int smpd_post_abort_command(char *fmt, ...) { int result; char error_str[2048] = ""; smpd_command_t *cmd_ptr; smpd_context_t *context; va_list list; smpd_enter_fn(FCNAME); va_start(list, fmt); vsnprintf(error_str, 2048, fmt, list); va_end(list); result = smpd_create_command("abort",, 0, SMPD_FALSE, &cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to create an abort command.\n"); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } result = smpd_add_command_arg(cmd_ptr, "error", error_str); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("Unable to add the error string to the abort command.\n"); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } result = smpd_command_destination(0, &context); if(result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("Unable to find destination for command...Aborting: %s\n", error_str); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } if (context == NULL) { if (smpd_process.left_context == NULL) { printf("Aborting: %s\n", error_str); fflush(stdout); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); smpd_exit(-1); } smpd_process.closing = SMPD_TRUE; result = smpd_create_command("close", 0, 1, SMPD_FALSE, &cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to create the close command to tear down the job tree.\n"); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } result = smpd_post_write_command(smpd_process.left_context, cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to post a write of the close command to tear down the job tree as part of the abort process.\n"); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } } else { smpd_dbg_printf("sending abort command to %s context: \"%s\"\n", smpd_get_context_str(context), cmd_ptr->cmd); result = smpd_post_write_command(context, cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to post a write of the abort command to the %s context.\n", smpd_get_context_str(context)); smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_FAIL; } } smpd_exit_fn(FCNAME); return SMPD_SUCCESS; }
int mpiexec_rsh() { int i; smpd_launch_node_t *launch_node_ptr; smpd_process_t *process, **processes; int result; char *iter1, *iter2; char exe[SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH]; char *p; char ssh_cmd[100] = "ssh -x"; SMPDU_Sock_set_t set; SMPD_BOOL escape_escape = SMPD_TRUE; char *env_str; int maxlen; SMPDU_Sock_t abort_sock; smpd_context_t *abort_context = NULL; smpd_command_t *cmd_ptr; PROCESS_HANDLE_TYPE hnd; smpd_enter_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H SetConsoleCtrlHandler(mpiexec_rsh_handler, TRUE); #else /* setup a signall hander? */ #endif p = getenv("MPIEXEC_RSH"); if (p != NULL && strlen(p) > 0){ strncpy(ssh_cmd, p, 100); } p = getenv("MPIEXEC_RSH_NO_ESCAPE"); if (p != NULL){ if (smpd_is_affirmative(p) || strcmp(p, "1") == 0){ escape_escape = SMPD_FALSE; } } result = SMPDU_Sock_create_set(&set); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("unable to create a set for the mpiexec_rsh.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } smpd_process.nproc = smpd_process.launch_list->nproc; if (smpd_process.use_pmi_server){ result = start_pmi_server(smpd_process.launch_list->nproc, root_host, 100, &root_port); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("mpiexec_rsh is unable to start the local pmi server.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } smpd_dbg_printf("the pmi server is listening on %s:%d\n", root_host, root_port); } else{ /* start the root smpd */ result = start_root_smpd(root_host, SMPD_MAX_HOST_LENGTH, &root_port, &hnd); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("mpiexec_rsh is unable to start the root smpd.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } smpd_dbg_printf("the root smpd is listening on %s:%d\n", root_host, root_port); /* create a connection to the root smpd used to abort the job */ result = ConnectToHost(root_host, root_port, SMPD_CONNECTING_RPMI, set, &abort_sock, &abort_context); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } } processes = (smpd_process_t**)MPIU_Malloc(sizeof(smpd_process_t*) * smpd_process.launch_list->nproc); if (processes == NULL){ smpd_err_printf("unable to allocate process array.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } launch_node_ptr = smpd_process.launch_list; for (i=0; i<smpd_process.launch_list->nproc; i++){ if (launch_node_ptr == NULL){ smpd_err_printf("Error: not enough launch nodes.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } /* initialize process structure */ result = smpd_create_process_struct(i, &process); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("unable to create a process structure.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } /* no need for a pmi context */ if (process->pmi){ smpd_free_context(process->pmi); } process->pmi = NULL; /* change stdout and stderr to rsh behavior: * write stdout/err directly to stdout/err instead of creating * an smpd stdout/err command */ if (process->out != NULL){ process->out->type = SMPD_CONTEXT_STDOUT_RSH; } if (process->err != NULL){ process->err->type = SMPD_CONTEXT_STDERR_RSH; } MPIU_Strncpy(process->clique, launch_node_ptr->clique, SMPD_MAX_CLIQUE_LENGTH); MPIU_Strncpy(process->dir, launch_node_ptr->dir, SMPD_MAX_DIR_LENGTH); MPIU_Strncpy(process->domain_name, smpd_process.kvs_name, SMPD_MAX_DBS_NAME_LEN); MPIU_Strncpy(process->env, launch_node_ptr->env, SMPD_MAX_ENV_LENGTH); if (escape_escape == SMPD_TRUE && smpd_process.mpiexec_run_local != SMPD_TRUE){ /* convert \ to \\ to make cygwin ssh happy */ iter1 = launch_node_ptr->exe; iter2 = exe; while (*iter1){ if (*iter1 == '\\'){ *iter2 = *iter1; iter2++; *iter2 = *iter1; } else{ *iter2 = *iter1; } iter1++; iter2++; } *iter2 = '\0'; /*printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", launch_node_ptr->exe, exe);*/ } else{ MPIU_Strncpy(exe, launch_node_ptr->exe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH); } /* Two samples for testing on the local machine */ /* static rPMI initialization */ /*sprintf(process->exe, "env PMI_RANK=%d PMI_SIZE=%d PMI_KVS=%s PMI_ROOT_HOST=%s PMI_ROOT_PORT=8888 PMI_ROOT_LOCAL=1 PMI_APPNUM=%d %s", launch_node_ptr->iproc, launch_node_ptr->nproc, smpd_process.kvs_name, root_host, launch_node_ptr->appnum, exe);*/ /* dynamic rPMI initialization */ /*sprintf(process->exe, "env PMI_RANK=%d PMI_SIZE=%d PMI_KVS=%s PMI_ROOT_HOST=%s PMI_ROOT_PORT=%d PMI_ROOT_LOCAL=0 PMI_APPNUM=%d %s", launch_node_ptr->iproc, launch_node_ptr->nproc, smpd_process.kvs_name, root_host, root_port, launch_node_ptr->appnum, exe);*/ if (smpd_process.mpiexec_run_local == SMPD_TRUE){ /* -localonly option and dynamic rPMI initialization */ env_str = &process->env[strlen(process->env)]; maxlen = (int)(SMPD_MAX_ENV_LENGTH - strlen(process->env)); MPIU_Str_add_int_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_RANK", launch_node_ptr->iproc); MPIU_Str_add_int_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_SIZE", launch_node_ptr->nproc); MPIU_Str_add_string_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_KVS", smpd_process.kvs_name); MPIU_Str_add_string_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_ROOT_HOST", root_host); MPIU_Str_add_int_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_ROOT_PORT", root_port); MPIU_Str_add_string_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_ROOT_LOCAL", "0"); MPIU_Str_add_int_arg(&env_str, &maxlen, "PMI_APPNUM", launch_node_ptr->appnum); MPIU_Strncpy(process->exe, exe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH); } else{ /* ssh and dynamic rPMI initialization */ char fmtEnv[SMPD_MAX_ENV_LENGTH]; int fmtEnvLen = SMPD_MAX_ENV_LENGTH; char *pExe = process->exe; int curLen = 0; MPIU_Snprintf(pExe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH, "%s %s env", ssh_cmd, launch_node_ptr->hostname); curLen = strlen(process->exe); pExe = process->exe + curLen; if(FmtEnvVarsForSSH(launch_node_ptr->env, fmtEnv, fmtEnvLen)){ /* Add user specified env vars */ MPIU_Snprintf(pExe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH - curLen, "%s", fmtEnv); curLen = strlen(process->exe); pExe = process->exe + curLen; } MPIU_Snprintf(pExe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH - curLen, " \"PMI_RANK=%d\" \"PMI_SIZE=%d\" \"PMI_KVS=%s\" \"PMI_ROOT_HOST=%s\" \"PMI_ROOT_PORT=%d\" \"PMI_ROOT_LOCAL=0\" \"PMI_APPNUM=%d\" %s", launch_node_ptr->iproc, launch_node_ptr->nproc, smpd_process.kvs_name, root_host, root_port, launch_node_ptr->appnum, exe); } MPIU_Strncpy(process->kvs_name, smpd_process.kvs_name, SMPD_MAX_DBS_NAME_LEN); process->nproc = launch_node_ptr->nproc; MPIU_Strncpy(process->path, launch_node_ptr->path, SMPD_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); /* call smpd_launch_process */ smpd_dbg_printf("launching: %s\n", process->exe); result = smpd_launch_process(process, SMPD_DEFAULT_PRIORITY_CLASS, SMPD_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, SMPD_FALSE, set); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("unable to launch process %d <%s>.\n", i, process->exe); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } /* save the new process in the list */ process->next = smpd_process.process_list; smpd_process.process_list = process; if (i == 0){ /* start the stdin redirection thread to the first process */ setup_stdin_redirection(process, set); } smpd_process.nproc_launched++; processes[i] = process; launch_node_ptr = launch_node_ptr->next; } /* for (i=0; i<smpd_process.launch_list->nproc; i++) */ if (launch_node_ptr != NULL){ smpd_err_printf("Error: too many launch nodes.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } /* Start the timeout mechanism if specified */ if (smpd_process.timeout > 0){ smpd_context_t *reader_context; SMPDU_Sock_t sock_reader; SMPDU_SOCK_NATIVE_FD reader, writer; #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H /*SOCKET reader, writer;*/ smpd_make_socket_loop((SOCKET*)&reader, (SOCKET*)&writer); #else /*int reader, writer;*/ int pair[2]; socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, pair); reader = pair[0]; writer = pair[1]; #endif result = SMPDU_Sock_native_to_sock(set, reader, NULL, &sock_reader); result = SMPDU_Sock_native_to_sock(set, writer, NULL, &smpd_process.timeout_sock); result = smpd_create_context(SMPD_CONTEXT_TIMEOUT, set, sock_reader, -1, &reader_context); reader_context->read_state = SMPD_READING_TIMEOUT; result = SMPDU_Sock_post_read(sock_reader, &reader_context->read_cmd.cmd, 1, 1, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H /* create a Windows thread to sleep until the timeout expires */ smpd_process.timeout_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)timeout_thread, NULL, 0, NULL); if (smpd_process.timeout_thread == NULL){ printf("Error: unable to create a timeout thread, errno %d.\n", GetLastError()); smpd_exit_fn("mp_parse_command_args"); return SMPD_FAIL; } #else /* HAVE_WINDOWS_H */ #ifdef SIGALRM /* create an alarm to signal mpiexec when the timeout expires */ smpd_signal(SIGALRM, timeout_function); alarm(smpd_process.timeout); #else /* SIGALARM */ #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H /* create a pthread to sleep until the timeout expires */ result = pthread_create(&smpd_process.timeout_thread, NULL, timeout_thread, NULL); if (result != 0){ printf("Error: unable to create a timeout thread, errno %d.\n", result); smpd_exit_fn("mp_parse_command_args"); return SMPD_FAIL; } #else /* HAVE_PTHREAD_H */ /* no timeout mechanism available */ #endif /* HAVE_PTHREAD_H */ #endif /* SIGALARM */ #endif /* HAVE_WINDOWS_H */ } /* if (smpd_process.timeout > 0) */ result = smpd_enter_at_state(set, SMPD_IDLE); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("mpiexec_rsh state machine failed.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } if (smpd_process.use_pmi_server){ result = stop_pmi_server(); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("mpiexec_rsh unable to stop the pmi server.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } } else{ /* Send an abort command to the root_smpd thread/process to insure that it exits. * This only needs to be sent when there is an error or failed process of some sort * but it is safe to send it in all cases. */ result = smpd_create_command("abort", 0, 0, SMPD_FALSE, &cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("unable to create an abort command.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } result = smpd_post_write_command(abort_context, cmd_ptr); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ /* Only print this as a debug message instead of an error because the root_smpd thread/process may have already exited. */ smpd_dbg_printf("unable to post a write of the abort command to the %s context.\n", smpd_get_context_str(abort_context)); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } result = stop_root_smpd(hnd); if (result != PMI_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("mpiexec_rsh unable to stop the root smpd.\n"); smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return SMPD_FAIL; } } smpd_exit_fn("mpiexec_rsh"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int result = SMPD_SUCCESS; smpd_host_node_t *host_node_ptr; smpd_launch_node_t *launch_node_ptr; smpd_context_t *context; SMPDU_Sock_set_t set; SMPDU_Sock_t sock = SMPDU_SOCK_INVALID_SOCK; smpd_state_t state; smpd_enter_fn("main"); /* catch an empty command line */ if (argc < 2) { mp_print_options(); exit(0); } smpd_process.mpiexec_argv0 = argv[0]; /* initialize */ /* FIXME: Get rid of this hack - we already create * local KVS for all singleton clients by default */ putenv("PMI_SMPD_FD=0"); result = PMPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* SMPD_CS_ENTER(); */ if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("SMPD_Init failed,\nerror: %d\n", result); smpd_exit_fn("main"); return result; } result = SMPDU_Sock_init(); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("SMPDU_Sock_init failed,\nsock error: %s\n", get_sock_error_string(result)); smpd_exit_fn("main"); return result; } result = smpd_init_process(); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("smpd_init_process failed.\n"); goto quit_job; } smpd_process.dbg_state = SMPD_DBG_STATE_ERROUT; /* parse the command line */ smpd_dbg_printf("parsing the command line.\n"); result = mp_parse_command_args(&argc, &argv); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("Unable to parse the mpiexec command arguments.\n"); goto quit_job; } /* If we are using MS HPC job scheduler we only connect * to the local SMPD */ if(smpd_process.use_ms_hpc){ char host[100]; int id; /* Free the current host list */ result = smpd_free_host_list(); if(result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("Unable to free the global host list\n"); goto quit_job; } /* Add local host to the host list */ result = smpd_get_hostname(host, 100); if(result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("Unable to get the local hostname\n"); goto quit_job; } result = smpd_get_host_id(host, &id); if(result != SMPD_SUCCESS){ smpd_err_printf("Unable to get host id for local host\n"); goto quit_job; } /* Set the number of PMI procs since they are not launched by mpiexec */ smpd_process.nproc = smpd_process.launch_list->nproc; smpd_dbg_printf("Adding (%s:%d) == (localhost) to the host list\n", host, id); } /* print and see what we've got */ /* debugging output *************/ smpd_dbg_printf("host tree:\n"); host_node_ptr = smpd_process.host_list; if (!host_node_ptr) smpd_dbg_printf("<none>\n"); while (host_node_ptr) { smpd_dbg_printf(" host: %s, parent: %d, id: %d\n", host_node_ptr->host, host_node_ptr->parent, host_node_ptr->id); host_node_ptr = host_node_ptr->next; } smpd_dbg_printf("launch nodes:\n"); launch_node_ptr = smpd_process.launch_list; if (!launch_node_ptr) smpd_dbg_printf("<none>\n"); while (launch_node_ptr) { smpd_dbg_printf(" iproc: %d, id: %d, exe: %s\n", launch_node_ptr->iproc, launch_node_ptr->host_id, launch_node_ptr->exe); launch_node_ptr = launch_node_ptr->next; } /* end debug output *************/ /* set the id of the mpiexec node to zero */ = 0; result = SMPDU_Sock_create_set(&set); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("SMPDU_Sock_create_set failed,\nsock error: %s\n", get_sock_error_string(result)); goto quit_job; } smpd_process.set = set; /* Check to see if the user wants to use a remote shell mechanism for launching the processes * instead of using the smpd process managers. */ if (smpd_process.rsh_mpiexec == SMPD_TRUE) { /* Do rsh or localonly stuff */ result = mpiexec_rsh(); /* skip over the non-rsh code and go to the cleanup section */ goto quit_job; } /* Start the timeout mechanism if specified */ /* This code occurs after the rsh_mpiexec option check because the rsh code implementes timeouts differently */ if (smpd_process.timeout > 0) { #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H /* create a Windows thread to sleep until the timeout expires */ if (smpd_process.timeout_thread == NULL) { smpd_process.timeout_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)timeout_thread, NULL, 0, NULL); if (smpd_process.timeout_thread == NULL) { printf("Error: unable to create a timeout thread, errno %d.\n", GetLastError()); smpd_exit_fn("mp_parse_command_args"); return SMPD_FAIL; } } #elif defined(SIGALRM) /* create an alarm to signal mpiexec when the timeout expires */ smpd_signal(SIGALRM, timeout_function); alarm(smpd_process.timeout); #elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_H) /* create a pthread to sleep until the timeout expires */ result = pthread_create(&smpd_process.timeout_thread, NULL, timeout_thread, NULL); if (result != 0) { printf("Error: unable to create a timeout thread, errno %d.\n", result); smpd_exit_fn("mp_parse_command_args"); return SMPD_FAIL; } #else /* no timeout mechanism available */ #endif } /* make sure we have a passphrase to authenticate connections to the smpds */ if (smpd_process.passphrase[0] == '\0') smpd_get_smpd_data("phrase", smpd_process.passphrase, SMPD_PASSPHRASE_MAX_LENGTH); if (smpd_process.passphrase[0] == '\0') { if (smpd_process.noprompt) { printf("Error: No smpd passphrase specified through the registry or .smpd file, exiting.\n"); result = SMPD_FAIL; goto quit_job; } printf("Please specify an authentication passphrase for smpd: "); fflush(stdout); smpd_get_password(smpd_process.passphrase); } /* set the state to create a console session or a job session */ state = smpd_process.do_console ? SMPD_MPIEXEC_CONNECTING_SMPD : SMPD_MPIEXEC_CONNECTING_TREE; result = smpd_create_context(SMPD_CONTEXT_LEFT_CHILD, set, sock, 1, &context); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to create a context for the first host in the tree.\n"); goto quit_job; } #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H if (!smpd_process.local_root) { #endif /* start connecting the tree by posting a connect to the first host */ result = SMPDU_Sock_post_connect(set, context, smpd_process.host_list->host, smpd_process.port, &sock); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("Unable to connect to '%s:%d',\nsock error: %s\n", smpd_process.host_list->host, smpd_process.port, get_sock_error_string(result)); goto quit_job; } #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H } #endif context->sock = sock; context->state = state; context->connect_to = smpd_process.host_list; #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H if (smpd_process.local_root) { int port; smpd_context_t *rc_context; /* The local_root option is implemented by having mpiexec act as the smpd * and launch the smpd manager. Then mpiexec connects to this manager just * as if it had been created by a real smpd. This causes all the processes * destined for the first smpd host to be launched by this child process of * mpiexec and not the smpd service. This allows for these processes to * create windows that are visible to the interactive user. It also means * that the job cannot be run in the context of a user other than the user * running mpiexec. */ /* get the path to smpd.exe because pszExe is currently mpiexec.exe */ smpd_get_smpd_data("binary", smpd_process.pszExe, SMPD_MAX_EXE_LENGTH); /* launch the manager process */ result = smpd_start_win_mgr(context, SMPD_FALSE); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to start the local smpd manager.\n"); goto quit_job; } /* connect to the manager */ smpd_dbg_printf("connecting a new socket.\n"); port = atol(context->port_str); if (port < 1) { smpd_err_printf("Invalid reconnect port read: %d\n", port); goto quit_job; } result = smpd_create_context(context->type, context->set, SMPDU_SOCK_INVALID_SOCK, context->id, &rc_context); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to create a new context for the reconnection.\n"); goto quit_job; } rc_context->state = context->state; rc_context->write_state = SMPD_RECONNECTING; context->state = SMPD_CLOSING; rc_context->connect_to = context->connect_to; rc_context->connect_return_id = context->connect_return_id; rc_context->connect_return_tag = context->connect_return_tag; strcpy(rc_context->host, context->host); smpd_process.left_context = rc_context; smpd_dbg_printf("posting a re-connect to %s:%d in %s context.\n", rc_context->connect_to->host, port, smpd_get_context_str(rc_context)); result = SMPDU_Sock_post_connect(rc_context->set, rc_context, rc_context->connect_to->host, port, &rc_context->sock); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("Unable to post a connect to '%s:%d',\nsock error: %s\n", rc_context->connect_to->host, port, get_sock_error_string(result)); if (smpd_post_abort_command("Unable to connect to '%s:%d',\nsock error: %s\n", rc_context->connect_to->host, port, get_sock_error_string(result)) != SMPD_SUCCESS) { goto quit_job; } } } else { #endif smpd_process.left_context = context; result = SMPDU_Sock_set_user_ptr(sock, context); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("unable to set the smpd sock user pointer,\nsock error: %s\n", get_sock_error_string(result)); goto quit_job; } #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H } #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H { /* Create a break handler and a socket to handle aborting the job when mpiexec receives break signals */ smpd_context_t *reader_context; SMPDU_Sock_t sock_reader; SMPDU_SOCK_NATIVE_FD reader, writer; smpd_make_socket_loop((SOCKET*)&reader, (SOCKET*)&writer); result = SMPDU_Sock_native_to_sock(set, reader, NULL, &sock_reader); result = SMPDU_Sock_native_to_sock(set, writer, NULL, &smpd_process.mpiexec_abort_sock); result = smpd_create_context(SMPD_CONTEXT_MPIEXEC_ABORT, set, sock_reader, -1, &reader_context); reader_context->read_state = SMPD_READING_MPIEXEC_ABORT; result = SMPDU_Sock_post_read(sock_reader, &reader_context->read_cmd.cmd, 1, 1, NULL); if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(mpiexec_ctrl_handler, TRUE)) { /* Don't error out; allow the job to run without a ctrl handler? */ result = GetLastError(); smpd_dbg_printf("unable to set a ctrl handler for mpiexec, error %d\n", result); } } #endif result = smpd_enter_at_state(set, state); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("state machine failed.\n"); goto quit_job; } quit_job: if ((result != SMPD_SUCCESS) && (smpd_process.mpiexec_exit_code == 0)) { smpd_process.mpiexec_exit_code = -1; } /* finalize */ smpd_dbg_printf("calling SMPDU_Sock_finalize\n"); result = SMPDU_Sock_finalize(); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("SMPDU_Sock_finalize failed,\nsock error: %s\n", get_sock_error_string(result)); } /* SMPD_Finalize called in smpd_exit() smpd_dbg_printf("calling SMPD_Finalize\n"); result = PMPI_Finalize(); if (result != SMPD_SUCCESS) { smpd_err_printf("SMPD_Finalize failed,\nerror: %d\n", result); } */ #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H if (smpd_process.hCloseStdinThreadEvent) SetEvent(smpd_process.hCloseStdinThreadEvent); if (smpd_process.hStdinThread != NULL) { /* close stdin so the input thread will exit */ CloseHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)); if (WaitForSingleObject(smpd_process.hStdinThread, 3000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { TerminateThread(smpd_process.hStdinThread, 321); } CloseHandle(smpd_process.hStdinThread); } if (smpd_process.hCloseStdinThreadEvent) { CloseHandle(smpd_process.hCloseStdinThreadEvent); smpd_process.hCloseStdinThreadEvent = NULL; } #elif defined(USE_PTHREAD_STDIN_REDIRECTION) smpd_cancel_stdin_thread(); #endif smpd_exit_fn("main"); /* SMPD_CS_EXIT(); */ return smpd_exit(smpd_process.mpiexec_exit_code); }