Exemple #1
 * @brief Main function logic
 * Parse command line options and start running threads
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int opt, idx, limit, only_calls, no_incomplete, i;
    const char *device, *outfile;
    char bpf[512];
    const char *keyfile;
    const char *match_expr;
    int match_insensitive = 0, match_invert = 0;
    int no_interface = 0, quiet = 0, rtp_capture = 0;
    vector_t *infiles = vector_create(0, 1);

    // Program otptions
    static struct option long_options[] = {
        { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
        { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
        { "device", required_argument, 0, 'd' },
        { "input", required_argument, 0, 'I' },
        { "output", required_argument, 0, 'O' },
#if defined(WITH_GNUTLS) || defined(WITH_OPENSSL)
        { "keyfile", required_argument, 0, 'k' },
        { "calls", no_argument, 0, 'c' },
        { "rtp", no_argument, 0, 'r' },
        { "limit", no_argument, 0, 'l' },
        { "icase", no_argument, 0, 'i' },
        { "invert", no_argument, 0, 'v' },
        { "no-interface", no_argument, 0, 'N' },
        { "dump-config", no_argument, 0, 'D' },
#ifdef USE_EEP
        { "eep-listen", required_argument, 0, 'L' },
        { "eep-send", required_argument, 0, 'H' },
        { "quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q' },

    // Initialize configuration options

    // Get initial values for configurable arguments
    device = setting_get_value(SETTING_CAPTURE_DEVICE);
    outfile = setting_get_value(SETTING_CAPTURE_OUTFILE);
    keyfile = setting_get_value(SETTING_CAPTURE_KEYFILE);
    limit = setting_get_intvalue(SETTING_CAPTURE_LIMIT);
    only_calls = setting_enabled(SETTING_SIP_CALLS);
    no_incomplete = setting_enabled(SETTING_SIP_NOINCOMPLETE);
    rtp_capture = setting_enabled(SETTING_CAPTURE_RTP);

    // Parse command line arguments
    opterr = 0;
    char *options = "hVd:I:O:pqtW:k:crl:ivNqDL:H:";
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, options, long_options, &idx)) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 'h':
            return 0;
        case 'V':
            return 0;
        case 'd':
            device = optarg;
        case 'I':
            vector_append(infiles, optarg);
        case 'O':
            outfile = optarg;
        case 'l':
            if(!(limit = atoi(optarg))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid limit value.\n");
                return 0;
#if defined(WITH_GNUTLS) || defined(WITH_OPENSSL)
        case 'k':
            keyfile = optarg;
        case 'c':
            only_calls = 1;
            setting_set_value(SETTING_SIP_CALLS, SETTING_ON);
        case 'r':
            rtp_capture = 1;
            setting_set_value(SETTING_CAPTURE_RTP, SETTING_ON);
        case 'i':
        case 'v':
        case 'N':
            no_interface = 1;
            setting_set_value(SETTING_CAPTURE_STORAGE, "none");
        case 'q':
            quiet = 1;
        case 'D':
            return 0;
        // Dark options for dummy ones
        case 'p':
        case 't':
        case 'W':
#ifdef USE_EEP
        case 'L':
        case 'H':
        case '?':
            if (strchr(options, optopt)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "-%c option requires an argument.\n", optopt);
            } else if (isprint(optopt)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option -%c.\n", optopt);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character '\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
            return 1;

#if defined(WITH_GNUTLS) || defined(WITH_OPENSSL)
    // Set capture decrypt key file
    // Check if we have a keyfile and is valid
    if (keyfile && !tls_check_keyfile(keyfile)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s does not contain a valid RSA private key.\n", keyfile);
        return 1;

    // Check if given argument is a file
    if (argc == 2 && (access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0)) {
        // Old legacy option to open pcaps without other arguments
        printf("%s seems to be a file: You forgot -I flag?\n", argv[1]);
        return 0;

    // Initialize SIP Messages Storage
    sip_init(limit, only_calls, no_incomplete);

    // Set capture options
    capture_init(limit, rtp_capture);

#ifdef USE_EEP
    // Initialize EEP if enabled

    // If we have an input file, load it
    if (vector_count(infiles)) {
        for (i = 0; i < vector_count(infiles); i++) {
            // Try to load file
            if (capture_offline(vector_item(infiles, i), outfile) != 0)
                return 1;
    } else {
        // Check if all capture data is valid
        if (capture_online(device, outfile) != 0)
            return 1;

    // Remove Input files vector

    // More arguments pending!
    if (argv[optind]) {
        // Assume first pending argument is  match expression
        match_expr = argv[optind++];

        // Try to build the bpf filter string with the rest
        memset(bpf, 0, sizeof(bpf));
        for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
            sprintf(bpf + strlen(bpf), "%s ", argv[i]);

        // Check if this BPF filter is valid
        if (capture_set_bpf_filter(bpf) != 0) {
            // BPF Filter invalid, check incluiding match_expr
            match_expr = 0;    // There is no need to parse all payload at this point

            // Build the bpf filter string
            memset(bpf, 0, sizeof(bpf));
            for (i = optind - 1; i < argc; i++)
                sprintf(bpf + strlen(bpf), "%s ", argv[i]);

            // Check bpf filter is valid again
            if (capture_set_bpf_filter(bpf) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install filter %s: %s\n", bpf, capture_last_error());
                return 1;

        // Set the capture filter
        if (match_expr)
            if (sip_set_match_expression(match_expr, match_insensitive, match_invert)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse expression %s\n", match_expr);
                return 1;

    // Start a capture thread
    if (capture_launch_thread() != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to launch capture thread.\n");
        return 1;

    if (!no_interface) {
        // Initialize interface
        // This is a blocking call.
        // Create the first panel and wait for user input
    } else {
        setbuf(stdout, NULL);
        while(capture_get_status() != CAPTURE_OFFLINE) {
            if (!quiet)
                printf("\rDialog count: %d", sip_calls_count());
            usleep(500 * 1000);
        if (!quiet)
            printf("\rDialog count: %d\n", sip_calls_count());

    // Capture deinit

    // Deinitialize interface

    // Deinitialize configuration options

    // Deallocate sip stored messages

    // Leaving!
    return 0;
Exemple #2
parse_packet(u_char *mode, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
    // IP header data
    struct ip *ip4;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // IPv6 header data
    struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
    // IP version
    uint32_t ip_ver;
    // IP protocol
    uint8_t ip_proto;
    // IP header size
    uint32_t ip_hl = 0;
    // Fragment offset
    uint32_t ip_off = 0;
    // Fragmentation flag
    uint8_t ip_frag = 0;
    // Fragmentation offset
    uint16_t ip_frag_off = 0;
    //! Source Address
    char ip_src[ADDRESSLEN];
    //! Destination Address
    char ip_dst[ADDRESSLEN];
    // Source and Destination Ports
    u_short sport, dport;
    // UDP header data
    struct udphdr *udp;
    // UDP header size
    uint16_t udp_off;
    // TCP header data
    struct tcphdr *tcp;
    // TCP header size
    uint16_t tcp_off;
    // Packet payload data
    u_char *payload = NULL;
    // Packet payload size
    uint32_t size_payload = header->caplen;
    // SIP message transport
    int transport;
    // Media structure for RTP packets
    rtp_stream_t *stream;
    // Captured packet info
    capture_packet_t *pkt;

    // Ignore packets while capture is paused
    if (capture_is_paused())

    // Check if we have reached capture limit
    if (capinfo.limit && sip_calls_count() >= capinfo.limit)

    // Get IP header
    ip4 = (struct ip *) (packet + capinfo.link_hl);

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // Get IPv6 header
    ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr *) (packet + capinfo.link_hl);

    // Get IP version
    ip_ver = ip4->ip_v;

    switch (ip_ver) {
        case 4:
            ip_hl = ip4->ip_hl * 4;
            ip_proto = ip4->ip_p;
            ip_off = ntohs(ip4->ip_off);

            ip_frag = ip_off & (IP_MF | IP_OFFMASK);
            ip_frag_off = (ip_frag) ? (ip_off & IP_OFFMASK) * 8 : 0;
            // TODO Get fragment information

            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        case 6:
            ip_hl = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
            ip_proto = ip6->ip6_nxt;

            if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) {
                struct ip6_frag *ip6f = (struct ip6_frag *) (ip6 + ip_hl);
                ip_frag_off = ntohs(ip6f->ip6f_offlg & IP6F_OFF_MASK);
                // TODO Get fragment information

            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));

    // Only interested in UDP packets
    if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        // Get UDP header
        udp = (struct udphdr *)((u_char *)(ip4) + ip_hl);
        udp_off = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : sizeof(struct udphdr);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = htons(udp->uh_sport);
        dport = htons(udp->uh_dport);

        // Get actual payload size
        size_payload -= capinfo.link_hl + ip_hl + udp_off;

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        if (ip_ver == 6)
            size_payload -= ntohs(ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen);
        // Get payload start
        payload = (u_char *) (udp) + udp_off;

        // Set transport UDP
        transport = CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_UDP;

    } else if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        // Get TCP header
        tcp = (struct tcphdr *)((u_char *)(ip4 )+ ip_hl);
        tcp_off = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : (tcp->th_off * 4);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = htons(tcp->th_sport);
        dport = htons(tcp->th_dport);

        // Get actual payload size
        size_payload -= capinfo.link_hl + ip_hl + tcp_off;

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        if (ip_ver == 6)
            size_payload -= ntohs(ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen);
        // Get payload start
        payload = (u_char *)(tcp) + tcp_off;

        // Set transport TCP
        transport = CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP;
    } else {
        // Not handled protocol

    if ((int32_t)size_payload < 0)
        size_payload = 0;

    // Create a structure for this captured packet
    pkt = capture_packet_create(header, packet, header->caplen);
    capture_packet_set_type(pkt, transport);
    // For TCP and UDP, use payload directly from the packet
    capture_packet_set_payload(pkt, NULL, size_payload);

    // Check if packet is TLS
    if (capinfo.keyfile && transport == CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP)
        tls_process_segment(ip4, pkt);

    // Check if packet is WS or WSS
    if (transport == CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP)

    // We're only interested in packets with payload
    if (capture_packet_get_payload_len(pkt)) {
        // Parse this header and payload
        if (sip_load_message(pkt, ip_src, sport, ip_dst, dport)) {
            // Store this packets in output file
            dump_packet(capinfo.pd, header, packet);

        // Check if this packet belongs to a RTP stream
        // TODO Store this packet in the stream
        if ((stream = rtp_check_stream(pkt, ip_src, sport, ip_dst, dport))) {
            // We have an RTP packet!
            capture_packet_set_type(pkt, CAPTURE_PACKET_RTP);
            // Store this pacekt if capture rtp is enabled
            if (capinfo.rtp_capture) {
                call_add_rtp_packet(stream_get_call(stream), pkt);
            } else {
            // Store this packets in output file
            dump_packet(capinfo.pd, header, packet);

    // Not an interesting packet ...
Exemple #3
parse_packet(u_char *info, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
    // Capture info
    capture_info_t *capinfo = (capture_info_t *) info;
    // UDP header data
    struct udphdr *udp;
    // UDP header size
    uint16_t udp_off;
    // TCP header data
    struct tcphdr *tcp;
    // TCP header size
    uint16_t tcp_off;
    // Packet data
    u_char data[MAX_CAPTURE_LEN];
    // Packet payload data
    u_char *payload = NULL;
    // Whole packet size
    uint32_t size_capture = header->caplen;
    // Packet payload size
    uint32_t size_payload =  size_capture - capinfo->link_hl;
    // Captured packet info
    packet_t *pkt;

    // Ignore packets while capture is paused
    if (capture_paused())

    // Check if we have reached capture limit
    if (capture_cfg.limit && sip_calls_count() >= capture_cfg.limit)

    // Check maximum capture length
    if (header->caplen > MAX_CAPTURE_LEN)

    // Copy packet payload
    memcpy(data, packet, header->caplen);

    // Check if we have a complete IP packet
    if (!(pkt = capture_packet_reasm_ip(capinfo, header, data, &size_payload, &size_capture)))

    // Only interested in UDP packets
    if (pkt->proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        // Get UDP header
        udp = (struct udphdr *)((u_char *)(data) + (size_capture - size_payload));
        udp_off = sizeof(struct udphdr);

        // Set packet ports
        pkt->src.port = htons(udp->uh_sport);
        pkt->dst.port = htons(udp->uh_dport);

        // Remove UDP Header from payload
        size_payload -= udp_off;

        if ((int32_t)size_payload < 0)
            size_payload = 0;

        // Remove TCP Header from payload
        payload = (u_char *) (udp) + udp_off;

        // Complete packet with Transport information
        packet_set_type(pkt, PACKET_SIP_UDP);
        packet_set_payload(pkt, payload, size_payload);

    } else if (pkt->proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        // Get TCP header
        tcp = (struct tcphdr *)((u_char *)(data) + (size_capture - size_payload));
        tcp_off = (tcp->th_off * 4);

        // Set packet ports
        pkt->src.port = htons(tcp->th_sport);
        pkt->dst.port = htons(tcp->th_dport);

        // Get actual payload size
        size_payload -= tcp_off;

        if ((int32_t)size_payload < 0)
            size_payload = 0;

        // Get payload start
        payload = (u_char *)(tcp) + tcp_off;

        // Complete packet with Transport information
        packet_set_type(pkt, PACKET_SIP_TCP);
        packet_set_payload(pkt, payload, size_payload);

        // Create a structure for this captured packet
        if (!(pkt = capture_packet_reasm_tcp(pkt, tcp, payload, size_payload)))

#if defined(WITH_GNUTLS) || defined(WITH_OPENSSL)
        // Check if packet is TLS
        if (capture_cfg.keyfile) {
            tls_process_segment(pkt, tcp);

        // Check if packet is WS or WSS
    } else {
        // Not handled protocol

    // Avoid parsing from multiples sources.
    // Avoid parsing while screen in being redrawn
    // Check if we can handle this packet
    if (capture_packet_parse(pkt) == 0) {
#ifdef USE_EEP
        // Send this packet through eep
        // Store this packets in output file
        dump_packet(capture_cfg.pd, pkt);
        // If storage is disabled, delete frames payload
        if (capture_cfg.storage == 0) {
        // Allow Interface refresh and user input actions

    // Not an interesting packet ...
    // Allow Interface refresh and user input actions
Exemple #4
sip_msg_t *
sip_check_packet(packet_t *packet)
    sip_msg_t *msg;
    sip_call_t *call;
    char callid[1024], xcallid[1024];
    address_t src, dst;
    u_char payload[MAX_SIP_PAYLOAD];
    bool newcall = false;

    // Max SIP payload allowed
    if (packet->payload_len > MAX_SIP_PAYLOAD)
        return NULL;

    // Get Addresses from packet
    src = packet->src;
    dst = packet->dst;

    // Initialize local variables
    memset(callid, 0, sizeof(callid));
    memset(xcallid, 0, sizeof(xcallid));

    // Get payload from packet(s)
    memset(payload, 0, MAX_SIP_PAYLOAD);
    memcpy(payload, packet_payload(packet), packet_payloadlen(packet));

    // Get the Call-ID of this message
    if (!sip_get_callid((const char*) payload, callid))
        return NULL;

    // Create a new message from this data
    if (!(msg = msg_create((const char*) payload)))
        return NULL;

    // Get Method and request for the following checks
    // There is no need to parse all payload at this point
    // If no response or request code is found, this is not a SIP message
    if (!sip_get_msg_reqresp(msg, payload)) {
        // Deallocate message memory
        return NULL;

    // Find the call for this msg
    if (!(call = sip_find_by_callid(callid))) {

        // Check if payload matches expression
        if (!sip_check_match_expression((const char*) payload))
            goto skip_message;

        // User requested only INVITE starting dialogs
        if (calls.only_calls && msg->reqresp != SIP_METHOD_INVITE)
            goto skip_message;

        // Only create a new call if the first msg
        // is a request message in the following gorup
        if (calls.ignore_incomplete && msg->reqresp > SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE)
            goto skip_message;

        // Get the Call-ID of this message
        sip_get_xcallid((const char*) payload, xcallid);

        // Rotate call list if limit has been reached
        if (calls.limit == sip_calls_count())

        // Create the call if not found
        if (!(call = call_create(callid, xcallid)))
            goto skip_message;

        // Add this Call-Id to hash table
        htable_insert(calls.callids, call->callid, call);

        // Set call index
        call->index = ++calls.last_index;

        // Mark this as a new call
        newcall = true;

    // At this point we know we're handling an interesting SIP Packet
    msg->packet = packet;

    // Always parse first call message
    if (call_msg_count(call) == 0) {
        // Parse SIP payload
        sip_parse_msg_payload(msg, payload);
        // If this call has X-Call-Id, append it to the parent call
        if (strlen(call->xcallid)) {
            call_add_xcall(sip_find_by_callid(call->xcallid), call);

    // Add the message to the call
    call_add_message(call, msg);

    if (call_is_invite(call)) {
        // Parse media data
        sip_parse_msg_media(msg, payload);
        // Update Call State
        call_update_state(call, msg);
        // Check if this call should be in active call list
        if (call_is_active(call)) {
            if (sip_call_is_active(call)) {
                vector_append(calls.active, call);
        } else {
            if (sip_call_is_active(call)) {
                vector_remove(calls.active, call);

    if (newcall) {
        // Append this call to the call list
        vector_append(calls.list, call);

    // Mark the list as changed
    calls.changed = true;

    // Return the loaded message
    return msg;

    // Deallocate message memory
    return NULL;

Exemple #5
parse_packet(u_char *mode, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
    // Datalink Header size
    int size_link;
    // IP version
    uint32_t ip_ver;
    // IP header data
    struct ip *ip4;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // IPv6 header data
    struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
    // IP protocol
    uint8_t ip_proto;
    // IP segment length
    uint32_t ip_len;
    // IP header size
    uint32_t size_ip;
    // Fragment offset
    uint16_t ip_off = 0;
    // Fragmentation flag
    uint8_t ip_frag = 0;
    // Fragmentation offset
    uint16_t ip_frag_off = 0;
    //! Source Address
    char ip_src[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
    //! Destination Address
    char ip_dst[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
    // UDP header data
    struct udphdr *udp;
    // UDP header size
    uint16_t udp_size;
    // TCP header data
    struct tcphdr *tcp;
    // TCP header size
    uint16_t tcp_size;
    // Packet payload data
    u_char *msg_payload = NULL;
    // Packet payload size
    uint32_t size_payload;
    // Parsed message data
    sip_msg_t *msg;
    // Total packet size
    uint32_t size_packet;
    // SIP message transport
    int transport; /* 0 UDP, 1 TCP, 2 TLS */
    // Source and Destination Ports
    u_short sport, dport;

    // Ignore packets while capture is paused
    if (capture_is_paused())

    // Check if we have reached capture limit
    if (capinfo.limit && sip_calls_count() >= capinfo.limit)

    // Get link header size from datalink type
    size_link = datalink_size(capinfo.link);

    // Get IP header
    ip4 = (struct ip*) (packet + size_link);

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // Get IPv6 header
    ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr*)(packet + size_link);

    // Get IP version
    ip_ver = ip4->ip_v;

    switch(ip_ver) {
        case 4:
            size_ip = ip4->ip_hl * 4;
            ip_proto = ip4->ip_p;
            ip_len = ntohs(ip4->ip_len);
            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));

            ip_off = ntohs(ip4->ip_off);
            ip_frag = ip_off & (IP_MF | IP_OFFMASK);
            ip_frag_off = (ip_frag) ? (ip_off & IP_OFFMASK) * 8 : 0;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        case 6:
            size_ip = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
            ip_proto = ip6->ip6_nxt;
            ip_len = ntohs(ip6->ip6_plen);
            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_src, ip_src, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_dst, ip_dst, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);

            if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) {
                struct ip6_frag *ip6f = (struct ip6_frag *) (ip6 + ip_len);
                ip_frag_off = ntohs(ip6f->ip6f_offlg & IP6F_OFF_MASK);

    // Only interested in UDP packets
    if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        // Set transport UDP
        transport = 0;

        // Get UDP header
        udp = (struct udphdr*) (packet + size_link + size_ip);
        udp_size = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : sizeof(struct udphdr);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = udp->uh_sport;
        dport = udp->uh_dport;

        size_payload = htons(udp->uh_ulen) - udp_size;
        if ((int32_t)size_payload > 0 ) {
            // Get packet payload
            msg_payload = malloc(size_payload + 1);
            memset(msg_payload, 0, size_payload + 1);
            memcpy(msg_payload, (u_char *) (packet + size_link + size_ip + udp_size), size_payload);

        // Total packet size
        size_packet = size_link + size_ip + udp_size + size_payload;

    } else if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        // Set transport TCP
        transport = 1;

        tcp = (struct tcphdr*) (packet + size_link + size_ip);
        tcp_size = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : (tcp->th_off * 4);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = tcp->th_sport;
        dport = tcp->th_dport;

        // We're only interested in packets with payload
        size_payload = ip_len - (size_ip + tcp_size);
        if ((int32_t)size_payload > 0) {
            // Get packet payload
            msg_payload = malloc(size_payload + 1);
            memset(msg_payload, 0, size_payload + 1);
            memcpy(msg_payload, (u_char *) (packet + size_link + size_ip + tcp_size), size_payload);

        // Total packet size
        size_packet = size_link + size_ip + tcp_size + size_payload;
        if (!msg_payload || !strstr((const char*) msg_payload, "SIP/2.0")) {
            if (capture_get_keyfile()) {
                // Allocate memory for the payload
                msg_payload = malloc(size_payload + 1);
                memset(msg_payload, 0, size_payload + 1);

                // Try to decrypt the packet
                tls_process_segment(ip4, &msg_payload, &size_payload);

                // Check if we have decoded payload
                if (size_payload <= 0)

                // Set Transport TLS
                transport = 2;
    } else {
        // Not handled protocol

    // Increase capture stats
    if (ip4->ip_v == 4 && capinfo.devices) {
        if(is_local_address(ip4->ip_src.s_addr)) {
        } else {

    // We're only interested in packets with payload
    if (size_payload <= 0)

    // Parse this header and payload
    msg = sip_load_message(header, ip_src, sport, ip_dst, dport, msg_payload);

    // This is not a sip message, Bye!
    if (!msg)

    // Store Transport attribute
    if (transport == 0) {
        msg_set_attribute(msg, SIP_ATTR_TRANSPORT, "UDP");
    } else if (transport == 1) {
        msg_set_attribute(msg, SIP_ATTR_TRANSPORT, "TCP");
    } else if (transport == 2) {
        msg_set_attribute(msg, SIP_ATTR_TRANSPORT, "TLS");

    // Set message PCAP data
    msg->pcap_packet = malloc(size_packet);
    memcpy(msg->pcap_packet, packet, size_packet);

    // Store this packets in output file
    dump_packet(capinfo.pd, header, packet);
