Exemple #1
void WavePixels::run(Sign &sign, EffectData &data, uint8_t ci){
  uint16_t angle = (millis() % cycleTime[ci])*UINT16_MAX/cycleTime[ci];

  int16_t delta_hue = hueA[ci] * sin16(angle)/UINT16_MAX;
  uint16_t seg_count = sign.segmentCount();

  bool on = (ci == 0);

  for(uint8_t i=0; i < seg_count; i++){
    Segment *curr_seg = sign.segments[i];

    if(curr_seg -> isOn == on){
      curr_seg -> setColor(color[ci]);
      delta_hue = -delta_hue;
      int16_t hue_add = delta_hue;

      uint8_t pixel_count = curr_seg -> pixelCount();

      for(uint8_t j = 0; j < pixel_count; j++ ){
        Pixel *currPixel = curr_seg -> pixels[j];
        currPixel -> addHue16(hue_add);
        hue_add += delta_hue;

Exemple #2
void Clock::run(Sign &sign, uint8_t layer){
  unsigned long time = millis();
  if(time - lastUpdated < stepTime){ return; }
  this -> off(sign);
  lastUpdated = time;
  sign.textChanged = true;

  //Clock Math
  uint8_t hour_per_day = (is24Hour ? 24 : 12);
  uint8_t minutes_per = (isClock ? 60 : 100);

  unsigned long dilation_period = dilationPeriodMinutes * 60 * 1000;
  int32_t time_amp_sec = timeAmpMinutes * 60;

  uint16_t angle = (millis() % dilation_period)*UINT16_MAX/dilation_period;
  int16_t delta_time = time_amp_sec * sin16(angle)/UINT16_MAX;

  unsigned long seconds = time/stepTime + minutesOffset*60 + hoursOffset*3600 + delta_time;
  uint8_t minutes = (seconds/60) % minutes_per;
  uint8_t hours = (seconds/3600) % hour_per_day;
  uint8_t display[2];

    display[0] = minutes;
    display[1] = hours + 1;
    display[0] = seconds % 60;
    display[1] = minutes;

  uint8_t letterIdx = LETTERS_COUNT - 1;
  char to_letter;
  uint8_t dspl;

  for(uint8_t set=0; set < 2; set++){

    uint8_t devisor = 100;
    uint8_t remainder = display[set] % devisor;

    for(uint8_t ltr=2; ltr>0; ltr--){

      dspl = remainder % 10;
      if(dspl == 0 && letterIdx == 0){
        to_letter = ' ';
        to_letter = char(dspl + '0');
      sign.letters[letterIdx] -> setChar(to_letter);
      remainder /= 10;
Exemple #3
* PROTOTYPE  :  void V3XMatrix_Rotate_X_Local(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
void V3XMatrix_Rotate_X_Local(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
    V3XSCALAR sin, cos;
    V3XSCALAR M[9];
    M[1]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[1])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[2]);
    M[4]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[4])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[5]);
    M[7]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[7])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[8]);
    M[2]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[1])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[2]);
    M[5]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[4])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[5]);
    M[8]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[7])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[8]);
    Matrice[1]=M[1];    Matrice[4]=M[4];    Matrice[7]=M[7];
    Matrice[2]=M[2];    Matrice[5]=M[5];    Matrice[8]=M[8];
Exemple #4
* PROTOTYPE  :  void V3XMatrix_Rotate_Z(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
void V3XMatrix_Rotate_Z(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
    V3XSCALAR sin, cos;
    V3XSCALAR M[9];
    M[0]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[0])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[3]);
    M[1]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[1])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[4]);
    M[2]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[2])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[5]);
    M[3]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[0])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[3]);
    M[4]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[1])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[4]);
    M[5]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[2])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[5]);
    Matrice[0]=M[0];    Matrice[1]=M[1];    Matrice[2]=M[2];
    Matrice[3]=M[3];    Matrice[4]=M[4];    Matrice[5]=M[5];
Exemple #5
* PROTOTYPE  :  void V3XMatrix_Rotate_Y(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
void V3XMatrix_Rotate_Y(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
    V3XSCALAR sin, cos;
    V3XSCALAR M[9];
    sin = (V3XSCALAR)sin16(Theta);
    cos = (V3XSCALAR)cos16(Theta);
    M[0]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[0])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[6]);
    M[1]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[1])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[7]);
    M[2]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[2])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[8]);
    M[6]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[0])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[6]);
    M[7]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[1])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[7]);
    M[8]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[2])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[8]);
    Matrice[0]=M[0];    Matrice[1]=M[1];    Matrice[2]=M[2];
    Matrice[6]=M[6];    Matrice[7]=M[7];    Matrice[8]=M[8];
Exemple #6
void V3XMatrix_Rotate_X(int32_t Theta, V3XSCALAR *Matrice)
    V3XSCALAR sin, cos;
    V3XSCALAR M[9];
    sin = sin16(Theta);
    cos = cos16(Theta);
    M[3]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[3])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[6]);
    M[4]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[4])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[7]);
    M[5]=MULF32(cos, Matrice[5])-MULF32(sin, Matrice[8]);
    M[6]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[3])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[6]);
    M[7]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[4])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[7]);
    M[8]=MULF32(sin, Matrice[5])+MULF32(cos, Matrice[8]);
Exemple #7
bool ahrsUpdate(int16_t *yaw, int16_t *pitch, int16_t *roll){

    int16_t axt, ayt, azt, mxt, myt, mzt;
    int32_t ax, ay, az, mx, my, mz;
    int32_t rollSin, rollCos, pitchSin, pitchCos;
    int32_t tmpA, tmpB, tmpC, tmpD, tmpE;

    // Read data from IMU and convert to plane based coordinate system.
    // X forward, Y starbord, and Z down, but invert gravity vector as
    // well so gravity is positive.
    ahrsReadAcc(&axt, &ayt, &azt);
    ahrsReadMag(&mxt, &myt, &mzt);
    ax = -axt; ay = ayt; az = azt;
    mx = mxt; my = -myt; mz = -mzt;

    // Calculate the roll angle.
    *roll = atan216(ay, az);

    // Limit roll angle to -180 to 180.
    if (*roll > TRIG16_CYCLE/2){
        *roll -= TRIG16_CYCLE;

    // Compute trig functions of roll.
    rollSin = sin16(*roll);
    rollCos = cos16(*roll);

    // Calculate the pitch angle.
    tmpA = (ay*rollSin)/TRIG16_ONE;
    tmpB = (az*rollCos)/TRIG16_ONE;
    *pitch = atan216(-ax, tmpA + tmpB);

    // Limit pitch to -90 to +90
    if (*pitch > TRIG16_CYCLE/4){
        *pitch = TRIG16_CYCLE/2 - *pitch;
    if (*pitch < -TRIG16_CYCLE/4){
        *pitch = -TRIG16_CYCLE/2 - *pitch;

    // Compute trig functions of pitch.
    pitchSin = sin16(*pitch);
    pitchCos = cos16(*pitch);

    // Calculate the yaw angle.
    tmpA = (mx*pitchCos)/TRIG16_ONE;
    tmpB = (mz*pitchSin)/TRIG16_ONE;
    tmpC = (((mz*rollSin)/TRIG16_ONE)*pitchCos)/TRIG16_ONE;
    tmpD = (((mx*rollSin)/TRIG16_ONE)*pitchSin)/TRIG16_ONE;
    tmpE = (my*rollCos)/TRIG16_ONE;
    *yaw = atan216(tmpC - tmpD - tmpE, tmpA + tmpB);

    // Check for validity of solution.
    tmpA = (ax*ax)/IMU_ONE + (ay*ay)/IMU_ONE + (az*az)/IMU_ONE;
    if (tmpA < IMU_ACC_MAG_MIN || IMU_ACC_MAG_MAX < tmpA){
        return false; // possible errors

    // Result is valid.
    return true;