Exemple #1
/* Take a snapshot of the current stack. */
static void snapshot_stack(jit_State *J, SnapShot *snap, MSize nsnapmap)
  BCReg nslots = J->baseslot + J->maxslot;
  MSize nsm, nframelinks;
  IRRef2 *p;
  /* Conservative estimate. Continuation frames need 2 slots. */
  nsm = nsnapmap + nslots + (uint32_t)J->framedepth*2+1;
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(nsm > J->sizesnapmap)) {  /* Need to grow snapshot map? */
    if (nsm < 2*J->sizesnapmap)
      nsm = 2*J->sizesnapmap;
    else if (nsm < 64)
      nsm = 64;
    J->snapmapbuf = (IRRef2 *)lj_mem_realloc(J->L, J->snapmapbuf,
		      J->sizesnapmap*sizeof(IRRef2), nsm*sizeof(IRRef2));
    J->cur.snapmap = J->snapmapbuf;
    J->sizesnapmap = nsm;
  p = &J->cur.snapmap[nsnapmap];
  snapshot_slots(J, p, nslots);
  nframelinks = snapshot_framelinks(J, p + nslots);
  J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)(nsnapmap + nslots + nframelinks);
  snap->mapofs = (uint16_t)nsnapmap;
  snap->ref = (IRRef1)J->cur.nins;
  snap->nslots = (uint8_t)nslots;
  snap->nframelinks = (uint8_t)nframelinks;
  snap->count = 0;
Exemple #2
/* Take a snapshot of the current stack. */
static void snapshot_stack(jit_State *J, SnapShot *snap, MSize nsnapmap)
  BCReg nslots = J->baseslot + J->maxslot;
  MSize nent;
  SnapEntry *p;
  /* Conservative estimate. */
  lj_snap_grow_map(J, nsnapmap + nslots + (MSize)J->framedepth+1);
  p = &J->cur.snapmap[nsnapmap];
  nent = snapshot_slots(J, p, nslots);
  snap->topslot = (uint8_t)snapshot_framelinks(J, p + nent);
  snap->mapofs = (uint16_t)nsnapmap;
  snap->ref = (IRRef1)J->cur.nins;
  snap->nent = (uint8_t)nent;
  snap->nslots = (uint8_t)nslots;
  snap->count = 0;
  J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)(nsnapmap + nent + 1 + J->framedepth);