Exemple #1
void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotAddUrls()
  if( m_bCanceled )

  // add next url
  KURL url = m_urlQueue.first().first;
  K3bDirItem* dir = m_urlQueue.first().second;
  m_urlQueue.remove( m_urlQueue.begin() );
  // HINT:
  // we only use QFileInfo::absFilePath() and QFileInfo::isHidden()
  // both do not cause QFileInfo to stat, thus no speed improvement
  // can come from removing QFileInfo usage here.
  QFileInfo info(url.path());
  QString absFilePath( info.absFilePath() );
  QString resolved( absFilePath );

  bool valid = true;
  k3b_struct_stat statBuf, resolvedStatBuf;
  bool isSymLink = false;
  bool isDir = false;
  bool isFile = false;


#if 0
  m_infoLabel->setText( url.path() );
  if( m_totalFiles == 0 )
    m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1)").arg(m_filesHandled) );
    m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1/%2)").arg(m_filesHandled).arg(m_totalFiles) );

  // 1. Check if we want and can add the url

  if( !url.isLocalFile() ) {
    valid = false;
    m_nonLocalFiles.append( url.path() );

  else if( k3b_lstat( QFile::encodeName(absFilePath), &statBuf ) != 0 ) {
    valid = false;
    m_notFoundFiles.append( url.path() );

  else if( !m_encodingConverter->encodedLocally( QFile::encodeName( url.path() ) ) ) {
    valid = false;
    m_invalidFilenameEncodingFiles.append( url.path() );

  else {
    isSymLink = S_ISLNK(statBuf.st_mode);
    isFile = S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode);
    isDir = S_ISDIR(statBuf.st_mode);

    // symlinks are always readable and can always be added to a project
    // but we need to know if the symlink points to a directory
    if( isSymLink ) {
      resolved = K3b::resolveLink( absFilePath );
      k3b_stat( QFile::encodeName(resolved), &resolvedStatBuf );
      isDir = S_ISDIR(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode);

    else {
      if( ::access( QFile::encodeName( absFilePath ), R_OK ) != 0 ) {
	valid = false;
	m_unreadableFiles.append( url.path() );
      else if( isFile && (unsigned long long)statBuf.st_size >= 0xFFFFFFFFULL ) {
          if ( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->hasFeature( "no-4gb-limit" ) ) {
              valid = false;
              m_tooBigFiles.append( url.path() );

    // FIXME: if we do not add hidden dirs the progress gets messed up!

    // check for hidden and system files
    if( valid ) {
      if( info.isHidden() && !addHiddenFiles() )
	valid = false;
      if( S_ISCHR(statBuf.st_mode) ||
	  S_ISBLK(statBuf.st_mode) ||
	  S_ISFIFO(statBuf.st_mode) ||
	  S_ISSOCK(statBuf.st_mode) )
	if( !addSystemFiles() )
	  valid = false;
      if( isSymLink )
	if( S_ISCHR(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) ||
	    S_ISBLK(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) ||
	    S_ISFIFO(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) ||
	    S_ISSOCK(resolvedStatBuf.st_mode) )
	  if( !addSystemFiles() )
	    valid = false;

  // 2. Handle the url

  QString newName = url.fileName();

  // filenames cannot end in backslashes (mkisofs problem. See comments in k3bisoimager.cpp (escapeGraftPoint()))
  bool bsAtEnd = false;
  while( newName[newName.length()-1] == '\\' ) {
    newName.truncate( newName.length()-1 );
    bsAtEnd = true;
  if( bsAtEnd )
    m_mkisofsLimitationRenamedFiles.append( url.path() + " -> " + newName );

  // backup dummy name
  if( newName.isEmpty() )
    newName = "1";

  K3bDirItem* newDirItem = 0;

  // The source is valid. Now check if the project already contains a file with that name
  // and if so handle it properly
  if( valid ) {
    if( K3bDataItem* oldItem = dir->find( newName ) ) {
      // reuse an existing dir
      if( oldItem->isDir() && isDir )
	newDirItem = dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>(oldItem);

      // we cannot replace files in the old session with dirs and vice versa (I think)
      // files are handled in K3bFileItem constructor and dirs handled above
      else if( oldItem->isFromOldSession() &&
	       isDir != oldItem->isDir() ) {
	if( !getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) )
	  valid = false;

      else if( m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll )
	valid = false;

      else if( oldItem->localPath() == resolved ) {
	// Just ignore if the same file is added again
	valid = false;

      else if( m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll ) {
	// if we replace an item from an old session the K3bFileItem constructor takes care
	// of replacing the item
	if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() )
	  delete oldItem;

      // Let the user choose
      else {
	switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("File already exists"),
					      i18n("<p>File <em>%1</em> already exists in "
						   "project folder <em>%2</em>.")
					      .arg('/' + dir->k3bPath()),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Replace"),
							i18n("Replace the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Replace All"),
							i18n("Always replace existing files") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore"),
							i18n("Keep the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore All"),
							i18n("Always keep the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Rename"),
							i18n("Rename the new file") ),
					      KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) {
	case 2: // replace all
	  m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll = true;
	  // fallthrough
	case 1: // replace
	  // if we replace an item from an old session the K3bFileItem constructor takes care
	  // of replacing the item
	  if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() )
	    delete oldItem;
	case 4: // ignore all
	  m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll = true;
	  // fallthrough
	case 3: // ignore
	  valid = false;
	case 5: // rename
	  if( !getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) )
	    valid = false;
	case 6: // cancel

  // One more thing to warn the user about: We cannot follow links to folders since that
  // would change the doc. So we simply ask the user what to do with a link to a folder
  if( valid ) {
    // let's see if this link starts a loop
    // that means if it points to some folder above this one
    // if so we cannot follow it anyway
    if( isDir && isSymLink && !absFilePath.startsWith( resolved ) ) {
      bool followLink = dir->doc()->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() || m_bFolderLinksFollowAll;
      if( !followLink && !m_bFolderLinksAddAll ) {
	switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("Adding link to folder"),
					      i18n("<p>'%1' is a symbolic link to folder '%2'."
						   "<p>If you intend to make K3b follow symbolic links you should consider letting K3b do this now "
						   "since K3b will not be able to do so afterwards because symbolic links to folders inside a "
						   "K3b project cannot be resolved."
						   "<p><b>If you do not intend to enable the option <em>follow symbolic links</em> you may safely "
						   "ignore this warning and choose to add the link to the project.</b>")
					      .arg(resolved ),
					      i18n("Follow link now"),
					      i18n("Always follow links"),
					      i18n("Add link to project"),
					      i18n("Always add links"),
					      KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) {
	case 2:
	  m_bFolderLinksFollowAll = true;
	case 1:
	  followLink = true;
	case 4:
	  m_bFolderLinksAddAll = true;
	case 3:
	  followLink = false;
	case 5:

      if( followLink ) {
	absFilePath = resolved;
	isSymLink = false;

	// count the files in the followed dir
	if( m_dirSizeJob->active() )
	  m_dirSizeQueue.append( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath) );
	else {
	  m_progressWidget->setTotalSteps( 0 );
	  m_dirSizeJob->setUrls( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath) );

  // Project valid also (we overwrite or renamed)
  // now create the new item
  if( valid ) {
    // Set the volume id from the first added url
    // only if the doc was not changed yet
    if( m_urls.count() == 1 &&
	!dir->doc()->isModified() &&
	!dir->doc()->isSaved() ) {
      dir->doc()->setVolumeID( K3b::removeFilenameExtension( newName ) );

    if( isDir && !isSymLink ) {
      if( !newDirItem ) { // maybe we reuse an already existing dir
	newDirItem = new K3bDirItem( newName , dir->doc(), dir );
	newDirItem->setLocalPath( url.path() ); // HACK: see k3bdiritem.h

      QDir newDir( absFilePath );
      int dirFilter = QDir::All|QDir::Hidden|QDir::System;

      QStringList dlist = newDir.entryList( dirFilter );
      const QString& dot = KGlobal::staticQString( "." );
      const QString& dotdot = KGlobal::staticQString( ".." );
      dlist.remove( dot );
      dlist.remove( dotdot );

      for( QStringList::Iterator it = dlist.begin(); it != dlist.end(); ++it ) {
	m_urlQueue.append( qMakePair( KURL::fromPathOrURL(absFilePath + '/' + *it), newDirItem ) );
    else {
      (void)new K3bFileItem( &statBuf, &resolvedStatBuf, url.path(), dir->doc(), dir, newName );

  if( m_urlQueue.isEmpty() ) {
    m_progressWidget->setProgress( 100 );
  else {
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotAddUrls()) );
Exemple #2
void K3bDataFileView::slotDropped( QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem*, QListViewItem* )
  // remove any highlighting
  if( m_dropDirItem ) {
    m_dropDirItem->highlightIcon( false );
    m_dropDirItem = 0;

  if( !e->isAccepted() )

  // determine K3bDirItem to add the items to
  m_addParentDir = currentDir();

  if( K3bDataDirViewItem* dirViewItem = dynamic_cast<K3bDataDirViewItem*>( itemAt(contentsToViewport(e->pos())) ) ) {
    // only add to a dir if we drop directly on the name
    if( header()->sectionAt( e->pos().x() ) == 0 )
      m_addParentDir = dirViewItem->dirItem();

  if( m_addParentDir ) {

    // check if items have been moved
    if( e->source() == viewport() ) {
      // move all selected items
      QPtrList<QListViewItem> selectedViewItems = selectedItems();
      QValueList<K3bDataItem*> selectedDataItems;
      QPtrListIterator<QListViewItem> it( selectedViewItems );
      for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
	K3bDataViewItem* dataViewItem = dynamic_cast<K3bDataViewItem*>( it.current() );
	if( dataViewItem )
	  selectedDataItems.append( dataViewItem->dataItem() );
	  kdDebug() << "no dataviewitem" << endl;

      K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::copyMoveItems( selectedDataItems, m_addParentDir, this, e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy );
    else if( e->source() == m_treeView->viewport() ) {
      // move the selected dir
      if( K3bDataDirViewItem* dirItem = dynamic_cast<K3bDataDirViewItem*>( m_treeView->selectedItem() ) ) {
	QValueList<K3bDataItem*> selectedDataItems;
	selectedDataItems.append( dirItem->dirItem() );
	K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::copyMoveItems( selectedDataItems, m_addParentDir, this, e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy );
    else {
      // seems that new items have been dropped
      if( KURLDrag::decode( e, m_addUrls ) ) {
	// This is a small (not to ugly) hack to circumvent problems with the
	// event queues: the url adding dialog will be non-modal regardless of
	// the settings in case we open it directly.
	QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotAddUrls()) );

  // now grab that focus