/* Processing of gains */
void silk_process_gains_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  Encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  Encoder control                                                             */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    silk_shape_state_FIX *psShapeSt = &psEnc->sShape;
    opus_int     k;
    opus_int32   s_Q16, InvMaxSqrVal_Q16, gain, gain_squared, ResNrg, ResNrgPart, quant_offset_Q10;

    /* Gain reduction when LTP coding gain is high */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        /*s = -0.5f * silk_sigmoid( 0.25f * ( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain - 12.0f ) ); */
        s_Q16 = -silk_sigm_Q15( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 - SILK_FIX_CONST( 12.0, 7 ), 4 ) );
        for( k = 0; k < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ] = silk_SMLAWB( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ], psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ], s_Q16 );

    /* Limit the quantized signal */
    /* InvMaxSqrVal = pow( 2.0f, 0.33f * ( 21.0f - SNR_dB ) ) / subfr_length; */
    InvMaxSqrVal_Q16 = silk_DIV32_16( silk_log2lin(
        silk_SMULWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 21 + 16 / 0.33, 7 ) - psEnc->sCmn.SNR_dB_Q7, SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.33, 16 ) ) ), psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length );

    for( k = 0; k < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* Soft limit on ratio residual energy and squared gains */
        ResNrg     = psEncCtrl->ResNrg[ k ];
        ResNrgPart = silk_SMULWW( ResNrg, InvMaxSqrVal_Q16 );
        if( psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] > 0 ) {
            ResNrgPart = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( ResNrgPart, psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] );
        } else {
            if( ResNrgPart >= silk_RSHIFT( silk_int32_MAX, -psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] ) ) {
                ResNrgPart = silk_int32_MAX;
            } else {
                ResNrgPart = silk_LSHIFT( ResNrgPart, -psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] );
        gain = psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ];
        gain_squared = silk_ADD_SAT32( ResNrgPart, silk_SMMUL( gain, gain ) );
        if( gain_squared < silk_int16_MAX ) {
            /* recalculate with higher precision */
            gain_squared = silk_SMLAWW( silk_LSHIFT( ResNrgPart, 16 ), gain, gain );
            silk_assert( gain_squared > 0 );
            gain = silk_SQRT_APPROX( gain_squared );                    /* Q8   */
            gain = silk_min( gain, silk_int32_MAX >> 8 );
            psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ] = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( gain, 8 );   /* Q16  */
        } else {
void silk_noise_shape_analysis_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  Encoder state FIX                                                           */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  Encoder control FIX                                                         */
    const opus_int16                *pitch_res,                             /* I    LPC residual from pitch analysis                                            */
    const opus_int16                *x,                                     /* I    Input signal [ frame_length + la_shape ]                                    */
    int                              arch                                   /* I    Run-time architecture                                                       */
    silk_shape_state_FIX *psShapeSt = &psEnc->sShape;
    opus_int     k, i, nSamples, Qnrg, b_Q14, warping_Q16, scale = 0;
    opus_int32   SNR_adj_dB_Q7, HarmBoost_Q16, HarmShapeGain_Q16, Tilt_Q16, tmp32;
    opus_int32   nrg, pre_nrg_Q30, log_energy_Q7, log_energy_prev_Q7, energy_variation_Q7;
    opus_int32   delta_Q16, BWExp1_Q16, BWExp2_Q16, gain_mult_Q16, gain_add_Q16, strength_Q16, b_Q8;
    opus_int32   auto_corr[     MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
    opus_int32   refl_coef_Q16[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32   AR1_Q24[       MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32   AR2_Q24[       MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];
    VARDECL( opus_int16, x_windowed );
    const opus_int16 *x_ptr, *pitch_res_ptr;

    /* Point to start of first LPC analysis block */
    x_ptr = x - psEnc->sCmn.la_shape;

    /* GAIN CONTROL */
    SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = psEnc->sCmn.SNR_dB_Q7;

    /* Input quality is the average of the quality in the lowest two VAD bands */
    psEncCtrl->input_quality_Q14 = ( opus_int )silk_RSHIFT( (opus_int32)psEnc->sCmn.input_quality_bands_Q15[ 0 ]
        + psEnc->sCmn.input_quality_bands_Q15[ 1 ], 2 );

    /* Coding quality level, between 0.0_Q0 and 1.0_Q0, but in Q14 */
    psEncCtrl->coding_quality_Q14 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_sigm_Q15( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( SNR_adj_dB_Q7 -
        SILK_FIX_CONST( 20.0, 7 ), 4 ) ), 1 );

    /* Reduce coding SNR during low speech activity */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.useCBR == 0 ) {
        b_Q8 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 8 ) - psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8;
        b_Q8 = silk_SMULWB( silk_LSHIFT( b_Q8, 8 ), b_Q8 );
        SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = silk_SMLAWB( SNR_adj_dB_Q7,
            silk_SMULBB( SILK_FIX_CONST( -BG_SNR_DECR_dB, 7 ) >> ( 4 + 1 ), b_Q8 ),                                       /* Q11*/
            silk_SMULWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 14 ) + psEncCtrl->input_quality_Q14, psEncCtrl->coding_quality_Q14 ) );     /* Q12*/
Exemple #3
opus_int silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8(                                     /* O    Return value, 0 if success                  */
    silk_encoder_state          *psEncC,                        /* I/O  Encoder state                               */
    const opus_int16            pIn[]                           /* I    PCM input                                   */
    opus_int   SA_Q15, pSNR_dB_Q7, input_tilt;
    opus_int   decimated_framelength1, decimated_framelength2;
    opus_int   decimated_framelength;
    opus_int   dec_subframe_length, dec_subframe_offset, SNR_Q7, i, b, s;
    opus_int32 sumSquared, smooth_coef_Q16;
    opus_int16 HPstateTmp;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, X );
    opus_int32 Xnrg[ VAD_N_BANDS ];
    opus_int32 NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ VAD_N_BANDS ];
    opus_int32 speech_nrg, x_tmp;
    opus_int   X_offset[ VAD_N_BANDS ];
    opus_int   ret = 0;
    silk_VAD_state *psSilk_VAD = &psEncC->sVAD;

    /* Safety checks */
    silk_assert( VAD_N_BANDS == 4 );
    silk_assert( MAX_FRAME_LENGTH >= psEncC->frame_length );
    silk_assert( psEncC->frame_length <= 512 );
    silk_assert( psEncC->frame_length == 8 * silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 3 ) );

    /* Filter and Decimate */
    decimated_framelength1 = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 1 );
    decimated_framelength2 = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 2 );
    decimated_framelength = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, 3 );
    /* Decimate into 4 bands:
       0       L      3L       L              3L                             5L
               -      --       -              --                             --
               8       8       2               4                              4

       [0-1 kHz| temp. |1-2 kHz|    2-4 kHz    |            4-8 kHz           |

       They're arranged to allow the minimal ( frame_length / 4 ) extra
       scratch space during the downsampling process */
    X_offset[ 0 ] = 0;
    X_offset[ 1 ] = decimated_framelength + decimated_framelength2;
    X_offset[ 2 ] = X_offset[ 1 ] + decimated_framelength;
    X_offset[ 3 ] = X_offset[ 2 ] + decimated_framelength2;
    ALLOC( X, X_offset[ 3 ] + decimated_framelength1, opus_int16 );

    /* 0-8 kHz to 0-4 kHz and 4-8 kHz */
    silk_ana_filt_bank_1( pIn, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState[  0 ],
        X, &X[ X_offset[ 3 ] ], psEncC->frame_length );

    /* 0-4 kHz to 0-2 kHz and 2-4 kHz */
    silk_ana_filt_bank_1( X, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState1[ 0 ],
        X, &X[ X_offset[ 2 ] ], decimated_framelength1 );

    /* 0-2 kHz to 0-1 kHz and 1-2 kHz */
    silk_ana_filt_bank_1( X, &psSilk_VAD->AnaState2[ 0 ],
        X, &X[ X_offset[ 1 ] ], decimated_framelength2 );

    /* HP filter on lowest band (differentiator) */
    X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ], 1 );
    HPstateTmp = X[ decimated_framelength - 1 ];
    for( i = decimated_framelength - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
        X[ i - 1 ]  = silk_RSHIFT( X[ i - 1 ], 1 );
        X[ i ]     -= X[ i - 1 ];
    X[ 0 ] -= psSilk_VAD->HPstate;
    psSilk_VAD->HPstate = HPstateTmp;

    /* Calculate the energy in each band */
    for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) {
        /* Find the decimated framelength in the non-uniformly divided bands */
        decimated_framelength = silk_RSHIFT( psEncC->frame_length, silk_min_int( VAD_N_BANDS - b, VAD_N_BANDS - 1 ) );

        /* Split length into subframe lengths */
        dec_subframe_length = silk_RSHIFT( decimated_framelength, VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES_LOG2 );
        dec_subframe_offset = 0;

        /* Compute energy per sub-frame */
        /* initialize with summed energy of last subframe */
        Xnrg[ b ] = psSilk_VAD->XnrgSubfr[ b ];
        for( s = 0; s < VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES; s++ ) {
            sumSquared = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < dec_subframe_length; i++ ) {
                /* The energy will be less than dec_subframe_length * ( silk_int16_MIN / 8 ) ^ 2.            */
                /* Therefore we can accumulate with no risk of overflow (unless dec_subframe_length > 128)  */
                x_tmp = silk_RSHIFT(
                    X[ X_offset[ b ] + i + dec_subframe_offset ], 3 );
                sumSquared = silk_SMLABB( sumSquared, x_tmp, x_tmp );

                /* Safety check */
                silk_assert( sumSquared >= 0 );

            /* Add/saturate summed energy of current subframe */
            if( s < VAD_INTERNAL_SUBFRAMES - 1 ) {
                Xnrg[ b ] = silk_ADD_POS_SAT32( Xnrg[ b ], sumSquared );
            } else {
                /* Look-ahead subframe */
                Xnrg[ b ] = silk_ADD_POS_SAT32( Xnrg[ b ], silk_RSHIFT( sumSquared, 1 ) );

            dec_subframe_offset += dec_subframe_length;
        psSilk_VAD->XnrgSubfr[ b ] = sumSquared;

    /* Noise estimation */
    silk_VAD_GetNoiseLevels( &Xnrg[ 0 ], psSilk_VAD );

    /* Signal-plus-noise to noise ratio estimation */
    sumSquared = 0;
    input_tilt = 0;
    for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) {
        speech_nrg = Xnrg[ b ] - psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ];
        if( speech_nrg > 0 ) {
            /* Divide, with sufficient resolution */
            if( ( Xnrg[ b ] & 0xFF800000 ) == 0 ) {
                NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( Xnrg[ b ], 8 ), psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ] + 1 );
            } else {
                NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = silk_DIV32( Xnrg[ b ], silk_RSHIFT( psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ], 8 ) + 1 );

            /* Convert to log domain */
            SNR_Q7 = silk_lin2log( NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] ) - 8 * 128;

            /* Sum-of-squares */
            sumSquared = silk_SMLABB( sumSquared, SNR_Q7, SNR_Q7 );          /* Q14 */

            /* Tilt measure */
            if( speech_nrg < ( (opus_int32)1 << 20 ) ) {
                /* Scale down SNR value for small subband speech energies */
                SNR_Q7 = silk_SMULWB( silk_LSHIFT( silk_SQRT_APPROX( speech_nrg ), 6 ), SNR_Q7 );
            input_tilt = silk_SMLAWB( input_tilt, tiltWeights[ b ], SNR_Q7 );
        } else {
            NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8[ b ] = 256;

    /* Mean-of-squares */
    sumSquared = silk_DIV32_16( sumSquared, VAD_N_BANDS ); /* Q14 */

    /* Root-mean-square approximation, scale to dBs, and write to output pointer */
    pSNR_dB_Q7 = (opus_int16)( 3 * silk_SQRT_APPROX( sumSquared ) ); /* Q7 */

    /* Speech Probability Estimation */
    SA_Q15 = silk_sigm_Q15( silk_SMULWB( VAD_SNR_FACTOR_Q16, pSNR_dB_Q7 ) - VAD_NEGATIVE_OFFSET_Q5 );

    /* Frequency Tilt Measure */
    psEncC->input_tilt_Q15 = silk_LSHIFT( silk_sigm_Q15( input_tilt ) - 16384, 1 );

    /* Scale the sigmoid output based on power levels */
    speech_nrg = 0;
    for( b = 0; b < VAD_N_BANDS; b++ ) {
        /* Accumulate signal-without-noise energies, higher frequency bands have more weight */
        speech_nrg += ( b + 1 ) * silk_RSHIFT( Xnrg[ b ] - psSilk_VAD->NL[ b ], 4 );

    /* Power scaling */
    if( speech_nrg <= 0 ) {
        SA_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( SA_Q15, 1 );
    } else if( speech_nrg < 32768 ) {
        if( psEncC->frame_length == 10 * psEncC->fs_kHz ) {
            speech_nrg = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( speech_nrg, 16 );
        } else {
            speech_nrg = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( speech_nrg, 15 );

        /* square-root */
        speech_nrg = silk_SQRT_APPROX( speech_nrg );
        SA_Q15 = silk_SMULWB( 32768 + speech_nrg, SA_Q15 );

    /* Copy the resulting speech activity in Q8 */
    psEncC->speech_activity_Q8 = silk_min_int( silk_RSHIFT( SA_Q15, 7 ), silk_uint8_MAX );

    /* Energy Level and SNR estimation */
    /* Smoothing coefficient */
    smooth_coef_Q16 = silk_SMULWB( VAD_SNR_SMOOTH_COEF_Q18, silk_SMULWB( (opus_int32)SA_Q15, SA_Q15 ) );

    if( psEncC->frame_length == 10 * psEncC->fs_kHz ) {
        smooth_coef_Q16 >>= 1;