Exemple #1
int sharedaemon_bcast_send_peer(shpeer_t *peer)
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    socklen_t addr_len;
    struct timeval to;
    fd_set write_set;
    char dgram[512];
    ssize_t w_len;
    int fd;
    int err;

    fd = bcast_send_init();
    if (fd < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: sharedaemon_bcast_send: bcast_init error %d\n", err);
        return (err);

    FD_SET(fd, &write_set);

    /* nonblocking write */
    memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to));
    err = select(fd+1, NULL, &write_set, NULL, &to);
    if (err < 0) {
        return (-errno);
    if (err == 0) {
        return (0); /* not able to send */

    memset(dgram, 0, sizeof(dgram));
    memcpy(dgram, peer, sizeof(shpeer_t));

    addr_len = sizeof(addr);
    memset(&addr, 0, addr_len);
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_BROADCAST);
    addr.sin_port = htons(SHARED_BROADCAST_PORT);
    w_len = sendto(fd,
                   dgram, sizeof(shpeer_t), 0, &addr, sizeof(addr));
    if (w_len < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: sharedaemon_bcast_send: sendto error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return (-errno);

    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: sharedaemon_bcast_send: peer \"%s\" <%d bytes>\n", shpeer_print(peer), w_len);
    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: peer pubkey: %s\n", shkey_print(shpeer_kpub(peer)));
    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: peer priv key: %s\n", shkey_print(shpeer_kpriv(peer)));

    /* close socket; only used once. */

    return (0);
Exemple #2
void shcert_print(shcert_t *cert, shbuf_t *pr_buff)
  char tbuf1[256];
  char tbuf2[256];
  char buf[4096];

  if (!cert || !pr_buff)

  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, "Certificate:\n");
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, "  Data:\n");

  sprintf(buf, "    Version: %d\n", cert->cert_ver);
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, "    Serial Number: ");
  shcert_hex_print(pr_buff, shcert_sub_ser(cert), sizeof(shcert_sub_ser(cert)), "");

  sprintf(buf, "  Signature Algorithm: %s\n", 
      shsig_alg_str(shcert_iss_alg(cert) | shcert_sub_alg(cert)));
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "    Issuer: %s\n", cert->cert_iss.ent_name);
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  strcpy(tbuf1, shctime(shcert_sub_stamp(cert))+4);
  strcpy(tbuf2, shctime(shcert_sub_expire(cert))+4);
  sprintf(buf, "    Validity: %-20.20s - %-20.20s\n", tbuf1, tbuf2); 
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "    Subject: %s\n", cert->cert_sub.ent_name);
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "    Public Key Algorithm: (%d bit) %s\n",
      shcert_sub_len(cert) * 8, shsig_alg_str(shcert_sub_alg(cert)));
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "      Checksum: %llu\n", shkey_crc(shcert_sub_sig(cert)));
  sprintf(buf, "      192-Bit: %s\n", shkey_hex(shcert_sub_sig(cert)));
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  if (shcert_sub_alg(cert) & SHKEY_ALG_RSA) {
    shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, "      Modulus:\n");
    shcert_hex_print_reverse(pr_buff, cert->cert_sub.ent_sig.key.rsa.mod, 
        cert->cert_sub.ent_sig.key.rsa.mod_len, "        ");

  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, "    X509v3 extensions:\n");
  sprintf(buf, "      Basic Constraints: CA=%s\n", 
      (cert->cert_flag & SHCERT_CERT_CHAIN) ? "false" : "true");
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  if (!shpeer_localhost(&cert->cert_sub.ent_peer)) {
    sprintf(buf, "      Alternate Subject: %s\n", 
    shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "      Extended Usage: %s\n", shcert_flag_str(cert->cert_flag));
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  sprintf(buf, "  Private Signature: %s (%d bytes)\n",
      shsig_alg_str(shcert_iss_alg(cert)), shcert_iss_len(cert));
  shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

  if (shcert_iss_alg(cert) & SHKEY_ALG_MD5) {
    shcert_hex_print(pr_buff, cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.md.md, 
        cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.md.md_len, "    ");
  } else if (shcert_iss_alg(cert) & SHKEY_ALG_SHA1) {
    shcert_hex_print(pr_buff, cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.sha.sha, 
        cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.sha.sha_len, "    ");
  } else if (shcert_iss_alg(cert) & SHKEY_ALG_SHA256) {
    shcert_hex_print(pr_buff, cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.sha.sha, 
        cert->cert_iss.ent_sig.key.sha.sha_len, "    ");
  } else {
    sprintf(buf, "    Checksum: %llu\n", shkey_crc(shcert_iss_sig(cert)));
    shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);
    sprintf(buf, "    192-Bit: %s\n", shkey_hex(shcert_iss_sig(cert)));
    shbuf_catstr(pr_buff, buf);

Exemple #3
int sharedaemon_bcast_recv(void)
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    socklen_t addr_len;
    struct timeval to;
    fd_set read_set;
    shpeer_t *peer;
    char dgram[512];
    ssize_t r_len;
    int err;

    err = bcast_recv_init();
    if (err) {
        return (err);

    FD_SET(_bcast_recv_fd, &read_set);

    /* nonblocking read */
    memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to));
    err = select(_bcast_recv_fd+1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &to);
    if (err < 0) {
        return (-errno);
    if (err == 0) {
//fprintf(stderr, "\rWaiting for select(_bcast_recv_fd)..");
        return (0); /* nothing to read */

    addr_len = sizeof(addr);
    memset(&addr, 0, addr_len);
    r_len = recvfrom(_bcast_recv_fd,
                     dgram, sizeof dgram, 0, &addr, &addr_len);
    if (r_len < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %d = recvfrom()\n", r_len);
        return (-errno);

    /* and who are you? */
    if (r_len < sizeof(shpeer_t)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: <%d bytes> pending..\n", r_len);
        return (SHERR_INVAL);

#if 0
    now = shtime();
    tx = (tx_t *)dgram;
    if (shtime_after(tx->tx_stamp, now) ||
            shtime_before(tx->tx_stamp, shtime_adj(now, -BROADCAST_TIMEOUT))) {
        /* broadcast message must indicate sane time-frame. */
        return (SHERR_TIME);

    switch (tx->tx_op) {
    case TX_PEER:
        peer_tx = (tx_peer_t *)dgram;
        if (0 != shkey_cmp(&tx->tx_peer, shpeer_kpriv(&peer_tx->peer)))
            return (SHERR_INVAL); /* only accept self-referencing broadcast */

    /* share-daemon broadcasting it's peer address. */
    peer = (shpeer_t *)dgram;

    if (!shkey_cmp(shpeer_kpub(sharedaemon_peer()), shpeer_kpub(peer))) {
        /* this is not a shared peer */
        return (0); /* all done */

    if (!shkey_cmp(shpeer_kpub(sharedaemon_peer()), shpeer_kpub(peer))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: invalid key\n");
        /* this is a peer referencing ourselves. */
        //err = sharedaemon_netclient_alias(&addr);

    switch (peer->type) {
    case SHNET_PEER_IPV4:

           memset(&addr, '\000', sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
           memcpy(&addr, &peer_tx->peer.addr, sizeof(peer_tx->peer.addr));
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: received UDP broadcast with peer \"%s\"\n", shpeer_print(peer));
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: received UDP broadcast for \"%s\" port %d\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port));
        if (!peer->addr.sin_port)
            break; /* otay */

        addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        err = sharedaemon_netclient_conn(peer, &addr);
        if (err)
            return (err);

    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: processed bcast recv\n");

    return (0);