void smf_open_ndfname( const HDSLoc *loc, const char accmode[],
                       const char extname[], const char state[], const char dattype[],
                       const int ndims, const int lbnd[], const int ubnd[],
                       const char datalabel[], const char dataunits[],
                       const AstFrameSet* wcs,
                       smfData **ndfdata,
                       int *status) {

  /* Local variables */
  void *datarr[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* Pointers for data */
  int dims[NDF__MXDIM];         /* Extent of each dimension */
  smf_dtype dtype;              /* Data type */
  int flags = 0;                /* Flags for creating smfDA, smfFile and
				   smfHead components in the output smfData */
  int i;
  int ndat;                     /* Number of elements mapped in the requested NDF */
  char ndfaccmode[NDF__SZMMD+1];/* Access mode to use to open the file */
  int ndimsmapped;              /* Number of dimensions in mapped NDF */
  int ndfid;                    /* NDF identifier */
  AstFrameSet *ndfwcs = NULL;   /* Copy of input FrameSet to write to NDF */
  smfFile *newfile = NULL;      /* New smfFile with details of requested NDF */
  int place;                    /* Placeholder for NDF */
  int updating = 0;             /* True if the extension is being updated */

  /* Initialize the output smfData to NULL pointer */
  *ndfdata = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  /* Check to see if the HDS Locator is null and retrieve the NDF id */
  if ( loc ==  NULL ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Given HDS locator is NULL", status );

  /* Start be assuming the requested access mode can be used for mapping
     and file opening */
  one_strlcpy( ndfaccmode, accmode, sizeof(ndfaccmode), status );

  /* Note: write access clears the contents of the NDF */
  if ( strncmp( accmode, "WRITE", 5 ) == 0 ) {
    msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG," ", "Opening NDF with WRITE access: this will clear the current contents if the NDF exists.", status);
    updating = 1;

    /* We can have WRITE/ZERO or WRITE/BAD so we need to force WRITE
       into the NDF open access mode */
    one_strlcpy( ndfaccmode, "WRITE", sizeof(ndfaccmode), status );

  } else if ( strncmp( accmode, "UPDATE", 6) == 0) {
    updating = 1;
  ndfOpen( loc, extname, ndfaccmode, state, &ndfid, &place, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME,
	    "Call to ndfOpen failed: unable to obtain an NDF identifier",
	    status );

  /* No placeholder => NDF exists */
  if ( place != NDF__NOPL ) {
    /* Define properties of NDF */
    ndfNew( dattype, ndims, lbnd, ubnd, &place, &ndfid, status );
    if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
      errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to create a new NDF", status );

  /* Convert the data type string to SMURF dtype */
  dtype = smf_dtype_fromstring( dattype, status );

  /* First step is to create an empty smfData with no extra components */
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_DA;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_FTS;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_HEAD;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_FILE;
  *ndfdata = smf_create_smfData( flags, status);
  /* Set the requested data type */
  (*ndfdata)->dtype = dtype;

  /* OK, now map the data array */
  ndfMap( ndfid, "DATA", dattype, accmode, &datarr[0], &ndat, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to map data array: invalid NDF identifier?", status );
  /* Retrieve dimensions of mapped array */
  ndfDim( ndfid, NDF__MXDIM, dims, &ndimsmapped, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Problem identifying dimensions of requested NDF", status );
  /* Consistency check */
  if ( ndimsmapped != ndims ) {
    if ( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Number of dimensions in new NDF not equal to number of dimensions specified", status );

  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) {
      ((*ndfdata)->dims)[i] = dims[i];
      ((*ndfdata)->lbnd)[i] = lbnd[i];

  /* Allow for label, units and WCS to be written */
  if (updating) {
    if (datalabel) ndfCput( datalabel, ndfid, "Label", status );
    if (dataunits) ndfCput( dataunits, ndfid, "Unit", status );
    if (wcs) {
      /* Take a copy of the input WCS and modify if necessary that
	 before writing to the NDF */
      ndfwcs = astCopy( wcs );
      smf_set_moving( (AstFrame *) ndfwcs, NULL, status );
      ndfPtwcs( ndfwcs, ndfid, status );
      if (ndfwcs) ndfwcs = astAnnul( ndfwcs );

  /* Create the smfFile */
  newfile = smf_construct_smfFile( newfile, ndfid, 0, 0, NULL, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to construct new smfFile", status );

  /* And populate the new smfData */
  *ndfdata = smf_construct_smfData( *ndfdata, newfile, NULL, NULL, NULL, dtype,
                                    datarr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                    (*ndfdata)->dims, (*ndfdata)->lbnd, ndims,
                                    0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

Exemple #2
void smf_flat_malloc( size_t nheat, const smfData * refdata,
                      smfData **powvald, smfData **bolvald, int *status ) {

  size_t rowidx = SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX;
  size_t colidx = SC2STORE__COL_INDEX;
  double * bolval = NULL; /* Data array inside bolrefd */
  double * bolvalvar = NULL; /* Variance inside bolrefd */
  dim_t dims[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /* Default dimensions */
  smfHead * hdr = NULL;      /* New header */
  int lbnd[] = { 1, 1, 1 };  /* Default pixel lower bounds */
  size_t nelem = 0;      /* Number of elements in first two dimensions of refdims */
  smfHead * oldhdr = NULL;   /* header from refdata */
  void *pntr[] = { NULL, NULL };          /* pointers for smfData */
  double * powval = NULL; /* Data array inside powrefd */

  if (bolvald) *bolvald = NULL;
  if (powvald) *powvald = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if ( !bolvald && !powvald) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "Must provide at least one non-NULL pointer to smf_flat_malloc"
            " (possible programming error)", status );

  /* Sanity check */
  if ( nheat == 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "No flatfield information present for creating new smfData",
            status );

  if ( !smf_validate_smfData( refdata, 1, 0, status ) ) return;
  oldhdr = refdata->hdr;

  if (powvald) {
    powval = astCalloc( nheat, sizeof(*powval) );
    pntr[0] = powval;
    pntr[1] = NULL;
    dims[0] = nheat;
    *powvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, NULL, 1, 0, 0, NULL,
                                      NULL, status );

  if (bolvald) {
    /* Handle data ordering */
    if ( ! refdata->isTordered ) {

    nelem = refdata->dims[rowidx] * refdata->dims[colidx];
    bolval = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolval) );
    bolvalvar = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolvalvar) );
    pntr[0] = bolval;
    pntr[1] = bolvalvar;
    dims[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->dims[rowidx];
    dims[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->dims[colidx];
    dims[2] = nheat;
    lbnd[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[rowidx];
    lbnd[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[colidx];
    lbnd[2] = 1;

    /* Create a header to attach to the bolometer data. We only want the basic 2-d
       information to propagate. */
    hdr = smf_construct_smfHead( NULL, oldhdr->instrument, NULL, NULL,
                                 astCopy( oldhdr->fitshdr ), NULL, 0,
                                 oldhdr->instap, nheat, oldhdr->steptime,
                                 oldhdr->scanvel, oldhdr->obsmode,
                                 oldhdr->swmode, oldhdr->obstype,
                                 oldhdr->seqtype, oldhdr->inbeam, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                 NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,
                                 "Flatfield measurement", "Response",
                                 oldhdr->units, oldhdr->telpos,
                                 NULL, oldhdr->obsidss, status );

    *bolvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, hdr, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, lbnd, 3, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

void smf_collapse_tseries( const smfData *indata, int nclip, const float clip[],
                           double snrlim, int flagconst, smf_dtype dtype,
                           smfData **outdata,
                           int *status ) {

  /* Per type pointers */
  double *avg_d = NULL;
  double *var_d = NULL;
  int *avg_i = NULL;
  int *var_i = NULL;

  dim_t dims[2];      /* dimensions of data array */
  smfHead *hdr = NULL; /* copy of header */
  AstKeyMap * history = NULL; /* history */
  size_t nbperel;  /* Number of bytes in dtype */
  size_t nelem;   /* number of elements in mean image */
  void *pntr[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* pointers to data */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* see if we have a 2d input (likely reduced) */
  if (indata->ndims == 2 ||
      (indata->ndims == 3 && (indata->dims)[2] == 1) ) {
    *outdata = NULL;

  /* Trap SMF__NULL */
  if (dtype == SMF__NULL) dtype = indata->dtype;

  /* Get some memory of the right type - data and variance */
  dims[0] = (indata->dims)[0];
  dims[1] = (indata->dims)[1];
  nelem = dims[0] * dims[1];
  nbperel = smf_dtype_sz(dtype, status);
  pntr[0] = astMalloc( nelem*nbperel );
  pntr[1] = astMalloc( nelem*nbperel );

  /* Assign the pointers */
  smf_select_pntr( pntr, dtype, &avg_d, &var_d, &avg_i, &var_i, status );

  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    dim_t i,j;

    /* get statistics for each bolometer */
    for (i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < dims[1]; j++) {
        double mean = VAL__BADD;
        double stdev = VAL__BADD;
        double variance = VAL__BADD;
        dim_t index;
        index = ( j * dims[0] ) + i;

        smf_calc_stats( indata, "b", index, 0, 0, nclip, clip,
                        &mean, &stdev, status );

        if (flagconst && stdev == 0.0) {
          mean = VAL__BADD;
          stdev = VAL__BADD;
        if (snrlim > 0 && mean != VAL__BADD && stdev != VAL__BADD
            && stdev != 0.0) {
          double snr;
          snr = fabs(mean/stdev);
          if (snr < snrlim) {
            mean = VAL__BADD;
            stdev = VAL__BADD;
        if (stdev != VAL__BADD) {
          variance = stdev * stdev;

        switch (dtype) {
        case SMF__DOUBLE:
          avg_d[index] = mean;
          var_d[index] = variance;
        case SMF__INTEGER:
          if (isnan(mean) || mean == VAL__BADD ) {
            avg_i[index] = VAL__BADI;
          } else {
            avg_i[index] = (int)mean;
          if (isnan(stdev) || stdev == VAL__BADD) {
            var_i[index] = VAL__BADI;
          } else if ( variance > (double)VAL__MAXI ) {
            /* overflow. Convert to BAD */
            var_i[index] = VAL__BADI;
            avg_i[index] = VAL__BADI;
          } else {
            var_i[index] = (int)variance;
          *status = SAI__ERROR;
          errRep( " ", "Should be impossible to get here", status );
          goto L999;



  /* now create a new smfData - we need to copy the header info */
  hdr = smf_deepcopy_smfHead( indata->hdr, status );
  if (indata->history) history = astCopy( indata->history );

  *outdata = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL,  hdr, NULL, NULL,
                                    dtype, pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES,
                                    NULL, 0, 1, dims, indata->lbnd, 2, 0, 0,
                                    NULL, history, status );

  /* must free the data if outdata is null */
  if (*outdata == NULL) {
    pntr[0] = astFree( pntr[0] );
    pntr[1] = astFree( pntr[1] );

Exemple #4
void smf_flat_malloc( size_t nheat, const smfData * refdata,
                      smfData **powvald, smfData **bolvald, int *status ) {

  size_t rowidx = SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX;
  size_t colidx = SC2STORE__COL_INDEX;
  double * bolval = NULL; /* Data array inside bolrefd */
  double * bolvalvar = NULL; /* Variance inside bolrefd */
  dim_t dims[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /* Default dimensions */
  smfHead * hdr = NULL;      /* New header */
  int lbnd[] = { 1, 1, 1 };  /* Default pixel lower bounds */
  size_t nelem = 0;      /* Number of elements in first two dimensions of refdims */
  smfHead * oldhdr = NULL;   /* header from refdata */
  void *pntr[] = { NULL, NULL };          /* pointers for smfData */
  double * powval = NULL; /* Data array inside powrefd */
  const char *dom;        /* Domain of axis 1 */
  AstFrameSet *new_fs;    /* New FrameSet for returned *bolvald */
  AstMapping *map;        /* Mapping from pixel index 3 to heater index */
  AstFrame *frm;          /* Frame describing heater index */
  int ubnd[ 1 ];          /* Upper bound on heater index */

  if (bolvald) *bolvald = NULL;
  if (powvald) *powvald = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if ( !bolvald && !powvald) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "Must provide at least one non-NULL pointer to smf_flat_malloc"
            " (possible programming error)", status );

  /* Sanity check */
  if ( nheat == 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "No flatfield information present for creating new smfData",
            status );

  if ( !smf_validate_smfData( refdata, 1, 0, status ) ) return;
  oldhdr = refdata->hdr;

  if (powvald) {
    powval = astCalloc( nheat, sizeof(*powval) );
    pntr[0] = powval;
    pntr[1] = NULL;
    dims[0] = nheat;
    *powvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, NULL, 1, 0, 0, NULL,
                                      NULL, status );

  if (bolvald) {
    /* Handle data ordering */
    if ( ! refdata->isTordered ) {

    nelem = refdata->dims[rowidx] * refdata->dims[colidx];
    bolval = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolval) );
    bolvalvar = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolvalvar) );
    pntr[0] = bolval;
    pntr[1] = bolvalvar;
    dims[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->dims[rowidx];
    dims[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->dims[colidx];
    dims[2] = nheat;
    lbnd[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[rowidx];
    lbnd[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[colidx];
    lbnd[2] = 1;

    /* Create a header to attach to the bolometer data. We only want the basic 2-d
       information to propagate. */
    hdr = smf_construct_smfHead( NULL, oldhdr->instrument, NULL, NULL,
                                 astCopy( oldhdr->fitshdr ), NULL, 0,
                                 oldhdr->instap, nheat, oldhdr->steptime,
                                 oldhdr->scanvel, oldhdr->obsmode,
                                 oldhdr->swmode, oldhdr->obstype,
                                 oldhdr->seqtype, oldhdr->inbeam, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                 NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,
                                 "Flatfield measurement", "Response",
                                 oldhdr->units, oldhdr->telpos,
                                 NULL, oldhdr->obsidss, status );

    *bolvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, hdr, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, lbnd, 3, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

    /* Assign a 3D WCS FRameSet in which the third axis represents heater
       value index (note, not actual heater value, since we do not yet
       know what the heater values are). First split the supplied time-series
       WCS FrameSet to extract a FrameSet in which the current Frame
       contains only the axes within the ame Domain as the first axis
       (this is safe because the first axis is always a spatial axis). */
    if( oldhdr->tswcs ) {
      dom = astGetC( oldhdr->tswcs, "Domain(1)" );
      new_fs = atlFrameSetSplit( oldhdr->tswcs, dom, NULL, NULL, status );

      /* Check this FrameSet is 2D, and if so, add in a third axis describing
         heater value index. */
      if( new_fs && astGetI( new_fs, "Naxes" ) == 2 ) {
         map = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, " " );
         frm = astFrame( 1, "Domain=HEATER_INDEX" );
         ubnd[ 0 ] = nheat;
         atlAddWcsAxis(  new_fs, map, frm, NULL, ubnd, status );
         map = astAnnul( map );
         frm = astAnnul( frm );

         /* Hand over the FrameSet pointer to the returned smfData. */
         (*bolvald)->hdr->tswcs = new_fs;

