Exemple #1
static int
own_instance_methods_iter(SLVAL name, SLVAL method, struct own_instance_methods_iter_state* state)
    sl_array_push(state->vm, state->ary, 1, &name);
    return ST_CONTINUE;
Exemple #2
static int
own_instance_methods_iter(sl_vm_t* vm, SLID name, SLVAL method, SLVAL ary)
    SLVAL namev = sl_id_to_string(vm, name);
    sl_array_push(vm, ary, 1, &namev);
    return SL_ST_CONTINUE;
Exemple #3
static int
own_instance_methods_iter(sl_vm_t* vm, SLID name, SLVAL method, SLVAL ary)
    if(sl_get_primitive_type(method) != SL_T_CACHED_METHOD_ENTRY) {
        SLVAL namev = sl_id_to_string(vm, name);
        sl_array_push(vm, ary, 1, &namev);
    return SL_ST_CONTINUE;
Exemple #4
static SLVAL
enumerable_to_a(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self)
    SLVAL array = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    SLVAL enumerator = sl_send(vm, self, "enumerate", 0);
    SLVAL val;
    while(sl_is_truthy(sl_send(vm, enumerator, "next", 0))) {
        val = sl_send(vm, enumerator, "current", 0);
        sl_array_push(vm, array, 1, &val);
    return array;
Exemple #5
static void
process_arguments(sl_vm_t* vm, int argc, char** argv)
    int i = 1;
    for(; i < argc; i++) {
        if(strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0) {
            if(i + 1 == argc) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Expected <path> after -I\n");
                shutdown_vm(vm, 1);
            sl_require_path_prepend(vm, argv[++i]);
        if(strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) {
            opt_interactive = true;
        if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
            shutdown_vm(vm, 0);
        if(strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) {
        if(argv[i][0] == '-') {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
            shutdown_vm(vm, 1);
    if(!opt_interactive) {
        if(i == argc || strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0) {
            opt_source_file = stdin;
            opt_source_file_name = "(stdin)";
        } else {
            opt_source_file = fopen(argv[i], "rb");
            opt_source_file_name = argv[i];
            if(!opt_source_file) {
                perror("Could not open source file");
                shutdown_vm(vm, 1);
    SLVAL vargv = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    for(; i < argc; i++) {
        SLVAL varg = sl_make_cstring(vm, argv[i]);
        sl_array_push(vm, vargv, 1, &varg);
    sl_class_set_const(vm, vm->lib.Object, "ARGV", vargv);
Exemple #6
static SLVAL
enumerable_reject(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, SLVAL f)
    SLVAL val, truthy, ary = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    SLVAL enumerator = sl_send(vm, self, "enumerate", 0);
    while(sl_is_truthy(sl_send(vm, enumerator, "next", 0))) {
        val = sl_send(vm, enumerator, "current", 0);
        truthy = sl_send(vm, f, "call", 1, val);
        if(!sl_is_truthy(truthy)) {
            sl_array_push(vm, ary, 1, &val);
    return ary;
Exemple #7
static void 
load_cgi_options(sl_vm_t* vm, cgi_options* options) 
    int i = 0;
    for(; options->incpaths && i < options->incpaths_count; i++) {
        sl_require_path_prepend(vm, options->incpaths[i]);

    SLVAL vargv = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    for(i = 0; i < options->arg_script_options_count; i++) {
        SLVAL varg = sl_make_cstring(vm, options->arg_script_options[i]);
        sl_array_push(vm, vargv, 1, &varg);
    sl_class_set_const(vm, vm->lib.Object, "ARGV", vargv);
Exemple #8
static SLVAL
enumerable_take(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, SLVAL countv)
    SLVAL ary = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    SLVAL enumerator = sl_send(vm, self, "enumerate", 0);
    for(int count = sl_get_int(countv); count > 0; count--) {
        if(!sl_is_truthy(sl_send(vm, enumerator, "next", 0))) {
            return ary;
        SLVAL elem = sl_send(vm, enumerator, "current", 0);
        sl_array_push(vm, ary, 1, &elem);
    return ary;
Exemple #9
static SLVAL
sl_mysql_stmt_execute(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, size_t argc, SLVAL* argv)
    mysql_stmt_t* stmt = get_mysql_stmt(vm, self);
    size_t req = mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt->stmt);
    if(argc < req) {
        char buff[100];
        sprintf(buff, "Prepared statement has %lu parameter markers, but only %lu parameters were given", req, argc);
        sl_throw_message2(vm, vm->lib.ArgumentError, buff);

    if(!stmt->bind) {
        stmt->bind = sl_alloc(vm->arena, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * req);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < req; i++) {
        stmt->bind[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
        sl_string_t* str = sl_get_string(vm, sl_to_s(vm, argv[i]));
        stmt->bind[i].buffer = str->buff;
        stmt->bind[i].buffer_length = str->buff_len;
        stmt->bind[i].length = NULL;
        stmt->bind[i].is_null = NULL;
        stmt->bind[i].is_unsigned = 1;
        stmt->bind[i].error = NULL;

    if(mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt->stmt, stmt->bind)) {
        sl_mysql_stmt_check_error(vm, stmt->stmt);

    if(mysql_stmt_execute(stmt->stmt)) {
        sl_mysql_stmt_check_error(vm, stmt->stmt);

    MYSQL_RES* res = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt->stmt);
    if(!res) {
        /* query did not produce a result set */
        return sl_make_int(vm, mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt->stmt));

    int field_count = mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt->stmt);
    MYSQL_FIELD* field;
    SLVAL field_names[field_count];
    enum enum_field_types field_types[field_count];
    size_t field_i = 0;
    while((field = mysql_fetch_field(res))) {
        field_names[field_i] = sl_make_cstring(vm, field->name);
        if(field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG || field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT || field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_TINY) {
            field_types[field_i] = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
        } else {
            field_types[field_i] = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;

    MYSQL_BIND output_binds[field_count];
    my_bool output_errors[field_count];
    my_bool output_is_nulls[field_count];
    unsigned long output_lengths[field_count];
    for(int i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
        output_binds[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
        output_binds[i].buffer = NULL;
        output_binds[i].buffer_length = 0;
        output_binds[i].length = &output_lengths[i];
        output_binds[i].is_null = &output_is_nulls[i];
        output_binds[i].error = &output_errors[i];
    if(mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt->stmt, output_binds)) {
        sl_mysql_stmt_check_error(vm, stmt->stmt);

    SLVAL result_rows = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    while(1) {
        int code = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt->stmt);
        if(code == MYSQL_NO_DATA) {
        if(code == 1) {
            sl_mysql_stmt_check_error(vm, stmt->stmt);
        SLVAL row = sl_make_dict(vm, 0, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
            MYSQL_BIND cell;
            cell.length = &output_lengths[i];
            cell.is_null = &output_is_nulls[i];
            cell.error = &output_errors[i];
            cell.buffer_type = field_types[i];
            int buffer_long;
            switch(field_types[i]) {
                case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
                    cell.buffer = &buffer_long;
                    cell.buffer_length = sizeof(buffer_long);
                default: /* MYSQL_TYPE_STRING */
                    cell.buffer = sl_alloc_buffer(vm->arena, output_lengths[i] + 1);
                    cell.buffer_length = output_lengths[i];
            if(mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt->stmt, &cell, i, 0)) {
                sl_mysql_stmt_check_error(vm, stmt->stmt);
            switch(field_types[i]) {
                case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
                    sl_dict_set(vm, row, field_names[i], sl_make_int(vm, buffer_long));
                default: /* MYSQL_TYPE_STRING */
                    sl_dict_set(vm, row, field_names[i], sl_make_string(vm, cell.buffer, output_lengths[i]));
        sl_array_push(vm, result_rows, 1, &row);

    return result_rows;
Exemple #10
// somewhat similar to sprintf
// Valid formats:
//   %V - Slash value, converted to string first with #to_s
//   %I - Slash ID
//   %s - C string
//   %d - integer
//   %% - literal '%' sign
// You may add the 'Q' modifier to a format specifier to quote it in double
// quotes. For example "%QV" would quote the value when interpolating it into
// the string
sl_make_formatted_string_va(struct sl_vm* vm, const char* format, va_list va)
    SLVAL strings = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL);
    const char *current_ptr = format, *next_ptr;
    SLVAL quote = vm->lib.nil;
    while((next_ptr = strchr(current_ptr, '%'))) {
        if(next_ptr != current_ptr) {
            SLVAL literal = sl_make_string(vm, (uint8_t*)current_ptr, (size_t)(next_ptr - current_ptr));
            sl_array_push(vm, strings, 1, &literal);
        SLVAL element = vm->lib.nil;
        bool quoted = false;
        switch(next_ptr[1]) {
            case 'Q': {
                if(sl_get_primitive_type(quote) == SL_T_NIL) {
                    quote = sl_make_cstring(vm, "\"");
                sl_array_push(vm, strings, 1, &quote);
                quoted = true;
                goto again;
            case 'V': {
                element = va_arg(va, SLVAL);
            case 'X': {
                element = va_arg(va, SLVAL);
                element = sl_inspect(vm, element);
            case 'I': {
                SLID id = va_arg(va, SLID);
                element = sl_id_to_string(vm, id);
            case 's': {
                char* cstr = va_arg(va, char*);
                element = sl_make_cstring(vm, cstr);
            case 'd': {
                char buff[32];
                int num = va_arg(va, int);
                sprintf(buff, "%d", num);
                element = sl_make_cstring(vm, buff);
            case 'p': {
                char buff[32];
                void* ptr = va_arg(va, void*);
                sprintf(buff, "%p", ptr);
                element = sl_make_cstring(vm, buff);
            case 0: {
                return vm->lib.nil;
            default: {
                element = sl_make_string(vm, (uint8_t*)(next_ptr + 1), 1);
        sl_array_push(vm, strings, 1, &element);

        if(quoted) {
            sl_array_push(vm, strings, 1, &quote);
            quoted = false;

        current_ptr = next_ptr + 2;
    if(current_ptr[0]) {
        SLVAL element = sl_make_cstring(vm, current_ptr);
        sl_array_push(vm, strings, 1, &element);

    return sl_array_join(vm, strings, 0, NULL);
Exemple #11
sl_string_split(sl_vm_t* vm, SLVAL self, size_t argc, SLVAL* argv)
    SLVAL substr = argv[0];
    sl_string_t* haystack = sl_get_string(vm, self);
    sl_string_t* needle = sl_get_string(vm, substr);
    SLVAL ret = sl_make_array(vm, 0, NULL), piece;
    uint8_t* haystack_buff = haystack->buff;
    uint8_t* start_ptr = haystack_buff;
    size_t haystack_len = haystack->buff_len;
    uint8_t buff[12];
    size_t buff_len;
    uint32_t c;
    long limit = 0;
    if(argc > 1) {
        limit = sl_get_int(sl_expect(vm, argv[1], vm->lib.Int));
        if(limit < 0) {
            limit = 0;
    long length = 0;
    if(needle->buff_len == 0) {
        while(haystack_len) {
            if(limit && length == limit) {
                SLVAL rest = sl_make_string(vm, haystack_buff, haystack_len);
                sl_array_push(vm, ret, 1, &rest);
            c = sl_utf8_each_char(vm, &haystack_buff, &haystack_len);
            buff_len = sl_utf32_char_to_utf8(vm, c, buff);
            piece = sl_make_string(vm, buff, buff_len);
            sl_array_push(vm, ret, 1, &piece);
        return ret;
    } else {
        if(limit == 1) {
            return sl_make_array(vm, 1, &self);
        while(haystack_len >= needle->buff_len) {
            if(memcmp(haystack_buff, needle->buff, needle->buff_len) == 0) {
                piece = sl_make_string(vm, start_ptr, haystack_buff - start_ptr);
                sl_array_push(vm, ret, 1, &piece);
                haystack_buff += needle->buff_len;
                haystack_len -= needle->buff_len;
                if(limit && length + 1 == limit) {
                    SLVAL rest = sl_make_string(vm, haystack_buff, haystack_len);
                    sl_array_push(vm, ret, 1, &rest);
                    return ret;
                start_ptr = haystack_buff;
        piece = sl_make_string(vm, start_ptr, haystack_buff - start_ptr + haystack_len);
        sl_array_push(vm, ret, 1, &piece);
        return ret;
    return vm->lib.nil;