Exemple #1
AudioSpectrum::AudioSpectrum(QWidget *parent) :
    AbstractAudioScopeWidget(true, parent)
    , m_fftTools()
    , m_lastFFT()
    , m_lastFFTLock(1)
    , m_peaks()
    , m_timeTotal(0)
    , m_showTotal(0)
    , m_dBmin(-70)
    , m_dBmax(0)
    , m_freqMax(0)
    , m_customFreq(false)
    ui = new Ui::AudioSpectrum_UI;

    m_aResetHz = new QAction(i18n("Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate"), this);
    m_aTrackMouse = new QAction(i18n("Track mouse"), this);
    m_aShowMax = new QAction(i18n("Show maximum"), this);


    ui->windowSize->addItem("256", QVariant(256));
    ui->windowSize->addItem("512", QVariant(512));
    ui->windowSize->addItem("1024", QVariant(1024));
    ui->windowSize->addItem("2048", QVariant(2048));

    ui->windowFunction->addItem(i18n("Rectangular window"), FFTTools::Window_Rect);
    ui->windowFunction->addItem(i18n("Triangular window"), FFTTools::Window_Triangle);
    ui->windowFunction->addItem(i18n("Hamming window"), FFTTools::Window_Hamming);

    bool b = true;
    b &= connect(m_aResetHz, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotResetMaxFreq()));
    b &= connect(ui->windowFunction, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(forceUpdate()));
    b &= connect(this, SIGNAL(signalMousePositionChanged()), this, SLOT(forceUpdateHUD()));

    // Note: These strings are used in both Spectogram and AudioSpectrum. Ideally change both (if necessary) to reduce workload on translators
    ui->labelFFTSize->setToolTip(i18n("The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame."));
    ui->windowSize->setToolTip(i18n("A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power."));
    ui->windowFunction->setToolTip(i18n("The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on Wikipedia."));

void AbstractScopeWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    m_mousePos = event->pos();
    m_mouseWithinWidget = true;
    emit signalMousePositionChanged();

    QPoint movement = event->pos()-m_rescaleStartPoint;

    if (m_rescaleActive) {
        if (m_rescalePropertiesLocked) {
            // Direction is known, now adjust parameters

            // Reset the starting point to make the next moveEvent relative to the current one
            m_rescaleStartPoint = event->pos();

            if (!m_rescaleFirstRescaleDone) {
                // We have just learned the desired direction; Normalize the movement to one pixel
                // to avoid a jump by m_rescaleMinDist

                if (movement.x() != 0) {
                    movement.setX(movement.x() / abs(movement.x()));
                if (movement.y() != 0) {
                    movement.setY(movement.y() / abs(movement.y()));

                m_rescaleFirstRescaleDone = true;

            handleMouseDrag(movement, m_rescaleDirection, m_rescaleModifiers);

        } else {
            // Detect the movement direction here.
            // This algorithm relies on the aspect ratio of dy/dx (size and signum).
            if (movement.manhattanLength() > m_rescaleMinDist) {
                float diff = ((float) movement.y())/movement.x();

                if (fabs(diff) > m_rescaleVerticalThreshold || movement.x() == 0) {
                    m_rescaleDirection = North;
                } else if (fabs(diff) < 1/m_rescaleVerticalThreshold) {
                    m_rescaleDirection = East;
                } else if (diff < 0) {
                    m_rescaleDirection = Northeast;
                } else {
                    m_rescaleDirection = Southeast;
#ifdef DEBUG_ASW
                qDebug() << "Diff is " << diff << "; chose " << directions[m_rescaleDirection] << " as direction";
                m_rescalePropertiesLocked = true;
void AbstractScopeWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *)
    m_mouseWithinWidget = false;
    emit signalMousePositionChanged();