeof(uint32_t)), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0); SHF_ASSERT(MAP_FAILED != mix_counts, "mmap(): %u: ", errno); volatile uint64_t * start_line = mmap(NULL, SHF_MOD_PAGE( 3*sizeof(uint64_t)), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0); SHF_ASSERT(MAP_FAILED != mix_counts, "mmap(): %u: ", errno); SHF_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(long), "INTERNAL: expected sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(long), but got %lu == %lu", sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(long)); start_line[0] = 0; start_line[1] = 0; start_line[2] = 0; for (process = 0; process < processes; process++) { pid_t fork_pid = fork(); if (fork_pid == 0) { /*child*/ SHF_DEBUG("test process #%u with pid %5u\n", process, getpid()); { long previous_long_value; SHF_UNUSE(previous_long_value); previous_long_value = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long volatile *) &start_line[0], 1); while (processes != start_line[0]) { SHF_YIELD(); } TEST_INIT_CHILD(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1 + (test_keys / processes)); i++) { uint32_t key = test_keys / processes * process + i; put_counts[process] ++; TEST_PUT(); } TEST_PUT_POST(); TEST_MIX_PRE(); usleep(2000000); /* 2 seconds */ previous_long_value = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long volatile *) &start_line[1], 1); while (processes != start_line[1]) { SHF_YIELD(); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1 + (test_keys / processes)); i++) { uint32_t key = test_keys / processes * process + i; TEST_MIX(); } TEST_MIX_POST(); TEST_GET_PRE(); usleep(2000000); /* 2 seconds */ previous_long_value = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long volatile *) &start_line[2], 1); while (processes != start_line[2]) { SHF_YIELD(); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1 + (test_keys / processes)); i++) { uint32_t key = test_keys / processes * process + i; TEST_GET(); } TEST_GET_POST(); TEST_FINI(); exit(0); } break; } else if (fork_pid > 0) { /*parent*/ /* loop again */ } } /* parent monitors & reports on forked children */ uint32_t seconds = 0; uint32_t key_total; uint32_t key_total_old = 0; uint64_t tabs_mmaps_old = 0; uint64_t tabs_mremaps_old = 0; uint64_t tabs_shrunk_old = 0; uint64_t tabs_parted_old = 0; uint32_t message = 0; const char * message_text = "PUT"; #ifdef SHF_DEBUG_VERSION uint64_t lock_conflicts_old = 0; #endif char graph_100[] = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; fprintf(stderr, "perf testing: " TEST_WHAT "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "running tests on: via command: '%s'\n", "cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep 'model name' | head -n 1" ); fprintf(stderr, "running tests on: `%s`\n" , shf_backticks("cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep 'model name' | head -n 1")); do { if (0 == seconds % 50) { #ifdef SHF_DEBUG_VERSION fprintf(stderr, "-LOCKC "); #endif fprintf(stderr, "-OP MMAP REMAP SHRK PART TOTAL ------PERCENT OPERATIONS PER PROCESS PER SECOND -OPS\n"); #ifdef SHF_DEBUG_VERSION fprintf(stderr, "------ "); #endif fprintf(stderr, "--- -k/s --k/s --/s --/s M-OPS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 -M/s\n"); } seconds ++; // todo: add % system CPU time to per second summary line; why does put require so much system? #ifdef SHF_DEBUG_VERSION { uint64_t lock_conflicts = 0; for (uint32_t win = 0; win < SHF_WINS_PER_SHF; win++) { lock_conflicts += shf->shf_mmap->wins[win].lock.conflicts; } fprintf(stderr, "%6lu ", lock_conflicts - lock_conflicts_old); lock_conflicts_old = lock_conflicts; } #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s", message_text); { uint64_t tabs_mmaps = 0; uint64_t tabs_mremaps = 0; uint64_t tabs_shrunk = 0; uint64_t tabs_parted = 0; #ifdef TEST_SHF for (uint32_t win = 0; win < SHF_WINS_PER_SHF; win++) { tabs_mmaps += shf->shf_mmap->wins[win].tabs_mmaps ; tabs_mremaps += shf->shf_mmap->wins[win].tabs_mremaps; tabs_shrunk += shf->shf_mmap->wins[win].tabs_shrunk ; tabs_parted += shf->shf_mmap->wins[win].tabs_parted ; } #endif fprintf(stderr, "%5.1f %5.1f %4llu %4llu", (tabs_mmaps - tabs_mmaps_old ) / 1000.0, (tabs_mremaps - tabs_mremaps_old) / 1000.0, (tabs_shrunk - tabs_shrunk_old ) , (tabs_parted - tabs_parted_old ) ); tabs_mmaps_old = tabs_mmaps ; tabs_mremaps_old = tabs_mremaps; tabs_shrunk_old = tabs_shrunk ; tabs_parted_old = tabs_parted ; } { key_total = 0; uint32_t key_total_this_second = 0; for (process = 0; process < TEST_MAX_PROCESSES; process++) { key_total += put_counts[process] + get_counts[process] + mix_counts[process]; key_total_this_second += put_counts[process] + get_counts[process] + mix_counts[process] - counts_old[process]; } fprintf(stderr, " %5.1f", key_total / 1000.0 / 1000.0); for (process = 0; process < TEST_MAX_PROCESSES; process++) { fprintf(stderr, "%3.0f", (put_counts[process] + get_counts[process] + mix_counts[process] - counts_old[process]) * 100.0 / (0 == key_total_this_second ? 1 : key_total_this_second)); counts_old[process] = put_counts[process] + get_counts[process] + mix_counts[process]; } uint32_t key_total_per_second = key_total - key_total_old; fprintf(stderr, "%5.1f %s\n", key_total_per_second / 1000.0 / 1000.0, &graph_100[100 - (key_total_per_second / 750000)]); if (0 == message && key_total >= (1 * test_keys)) { message ++; message_text = "MIX"; } else if (1 == message && key_total >= (2 * test_keys)) { message ++; message_text = "GET"; } key_total_old = key_total; } usleep(1000000); /* one second */ } while (key_total < (3 * test_keys)); fprintf(stderr, "* MIX is 2%% (%u) del/put, 98%% (%u) get\n", test_keys * 2 / 100, test_keys * 98 / 100); TEST_FINI_MASTER(); EARLY_EXIT:; ok(1, "test still alive"); return exit_status(); } /* main() */
static void shf_monitor_delete_shf(void) { char du_rm_folder[256]; SHF_SNPRINTF(1, du_rm_folder, "du -h -d 0 %s ; rm -rf %s/", shf_monitor_path_name, shf_monitor_path_name); fprintf(stderr, "shf.monitor: detected pid %u gone; deleted shf; shf size before deletion: %s\n", shf_monitor_parent_pid, shf_backticks(du_rm_folder)); } /* shf_monitor_delete_shf() */