Extension::Extension(LPRDATA _rdPtr, LPEDATA edPtr, fpcob cobPtr)
    : rdPtr(_rdPtr), rhPtr(_rdPtr->rHo.hoAdRunHeader), Runtime(_rdPtr)
        Link all your action/condition/expression functions to their IDs to match the
        IDs in the JSON here

    LinkAction(0, ChangeTempo);
    LinkAction(1, ChangePitch);
	LinkAction(2, ChangePlayBackRate);

    LinkCondition(0, OnError);

    LinkExpression(0, GetVersion);
	LinkExpression(1, LastError);

        This is where you'd do anything you'd do in CreateRunObject in the original SDK

        It's the only place you'll get access to edPtr at runtime, so you should transfer
        anything from edPtr to the extension class here.
	sndVersion = soundtouch_getVersionId();
	_snwprintf_s(lastError, _countof(lastError),ERRORSIZE,ErrorS[noError]);
	_snwprintf_s(errorTemp, _countof(errorTemp),ERRORSIZE,ErrorS[noError]);
unsigned int SoundTouch::getVersionId() {
    return soundtouch_getVersionId();