int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //pdf原版(是0 92 40,但用0 40也可以?? PDFPath="Z:/My Folder/Files/PDF相关/PDFs/Yes/老友记-六人行-Friends-老友妙语录.pdf"; ReadPath(PDFPath); showInfo(); List attrs=InitList(); Attr attr=(Attr)malloc(sizeof(_Attr)); attr->Name=ProduceNameString(L"学校®"); attr->Value=L"北航®"; AddNode(attrs,attr); attr=(Attr)malloc(sizeof(_Attr)); attr->Name=ProduceNameString(L"学院®"); attr->Value=L"计算机®"; AddNode(attrs,attr); SaveInfo(L"标题®",L"作者®",L"主题®",L"关键词®",attrs); List tails=InitList(); Attr tail=(Attr)malloc(sizeof(_Attr)); tail->Name=ProduceNameString(L"啊啊啊啊®"); tail->Value=L"1112®"; AddNode(tails,tail); tail=(Attr)malloc(sizeof(_Attr)); tail->Name=ProduceNameString(L"ooo®"); tail->Value=L"计算机®"; AddNode(tails,tail); ReadPath(PDFPath); AppendTail(tails); ReadPath(PDFPath); showInfo(); system("pause"); return 0; }
void ContestantApp::login() { if( connected ) { m_network->authenticate ( m_login_dlg->username_line->text(), m_login_dlg->password_line->text() ); return; } QString xml; QFile file( QString("resources/client_config.xml") ); if( !file.exists() ) { showInfo( 1, "client_config.xml does not exist", "Make sure file is ready" ); exit(); } else if( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { showInfo( 1, "Can't open client_config.xml", "Make sure file is ready" ); exit(); } QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; do { line = stream.readLine(); xml.append( line ); } while( !line.isNull() ); ClientConfig config; XmlUtil::getInstance().readNetConfig( xml, config ); m_network->connectToHost( config.ip , config.port ); }
/// Show info about the function browser. void MultiDatasetFit::showFunctionBrowserInfo() { if (m_functionBrowser->hasFunction()) { showInfo("Use context menu to add more functions. Set parameters and " "attributes."); } else { showInfo("Use context menu to add a function."); } }
/// Show info / tips on the dataset table. void MultiDatasetFit::showTableInfo() { if (getNumberOfSpectra() > 0) { showInfo("Select spectra by selecting rows. For multiple selection use " "Shift or Ctrl keys."); } else { showInfo("Add some data sets. Click \"Add Workspace\" button."); } }
void plotsDialog::enableZoomMode(bool on) { d_panner->setEnabled( on ); d_zoomer[0]->setEnabled( on ); d_zoomer[0]->zoom( 0 ); d_zoomer[1]->setEnabled( on ); d_zoomer[1]->zoom( 0 ); if(on) showInfo("Zoom activated."); else showInfo("Zoom de-activated."); }
int main(void){ configure(); showInfo(); if (!isVdaOfflineMode()){ if( isInfoEnabled()) info( "Lanzando proceso servicio de comunicacion con KSS" ); if(isKssConnectionOpen()) launchKssServiceThread(); } info( "Lanzando proceso Shell" ); help(); Sleep(1000); do{ processShell(); }while(isVdaRunningStatus()); finalizeResources(); Sleep(1000); //testRandomKeys(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void BattleHudLayer::showUI() { auto ui = GUIReader::getInstance()->widgetFromJsonFile(UI_DIALOG_BATTLEHUD); this->addChild(ui, 0, "UI"); // select auto btn0 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Button0"); auto btn1 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Button1"); auto btn2 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Button2"); auto btn3 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Button3"); auto btn4 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Button4"); btn0->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::selectCallback, this)); btn1->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::selectCallback, this)); btn2->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::selectCallback, this)); btn3->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::selectCallback, this)); btn4->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::selectCallback, this)); btn0->setBright(true); btn1->setBright(false); btn2->setBright(false); btn3->setBright(false); btn4->setBright(false); _select = 0; // skill auto skill1 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Skill1"); auto skill2 = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "Skill2"); skill1->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::skillCallback, this)); skill2->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::skillCallback, this)); // retreat auto retreat = (Button*)Helper::seekWidgetByName(ui, "RetreatButton"); retreat->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(BattleHudLayer::retreatCallback, this)); showInfo(); }
void plotsDialog::setupPlots(bool init) { if(!init) disconnect(tabs,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),this,SLOT(resetZoomer(int))); if(!loadXml(init)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml file for plots!",this); close(); } showInfo(); if(!init) connect(tabs,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),SLOT(resetZoomer(int))); int newCurrentIndex = 0; if(tabs->count()>0) newCurrentIndex = tabs->count()-1; if(startPName!="") { for(int i = 0; i<tabs->count(); i++) { if(tabs->tabText(i)==startPName) newCurrentIndex = i; } } tabs->setCurrentIndex(newCurrentIndex); refreshThePlot(); }
/** builds all Actions for the menu is only used when the ui is not implemented in qml*/ void CoreEngine::buildActions() { /*this creates the action in the menubar the tr() function is used for translation in internationalized apps */ this->open_action = new QAction(tr("&Open"),this); this->open_action->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Open); this->connect(this->open_action , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open())); this->exit_action = new QAction(tr("&Exit"),this); this->exit_action->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Quit); this->connect(this->exit_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); this->show_file_info = new QAction(tr("Show &Info"),this); this->connect(this->show_file_info, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showInfo())); this->close_file_info = new QAction(tr("Close &Info"),this); this->connect(this->close_file_info, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(closeInfo())); /*the aboutQT() function is a build in dialog*/ this->about_qt_qction = new QAction(tr("About &Qt"), this); this->connect(this->about_qt_qction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(aboutQt())); this->show_fullsreen = new QAction(tr("Show &Fullscreen"),this); this->connect(this->show_fullsreen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showFullScreen())); this->close_fullsreen = new QAction(tr("Close &Fullscreen"),this); this->connect(this->close_fullsreen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showNormal())); }
int main(int argc, char * const * argv) { InitModuleObjects(); try { KeyPatchParams params; getParams(argc, argv, params); Owned<IKeyDiffApplicator> applicator; if(params.mode == KEYPATCH_explicit) applicator.setown(createKeyDiffApplicator(params.patch.str(), params.oldIndex.str(), params.newIndex.str(), params.newTLK.str(), params.overwrite, params.ignoreTLK)); else applicator.setown(createKeyDiffApplicator(params.patch.str(), params.overwrite, params.ignoreTLK)); if(params.mode == KEYPATCH_info) showInfo(params.patch.str(), applicator); else { if(params.xmitTLK) applicator->setTransmitTLK(new CNodeSender(params.tlkPort, params.xmitEp)); else if(params.recvTLK) applicator->setReceiveTLK(new CNodeReceiver(params.tlkPort), params.recvNum); if(params.progressFrequency) applicator->setProgressCallback(new KeyPatchProgressCallback, params.progressFrequency); applicator->run(); } } catch(IException * e) { EXCLOG(e); e->Release(); releaseAtoms(); return 1; } releaseAtoms(); return 0; }
void FilePropertiesDialog::setMediaData( MediaData md ) { media_data = md; // get metadata info with ffmpeg if has no info with mplayer // if ( media_data.clip_name.isEmpty() ) { { MediaData ffmpeg_md; FfmpegProcess *ffmpeg_proc = new FfmpegProcess; if ( ffmpeg_proc ) { QString ffmpeg_bin = Global::pref->ffmpeg_bin; QFileInfo fi( ffmpeg_bin ); if ( fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable() && !fi.isDir() ) { ffmpeg_bin = fi.absoluteFilePath(); } ffmpeg_proc->addArgument( ffmpeg_bin ); ffmpeg_proc->addArgument( "-i" ); ffmpeg_proc->addArgument( media_data.filename ); ffmpeg_proc->start(); if ( !ffmpeg_proc->waitForFinished() ) { qWarning("FilePropertiesDialog::setMediaData: process didn't finish. Killing it..."); ffmpeg_proc->kill(); } ffmpeg_md = ffmpeg_proc->mediaData(); delete ffmpeg_proc; if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_name.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_name = ffmpeg_md.clip_name; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_track.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_track = ffmpeg_md.clip_track; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_album.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_album = ffmpeg_md.clip_album; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_artist.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_artist = ffmpeg_md.clip_artist; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_date.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_date = ffmpeg_md.clip_date; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_copyright.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_copyright = ffmpeg_md.clip_copyright; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_software.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_software = ffmpeg_md.clip_software; } if ( !ffmpeg_md.clip_comment.isEmpty() ) { media_data.clip_comment = ffmpeg_md.clip_comment; } } } showInfo(); }
void MainWindow::on_resetButton_clicked() { on_stopButton_clicked(); usleep(10000); core->reset(); showInfo(); }
BOOL CDlgCfgAlarmPowerFault::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); g_SetWndStaticText(this, DLG_ALARM_POWERFAULT); // TODO: Add extra initialization here if (m_lLoginId == 0) { MessageBox(ConvertString(CString("We haven't login yet!"), DLG_ALARM_POWERFAULT), ConvertString("Prompt")); } m_pstuPowerFault= new CFG_POWERFAULT_INFO; if (m_pstuPowerFault == NULL) { return FALSE; } memset(m_pstuPowerFault, 0, sizeof(CFG_POWERFAULT_INFO)); if (GetConfigFromDevice()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_pstuPowerFault->nPowerCount; ++i) { CString csTemp; csTemp.Format("%s %d", ConvertString("Power", DLG_ALARM_POWERFAULT), i + 1); m_cmbPower.InsertString(-1, csTemp); } m_cmbPower.SetCurSel(0); showInfo(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void displayFirstCB() { // normal drawing to the framebuffer, so, the first call of glReadPixels() // in displayCB() will get valid content // clear buffer glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // tramsform camera glTranslatef(0, 0, -cameraDistance); glRotatef(cameraAngleX, 1, 0, 0); // pitch glRotatef(cameraAngleY, 0, 1, 0); // heading // draw a cube glPushMatrix(); draw(); glPopMatrix(); // draw the read color buffer to the right side of the window toOrtho(); // set to orthographic on the right side of the window glRasterPos2i(0, 0); glDrawPixels(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, colorBuffer); // draw info messages showInfo(); printTransferRate(); glutSwapBuffers(); // switch to read-back drawing callback function glutDisplayFunc(displayCB); }
/// Intersept mouse-enter events to display context-specific info /// in the "status bar". bool MultiDatasetFit::eventFilter(QObject *widget, QEvent *evn) { if ( evn->type() == QEvent::Enter ) { if ( qobject_cast<QObject*>( m_functionBrowser ) == widget ) { showFunctionBrowserInfo(); } else if ( qobject_cast<QObject*>( m_fitOptionsBrowser ) == widget ) { showFitOptionsBrowserInfo(); } else if ( qobject_cast<QObject*>( m_uiForm.plot ) == widget ) { showPlotInfo(); } else if ( qobject_cast<QObject*>( m_uiForm.dataTable ) == widget ) { showTableInfo(); } else { showInfo(""); } } return false; }
static void processForeignLandmark(LLLandmark* landmark, const LLUUID& object_id, const LLUUID& notecard_inventory_id, LLPointer<LLInventoryItem> item_ptr) { LLVector3d global_pos; landmark->getGlobalPos(global_pos); LLViewerInventoryItem* agent_landmark = LLLandmarkActions::findLandmarkForGlobalPos(global_pos); if (agent_landmark) { showInfo(agent_landmark->getUUID()); } else { if (item_ptr.isNull()) { // check to prevent a crash. See EXT-8459. LL_WARNS() << "Passed handle contains a dead inventory item. Most likely notecard has been closed and embedded item was destroyed." << LL_ENDL; } else { LLInventoryItem* item = item_ptr.get(); LLPointer<LLEmbeddedLandmarkCopied> cb = new LLEmbeddedLandmarkCopied(); copy_inventory_from_notecard(get_folder_by_itemtype(item), object_id, notecard_inventory_id, item, gInventoryCallbacks.registerCB(cb)); } } }
Tab::Tab(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { tabMenu = new QMenu(this); openInNewWindow = new QAction(tr("Open in new Window"),this); openInNewWindow->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/window-new.png")); bookmarkThisTab = new QAction(tr("Bookmark this tab"),this); bookmarkThisTab->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/bookmark-menu.png")); closeTab = new QAction(tr("Close tab"),this); closeTab->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/tab-close.png")); stopAction = new QAction(tr("Stop"),this); stopAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/stop.png")); stopAction->setVisible(false); infoAction = new QAction(tr("Host Information"),this); tabMenu->addAction(openInNewWindow); tabMenu->addAction(bookmarkThisTab); tabMenu->addAction(closeTab); tabMenu->addAction(stopAction); tabMenu->addAction(infoAction); tabMenu->setWindowOpacity(0.9); setFixedSize(150,20); textSet = false; iconSet = false; mouseOverIcon = false; setMouseTracking(true); connect(closeTab,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(_closeTab())); connect(openInNewWindow,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(_newWindow())); connect(bookmarkThisTab,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(_bookmark())); connect(infoAction,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(showInfo())); loading = false; }
//Main Function int main() { char firstName[18]; char lastName[18]; int age; printf("Enter First Name : "); scanf("%s", firstName); fseek(stdin,0,SEEK_END); printf("Enter Last Name : "); scanf("%s", lastName); fseek(stdin,0,SEEK_END); printf("Enter age : "); int ageScanCount = scanf("%d", &age); fseek(stdin, 0, SEEK_END); if(isalpha(*firstName) && isalpha(*lastName) && ageScanCount == 1) { showInfo(firstName, lastName, age); } else { puts("Invalid input."); } return(0); }
void CDlgCfgAlarmChassisIntrusion::OnChassisintrusionButtonGet() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (GetConfigFromDevice()) { showInfo(); } }
void CDlgCfgNetCollection::OnNetcollectionBtnGet() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (GetConfigFromDevice()) { showInfo(); } }
void showAll(sqlite3 * db) { char * res; res = calloc(500, sizeof(char)); strcat(res, "\n"); showInfo(db, res); // printf("%s", res); }
void CDlgCfgAlarmPowerFault::OnPowerfaultButtonGet() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (GetConfigFromDevice()) { showInfo(); } }
void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { miksys->buttonState = ui->softButton->isChecked(); updateLEDs(miksys->LEDstate); if (miksys->frame % 2 == 0) ui->display->repaint(); miksys->frame++; showInfo(); ui->frequency->setText(QString("Freq: %1 MHz").arg(freq)); }
void CDlgCfgPSTNBreakLine::OnCfgPSTNBreakLineBtnGet() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if (GetConfigFromDevice()) { showInfo(); } }
void plotsDialog::moved(const QPoint &pos) { Plot* currentPlot = dynamic_cast<Plot*>(tabs->currentWidget()); QString info; info.sprintf( "X=%g, Y=%g",currentPlot->invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom,pos.x()) ,currentPlot->invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft,pos.y())); showInfo( info ); }
int main() { struct namect person; getInfo(&person); makeInfo(&person); showInfo(&person); return 0; }
void AnalysisWidget::moved(const QPoint &pos) { QString info; info.sprintf("x=%g, y=%g", m_curvePlot->invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, pos.x()), m_curvePlot->invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft, pos.y()) ); showInfo(info); }
void MainWindow::moved( const QPoint &pos ) { QString info; info.sprintf( "Freq=%g, Ampl=%g, Phase=%g", d_plot->invTransform( QwtPlot::xBottom, pos.x() ), d_plot->invTransform( QwtPlot::yLeft, pos.y() ), d_plot->invTransform( QwtPlot::yRight, pos.y() ) ); showInfo( info ); }
void ContestantApp::onAData ( bool result ) { if( result ) { showInfo( 0, "Answers successfully sent to server", "" ); if( round == 1 || round == 2 ) { m_summary_w->hide(); m_ending_w->show(); } else if( round == 3 || round == 4 ) { pauseQuestion(); timer->start( 1000 ); } } else showInfo( 1, "Answers not sent. Please try again.", "" ); }
void ContestantApp::onContestError ( ERROR_MESSAGES err ) { switch ( err ) { case ERR_NOTAUTHORIZED: showInfo( 1, "Server returned that we're not authorized", "" ); break; case ERR_BADCOMMAND: showInfo( 1, "Server returned bad command", "" ); break; case ERR_CONTEST_STOPPED: showInfo( 1, "Contest is stopped", "" ); break; case ERR_UNKNOWN: showInfo( 1, "Server returned unknown error", "" ); break; default: assert ( false ); } }