Exemple #1
void slaAmp ( double ra, double da, double date, double eq,
              double *rm, double *dm )
**  - - - - - - -
**   s l a A m p
**  - - - - - - -
**  Convert star RA,Dec from geocentric apparent to mean place.
**  The mean coordinate system is the post IAU 1976 system,
**  loosely called FK5.
**  Given:
**     ra       double      apparent RA (radians)
**     da       double      apparent Dec (radians)
**     date     double      TDB for apparent place (JD-2400000.5)
**     eq       double      equinox:  Julian epoch of mean place
**  Returned:
**     *rm      double      mean RA (radians)
**     *dm      double      mean Dec (radians)
**  References:
**     1984 Astronomical Almanac, pp B39-B41.
**     (also Lederle & Schwan, Astron. Astrophys. 134, 1-6, 1984)
**  Notes:
**  1)  The distinction between the required TDB and TT is always
**      negligible.  Moreover, for all but the most critical
**      applications UTC is adequate.
**  2)  Iterative techniques are used for the aberration and light
**      deflection corrections so that the routines slaAmp (or
**      slaAmpqk) and slaMap (or slaMapqk) are accurate inverses;
**      even at the edge of the Sun's disc the discrepancy is only
**      about 1 nanoarcsecond.
**  3)  Where multiple apparent places are to be converted to mean
**      places, for a fixed date and equinox, it is more efficient to
**      use the slaMappa routine to compute the required parameters
**      once, followed by one call to slaAmpqk per star.
**  4)  The accuracy is limited by imperfections in the IAU 1976/1980
**      models for precession and nutation.  Corrections are tabulated
**      in IERS Bulletin B and at the present epoch are of order 50 mas.
**      An improved precession-nutation model can be introduced by
**      using slaMappa and slaAmpqk (see the previous note) and
**      replacing the precession-nutation matrix into the parameter
**      array directly.
**  5)  The accuracy is further limited by the routine slaEvp, called
**      by slaMappa, which computes the Earth position and velocity
**      using the methods of Stumpff.  The maximum error is about
**      0.3 mas.
**  Called:  slaMappa, slaAmpqk
**  Last revision:   8 May 2000
**  Copyright P.T.Wallace.  All rights reserved.
   double amprms[21];    /* Mean-to-apparent parameters */

   slaMappa ( eq, date, amprms );
   slaAmpqk ( ra, da, amprms, rm, dm );
Exemple #2
void slaAmp ( double ra, double da, double date, double eq,
              double *rm, double *dm )
**  - - - - - - -
**   s l a A m p
**  - - - - - - -
**  Convert star RA,Dec from geocentric apparent to mean place.
**  The mean coordinate system is the post IAU 1976 system,
**  loosely called FK5.
**  Given:
**     ra       double      apparent RA (radians)
**     da       double      apparent Dec (radians)
**     date     double      TDB for apparent place (JD-2400000.5)
**     eq       double      equinox:  Julian epoch of mean place
**  Returned:
**     *rm      double      mean RA (radians)
**     *dm      double      mean Dec (radians)
**  References:
**     1984 Astronomical Almanac, pp B39-B41.
**     (also Lederle & Schwan, Astron. Astrophys. 134, 1-6, 1984)
**  Notes:
**     1)  The distinction between the required TDB and the more
**         accessible TT is always negligible.  Moreover, for all
**         but the most critical applications UTC is adequate.
**     2)  The accuracy is limited by the routine slaEvp, called
**         by slaMappa, which computes the Earth positions and
**         velocities using the methods of Stumpff.  The maximum
**         error is about 0.3 milliarcsecond.
**     3)  Iterative techniques are used for the aberration and
**         light deflection corrections so that the routines
**         slaAmp (or slaAmpqk) and slaMap (or slaMapqk) are
**         accurate inverses;  even at the edge of the Sun's disc
**         the discrepancy is only about 1 nanoarcsecond.
**     4)  Where multiple apparent places are to be converted to
**         mean places, for a fixed date and equinox, it is more
**         efficient to use the slaMappa routine to compute the
**         required parameters once, followed by one call to
**         slaAmpqk per star.
**  Called:  slaMappa, slaAmpqk
**  Last revision:   12 June 1996
**  Copyright P.T.Wallace.  All rights reserved.
   double amprms[21];    /* Mean-to-apparent parameters */

   slaMappa ( eq, date, amprms );
   slaAmpqk ( ra, da, amprms, rm, dm );
Exemple #3
observed_altaz_to_mean_radec( const Site *site, double freq_ghz,
        int n, const double ctime[],
        const float alt[], const float az[],
        float ra[], float dec[] )
    assert( n > 0 );
    assert( ctime != NULL );
    assert( alt != NULL );
    assert( az != NULL );
    assert( ra != NULL );
    assert( dec != NULL );

    int stat;
    float dut1, x, y;
    double amprms[21], aoprms[14];

    double utc = convert_ctime_to_utc_mjd( ctime[0] );

    int mjd = (int) floor(utc);
    stat = get_iers_bulletin_a( mjd, &dut1, &x, &y );
    if ( stat != 0 )
        return stat;
    //printf( "mjd,dut1,x,y = %d, %g, %g, %g\n", mjd, dut1, x, y );

    double wavelength_um = 299792.458/freq_ghz;

    slaAoppa( utc, dut1,
            0.0065,     // tropospheric lapse rate [K/m]
            aoprms );

    double tt = convert_utc_to_tt( utc );
    slaMappa( 2000.0, tt, amprms );
    //printf( "freq = %g\n", freq_ghz );

    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        double observed_az = az[i];
        double observed_zenith = M_PI/2 - alt[i];
        double apparent_ra, apparent_dec, mean_ra, mean_dec;

        utc = convert_ctime_to_utc_mjd( ctime[i] );
        slaAoppat( utc, aoprms );

        slaOapqk( "A", observed_az, observed_zenith, aoprms,
                &apparent_ra, &apparent_dec );

        //printf( "apparent ra,dec = %g, %g\n", apparent_ra, apparent_dec );

        slaAmpqk( apparent_ra, apparent_dec, amprms, &mean_ra, &mean_dec );

        //printf( "mean ra,dec = %g, %g\n", mean_ra, mean_dec );

        ra[i] = mean_ra;
        dec[i] = mean_dec;

    return 0;