Exemple #1
void AnnoqtConfEditor::createActions()
  newAct = new QAction( QIcon( ":/filenew.xpm" ), tr( "&New" ), this );
  newAct->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+N" ) );
  newAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Create a new file" ) );
  connect( newAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotNewConfiguration() ) );

  openAct = new QAction( QIcon( ":/fileopen.xpm" ), tr( "&Open..." ), this );
  openAct->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+O" ) );
  openAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Open an existing file" ) );
  connect( openAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotOpen() ) );

  saveAct = new QAction( QIcon( ":/filesave.xpm" ), tr( "&Save" ), this );
  saveAct->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+S" ) );
  saveAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Save the document to disk" ) );
  connect( saveAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotSave() ) );

  saveAsAct = new QAction( tr( "Save &As..." ), this );
  saveAsAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Save the document under a new name" ) );
  connect( saveAsAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotSaveAs() ) );

  exitAct = new QAction( tr( "E&xit" ), this );
  exitAct->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+Q" ) );
  exitAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Exit the application" ) );
  connect( exitAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );

  cutAct = new QAction( QIcon( ":/editcut.xpm" ), tr( "Cu&t" ), this );
  cutAct->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+X" ) );
  cutAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Cut the current selection's contents to the "
                            "clipboard" ) );
  connect( cutAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotCut() ) );

  addItemAction = new QAction( QIcon( ":/item.xpm" ), tr( "New entity type" ), this );
  addItemAction->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+E" ) );
  addItemAction->setStatusTip( tr( "Add a new entity type" ) );
  connect( addItemAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotAddItemAction() ) );
  aboutAct = new QAction( tr( "&About" ), this );
  aboutAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Show the application's About box" ) );
  connect( aboutAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotAbout() ) );

  aboutQtAct = new QAction( tr( "About &Qt" ), this );
  aboutQtAct->setStatusTip( tr( "Show the Qt library's About box" ) );
  connect( aboutQtAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), qApp, SLOT( aboutQt() ) );

  cutAct->setEnabled( true );
// private
void kpMainWindow::setupEditMenuActions ()
    KActionCollection *ac = actionCollection ();

    // Undo/Redo
    // CONFIG: need GUI
    m_commandHistory = new kpCommandHistory (true/*read config*/, this);

    if (m_configFirstTime)
        // (so that cfg-file-editing user can modify in the meantime)
        m_commandHistory->writeConfig ();

    m_actionCut = KStdAction::cut (this, SLOT (slotCut ()), ac);
    m_actionCopy = KStdAction::copy (this, SLOT (slotCopy ()), ac);
    m_actionPaste = KStdAction::paste (this, SLOT (slotPaste ()), ac);
    m_actionPasteInNewWindow = new KAction (i18n ("Paste in &New Window"),
        Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_V,
        this, SLOT (slotPasteInNewWindow ()), ac, "edit_paste_in_new_window");

    //m_actionDelete = KStdAction::clear (this, SLOT (slotDelete ()), ac);
    m_actionDelete = new KAction (i18n ("&Delete Selection"), 0,
        this, SLOT (slotDelete ()), ac, "edit_clear");

    m_actionSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll (this, SLOT (slotSelectAll ()), ac);
    m_actionDeselect = KStdAction::deselect (this, SLOT (slotDeselect ()), ac);

    m_actionCopyToFile = new KAction (i18n ("C&opy to File..."), 0,
        this, SLOT (slotCopyToFile ()), ac, "edit_copy_to_file");
    m_actionPasteFromFile = new KAction (i18n ("Paste &From File..."), 0,
        this, SLOT (slotPasteFromFile ()), ac, "edit_paste_from_file");

    m_editMenuDocumentActionsEnabled = false;
    enableEditMenuDocumentActions (false);

    // Paste should always be enabled, as long as there is something paste
    // (independent of whether we have a document or not)
    connect (QApplication::clipboard (), SIGNAL (dataChanged ()),
             this, SLOT (slotEnablePaste ()));
    slotEnablePaste ();
Exemple #3
// decoupled from resetActions in toplevel.cpp
// as resetActions simply uses the action groups
// specified in the ui.rc file
void KEBApp::createActions() {

    m_actionsImpl = new ActionsImpl(this, GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->model());

    connect(m_actionsImpl->testLinkHolder(), SIGNAL(setCancelEnabled(bool)),
            this, SLOT(setCancelTestsEnabled(bool)));
    connect(m_actionsImpl->favIconHolder(), SIGNAL(setCancelEnabled(bool)),
            this, SLOT(setCancelFavIconUpdatesEnabled(bool)));

    // save and quit should probably not be in the toplevel???
    (void) KStandardAction::quit(
        this, SLOT( close() ), actionCollection());
    KStandardAction::keyBindings(guiFactory(), SLOT(configureShortcuts()), actionCollection());
    (void) KStandardAction::configureToolbars(
        this, SLOT( slotConfigureToolbars() ), actionCollection());

    if (m_browser) {
        (void) KStandardAction::open(
            m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotLoad() ), actionCollection());
        (void) KStandardAction::saveAs(
            m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotSaveAs() ), actionCollection());

    (void) KStandardAction::cut(m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotCut() ), actionCollection());
    (void) KStandardAction::copy(m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotCopy() ), actionCollection());
    (void) KStandardAction::paste(m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotPaste() ), actionCollection());

    // actions
    KAction* m_actionsImplDelete = actionCollection()->addAction("delete");
    connect(m_actionsImplDelete, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotDelete() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplRename = actionCollection()->addAction("rename");
    connect(m_actionsImplRename, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotRename() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplChangeURL = actionCollection()->addAction("changeurl");
    m_actionsImplChangeURL->setText(i18n("C&hange Location"));
    connect(m_actionsImplChangeURL, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotChangeURL() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplChangeComment = actionCollection()->addAction("changecomment");
    m_actionsImplChangeComment->setText(i18n("C&hange Comment"));
    connect(m_actionsImplChangeComment, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotChangeComment() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplChangeIcon = actionCollection()->addAction("changeicon");
    m_actionsImplChangeIcon->setText(i18n("Chan&ge Icon..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplChangeIcon, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotChangeIcon() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplUpdateFavIcon = actionCollection()->addAction("updatefavicon");
    m_actionsImplUpdateFavIcon->setText(i18n("Update Favicon"));
    connect(m_actionsImplUpdateFavIcon, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotUpdateFavIcon() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplRecursiveSort = actionCollection()->addAction("recursivesort");
    m_actionsImplRecursiveSort->setText(i18n("Recursive Sort"));
    connect(m_actionsImplRecursiveSort, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotRecursiveSort() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplNewFolder = actionCollection()->addAction("newfolder");
    m_actionsImplNewFolder->setText(i18n("&New Folder..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplNewFolder, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotNewFolder() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplNewBookmark = actionCollection()->addAction("newbookmark");
    m_actionsImplNewBookmark->setText(i18n("&New Bookmark"));
    connect(m_actionsImplNewBookmark, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotNewBookmark() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplInsertSeparator = actionCollection()->addAction("insertseparator");
    m_actionsImplInsertSeparator->setText(i18n("&Insert Separator"));
    connect(m_actionsImplInsertSeparator, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotInsertSeparator() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplSort = actionCollection()->addAction("sort");
    m_actionsImplSort->setText(i18n("&Sort Alphabetically"));
    connect(m_actionsImplSort, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotSort() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplSetAsToolbar = actionCollection()->addAction("setastoolbar");
    m_actionsImplSetAsToolbar->setText(i18n("Set as T&oolbar Folder"));
    connect(m_actionsImplSetAsToolbar, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotSetAsToolbar() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExpandAll = actionCollection()->addAction("expandall");
    m_actionsImplExpandAll->setText(i18n("&Expand All Folders"));
    connect(m_actionsImplExpandAll, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExpandAll() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplCollapseAll = actionCollection()->addAction("collapseall");
    m_actionsImplCollapseAll->setText(i18n("Collapse &All Folders"));
    connect(m_actionsImplCollapseAll, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotCollapseAll() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplOpenLink = actionCollection()->addAction("openlink");
    m_actionsImplOpenLink->setText(i18n("&Open in Konqueror"));
    connect(m_actionsImplOpenLink, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotOpenLink() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplTestSelection = actionCollection()->addAction("testlink");
    m_actionsImplTestSelection->setText(i18n("Check &Status"));
    connect(m_actionsImplTestSelection, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotTestSelection() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplTestAll = actionCollection()->addAction("testall");
    m_actionsImplTestAll->setText(i18n("Check Status: &All"));
    connect(m_actionsImplTestAll, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotTestAll() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplUpdateAllFavIcons = actionCollection()->addAction("updateallfavicons");
    m_actionsImplUpdateAllFavIcons->setText(i18n("Update All &Favicons"));
    connect(m_actionsImplUpdateAllFavIcons, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotUpdateAllFavIcons() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplCancelAllTests = actionCollection()->addAction("canceltests");
    m_actionsImplCancelAllTests->setText(i18n("Cancel &Checks"));
    connect(m_actionsImplCancelAllTests, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotCancelAllTests() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplCancelFavIconUpdates = actionCollection()->addAction("cancelfaviconupdates");
    m_actionsImplCancelFavIconUpdates->setText(i18n("Cancel &Favicon Updates"));
    connect(m_actionsImplCancelFavIconUpdates, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotCancelFavIconUpdates() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplImportNS = actionCollection()->addAction("importNS");
    m_actionsImplImportNS->setObjectName( QLatin1String("NS" ));
    m_actionsImplImportNS->setText(i18n("Import &Netscape Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportNS, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplImportOpera = actionCollection()->addAction("importOpera");
    m_actionsImplImportOpera->setObjectName( QLatin1String("Opera" ));
    m_actionsImplImportOpera->setText(i18n("Import &Opera Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportOpera, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));
    KAction* m_actionsImplImportCrashes = actionCollection()->addAction("importCrashes");
    m_actionsImplImportCrashes->setObjectName( QLatin1String("Crashes" ));
    m_actionsImplImportCrashes->setText(i18n("Import All &Crash Sessions as Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportCrashes, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));
    KAction* m_actionsImplImportGaleon = actionCollection()->addAction("importGaleon");
    m_actionsImplImportGaleon->setObjectName( QLatin1String("Galeon" ));
    m_actionsImplImportGaleon->setText(i18n("Import &Galeon Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportGaleon, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplImportKDE2 = actionCollection()->addAction("importKDE2");
    m_actionsImplImportKDE2->setObjectName( QLatin1String("KDE2" ));
    m_actionsImplImportKDE2->setText(i18n("Import &KDE 2 or KDE 3 Bookmarks..."));

    connect(m_actionsImplImportKDE2, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplImportIE = actionCollection()->addAction("importIE");
    m_actionsImplImportIE->setObjectName( QLatin1String("IE" ));
    m_actionsImplImportIE->setText(i18n("Import &Internet Explorer Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportIE, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplImportMoz = actionCollection()->addAction("importMoz");
    m_actionsImplImportMoz->setObjectName( QLatin1String("Moz" ));
    m_actionsImplImportMoz->setText(i18n("Import &Mozilla Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplImportMoz, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotImport() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExportNS = actionCollection()->addAction("exportNS");
    m_actionsImplExportNS->setText(i18n("Export &Netscape Bookmarks"));
    connect(m_actionsImplExportNS, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExportNS() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExportOpera = actionCollection()->addAction("exportOpera");
    m_actionsImplExportOpera->setText(i18n("Export &Opera Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplExportOpera, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExportOpera() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExportHTML = actionCollection()->addAction("exportHTML");
    m_actionsImplExportHTML->setText(i18n("Export &HTML Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplExportHTML, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExportHTML() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExportIE = actionCollection()->addAction("exportIE");
    m_actionsImplExportIE->setText(i18n("Export &Internet Explorer Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplExportIE, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExportIE() ));

    KAction* m_actionsImplExportMoz = actionCollection()->addAction("exportMoz");
    m_actionsImplExportMoz->setText(i18n("Export &Mozilla Bookmarks..."));
    connect(m_actionsImplExportMoz, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_actionsImpl, SLOT( slotExportMoz() ));
KRegExpEditorPrivate::KRegExpEditorPrivate(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
    : TQWidget(parent, name), _updating( false ), _autoVerify( true )
  TQDockArea* area = new TQDockArea(Qt::Horizontal, TQDockArea::Normal, this );
  TQDockArea* verArea1 = new TQDockArea(Qt::Vertical, TQDockArea::Normal, this );
  TQDockArea* verArea2 = new TQDockArea(Qt::Vertical, TQDockArea::Reverse, this );

  // The DockWindows.
  _regExpButtons = new RegExpButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::regExpButton" );
  _verifyButtons = new VerifyButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::VerifyButtons" );
  _auxButtons = new AuxButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::AuxButtons" );
  _userRegExps = new UserDefinedRegExps( verArea1, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::userRegExps" );
  _userRegExps->setResizeEnabled( true );
  TQWhatsThis::add( _userRegExps, i18n( "In this window you will find predefined regular expressions. Both regular expressions "
                                       "you have developed and saved, and regular expressions shipped with the system." ));

  // Editor window
  _editor = new TQSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_editor" );

  _scrolledEditorWindow =
    new RegExpScrolledEditorWindow( _editor, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_scrolledEditorWindow" );
  TQWhatsThis::add( _scrolledEditorWindow, i18n( "In this window you will develop your regular expressions. "
                                               "Select one of the actions from the action buttons above, and click the mouse in this "
                                               "window to insert the given action."));

  _info = new InfoPage( this, "_info" );
  _verifier = new Verifier( _editor, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_verifier" );
  connect( _verifier, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( maybeVerify() ) );
  TQWhatsThis::add( _verifier, i18n("Type in some text in this window, and see what the regular expression you have developed matches.<p>"
                                   "Each second match will be colored in red and each other match will be colored blue, simply so you "
                                   "can distinguish them from each other.<p>"
                                   "If you select part of the regular expression in the editor window, then this part will be "
                                   "highlighted - This allows you to <i>debug</i> your regular expressions") );

  _editor->setSizes( TQValueList<int>() << _editor->height()/2 << _editor->height()/2 );

  TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 6, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::topLayout" );
  topLayout->addWidget( area );
  TQHBoxLayout* rows = new TQHBoxLayout; // I need to cal addLayout explicit to get stretching right.
  topLayout->addLayout( rows, 1 );

  rows->addWidget( verArea1 );
  rows->addWidget( _editor, 1 );
  rows->addWidget( _info, 1 );
  rows->addWidget( verArea2 );

  // Connect the buttons
  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ),   _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotInsertRegExp( int ) ) );
  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( doSelect() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotDoSelect() ) );
  connect( _userRegExps, TQT_SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ),    _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotInsertRegExp( RegExp*  ) ) );

  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), _userRegExps,   TQT_SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );
  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( doSelect() ),     _userRegExps,   TQT_SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );
  connect( _userRegExps, TQT_SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ),  _regExpButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );

  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( doneEditing() ), _regExpButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotSelectNewAction() ) );
  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( doneEditing() ), _userRegExps, TQT_SLOT( slotSelectNewAction() ) );

  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );
  connect( _userRegExps, TQT_SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );
  connect( _regExpButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( doSelect() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );

  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( savedRegexp() ), _userRegExps, TQT_SLOT( slotPopulateUserRegexps() ) );

  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( undo() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUndo() ) );
  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( redo() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotRedo() ) );
  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( cut() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotCut() ) );
  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( copy() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotCopy() ) );
  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( paste() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotPaste() ) );
  connect( _auxButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( save() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SLOT( slotSave() ) );
  connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( autoVerify( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setAutoVerify( bool ) ) );
  connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( verify() ), this, TQT_SLOT( doVerify() ) );
  connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( changeSyntax( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setSyntax( const TQString& ) ) );

  connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( canUndo( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanUndo( bool ) ) );
  connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( canRedo( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanRedo( bool ) ) );
  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( anythingSelected( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanCut( bool ) ) );
  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( anythingSelected( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanCopy( bool ) ) );
  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( anythingOnClipboard( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanPaste( bool ) ) );
  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( canSave( bool ) ), _auxButtons, TQT_SLOT( slotCanSave( bool ) ) );

  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( verifyRegExp() ), this, TQT_SLOT( maybeVerify() ) );

  connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( loadVerifyText( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setVerifyText( const TQString& ) ) );

  // connect( _verifier, TQT_SIGNAL( countChanged( int ) ), _verifyButtons, TQT_SLOT( setMatchCount( int ) ) );

  // TQt anchors do not work for <pre>...</pre>, thefore scrolling to next/prev match
  // do not work. Enable this when they work.
  // connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( gotoFirst() ), _verifier, TQT_SLOT( gotoFirst() ) );
  // connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( gotoPrev() ), _verifier, TQT_SLOT( gotoPrev() ) );
  // connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( gotoNext() ), _verifier, TQT_SLOT( gotoNext() ) );
  // connect( _verifyButtons, TQT_SIGNAL( gotoLast() ), _verifier, TQT_SLOT( gotoLast() ) );
  // connect( _verifier, TQT_SIGNAL( goForwardPossible( bool ) ), _verifyButtons, TQT_SLOT( enableForwardButtons( bool ) ) );
  // connect( _verifier, TQT_SIGNAL( goBackwardPossible( bool ) ), _verifyButtons, TQT_SLOT( enableBackwardButtons( bool ) ) );

  _auxButtons->slotCanPaste( false );
  _auxButtons->slotCanCut( false );
  _auxButtons->slotCanCopy( false );
  _auxButtons->slotCanSave( false );

  // Line Edit
  TQHBoxLayout* layout = new TQHBoxLayout( topLayout, 6 );
  TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( i18n("ASCII syntax:"), this );
  layout->addWidget( label );
  clearButton = new TQToolButton( this );
  const TQString icon( TQString::fromLatin1( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase" ) );
  TQIconSet clearIcon = SmallIconSet( icon );
  clearButton->setIconSet( clearIcon );
  layout->addWidget( clearButton );
  TQToolTip::add( clearButton, i18n("Clear expression") );
  _regexpEdit = new TQLineEdit( this );
  layout->addWidget( _regexpEdit );
  TQWhatsThis::add( _regexpEdit, i18n( "This is the regular expression in ASCII syntax. You are likely only "
				      "to be interested in this if you are a programmer, and need to "
				      "develop a regular expression using TQRegExp.<p>"
                                      "You may develop your regular expression both by using the graphical "
				      "editor, and by typing the regular expression in this line edit.") );

#ifdef TQT_ONLY
  TQPixmap pix( "icons/error.png" );
  TQPixmap pix = TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(locate("data", TQString::fromLatin1("kregexpeditor/pics/error.png") ), TDEIcon::Toolbar );
  _error = new TQLabel( this );
  _error->setPixmap( pix );
  layout->addWidget( _error );

  _timer = new TQTimer(this);

  connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( change() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateLineEdit() ) );
  connect( _regexpEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTriggerUpdate() ) );
  connect( _timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTimeout() ) );
  connect( clearButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), _regexpEdit, TQT_SLOT( clear() ) );

  // Push an initial empty element on the stack.
  _undoStack.push( _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp() );
  _redoStack.setAutoDelete( true );

  TQAccel* accel = new TQAccel( this );
  accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( CTRL+Key_Z ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUndo() ) );
  accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( CTRL+Key_R ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotRedo() ) );

  setSyntax( TQString::fromLatin1( "TQt" ) );
KOEditorAttachments::KOEditorAttachments( int spacing, QWidget *parent )
  : QWidget( parent )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
  topLayout->setSpacing( spacing );

  QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18nc( "@label", "Attachments:" ), this );
  topLayout->addWidget( label );

  mAttachments = new AttachmentIconView( this );
  mAttachments->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
                                     "Displays items (files, mail, etc.) that "
                                     "have been associated with this event or to-do." ) );
  mAttachments->setItemsMovable( false );
  mAttachments->setSelectionMode( Q3IconView::Extended );
  topLayout->addWidget( mAttachments );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(returnPressed(Q3IconViewItem *)),
           SLOT(showAttachment(Q3IconViewItem *)) );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(Q3IconViewItem *)),
           SLOT(showAttachment(Q3IconViewItem *)) );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(itemRenamed(Q3IconViewItem *,const QString &)),
           SLOT(slotItemRenamed(Q3IconViewItem *,const QString &)) );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(dropped(QDropEvent *,const Q3ValueList<Q3IconDragItem> &)),
           SLOT(dropped(QDropEvent *,const Q3ValueList<Q3IconDragItem> &)) );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
           SLOT(selectionChanged()) );
  connect( mAttachments, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(Q3IconViewItem *,const QPoint &)),
           SLOT(contextMenu(Q3IconViewItem *,const QPoint &)) );

  QPushButton *addButton = new QPushButton( this );
  addButton->setIcon( KIcon( "list-add" ) );
  addButton->setToolTip( i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Add an attachment" ) );
  addButton->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
                                  "Shows a dialog used to select an attachment "
                                  "to add to this event or to-do as link or as "
                                  "inline data." ) );
  topLayout->addWidget( addButton );
  connect( addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAdd()) );

  mRemoveBtn = new QPushButton( this );
  mRemoveBtn->setIcon( KIcon( "list-remove" ) );
  mRemoveBtn->setToolTip( i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Remove the selected attachment" ) );
  mRemoveBtn->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
                                   "Removes the attachment selected in the "
                                   "list above from this event or to-do." ) );
  topLayout->addWidget( mRemoveBtn );
  connect( mRemoveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRemove()) );

  KActionCollection *ac = new KActionCollection( this );
  ac->addAssociatedWidget( this );

  mPopupMenu = new KMenu( this );

  mOpenAction = new KAction( i18nc( "@action:inmenu open the attachment in a viewer",
                                    "&Open" ), this );
  connect( mOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotShow()) );
  ac->addAction( "view", mOpenAction );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( mOpenAction );

  mCopyAction = KStandardAction::copy( this, SLOT(slotCopy()), ac );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( mCopyAction );
  mCutAction = KStandardAction::cut( this, SLOT(slotCut()), ac );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( mCutAction );
  KAction *action = KStandardAction::paste( this, SLOT(slotPaste()), ac );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( action );

  mDeleteAction = new KAction( i18nc( "@action:inmenu remove the attachment",
                                      "&Remove" ), this );
  connect( mDeleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotRemove()) );
  ac->addAction( "remove", mDeleteAction );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( mDeleteAction );

  mEditAction = new KAction( i18nc( "@action:inmenu show a dialog used to edit the attachment",
                                    "&Properties..." ), this );
  connect( mEditAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotEdit()) );
  ac->addAction( "edit", mEditAction );
  mPopupMenu->addAction( mEditAction );

  setAcceptDrops( true );