Exemple #1
ConfigResult ChatTriggers::OnSourceModConfigChanged(const char *key, 
													const char *value, 
													ConfigSource source,
													char *error, 
													size_t maxlength)
	if (strcmp(key, "PublicChatTrigger") == 0)
		delete [] m_PubTrigger;
		m_PubTrigger = sm_strdup(value);
		m_PubTriggerSize = strlen(m_PubTrigger);
		return ConfigResult_Accept;
	else if (strcmp(key, "SilentChatTrigger") == 0)
		delete [] m_PrivTrigger;
		m_PrivTrigger = sm_strdup(value);
		m_PrivTriggerSize = strlen(m_PrivTrigger);
		return ConfigResult_Accept;
	else if (strcmp(key, "SilentFailSuppress") == 0)
		g_bSupressSilentFails = strcmp(value, "yes") == 0;
		return ConfigResult_Accept;

	return ConfigResult_Ignore;
ChatTriggers::ChatTriggers() : m_pSayCmd(NULL), m_bWillProcessInPost(false), 
	m_bTriggerWasSilent(false), m_ReplyTo(SM_REPLY_CONSOLE)
	m_PubTrigger = sm_strdup("!");
	m_PrivTrigger = sm_strdup("/");
	m_PubTriggerSize = 1;
	m_PrivTriggerSize = 1;
	m_bIsChatTrigger = false;
Exemple #3
ChatTriggers::ChatTriggers() : m_pSayCmd(NULL), m_bWillProcessInPost(false), 
	m_ReplyTo(SM_REPLY_CONSOLE), m_ArgSBackup(NULL)
	m_PubTrigger = sm_strdup("!");
	m_PrivTrigger = sm_strdup("/");
	m_PubTriggerSize = 1;
	m_PrivTriggerSize = 1;
	m_bIsChatTrigger = false;
	m_bPluginIgnored = true;
	m_bIsINS = false;
CoreProviderImpl::DefineCommand(const char *name, const char *help, const CommandFunc &callback)
	char *new_name = sm_strdup(name);
	char *new_help = sm_strdup(help);
	int flags = 0;

	auto ignore_callback = [] (DISPATCH_ARGS) -> void {

	ConCommand *cmd = new ConCommand(new_name, ignore_callback, new_help, flags);
	ke::RefPtr<CommandHook> hook = AddCommandHook(cmd, callback);

	ke::RefPtr<CommandImpl> impl = new CommandImpl(cmd, hook);
Handle_t ConVarManager::CreateConVar(IPluginContext *pContext, const char *name, const char *defaultVal, const char *description, int flags, bool hasMin, float min, bool hasMax, float max)
	ConVar *pConVar = NULL;
	ConVarInfo *pInfo = NULL;
	Handle_t hndl = 0;

	/* Find out if the convar exists already */
	pConVar = icvar->FindVar(name);

	/* If the convar already exists... */
	if (pConVar)
		/* Add convar to plugin's list */
		AddConVarToPluginList(pContext, pConVar);

		/* First find out if we already have a handle to it */
		if (convar_cache_lookup(name, &pInfo))
			return pInfo->handle;
			/* Create and initialize ConVarInfo structure */
			pInfo = new ConVarInfo();
			pInfo->sourceMod = false;
			pInfo->pChangeForward = NULL;
			pInfo->pVar = pConVar;

			/* If we don't, then create a new handle from the convar */
			hndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(m_ConVarType, pInfo, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
			if (hndl == BAD_HANDLE)
				delete pInfo;
				return BAD_HANDLE;

			pInfo->handle = hndl;

			/* Insert struct into caches */
			convar_cache.insert(name, pInfo);
			TrackConCommandBase(pConVar, this);

			return hndl;

	/* Prevent creating a convar that has the same name as a console command */
	if (FindCommand(name))
		return BAD_HANDLE;

	/* Create and initialize ConVarInfo structure */
	pInfo = new ConVarInfo();
	pInfo->handle = hndl;
	pInfo->sourceMod = true;
	pInfo->pChangeForward = NULL;

	/* Create a handle from the new convar */
	hndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(m_ConVarType, pInfo, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL);
	if (hndl == BAD_HANDLE)
		delete pInfo;
		return BAD_HANDLE;

	pInfo->handle = hndl;

	/* Hardening: remove NOTIFY from any convar plugins attempt to create */
	flags &= ~FCVAR_NOTIFY;

	/* Since an existing convar (or concmd with the same name) was not found , now we can finally create it */
	pConVar = new ConVar(sm_strdup(name), sm_strdup(defaultVal), flags, sm_strdup(description), hasMin, min, hasMax, max);
	pInfo->pVar = pConVar;

	/* Add convar to plugin's list */
	AddConVarToPluginList(pContext, pConVar);

	/* Insert struct into caches */
	convar_cache.insert(name, pInfo);

	return hndl;