void exoFlickr::uploadPhoto(const LLSD& args, LLImageFormatted *image, response_callback_t callback)
	LLSD params(args);
	signRequest(params, "POST", "http://api.flickr.com/services/upload/");

	// It would be nice if there was an easy way to do multipart form data. Oh well.
	const std::string boundary = "------------abcdefgh012345";
	std::ostringstream post_stream;
	post_stream << "--" << boundary;
	// Add all the parameters from LLSD to the query.
	for(LLSD::map_const_iterator itr = params.beginMap(); itr != params.endMap(); ++itr)
		post_stream << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << itr->first << "\"";
		post_stream << "\r\n\r\n" << itr->second.asString();
		post_stream << "\r\n" << "--" << boundary;
	// Headers for the photo
	post_stream << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"photo\"; filename=\"snapshot." << image->getExtension() << "\"";
	post_stream << "\r\nContent-Type: ";
	// Apparently LLImageFormatted doesn't know what mimetype it has.
	if(image->getExtension() == "jpg")
		post_stream << "image/jpeg";
	else if(image->getExtension() == "png")
		post_stream << "image/png";
	else // This will (probably) only happen if someone decides to put the BMP entry back in the format selection floater.
	{    // I wonder if Flickr would do the right thing.
		post_stream << "application/x-wtf";
		LL_WARNS("FlickrAPI") << "Uploading unknown image type." << LL_ENDL;
	post_stream << "\r\n\r\n";

	// Now we build the postdata array, including the photo in the middle of it.
	std::string post_str = post_stream.str();
	size_t total_data_size = image->getDataSize() + post_str.length() + boundary.length() + 6; // + 6 = "\r\n" + "--" + "--"
	char* post_data = new char[total_data_size + 1];
	memcpy(post_data, post_str.data(), post_str.length());
	char* address = post_data + post_str.length();
	memcpy(address, image->getData(), image->getDataSize());
	address += image->getDataSize();
	std::string post_tail = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--";
	memcpy(address, post_tail.data(), post_tail.length());
	address += post_tail.length();
	llassert(address <= post_data + total_data_size /* After all that, check we didn't overrun */);

	// We have a post body! Now we can go about building the actual request...
	LLSD headers;
	headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
	// <FS:TS> Patch from Exodus:
	// The default timeout (one minute) isn't enough for a large picture.
	// 10 minutes is arbitrary, but should be long enough.
	LLHTTPClient::postRaw("http://api.flickr.com/services/upload/", (U8*)post_data, total_data_size, new exoFlickrUploadResponse(callback), headers, 600);
	// </FS:TS>
	// The HTTP client takes ownership of our post_data array,
	// and will delete it when it's done.
void exoFlickr::request(const std::string& method, const LLSD& args, response_callback_t callback)
	LLSD params(args);
	params["format"] = "json";
	params["method"] = method;
	params["nojsoncallback"] = 1;
	signRequest(params, "GET", "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/");
	LLHTTPClient::get("http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/", params, new exoFlickrResponse(callback));
Exemple #3
void BTCTrader::sendSellRequest ( float amount, float price )
    if ( failedLogin )
    QString header;
    QNetworkReply* rpl;
    header = "amount="+QString::number ( amount )+"&price="+QString::number ( price );
    QNetworkRequest newRequest ( QUrl ( "https://mtgox.com/api/0/sellBTC.php" ) );
    signRequest ( &header, &newRequest );
    rpl = request->post (newRequest, header.toStdString().c_str() );
Exemple #4
void BTCTrader::sendCancelOrderRequest ( QString oid, int type )
    if ( failedLogin )
    QString header;
    QNetworkReply* rpl;
    QNetworkRequest newRequest ( QUrl ( "https://mtgox.com/api/0/cancelOrder.php" ) );
    header = "oid="+oid+"&type="+QString::number(type);
    signRequest ( &header, &newRequest );
    rpl = request->post (newRequest, header.toStdString().c_str() );
Exemple #5
void BTCTrader::sendOrdersRequest ()
    if ( failedLogin )
    QString header;
    QNetworkReply* rpl;
    QNetworkRequest newRequest ( QUrl ( "https://mtgox.com/api/0/getOrders.php" ) );
    header ="";
    signRequest ( &header, &newRequest );
    rpl = request->post (newRequest, header.toStdString().c_str() );

QNetworkRequest TwitterRequest::createRequest(const QUrl& requestUrl,
                                              const QString httpMethod,
                                              QVariantMap params)
    QMap<QString, QString> requestHeaders;
    QVariantMap::const_iterator i = params.constBegin();

    while (i != params.constEnd()) {
        requestHeaders.insert(i.key(), QUrl::toPercentEncoding(i.value().toString()));

    if (!m_accessToken.isEmpty()) {
        requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_TOKEN, QUrl::toPercentEncoding(m_accessToken));
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, QUrl::toPercentEncoding(m_consumerKey));
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_NONCE, QUrl::toPercentEncoding(generateNonce()));
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD, QUrl::toPercentEncoding("HMAC-SHA1"));
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_TIMESTAMP, QUrl::toPercentEncoding(currentTime()));
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_VERSION, QUrl::toPercentEncoding("1.0"));

    // Create the base signature string and sign it with the secrets.
    QString signatureBaseString = createSignatureBaseString(
                requestUrl.toString(), requestHeaders, httpMethod);
    QString signature = signRequest(signatureBaseString,
                                    QString(m_consumerSecret) + '&' + m_accessTokenSecret);
    requestHeaders.insert(OAUTH_SIGNATURE, QUrl::toPercentEncoding(signature));

    // Generate authentication headers for the request.
    QString authHeader = generateAuthHeader(requestHeaders);
    QByteArray authHeaderByteArray = authHeader.toUtf8();

    QNetworkRequest request(requestUrl);
    request.setRawHeader(HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, authHeaderByteArray);

    return request;