/* Decode mid/side predictors */ void silk_stereo_decode_pred( ec_dec *psRangeDec, /* I/O Compressor data structure */ opus_int32 pred_Q13[] /* O Predictors */ ) { opus_int n, ix[ 2 ][ 3 ]; opus_int32 low_Q13, step_Q13; /* Entropy decoding */ n = ec_dec_icdf( psRangeDec, silk_stereo_pred_joint_iCDF, 8 ); ix[ 0 ][ 2 ] = silk_DIV32_16( n, 5 ); ix[ 1 ][ 2 ] = n - 5 * ix[ 0 ][ 2 ]; for( n = 0; n < 2; n++ ) { ix[ n ][ 0 ] = ec_dec_icdf( psRangeDec, silk_uniform3_iCDF, 8 ); ix[ n ][ 1 ] = ec_dec_icdf( psRangeDec, silk_uniform5_iCDF, 8 ); } /* Dequantize */ for( n = 0; n < 2; n++ ) { ix[ n ][ 0 ] += 3 * ix[ n ][ 2 ]; low_Q13 = silk_stereo_pred_quant_Q13[ ix[ n ][ 0 ] ]; step_Q13 = silk_SMULWB( silk_stereo_pred_quant_Q13[ ix[ n ][ 0 ] + 1 ] - low_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.5 / STEREO_QUANT_SUB_STEPS, 16 ) ); pred_Q13[ n ] = silk_SMLABB( low_Q13, step_Q13, 2 * ix[ n ][ 1 ] + 1 ); } /* Subtract second from first predictor (helps when actually applying these) */ pred_Q13[ 0 ] -= pred_Q13[ 1 ]; }
/* Compute quantization errors for an LPC_order element input vector for a VQ codebook */ void silk_NLSF_VQ( opus_int32 err_Q26[], /* O Quantization errors [K] */ const opus_int16 in_Q15[], /* I Input vectors to be quantized [LPC_order] */ const opus_uint8 pCB_Q8[], /* I Codebook vectors [K*LPC_order] */ const opus_int K, /* I Number of codebook vectors */ const opus_int LPC_order /* I Number of LPCs */ ) { opus_int i, m; opus_int32 diff_Q15, sum_error_Q30, sum_error_Q26; silk_assert( LPC_order <= 16 ); silk_assert( ( LPC_order & 1 ) == 0 ); /* Loop over codebook */ for( i = 0; i < K; i++ ) { sum_error_Q26 = 0; for( m = 0; m < LPC_order; m += 2 ) { /* Compute weighted squared quantization error for index m */ diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[ m ], (opus_int32)*pCB_Q8++, 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/ sum_error_Q30 = silk_SMULBB( diff_Q15, diff_Q15 ); /* Compute weighted squared quantization error for index m + 1 */ diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[m + 1], (opus_int32)*pCB_Q8++, 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/ sum_error_Q30 = silk_SMLABB( sum_error_Q30, diff_Q15, diff_Q15 ); sum_error_Q26 = silk_ADD_RSHIFT32( sum_error_Q26, sum_error_Q30, 4 ); silk_assert( sum_error_Q26 >= 0 ); silk_assert( sum_error_Q30 >= 0 ); } err_Q26[ i ] = sum_error_Q26; } }
static OPUS_INLINE opus_int16 *silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR_INTERPOL( opus_int16 *out, opus_int16 *buf, opus_int32 max_index_Q16, opus_int32 index_increment_Q16 ) { opus_int32 index_Q16, res_Q15; opus_int16 *buf_ptr; opus_int32 table_index; /* Interpolate upsampled signal and store in output array */ for( index_Q16 = 0; index_Q16 < max_index_Q16; index_Q16 += index_increment_Q16 ) { table_index = silk_SMULWB( index_Q16 & 0xFFFF, 12 ); buf_ptr = &buf[ index_Q16 >> 16 ]; res_Q15 = silk_SMULBB( buf_ptr[ 0 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ table_index ][ 0 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 1 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ table_index ][ 1 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 2 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ table_index ][ 2 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 3 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ table_index ][ 3 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 4 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ 11 - table_index ][ 3 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 5 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ 11 - table_index ][ 2 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 6 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ 11 - table_index ][ 1 ] ); res_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( res_Q15, buf_ptr[ 7 ], silk_resampler_frac_FIR_12[ 11 - table_index ][ 0 ] ); *out++ = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( res_Q15, 15 ) ); } return out; }
/* Prefilter for finding Quantizer input signal */ static OPUS_INLINE void silk_prefilt_FIX( silk_prefilter_state_FIX *P, /* I/O state */ opus_int32 st_res_Q12[], /* I short term residual signal */ opus_int32 xw_Q3[], /* O prefiltered signal */ opus_int32 HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12, /* I Harmonic shaping coeficients */ opus_int Tilt_Q14, /* I Tilt shaping coeficient */ opus_int32 LF_shp_Q14, /* I Low-frequancy shaping coeficients */ opus_int lag, /* I Lag for harmonic shaping */ opus_int length /* I Length of signals */ ) { opus_int i, idx, LTP_shp_buf_idx; opus_int32 n_LTP_Q12, n_Tilt_Q10, n_LF_Q10; opus_int32 sLF_MA_shp_Q12, sLF_AR_shp_Q12; opus_int16 *LTP_shp_buf; /* To speed up use temp variables instead of using the struct */ LTP_shp_buf = P->sLTP_shp; LTP_shp_buf_idx = P->sLTP_shp_buf_idx; sLF_AR_shp_Q12 = P->sLF_AR_shp_Q12; sLF_MA_shp_Q12 = P->sLF_MA_shp_Q12; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (lag > 0) { /* unrolled loop */ silk_assert(HARM_SHAPE_FIR_TAPS == 3); idx = lag + LTP_shp_buf_idx; n_LTP_Q12 = silk_SMULBB(LTP_shp_buf[(idx - HARM_SHAPE_FIR_TAPS / 2 - 1) & LTP_MASK], HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12); n_LTP_Q12 = silk_SMLABT(n_LTP_Q12, LTP_shp_buf[(idx - HARM_SHAPE_FIR_TAPS / 2) & LTP_MASK], HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12); n_LTP_Q12 = silk_SMLABB(n_LTP_Q12, LTP_shp_buf[(idx - HARM_SHAPE_FIR_TAPS / 2 + 1) & LTP_MASK], HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12); } else { n_LTP_Q12 = 0; } n_Tilt_Q10 = silk_SMULWB(sLF_AR_shp_Q12, Tilt_Q14); n_LF_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB(silk_SMULWT(sLF_AR_shp_Q12, LF_shp_Q14), sLF_MA_shp_Q12, LF_shp_Q14); sLF_AR_shp_Q12 = silk_SUB32(st_res_Q12[i], silk_LSHIFT(n_Tilt_Q10, 2)); sLF_MA_shp_Q12 = silk_SUB32(sLF_AR_shp_Q12, silk_LSHIFT(n_LF_Q10, 2)); LTP_shp_buf_idx = (LTP_shp_buf_idx - 1) & LTP_MASK; LTP_shp_buf[LTP_shp_buf_idx] = (opus_int16) silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(sLF_MA_shp_Q12, 12)); xw_Q3[i] = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(silk_SUB32(sLF_MA_shp_Q12, n_LTP_Q12), 9); } /* Copy temp variable back to state */ P->sLF_AR_shp_Q12 = sLF_AR_shp_Q12; P->sLF_MA_shp_Q12 = sLF_MA_shp_Q12; P->sLTP_shp_buf_idx = LTP_shp_buf_idx; }
opus_val32 celt_inner_prod_sse2(const opus_val16 *x, const opus_val16 *y, int N) { opus_int i, dataSize16; opus_int32 sum; __m128i inVec1_76543210, inVec1_FEDCBA98, acc1; __m128i inVec2_76543210, inVec2_FEDCBA98, acc2; sum = 0; dataSize16 = N & ~15; acc1 = _mm_setzero_si128(); acc2 = _mm_setzero_si128(); for (i=0;i<dataSize16;i+=16) { inVec1_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&x[i + 0])); inVec2_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&y[i + 0])); inVec1_FEDCBA98 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&x[i + 8])); inVec2_FEDCBA98 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&y[i + 8])); inVec1_76543210 = _mm_madd_epi16(inVec1_76543210, inVec2_76543210); inVec1_FEDCBA98 = _mm_madd_epi16(inVec1_FEDCBA98, inVec2_FEDCBA98); acc1 = _mm_add_epi32(acc1, inVec1_76543210); acc2 = _mm_add_epi32(acc2, inVec1_FEDCBA98); } acc1 = _mm_add_epi32( acc1, acc2 ); if (N - i >= 8) { inVec1_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&x[i + 0])); inVec2_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(&y[i + 0])); inVec1_76543210 = _mm_madd_epi16(inVec1_76543210, inVec2_76543210); acc1 = _mm_add_epi32(acc1, inVec1_76543210); i += 8; } acc1 = _mm_add_epi32(acc1, _mm_unpackhi_epi64( acc1, acc1)); acc1 = _mm_add_epi32(acc1, _mm_shufflelo_epi16( acc1, 0x0E)); sum += _mm_cvtsi128_si32(acc1); for (;i<N;i++) { sum = silk_SMLABB(sum, x[i], y[i]); } return sum; }
/* * only when len>6, memory access can be reduced by half. */ opus_int32 silk_inner_prod_aligned( const opus_int16 *const inVec1, /* I input vector 1 */ const opus_int16 *const inVec2, /* I input vector 2 */ const opus_int len /* I vector lengths */ ) { opus_int i; opus_int32 sum = 0; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { sum = silk_SMLABB( sum, inVec1[ i ], inVec2[ i ] ); } return sum; }
/* Control SNR of redidual quantizer */ opus_int silk_control_SNR( silk_encoder_state *psEncC, /* I/O Pointer to Silk encoder state */ opus_int32 TargetRate_bps /* I Target max bitrate (bps) */ ) { opus_int k, ret = SILK_NO_ERROR; opus_int32 frac_Q6; const opus_int32 *rateTable; /* Set bitrate/coding quality */ TargetRate_bps = silk_LIMIT(TargetRate_bps, MIN_TARGET_RATE_BPS, MAX_TARGET_RATE_BPS); if (TargetRate_bps != psEncC->TargetRate_bps) { psEncC->TargetRate_bps = TargetRate_bps; /* If new TargetRate_bps, translate to SNR_dB value */ if (psEncC->fs_kHz == 8) { rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_NB; } else if (psEncC->fs_kHz == 12) { rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_MB; } else { rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_WB; } /* Reduce bitrate for 10 ms modes in these calculations */ if (psEncC->nb_subfr == 2) { TargetRate_bps -= REDUCE_BITRATE_10_MS_BPS; } /* Find bitrate interval in table and interpolate */ for (k = 1; k < TARGET_RATE_TAB_SZ; k++) { if (TargetRate_bps <= rateTable[k]) { frac_Q6 = silk_DIV32(silk_LSHIFT(TargetRate_bps - rateTable[k - 1], 6), rateTable[k] - rateTable[k - 1]); psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7 = silk_LSHIFT(silk_SNR_table_Q1[k - 1], 6) + silk_MUL(frac_Q6, silk_SNR_table_Q1[k] - silk_SNR_table_Q1[ k - 1]); break; } } /* Reduce coding quality whenever LBRR is enabled, to free up some bits */ if (psEncC->LBRR_enabled) { psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7 = silk_SMLABB(psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7, 12 - psEncC->LBRR_GainIncreases, SILK_FIX_CONST(-0.25, 7)); } } return ret; }
opus_int64 silk_inner_prod16_aligned_64_sse4_1( const opus_int16 *inVec1, /* I input vector 1 */ const opus_int16 *inVec2, /* I input vector 2 */ const opus_int len /* I vector lengths */ ) { opus_int i, dataSize8; opus_int64 sum; __m128i xmm_tempa; __m128i inVec1_76543210, acc1; __m128i inVec2_76543210, acc2; sum = 0; dataSize8 = len & ~7; acc1 = _mm_setzero_si128(); acc2 = _mm_setzero_si128(); for( i = 0; i < dataSize8; i += 8 ) { inVec1_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128( (__m128i*)(&inVec1[i + 0] ) ); inVec2_76543210 = _mm_loadu_si128( (__m128i*)(&inVec2[i + 0] ) ); /* only when all 4 operands are -32768 (0x8000), this results in wrap around */ inVec1_76543210 = _mm_madd_epi16( inVec1_76543210, inVec2_76543210 ); xmm_tempa = _mm_cvtepi32_epi64( inVec1_76543210 ); /* equal shift right 8 bytes */ inVec1_76543210 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( inVec1_76543210, _MM_SHUFFLE( 0, 0, 3, 2 ) ); inVec1_76543210 = _mm_cvtepi32_epi64( inVec1_76543210 ); acc1 = _mm_add_epi64( acc1, xmm_tempa ); acc2 = _mm_add_epi64( acc2, inVec1_76543210 ); } acc1 = _mm_add_epi64( acc1, acc2 ); /* equal shift right 8 bytes */ acc2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( acc1, _MM_SHUFFLE( 0, 0, 3, 2 ) ); acc1 = _mm_add_epi64( acc1, acc2 ); _mm_storel_epi64( (__m128i *)&sum, acc1 ); for( ; i < len; i++ ) { sum = silk_SMLABB( sum, inVec1[ i ], inVec2[ i ] ); } return sum; }
/* * only when len>6, memory access can be reduced by half. */ opus_int32 silk_inner_prod_aligned( const opus_int16 *const inVec1, /* I input vector 1 */ const opus_int16 *const inVec2, /* I input vector 2 */ const opus_int len, /* I vector lengths */ int arch /* I Run-time architecture */ ) { #ifdef FIXED_POINT return celt_inner_prod(inVec1, inVec2, len, arch); #else opus_int i; opus_int32 sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { sum = silk_SMLABB(sum, inVec1[ i ], inVec2[ i ]); } return sum; #endif }
/* Quantize mid/side predictors */ void silk_stereo_quant_pred( opus_int32 pred_Q13[], /* I/O Predictors (out: quantized) */ opus_int8 ix[ 2 ][ 3 ] /* O Quantization indices */ ) { opus_int i, j, n; opus_int32 low_Q13, step_Q13, lvl_Q13, err_min_Q13, err_Q13, quant_pred_Q13 = 0; /* Quantize */ for( n = 0; n < 2; n++ ) { /* Brute-force search over quantization levels */ err_min_Q13 = silk_int32_MAX; for( i = 0; i < STEREO_QUANT_TAB_SIZE - 1; i++ ) { low_Q13 = silk_stereo_pred_quant_Q13[ i ]; step_Q13 = silk_SMULWB( silk_stereo_pred_quant_Q13[ i + 1 ] - low_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.5 / STEREO_QUANT_SUB_STEPS, 16 ) ); for( j = 0; j < STEREO_QUANT_SUB_STEPS; j++ ) { lvl_Q13 = silk_SMLABB( low_Q13, step_Q13, 2 * j + 1 ); err_Q13 = silk_abs( pred_Q13[ n ] - lvl_Q13 ); if( err_Q13 < err_min_Q13 ) { err_min_Q13 = err_Q13; quant_pred_Q13 = lvl_Q13; ix[ n ][ 0 ] = i; ix[ n ][ 1 ] = j; } else { /* Error increasing, so we're past the optimum */ goto done; } } } done: ix[ n ][ 2 ] = silk_DIV32_16( ix[ n ][ 0 ], 3 ); ix[ n ][ 0 ] -= ix[ n ][ 2 ] * 3; pred_Q13[ n ] = quant_pred_Q13; } /* Subtract second from first predictor (helps when actually applying these) */ pred_Q13[ 0 ] -= pred_Q13[ 1 ]; }
void silk_prefilter_FIX( silk_encoder_state_FIX *psEnc, /* I/O Encoder state */ const silk_encoder_control_FIX *psEncCtrl, /* I Encoder control */ opus_int32 xw_Q3[], /* O Weighted signal */ const opus_int16 x[] /* I Speech signal */ ) { silk_prefilter_state_FIX *P = &psEnc->sPrefilt; opus_int j, k, lag; opus_int32 tmp_32; const opus_int16 *AR1_shp_Q13; const opus_int16 *px; opus_int32 *pxw_Q3; opus_int HarmShapeGain_Q12, Tilt_Q14; opus_int32 HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12, LF_shp_Q14; VARDECL( opus_int32, x_filt_Q12 ); VARDECL( opus_int32, st_res_Q2 ); opus_int16 B_Q10[ 2 ]; SAVE_STACK; /* Set up pointers */ px = x; pxw_Q3 = xw_Q3; lag = P->lagPrev; ALLOC( x_filt_Q12, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, opus_int32 ); ALLOC( st_res_Q2, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, opus_int32 ); for( k = 0; k < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) { /* Update Variables that change per sub frame */ if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) { lag = psEncCtrl->pitchL[ k ]; } /* Noise shape parameters */ HarmShapeGain_Q12 = silk_SMULWB( (opus_int32)psEncCtrl->HarmShapeGain_Q14[ k ], 16384 - psEncCtrl->HarmBoost_Q14[ k ] ); silk_assert( HarmShapeGain_Q12 >= 0 ); HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12 = silk_RSHIFT( HarmShapeGain_Q12, 2 ); HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12 |= silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)silk_RSHIFT( HarmShapeGain_Q12, 1 ), 16 ); Tilt_Q14 = psEncCtrl->Tilt_Q14[ k ]; LF_shp_Q14 = psEncCtrl->LF_shp_Q14[ k ]; AR1_shp_Q13 = &psEncCtrl->AR1_Q13[ k * MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ]; /* Short term FIR filtering*/ silk_warped_LPC_analysis_filter_FIX( P->sAR_shp, st_res_Q2, AR1_shp_Q13, px, psEnc->sCmn.warping_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.shapingLPCOrder ); /* Reduce (mainly) low frequencies during harmonic emphasis */ B_Q10[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psEncCtrl->GainsPre_Q14[ k ], 4 ); tmp_32 = silk_SMLABB( SILK_FIX_CONST( INPUT_TILT, 26 ), psEncCtrl->HarmBoost_Q14[ k ], HarmShapeGain_Q12 ); /* Q26 */ tmp_32 = silk_SMLABB( tmp_32, psEncCtrl->coding_quality_Q14, SILK_FIX_CONST( HIGH_RATE_INPUT_TILT, 12 ) ); /* Q26 */ tmp_32 = silk_SMULWB( tmp_32, -psEncCtrl->GainsPre_Q14[ k ] ); /* Q24 */ tmp_32 = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( tmp_32, 14 ); /* Q10 */ B_Q10[ 1 ]= silk_SAT16( tmp_32 ); x_filt_Q12[ 0 ] = silk_MLA( silk_MUL( st_res_Q2[ 0 ], B_Q10[ 0 ] ), P->sHarmHP_Q2, B_Q10[ 1 ] ); for( j = 1; j < psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length; j++ ) { x_filt_Q12[ j ] = silk_MLA( silk_MUL( st_res_Q2[ j ], B_Q10[ 0 ] ), st_res_Q2[ j - 1 ], B_Q10[ 1 ] ); } P->sHarmHP_Q2 = st_res_Q2[ psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length - 1 ]; silk_prefilt_FIX( P, x_filt_Q12, pxw_Q3, HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q12, Tilt_Q14, LF_shp_Q14, lag, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length ); px += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length; pxw_Q3 += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length; } P->lagPrev = psEncCtrl->pitchL[ psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr - 1 ]; RESTORE_STACK; }
/* Calculates correlation matrix X'*X */ void silk_corrMatrix_FIX( const opus_int16 *x, /* I x vector [L + order - 1] used to form data matrix X */ const opus_int L, /* I Length of vectors */ const opus_int order, /* I Max lag for correlation */ const opus_int head_room, /* I Desired headroom */ opus_int32 *XX, /* O Pointer to X'*X correlation matrix [ order x order ] */ opus_int *rshifts /* I/O Right shifts of correlations */ ) { opus_int i, j, lag, rshifts_local, head_room_rshifts; opus_int32 energy; const opus_int16 *ptr1, *ptr2; /* Calculate energy to find shift used to fit in 32 bits */ silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy, &rshifts_local, x, L + order - 1 ); /* Add shifts to get the desired head room */ head_room_rshifts = silk_max( head_room - silk_CLZ32( energy ), 0 ); energy = silk_RSHIFT32( energy, head_room_rshifts ); rshifts_local += head_room_rshifts; /* Calculate energy of first column (0) of X: X[:,0]'*X[:,0] */ /* Remove contribution of first order - 1 samples */ for( i = 0; i < order - 1; i++ ) { energy -= silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( x[ i ], x[ i ] ), rshifts_local ); } if( rshifts_local < *rshifts ) { /* Adjust energy */ energy = silk_RSHIFT32( energy, *rshifts - rshifts_local ); rshifts_local = *rshifts; } /* Calculate energy of remaining columns of X: X[:,j]'*X[:,j] */ /* Fill out the diagonal of the correlation matrix */ matrix_ptr( XX, 0, 0, order ) = energy; ptr1 = &x[ order - 1 ]; /* First sample of column 0 of X */ for( j = 1; j < order; j++ ) { energy = silk_SUB32( energy, silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ L - j ], ptr1[ L - j ] ), rshifts_local ) ); energy = silk_ADD32( energy, silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ -j ], ptr1[ -j ] ), rshifts_local ) ); matrix_ptr( XX, j, j, order ) = energy; } ptr2 = &x[ order - 2 ]; /* First sample of column 1 of X */ /* Calculate the remaining elements of the correlation matrix */ if( rshifts_local > 0 ) { /* Right shifting used */ for( lag = 1; lag < order; lag++ ) { /* Inner product of column 0 and column lag: X[:,0]'*X[:,lag] */ energy = 0; for( i = 0; i < L; i++ ) { energy += silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ i ], ptr2[i] ), rshifts_local ); } /* Calculate remaining off diagonal: X[:,j]'*X[:,j + lag] */ matrix_ptr( XX, lag, 0, order ) = energy; matrix_ptr( XX, 0, lag, order ) = energy; for( j = 1; j < ( order - lag ); j++ ) { energy = silk_SUB32( energy, silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ L - j ], ptr2[ L - j ] ), rshifts_local ) ); energy = silk_ADD32( energy, silk_RSHIFT32( silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ -j ], ptr2[ -j ] ), rshifts_local ) ); matrix_ptr( XX, lag + j, j, order ) = energy; matrix_ptr( XX, j, lag + j, order ) = energy; } ptr2--; /* Update pointer to first sample of next column (lag) in X */ } } else { for( lag = 1; lag < order; lag++ ) { /* Inner product of column 0 and column lag: X[:,0]'*X[:,lag] */ energy = silk_inner_prod_aligned( ptr1, ptr2, L ); matrix_ptr( XX, lag, 0, order ) = energy; matrix_ptr( XX, 0, lag, order ) = energy; /* Calculate remaining off diagonal: X[:,j]'*X[:,j + lag] */ for( j = 1; j < ( order - lag ); j++ ) { energy = silk_SUB32( energy, silk_SMULBB( ptr1[ L - j ], ptr2[ L - j ] ) ); energy = silk_SMLABB( energy, ptr1[ -j ], ptr2[ -j ] ); matrix_ptr( XX, lag + j, j, order ) = energy; matrix_ptr( XX, j, lag + j, order ) = energy; } ptr2--;/* Update pointer to first sample of next column (lag) in X */ } } *rshifts = rshifts_local; }
/* Convert Left/Right stereo signal to adaptive Mid/Side representation */ void silk_stereo_LR_to_MS( stereo_enc_state *state, /* I/O State */ opus_int16 x1[], /* I/O Left input signal, becomes mid signal */ opus_int16 x2[], /* I/O Right input signal, becomes side signal */ opus_int8 ix[ 2 ][ 3 ], /* O Quantization indices */ opus_int8 *mid_only_flag, /* O Flag: only mid signal coded */ opus_int32 mid_side_rates_bps[], /* O Bitrates for mid and side signals */ opus_int32 total_rate_bps, /* I Total bitrate */ opus_int prev_speech_act_Q8, /* I Speech activity level in previous frame */ opus_int toMono, /* I Last frame before a stereo->mono transition */ opus_int fs_kHz, /* I Sample rate (kHz) */ opus_int frame_length /* I Number of samples */ ) { opus_int n, is10msFrame, denom_Q16, delta0_Q13, delta1_Q13; opus_int32 sum, diff, smooth_coef_Q16, pred_Q13[ 2 ], pred0_Q13, pred1_Q13; opus_int32 LP_ratio_Q14, HP_ratio_Q14, frac_Q16, frac_3_Q16, min_mid_rate_bps, width_Q14, w_Q24, deltaw_Q24; VARDECL( opus_int16, side ); VARDECL( opus_int16, LP_mid ); VARDECL( opus_int16, HP_mid ); VARDECL( opus_int16, LP_side ); VARDECL( opus_int16, HP_side ); opus_int16 *mid = &x1[ -2 ]; SAVE_STACK; ALLOC( side, frame_length + 2, opus_int16 ); /* Convert to basic mid/side signals */ for( n = 0; n < frame_length + 2; n++ ) { sum = x1[ n - 2 ] + (opus_int32)x2[ n - 2 ]; diff = x1[ n - 2 ] - (opus_int32)x2[ n - 2 ]; mid[ n ] = (opus_int16)silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 1 ); side[ n ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( diff, 1 ) ); } /* Buffering */ silk_memcpy( mid, state->sMid, 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ); silk_memcpy( side, state->sSide, 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ); silk_memcpy( state->sMid, &mid[ frame_length ], 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ); silk_memcpy( state->sSide, &side[ frame_length ], 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ); /* LP and HP filter mid signal */ ALLOC( LP_mid, frame_length, opus_int16 ); ALLOC( HP_mid, frame_length, opus_int16 ); for( n = 0; n < frame_length; n++ ) { sum = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 2 ); LP_mid[ n ] = sum; HP_mid[ n ] = mid[ n + 1 ] - sum; } /* LP and HP filter side signal */ ALLOC( LP_side, frame_length, opus_int16 ); ALLOC( HP_side, frame_length, opus_int16 ); for( n = 0; n < frame_length; n++ ) { sum = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( side[ n ] + side[ n + 2 ], side[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 2 ); LP_side[ n ] = sum; HP_side[ n ] = side[ n + 1 ] - sum; } /* Find energies and predictors */ is10msFrame = frame_length == 10 * fs_kHz; smooth_coef_Q16 = is10msFrame ? SILK_FIX_CONST( STEREO_RATIO_SMOOTH_COEF / 2, 16 ) : SILK_FIX_CONST( STEREO_RATIO_SMOOTH_COEF, 16 ); smooth_coef_Q16 = silk_SMULWB( silk_SMULBB( prev_speech_act_Q8, prev_speech_act_Q8 ), smooth_coef_Q16 ); pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_stereo_find_predictor( &LP_ratio_Q14, LP_mid, LP_side, &state->mid_side_amp_Q0[ 0 ], frame_length, smooth_coef_Q16 ); pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_stereo_find_predictor( &HP_ratio_Q14, HP_mid, HP_side, &state->mid_side_amp_Q0[ 2 ], frame_length, smooth_coef_Q16 ); /* Ratio of the norms of residual and mid signals */ frac_Q16 = silk_SMLABB( HP_ratio_Q14, LP_ratio_Q14, 3 ); frac_Q16 = silk_min( frac_Q16, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 16 ) ); /* Determine bitrate distribution between mid and side, and possibly reduce stereo width */ total_rate_bps -= is10msFrame ? 1200 : 600; /* Subtract approximate bitrate for coding stereo parameters */ if( total_rate_bps < 1 ) { total_rate_bps = 1; } min_mid_rate_bps = silk_SMLABB( 2000, fs_kHz, 900 ); silk_assert( min_mid_rate_bps < 32767 ); /* Default bitrate distribution: 8 parts for Mid and (5+3*frac) parts for Side. so: mid_rate = ( 8 / ( 13 + 3 * frac ) ) * total_ rate */ frac_3_Q16 = silk_MUL( 3, frac_Q16 ); mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = silk_DIV32_varQ( total_rate_bps, SILK_FIX_CONST( 8 + 5, 16 ) + frac_3_Q16, 16+3 ); /* If Mid bitrate below minimum, reduce stereo width */ if( mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] < min_mid_rate_bps ) { mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = min_mid_rate_bps; mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ]; /* width = 4 * ( 2 * side_rate - min_rate ) / ( ( 1 + 3 * frac ) * min_rate ) */ width_Q14 = silk_DIV32_varQ( silk_LSHIFT( mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ], 1 ) - min_mid_rate_bps, silk_SMULWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 16 ) + frac_3_Q16, min_mid_rate_bps ), 14+2 ); width_Q14 = silk_LIMIT( width_Q14, 0, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 ) ); } else { mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ]; width_Q14 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 ); } /* Smoother */ state->smth_width_Q14 = (opus_int16)silk_SMLAWB( state->smth_width_Q14, width_Q14 - state->smth_width_Q14, smooth_coef_Q16 ); /* At very low bitrates or for inputs that are nearly amplitude panned, switch to panned-mono coding */ *mid_only_flag = 0; if( toMono ) { /* Last frame before stereo->mono transition; collapse stereo width */ width_Q14 = 0; pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0; pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0; silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix ); } else if( state->width_prev_Q14 == 0 && ( 8 * total_rate_bps < 13 * min_mid_rate_bps || silk_SMULWB( frac_Q16, state->smth_width_Q14 ) < SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.05, 14 ) ) ) { /* Code as panned-mono; previous frame already had zero width */ /* Scale down and quantize predictors */ pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 ); pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 ); silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix ); /* Collapse stereo width */ width_Q14 = 0; pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0; pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0; mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = total_rate_bps; mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = 0; *mid_only_flag = 1; } else if( state->width_prev_Q14 != 0 && ( 8 * total_rate_bps < 11 * min_mid_rate_bps || silk_SMULWB( frac_Q16, state->smth_width_Q14 ) < SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.02, 14 ) ) ) { /* Transition to zero-width stereo */ /* Scale down and quantize predictors */ pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 ); pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 ); silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix ); /* Collapse stereo width */ width_Q14 = 0; pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0; pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0; } else if( state->smth_width_Q14 > SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.95, 14 ) ) { /* Full-width stereo coding */ silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix ); width_Q14 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 ); } else { /* Reduced-width stereo coding; scale down and quantize predictors */ pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 ); pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 ); silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix ); width_Q14 = state->smth_width_Q14; } /* Make sure to keep on encoding until the tapered output has been transmitted */ if( *mid_only_flag == 1 ) { state->silent_side_len += frame_length - STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz; if( state->silent_side_len < LA_SHAPE_MS * fs_kHz ) { *mid_only_flag = 0; } else { /* Limit to avoid wrapping around */ state->silent_side_len = 10000; } } else { state->silent_side_len = 0; } if( *mid_only_flag == 0 && mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] < 1 ) { mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = 1; mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = silk_max_int( 1, total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ]); } /* Interpolate predictors and subtract prediction from side channel */ pred0_Q13 = -state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ]; pred1_Q13 = -state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ]; w_Q24 = silk_LSHIFT( state->width_prev_Q14, 10 ); denom_Q16 = silk_DIV32_16( (opus_int32)1 << 16, STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz ); delta0_Q13 = -silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULBB( pred_Q13[ 0 ] - state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ], denom_Q16 ), 16 ); delta1_Q13 = -silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULBB( pred_Q13[ 1 ] - state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ], denom_Q16 ), 16 ); deltaw_Q24 = silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( width_Q14 - state->width_prev_Q14, denom_Q16 ), 10 ); for( n = 0; n < STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz; n++ ) { pred0_Q13 += delta0_Q13; pred1_Q13 += delta1_Q13; w_Q24 += deltaw_Q24; sum = silk_LSHIFT( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 9 ); /* Q11 */ sum = silk_SMLAWB( silk_SMULWB( w_Q24, side[ n + 1 ] ), sum, pred0_Q13 ); /* Q8 */ sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)mid[ n + 1 ], 11 ), pred1_Q13 ); /* Q8 */ x2[ n - 1 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 8 ) ); } pred0_Q13 = -pred_Q13[ 0 ]; pred1_Q13 = -pred_Q13[ 1 ]; w_Q24 = silk_LSHIFT( width_Q14, 10 ); for( n = STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz; n < frame_length; n++ ) { sum = silk_LSHIFT( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 9 ); /* Q11 */ sum = silk_SMLAWB( silk_SMULWB( w_Q24, side[ n + 1 ] ), sum, pred0_Q13 ); /* Q8 */ sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)mid[ n + 1 ], 11 ), pred1_Q13 ); /* Q8 */ x2[ n - 1 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 8 ) ); } state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ] = (opus_int16)pred_Q13[ 0 ]; state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ] = (opus_int16)pred_Q13[ 1 ]; state->width_prev_Q14 = (opus_int16)width_Q14; RESTORE_STACK; }
/* Delayed-decision quantizer for NLSF residuals */ opus_int32 silk_NLSF_del_dec_quant( /* O Returns RD value in Q25 */ opus_int8 indices[], /* O Quantization indices [ order ] */ const opus_int16 x_Q10[], /* I Input [ order ] */ const opus_int16 w_Q5[], /* I Weights [ order ] */ const opus_uint8 pred_coef_Q8[], /* I Backward predictor coefs [ order ] */ const opus_int16 ec_ix[], /* I Indices to entropy coding tables [ order ] */ const opus_uint8 ec_rates_Q5[], /* I Rates [] */ const opus_int quant_step_size_Q16, /* I Quantization step size */ const opus_int16 inv_quant_step_size_Q6, /* I Inverse quantization step size */ const opus_int32 mu_Q20, /* I R/D tradeoff */ const opus_int16 order /* I Number of input values */ ) { opus_int i, j, nStates, ind_tmp, ind_min_max, ind_max_min, in_Q10, res_Q10; opus_int pred_Q10, diff_Q10, out0_Q10, out1_Q10, rate0_Q5, rate1_Q5; opus_int32 RD_tmp_Q25, min_Q25, min_max_Q25, max_min_Q25, pred_coef_Q16; opus_int ind_sort[ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; opus_int8 ind[ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ][ MAX_LPC_ORDER ]; opus_int16 prev_out_Q10[ 2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; opus_int32 RD_Q25[ 2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; opus_int32 RD_min_Q25[ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; opus_int32 RD_max_Q25[ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; const opus_uint8 *rates_Q5; silk_assert( (NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES & (NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES-1)) == 0 ); /* must be power of two */ nStates = 1; RD_Q25[ 0 ] = 0; prev_out_Q10[ 0 ] = 0; for( i = order - 1; ; i-- ) { rates_Q5 = &ec_rates_Q5[ ec_ix[ i ] ]; pred_coef_Q16 = silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)pred_coef_Q8[ i ], 8 ); in_Q10 = x_Q10[ i ]; for( j = 0; j < nStates; j++ ) { pred_Q10 = silk_SMULWB( pred_coef_Q16, prev_out_Q10[ j ] ); res_Q10 = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, pred_Q10 ); ind_tmp = silk_SMULWB( inv_quant_step_size_Q6, res_Q10 ); ind_tmp = silk_LIMIT( ind_tmp, -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT, NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT-1 ); ind[ j ][ i ] = (opus_int8)ind_tmp; /* compute outputs for ind_tmp and ind_tmp + 1 */ out0_Q10 = silk_LSHIFT( ind_tmp, 10 ); out1_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, 1024 ); if( ind_tmp > 0 ) { out0_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); out1_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); } else if( ind_tmp == 0 ) { out1_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); } else if( ind_tmp == -1 ) { out0_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); } else { out0_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); out1_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) ); } out0_Q10 = silk_SMULWB( out0_Q10, quant_step_size_Q16 ); out1_Q10 = silk_SMULWB( out1_Q10, quant_step_size_Q16 ); out0_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, pred_Q10 ); out1_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out1_Q10, pred_Q10 ); prev_out_Q10[ j ] = out0_Q10; prev_out_Q10[ j + nStates ] = out1_Q10; /* compute RD for ind_tmp and ind_tmp + 1 */ if( ind_tmp + 1 >= NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) { if( ind_tmp + 1 == NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) { rate0_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ]; rate1_Q5 = 280; } else { rate0_Q5 = silk_SMLABB( 280 - 43 * NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE, 43, ind_tmp ); rate1_Q5 = silk_ADD16( rate0_Q5, 43 ); } } else if( ind_tmp <= -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) { if( ind_tmp == -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) { rate0_Q5 = 280; rate1_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + 1 + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ]; } else { rate0_Q5 = silk_SMLABB( 280 - 43 * NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE, -43, ind_tmp ); rate1_Q5 = silk_SUB16( rate0_Q5, 43 ); } } else { rate0_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ]; rate1_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + 1 + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ]; } RD_tmp_Q25 = RD_Q25[ j ]; diff_Q10 = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, out0_Q10 ); RD_Q25[ j ] = silk_SMLABB( silk_MLA( RD_tmp_Q25, silk_SMULBB( diff_Q10, diff_Q10 ), w_Q5[ i ] ), mu_Q20, rate0_Q5 ); diff_Q10 = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, out1_Q10 ); RD_Q25[ j + nStates ] = silk_SMLABB( silk_MLA( RD_tmp_Q25, silk_SMULBB( diff_Q10, diff_Q10 ), w_Q5[ i ] ), mu_Q20, rate1_Q5 ); } if( nStates < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ) { /* double number of states and copy */ for( j = 0; j < nStates; j++ ) { ind[ j + nStates ][ i ] = ind[ j ][ i ] + 1; } nStates = silk_LSHIFT( nStates, 1 ); for( j = nStates; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) { ind[ j ][ i ] = ind[ j - nStates ][ i ]; } } else if( i > 0 ) { /* sort lower and upper half of RD_Q25, pairwise */ for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) { if( RD_Q25[ j ] > RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] ) { RD_max_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j ]; RD_min_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; RD_Q25[ j ] = RD_min_Q25[ j ]; RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] = RD_max_Q25[ j ]; /* swap prev_out values */ out0_Q10 = prev_out_Q10[ j ]; prev_out_Q10[ j ] = prev_out_Q10[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; prev_out_Q10[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] = out0_Q10; ind_sort[ j ] = j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; } else { RD_min_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j ]; RD_max_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; ind_sort[ j ] = j; } } /* compare the highest RD values of the winning half with the lowest one in the losing half, and copy if necessary */ /* afterwards ind_sort[] will contain the indices of the NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES winning RD values */ while( 1 ) { min_max_Q25 = silk_int32_MAX; max_min_Q25 = 0; ind_min_max = 0; ind_max_min = 0; for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) { if( min_max_Q25 > RD_max_Q25[ j ] ) { min_max_Q25 = RD_max_Q25[ j ]; ind_min_max = j; } if( max_min_Q25 < RD_min_Q25[ j ] ) { max_min_Q25 = RD_min_Q25[ j ]; ind_max_min = j; } } if( min_max_Q25 >= max_min_Q25 ) { break; } /* copy ind_min_max to ind_max_min */ ind_sort[ ind_max_min ] = ind_sort[ ind_min_max ] ^ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; RD_Q25[ ind_max_min ] = RD_Q25[ ind_min_max + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; prev_out_Q10[ ind_max_min ] = prev_out_Q10[ ind_min_max + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ]; RD_min_Q25[ ind_max_min ] = 0; RD_max_Q25[ ind_min_max ] = silk_int32_MAX; silk_memcpy( ind[ ind_max_min ], ind[ ind_min_max ], MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int8 ) ); } /* increment index if it comes from the upper half */ for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) { ind[ j ][ i ] += silk_RSHIFT( ind_sort[ j ], NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES_LOG2 ); } } else { /* i == 0 */ break; } } /* last sample: find winner, copy indices and return RD value */ ind_tmp = 0; min_Q25 = silk_int32_MAX; for( j = 0; j < 2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) { if( min_Q25 > RD_Q25[ j ] ) { min_Q25 = RD_Q25[ j ]; ind_tmp = j; } } for( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { indices[ j ] = ind[ ind_tmp & ( NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES - 1 ) ][ j ]; silk_assert( indices[ j ] >= -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT ); silk_assert( indices[ j ] <= NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT ); } indices[ 0 ] += silk_RSHIFT( ind_tmp, NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES_LOG2 ); silk_assert( indices[ 0 ] <= NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT ); silk_assert( min_Q25 >= 0 ); return min_Q25; }
/* amplitude of monic warped coefficients by using bandwidth expansion on the true coefficients */ static inline void limit_warped_coefs( opus_int32 *coefs_syn_Q24, opus_int32 *coefs_ana_Q24, opus_int lambda_Q16, opus_int32 limit_Q24, opus_int order ) { opus_int i, iter, ind = 0; opus_int32 tmp, maxabs_Q24, chirp_Q16, gain_syn_Q16, gain_ana_Q16; opus_int32 nom_Q16, den_Q24; /* Convert to monic coefficients */ lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16; for( i = order - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); } lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16; nom_Q16 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 16 ), -lambda_Q16, lambda_Q16 ); den_Q24 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_syn_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 ); gain_syn_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 ); den_Q24 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_ana_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 ); gain_ana_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 ); for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] ); } for( iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++ ) { /* Find maximum absolute value */ maxabs_Q24 = -1; for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { tmp = silk_max( silk_abs_int32( coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] ), silk_abs_int32( coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] ) ); if( tmp > maxabs_Q24 ) { maxabs_Q24 = tmp; ind = i; } } if( maxabs_Q24 <= limit_Q24 ) { /* Coefficients are within range - done */ return; } /* Convert back to true warped coefficients */ for( i = 1; i < order; i++ ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); } gain_syn_Q16 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( gain_syn_Q16, 32 ); gain_ana_Q16 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( gain_ana_Q16, 32 ); for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] ); } /* Apply bandwidth expansion */ chirp_Q16 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.99, 16 ) - silk_DIV32_varQ( silk_SMULWB( maxabs_Q24 - limit_Q24, silk_SMLABB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.8, 10 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.1, 10 ), iter ) ), silk_MUL( maxabs_Q24, ind + 1 ), 22 ); silk_bwexpander_32( coefs_syn_Q24, order, chirp_Q16 ); silk_bwexpander_32( coefs_ana_Q24, order, chirp_Q16 ); /* Convert to monic warped coefficients */ lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16; for( i = order - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 ); } lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16; nom_Q16 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 16 ), -lambda_Q16, lambda_Q16 ); den_Q24 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_syn_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 ); gain_syn_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 ); den_Q24 = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_ana_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 ); gain_ana_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 ); for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] ); coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] ); } } silk_assert( 0 ); }
opus_int silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8( /* O Return value, 0 if success */ silk_encoder_state *psEncC, /* I/O Encoder state */ const opus_int16 pIn[] /* I PCM input */ ) { opus_int SA_Q15, pSNR_dB_Q7, input_tilt; opus_int decimated_framelength1, decimated_framelength2; opus_int decimated_framelength; opus_int dec_subframe_length, dec_subframe_offset, SNR_Q7, i, b, s; opus_int32 sumSquared, smooth_coef_Q16; opus_int16 HPstateTmp; VARDECL( opus_int16, X ); opus_int32 Xnrg[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; opus_int32 NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; opus_int32 speech_nrg, x_tmp; opus_int X_offset[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; opus_int ret = 0; silk_VAD_state *psSilk_VAD = &psEncC->sVAD; SAVE_STACK; /* Safety checks */ silk_assert( VAD_N_BANDS == 4 ); silk_assert( MAX_FRAME_LENGTH >= psEncC->frame_length ); silk_assert( psEncC->frame_length <= 512 ); silk_assert( psEncC->frame_length == 8 * silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 3 ) ); /***********************/ /* Filter and Decimate */ /***********************/ decimated_framelength1 = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 1 ); decimated_framelength2 = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 2 ); decimated_framelength = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 3 ); /* Decimate into 4 bands: 0 L 3L L 3L 5L - -- - -- -- 8 8 2 4 4 [0-1 kHz| temp. |1-2 kHz| 2-4 kHz | 4-8 kHz | They're arranged to allow the minimal ( frame_length / 4 ) extra scratch space during the downsampling process */ X_offset[ 0 ] = 0; X_offset[ 1 ] = decimated_framelength + decimated_framelength2; X_offset[ 2 ] = X_offset[ 1 ] + decimated_framelength; X_offset[ 3 ] = X_offset[ 2 ] + decimated_framelength2; ALLOC( X, X_offset[ 3 ] + decimated_framelength1, opus_int16 ); /* 0-8 kHz to 0-4 kHz and 4-8 kHz */ silk_ana_filt_bank_1( pIn, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState[ 0 ], X, &X[ X_offset[ 3 ] ], psEncC->frame_length ); /* 0-4 kHz to 0-2 kHz and 2-4 kHz */ silk_ana_filt_bank_1( X, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState1[ 0 ], X, &X[ X_offset[ 2 ] ], decimated_framelength1 ); /* 0-2 kHz to 0-1 kHz and 1-2 kHz */ silk_ana_filt_bank_1( X, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState2[ 0 ], X, &X[ X_offset[ 1 ] ], decimated_framelength2 ); /*********************************************/ /* HP filter on lowest band (differentiator) */ /*********************************************/ X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ], 1 ); HPstateTmp = X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ]; for( i = decimated_framelength - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { X[ i - 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( X[ i - 1 ], 1 ); X[ i ] -= X[ i - 1 ]; } X[ 0 ] -= psSilk_VAD->HPstate; psSilk_VAD->HPstate = HPstateTmp; /*************************************/ /* Calculate the energy in each band */ /*************************************/ for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) { /* Find the decimated framelength in the non-uniformly divided bands */ decimated_framelength = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, silk_min_int( VAD_N_BANDS - b, VAD_N_BANDS - 1 ) ); /* Split length into subframe lengths */ dec_subframe_length = silk_RSHIFT( decimated_framelength, VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES_LOG2 ); dec_subframe_offset = 0; /* Compute energy per sub-frame */ /* initialize with summed energy of last subframe */ Xnrg[ b ] = psSilk_VAD->XnrgSubfr[ b ]; for( s = 0; s < VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES; s++ ) { sumSquared = 0; for( i = 0; i < dec_subframe_length; i++ ) { /* The energy will be less than dec_subframe_length * ( silk_int16_MIN / 8 ) ^ 2. */ /* Therefore we can accumulate with no risk of overflow (unless dec_subframe_length > 128) */ x_tmp = silk_RSHIFT( X[ X_offset[ b ] + i + dec_subframe_offset ], 3 ); sumSquared = silk_SMLABB( sumSquared, x_tmp, x_tmp ); /* Safety check */ silk_assert( sumSquared >= 0 ); } /* Add/saturate summed energy of current subframe */ if( s < VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES - 1 ) { Xnrg[ b ] = silk_ADD_POS_SAT32( Xnrg[ b ], sumSquared ); } else { /* Look-ahead subframe */ Xnrg[ b ] = silk_ADD_POS_SAT32( Xnrg[ b ], silk_RSHIFT( sumSquared, 1 ) ); } dec_subframe_offset += dec_subframe_length; } psSilk_VAD->XnrgSubfr[ b ] = sumSquared; } /********************/ /* Noise estimation */ /********************/ silk_VAD_GetNoiseLevels( &Xnrg[ 0 ], psSilk_VAD ); /***********************************************/ /* Signal-plus-noise to noise ratio estimation */ /***********************************************/ sumSquared = 0; input_tilt = 0; for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) { speech_nrg = Xnrg[ b ] - psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ]; if( speech_nrg > 0 ) { /* Divide, with sufficient resolution */ if( ( Xnrg[ b ] & 0xFF800000 ) == 0 ) { NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( Xnrg[ b ], 8 ), psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ] + 1 ); } else { NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = silk_DIV32( Xnrg[ b ], silk_RSHIFT( psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ], 8 ) + 1 ); } /* Convert to log domain */ SNR_Q7 = silk_lin2log( NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] ) - 8 * 128; /* Sum-of-squares */ sumSquared = silk_SMLABB( sumSquared, SNR_Q7, SNR_Q7 ); /* Q14 */ /* Tilt measure */ if( speech_nrg < ( (opus_int32)1 << 20 ) ) { /* Scale down SNR value for small subband speech energies */ SNR_Q7 = silk_SMULWB( silk_LSHIFT( silk_SQRT_APPROX( speech_nrg ), 6 ), SNR_Q7 ); } input_tilt = silk_SMLAWB( input_tilt, tiltWeights[ b ], SNR_Q7 ); } else { NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = 256; } } /* Mean-of-squares */ sumSquared = silk_DIV32_16( sumSquared, VAD_N_BANDS ); /* Q14 */ /* Root-mean-square approximation, scale to dBs, and write to output pointer */ pSNR_dB_Q7 = (opus_int16)( 3 * silk_SQRT_APPROX( sumSquared ) ); /* Q7 */ /*********************************/ /* Speech Probability Estimation */ /*********************************/ SA_Q15 = silk_sigm_Q15( silk_SMULWB( VAD_SNR_FACTOR_Q16, pSNR_dB_Q7 ) - VAD_NEGATIVE_OFFSET_Q5 ); /**************************/ /* Frequency Tilt Measure */ /**************************/ psEncC->input_tilt_Q15 = silk_LSHIFT( silk_sigm_Q15( input_tilt ) - 16384, 1 ); /**************************************************/ /* Scale the sigmoid output based on power levels */ /**************************************************/ speech_nrg = 0; for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) { /* Accumulate signal-without-noise energies, higher frequency bands have more weight */ speech_nrg += ( b + 1 ) * silk_RSHIFT( Xnrg[ b ] - psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ], 4 ); } /* Power scaling */ if( speech_nrg <= 0 ) { SA_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( SA_Q15, 1 ); } else if( speech_nrg < 32768 ) { if( psEncC->frame_length == 10 * psEncC->fs_kHz ) { speech_nrg = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( speech_nrg, 16 ); } else { speech_nrg = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( speech_nrg, 15 ); } /* square-root */ speech_nrg = silk_SQRT_APPROX( speech_nrg ); SA_Q15 = silk_SMULWB( 32768 + speech_nrg, SA_Q15 ); } /* Copy the resulting speech activity in Q8 */ psEncC->speech_activity_Q8 = silk_min_int( silk_RSHIFT( SA_Q15, 7 ), silk_uint8_MAX ); /***********************************/ /* Energy Level and SNR estimation */ /***********************************/ /* Smoothing coefficient */ smooth_coef_Q16 = silk_SMULWB( VAD_SNR_SMOOTH_COEF_Q18, silk_SMULWB( (opus_int32)SA_Q15, SA_Q15 ) ); if( psEncC->frame_length == 10 * psEncC->fs_kHz ) { smooth_coef_Q16 >>= 1; }
/* Find pitch lags */ void silk_find_pitch_lags_FIX( silk_encoder_state_FIX *psEnc, /* I/O encoder state */ silk_encoder_control_FIX *psEncCtrl, /* I/O encoder control */ opus_int16 res[], /* O residual */ const opus_int16 x[], /* I Speech signal */ int arch /* I Run-time architecture */ ) { opus_int buf_len, i, scale; opus_int32 thrhld_Q13, res_nrg; const opus_int16 *x_buf, *x_buf_ptr; VARDECL( opus_int16, Wsig ); opus_int16 *Wsig_ptr; opus_int32 auto_corr[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER + 1 ]; opus_int16 rc_Q15[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ]; opus_int32 A_Q24[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ]; opus_int16 A_Q12[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ]; SAVE_STACK; /******************************************/ /* Set up buffer lengths etc based on Fs */ /******************************************/ buf_len = psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length + psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length; /* Safety check */ silk_assert( buf_len >= psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length ); x_buf = x - psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length; /*************************************/ /* Estimate LPC AR coefficients */ /*************************************/ /* Calculate windowed signal */ ALLOC( Wsig, psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length, opus_int16 ); /* First LA_LTP samples */ x_buf_ptr = x_buf + buf_len - psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length; Wsig_ptr = Wsig; silk_apply_sine_window( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 1, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch ); /* Middle un - windowed samples */ Wsig_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch; x_buf_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch; silk_memcpy( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, ( psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - silk_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 ) ) * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ); /* Last LA_LTP samples */ Wsig_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - silk_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 ); x_buf_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - silk_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 ); silk_apply_sine_window( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 2, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch ); /* Calculate autocorrelation sequence */ silk_autocorr( auto_corr, &scale, Wsig, psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder + 1, arch ); /* Add white noise, as fraction of energy */ auto_corr[ 0 ] = silk_SMLAWB( auto_corr[ 0 ], auto_corr[ 0 ], SILK_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 16 ) ) + 1; /* Calculate the reflection coefficients using schur */ res_nrg = silk_schur( rc_Q15, auto_corr, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder ); /* Prediction gain */ psEncCtrl->predGain_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( auto_corr[ 0 ], silk_max_int( res_nrg, 1 ), 16 ); /* Convert reflection coefficients to prediction coefficients */ silk_k2a( A_Q24, rc_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder ); /* Convert From 32 bit Q24 to 16 bit Q12 coefs */ for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder; i++ ) { A_Q12[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( A_Q24[ i ], 12 ) ); } /* Do BWE */ silk_bwexpander( A_Q12, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder, SILK_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION, 16 ) ); /*****************************************/ /* LPC analysis filtering */ /*****************************************/ silk_LPC_analysis_filter( res, x_buf, A_Q12, buf_len, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder ); if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType != TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY && psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset == 0 ) { /* Threshold for pitch estimator */ thrhld_Q13 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.6, 13 ); thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.004, 13 ), psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder ); thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1, 21 ), psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 ); thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.15, 13 ), silk_RSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.prevSignalType, 1 ) ); thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1, 14 ), psEnc->sCmn.input_tilt_Q15 ); thrhld_Q13 = silk_SAT16( thrhld_Q13 ); /*****************************************/ /* Call pitch estimator */ /*****************************************/ if( silk_pitch_analysis_core( res, psEncCtrl->pitchL, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.lagIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.contourIndex, &psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prevLag, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16, (opus_int)thrhld_Q13, psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.arch) == 0 ) { psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType = TYPE_VOICED; } else { psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType = TYPE_UNVOICED; } } else { silk_memset( psEncCtrl->pitchL, 0, sizeof( psEncCtrl->pitchL ) ); psEnc->sCmn.indices.lagIndex = 0; psEnc->sCmn.indices.contourIndex = 0; psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15 = 0; } RESTORE_STACK; }