int main(void) { i2c_bus_t bus; int ret = i2c_bus_open(&bus, "/dev/i2c-3"); if (ret < 0) { fatal("could not open i2c bus", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* ITG: */ itg3200_dev_t itg; itg_again: ret = itg3200_init(&itg, &bus, ITG3200_DLPF_42HZ); if (ret < 0) { fatal("could not inizialize ITG3200", ret); if (ret == -EAGAIN) { goto itg_again; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* BMA: */ bma180_dev_t bma; bma180_init(&bma, &bus, BMA180_RANGE_4G, BMA180_BW_10HZ); /* HMC: */ hmc5883_dev_t hmc; hmc5883_init(&hmc, &bus); /* MS: */ ms5611_dev_t ms; ret = ms5611_init(&ms, &bus, MS5611_OSR4096, MS5611_OSR4096); if (ret < 0) { fatal("could not inizialize MS5611", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, ms5611_reader, &ms); /* initialize AHRS filter: */ madgwick_ahrs_t madgwick_ahrs; madgwick_ahrs_init(&madgwick_ahrs, STANDARD_BETA); interval_t interval; interval_init(&interval); float init = START_BETA; udp_socket_t *socket = udp_socket_create("", 5005, 0, 0); /* kalman filter: */ kalman_t kalman1, kalman2, kalman3; kalman_init(&kalman1, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-2, 0, 0); kalman_init(&kalman2, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-2, 0, 0); kalman_init(&kalman3, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-2, 0, 0); vec3_t global_acc; /* x = N, y = E, z = D */ int init_done = 0; int converged = 0; sliding_avg_t *avg[3]; avg[0] = sliding_avg_create(1000, 0.0); avg[1] = sliding_avg_create(1000, 0.0); avg[2] = sliding_avg_create(1000, -9.81); float alt_rel_last = 0.0; int udp_cnt = 0; while (1) { int i; float dt = interval_measure(&interval); init -= BETA_STEP; if (init < FINAL_BETA) { init = FINAL_BETA; init_done = 1; } madgwick_ahrs.beta = init; /* sensor data acquisition: */ itg3200_read_gyro(&itg); bma180_read_acc(&bma); hmc5883_read(&hmc); /* state estimates and output: */ euler_t euler; madgwick_ahrs_update(&madgwick_ahrs, itg.gyro.x, itg.gyro.y, itg.gyro.z, bma.raw.x, bma.raw.y, bma.raw.z, hmc.raw.x, hmc.raw.y, hmc.raw.z, 11.0, dt); quat_t q_body_to_world; quat_copy(&q_body_to_world, &madgwick_ahrs.quat); quat_rot_vec(&global_acc, &bma.raw, &q_body_to_world); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { global_acc.vec[i] -= sliding_avg_calc(avg[i], global_acc.vec[i]); } if (init_done) { kalman_in_t kalman_in; kalman_in.dt = dt; kalman_in.pos = 0; kalman_out_t kalman_out; kalman_in.acc = global_acc.x; kalman_run(&kalman_out, &kalman1, &kalman_in); kalman_in.acc = global_acc.y; kalman_run(&kalman_out, &kalman2, &kalman_in); kalman_in.acc = -global_acc.z; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); kalman_in.pos = alt_rel; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); kalman_run(&kalman_out, &kalman3, &kalman_in); if (!converged) { if (fabs(kalman_out.pos - alt_rel) < 0.1) { converged = 1; fprintf(stderr, "init done\n"); } } if (converged) // && udp_cnt++ > 10) { if (udp_cnt++ == 10) { char buffer[1024]; udp_cnt = 0; int len = sprintf(buffer, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f", madgwick_ahrs.quat.q0, madgwick_ahrs.quat.q1, madgwick_ahrs.quat.q2, madgwick_ahrs.quat.q3, global_acc.x, global_acc.y, global_acc.z); udp_socket_send(socket, buffer, len); } printf("%f %f %f\n", -global_acc.z, alt_rel, kalman_out.pos); fflush(stdout); } } } return 0; }
void _main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; syslog(LOG_INFO, "initializing core"); /* init SCL subsystem: */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "initializing signaling and communication link (SCL)"); if (scl_init("core") != 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "could not init scl module"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* init params subsystem: */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "initializing opcd interface"); opcd_params_init("core.", 1); /* initialize logger: */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "opening logger"); if (logger_open() != 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "could not open logger"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } syslog(LOG_CRIT, "logger opened"); sleep(1); /* give scl some time to establish a link between publisher and subscriber */ LOG(LL_INFO, "+------------------+"); LOG(LL_INFO, "| core startup |"); LOG(LL_INFO, "+------------------+"); LOG(LL_INFO, "initializing system"); /* set-up real-time scheduling: */ struct sched_param sp; sp.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); sched_setscheduler(getpid(), SCHED_FIFO, &sp); if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE)) { LOG(LL_ERROR, "mlockall() failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* initialize hardware/drivers: */ omap_i2c_bus_init(); baro_altimeter_init(); ultra_altimeter_init(); ahrs_init(); motors_init(); voltage_reader_start(); //gps_init(); LOG(LL_INFO, "initializing model/controller"); model_init(); ctrl_init(); /* initialize command interface */ LOG(LL_INFO, "initializing cmd interface"); cmd_init(); /* prepare main loop: */ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_AVG; i++) { output_avg[i] = sliding_avg_create(OUTPUT_RATIO, 0.0f); } LOG(LL_INFO, "system up and running"); struct timespec ts_curr; struct timespec ts_prev; struct timespec ts_diff; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts_curr); /* run model and controller: */ while (1) { /* calculate dt: */ ts_prev = ts_curr; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts_curr); TIMESPEC_SUB(ts_diff, ts_curr, ts_prev); float dt = (float)ts_diff.tv_sec + (float)ts_diff.tv_nsec / (float)NSEC_PER_SEC; /* read sensor values into model input structure: */ model_input_t model_input; model_input.dt = dt; ahrs_read(&model_input.ahrs_data); gps_read(&model_input.gps_data); model_input.ultra_z = ultra_altimeter_read(); model_input.baro_z = baro_altimeter_read(); /* execute model step: */ model_state_t model_state; model_step(&model_state, &model_input); /* execute controller step: */ mixer_in_t mixer_in; ctrl_step(&mixer_in, dt, &model_state); /* set up mixer input: */ mixer_in.pitch = sliding_avg_calc(output_avg[AVG_PITCH], mixer_in.pitch); mixer_in.roll = sliding_avg_calc(output_avg[AVG_ROLL], mixer_in.roll); mixer_in.yaw = sliding_avg_calc(output_avg[AVG_YAW], mixer_in.yaw); mixer_in.gas = sliding_avg_calc(output_avg[AVG_GAS], mixer_in.gas); /* write data to motor mixer: */ EVERY_N_TIMES(OUTPUT_RATIO, motors_write(&mixer_in)); } }