Exemple #1
 * Reads current temperature-corrected relative humidity
float SHT1x::readHumidity()
  int _val;                    // Raw humidity value returned from sensor
  float _linearHumidity;       // Humidity with linear correction applied
  float _correctedHumidity;    // Temperature-corrected humidity
  float _temperature;          // Raw temperature value

  // Conversion coefficients from SHT15 datasheet
  const float C1 = -4.0;       // for 12 Bit
  const float C2 =  0.0405;    // for 12 Bit
  const float C3 = -0.0000028; // for 12 Bit
  const float T1 =  0.01;      // for 14 Bit @ 5V
  const float T2 =  0.00008;   // for 14 Bit @ 5V

  // Command to send to the SHT1x to request humidity
  int _gHumidCmd = 0b00000101;

  // Fetch the value from the sensor
  sendCommandSHT(_gHumidCmd, _dataPin, _clockPin);
  _val = getData16SHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);
  skipCrcSHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);

  // Apply linear conversion to raw value
  _linearHumidity = C1 + C2 * _val + C3 * _val * _val;

  // Get current temperature for humidity correction
  _temperature = readTemperatureC();

  // Correct humidity value for current temperature
  _correctedHumidity = _temperature * (T1 + T2 * _val) + _linearHumidity;

  return (_correctedHumidity);
Exemple #2
float SHT1x::readInHumidity(){
  int val;                    // Raw humidity value returned from sensor
  val = getData16SHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);
  skipCrcSHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);
  return val;
Exemple #3
 * Read-in Temperature
int SHT1x::readInTemperature()

  _temperatureRaw= getData16SHT(_dataPin, _clockPin); //store in variable for humidity 
  skipCrcSHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);
  return _temperatureRaw;
Exemple #4
 * Reads the current raw temperature value
float SHT1x::readTemperatureRaw()
  int _val;

  // Command to send to the SHT1x to request Temperature
  int _gTempCmd  = 0b00000011;

  sendCommandSHT(_gTempCmd, _dataPin, _clockPin);
  _val = getData16SHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);
  skipCrcSHT(_dataPin, _clockPin);

  return (_val);