static gchar* _make_base_string( GSignondSessionData *session_data, SoupURI* uri, gchar* nonce, gchar* timestamp) { GString* base_string = g_string_new("POST&"); gchar* base_uri; if (soup_uri_uses_default_port(uri)) base_uri = g_strdup_printf("https://%s%s", soup_uri_get_host(uri), soup_uri_get_path(uri)); else base_uri = g_strdup_printf("https://%s:%u%s", soup_uri_get_host(uri), soup_uri_get_port(uri), soup_uri_get_path(uri)); gchar* base_uri_e = _percent_encode(base_uri); g_string_append(base_string, base_uri_e); g_string_append(base_string, "&"); g_free(base_uri); g_free(base_uri_e); GTree* parameters = g_tree_new((GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); const gchar* query_s = soup_uri_get_query(uri); GHashTable* query; if (query_s != NULL) query = soup_form_decode(query_s); else query = soup_form_decode(""); g_hash_table_foreach(query, _insert_into_tree, parameters); const gchar* callback_uri = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "Callback"); if (callback_uri != NULL) g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_callback", (gchar*)callback_uri); const gchar* oauth_verifier = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "_OauthVerifier"); if (oauth_verifier != NULL) g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_verifier", (gchar*)oauth_verifier); g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_consumer_key", (gchar*)gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "ConsumerKey")); const gchar* oauth_temp_token = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "_OauthTemporaryToken"); if (oauth_temp_token != NULL) g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_token", (gchar*)oauth_temp_token); g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_signature_method", (gchar*)gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "SignatureMethod")); g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_nonce", nonce); g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_timestamp", timestamp); g_tree_insert(parameters, "oauth_version", "1.0"); GString* parameters_string = g_string_new(NULL); g_tree_foreach(parameters, _make_parameters_string, parameters_string); gchar* parameters_s = g_string_free(parameters_string, FALSE); parameters_s[strlen(parameters_s)-1] = '\0'; //remove trailing '&' gchar* parameters_encoded = _percent_encode(parameters_s); g_string_append(base_string, parameters_encoded); g_free(parameters_encoded); g_free(parameters_s); g_tree_destroy(parameters); g_hash_table_destroy(query); return g_string_free(base_string, FALSE); }
char * ephy_sync_utils_make_audience (const char *url) { SoupURI *uri; const char *scheme; const char *host; char *audience; char *port; g_return_val_if_fail (url != NULL, NULL); uri = soup_uri_new (url); scheme = soup_uri_get_scheme (uri); host = soup_uri_get_host (uri); port = g_strdup_printf (":%u", soup_uri_get_port (uri)); /* Even if the url doesn't contain the port, soup_uri_get_port() will return * the default port for the url's scheme so we need to check if the port was * really present in the url. */ if (g_strstr_len (url, -1, port) != NULL) audience = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s%s", scheme, host, port); else audience = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s", scheme, host); g_free (port); soup_uri_free (uri); return audience; }
static gboolean e_soup_ssl_trust_accept_certificate_cb (GTlsConnection *conn, GTlsCertificate *peer_cert, GTlsCertificateFlags errors, gpointer user_data) { ESoupSslTrustData *handler = user_data; ETrustPromptResponse response; SoupURI *soup_uri; const gchar *host; gchar *auth_host = NULL; soup_uri = soup_message_get_uri (handler->soup_message); if (!soup_uri || !soup_uri_get_host (soup_uri)) return FALSE; host = soup_uri_get_host (soup_uri); if (e_source_has_extension (handler->source, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_AUTHENTICATION)) { ESourceAuthentication *extension_authentication; extension_authentication = e_source_get_extension (handler->source, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_AUTHENTICATION); auth_host = e_source_authentication_dup_host (extension_authentication); if (auth_host && *auth_host) { /* Use the 'host' from the Authentication extension, because it's the one used when storing the trust prompt result. The SoupMessage can be redirected, thus it would not ever match. */ host = auth_host; } else { g_free (auth_host); auth_host = NULL; } } response = e_source_webdav_verify_ssl_trust ( e_source_get_extension (handler->source, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_WEBDAV_BACKEND), host, peer_cert, errors); g_free (auth_host); return (response == E_TRUST_PROMPT_RESPONSE_ACCEPT || response == E_TRUST_PROMPT_RESPONSE_ACCEPT_TEMPORARILY); }
ScLocalStorageManager* sc_local_storage_manager_new(const gchar *url) { ScLocalStorageManager *manager = g_new0(ScLocalStorageManager, 1); SoupURI *uri = soup_uri_new(url); GString *filename = g_string_new(NULL); const gchar *host = soup_uri_get_host(uri); const gchar *path = soup_uri_get_path(uri); const gchar *query = soup_uri_get_query(uri); const gchar *fragment = soup_uri_get_fragment(uri); GFile *parent = NULL; GError *error = NULL; g_string_append_printf(filename, "%s/%s", host, path); if(url[strlen(url) - 1] == '/' || g_strcmp0("/", path) == 0) g_string_append(filename, "/index.html"); if(query) g_string_append_printf(filename, "/%s\n", query); if(fragment) g_string_append_printf(filename, "#%s\n", fragment); manager->file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(filename->str); g_string_free(filename, TRUE); if(g_file_query_exists(manager->file, NULL)) { g_file_delete(manager->file, NULL, &error); if(error && !g_error_matches(error, G_IO_ERROR,G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS)) { g_critical(G_STRLOC ": %d : %s", error->code, error->message); g_error_free(error); g_object_unref(parent); g_object_unref(manager->file); g_free(manager); return NULL; } } parent = g_file_get_parent(manager->file); g_file_make_directory_with_parents(parent, NULL, &error); if(error && !g_error_matches(error, G_IO_ERROR,G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS)) { g_critical(G_STRLOC ": %d : %s", error->code, error->message); g_error_free(error); g_object_unref(parent); g_object_unref(manager->file); g_free(manager); return NULL; } error = NULL; manager->ostream = g_file_create(manager->file, G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, NULL, &error); if(error) { g_critical(G_STRLOC ": %d : %s", error->code, error->message); g_error_free(error); g_object_unref(parent); g_object_unref(manager->file); g_free(manager); return NULL; } return manager; }
static void _request_access_token(GSignondOauthPlugin *self, GSignondSessionData *session_data, GError** error ) { //GSignondPlugin* plugin = GSIGNOND_PLUGIN(self); const gchar* endpoint_url_s = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(session_data, "TokenEndpoint"); if (endpoint_url_s == NULL) { *error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "Client did not supply TokenEndpoint"); return; } SoupURI* endpoint_uri = soup_uri_new(endpoint_url_s); if (endpoint_uri == NULL) { *error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "Client did not supply a valid TokenEndpoint"); return; } if (g_strcmp0(soup_uri_get_scheme(endpoint_uri), "https") != 0) { soup_uri_free(endpoint_uri); *error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "TokenEndpoint must use https"); return; } gsignond_oauth_plugin_check_host(soup_uri_get_host(endpoint_uri), gsignond_session_data_get_allowed_realms (session_data), error); if (*error != NULL) { soup_uri_free(endpoint_uri); return; } gchar* authorization_header = _make_authorization_header( session_data, endpoint_uri, error ); if (*error == NULL) { SoupMessage *msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("POST", endpoint_uri); soup_message_headers_append(msg->request_headers, "Authorization", authorization_header); g_free(authorization_header); soup_session_queue_message (self->soup_session, msg, _access_token_callback, self); } soup_uri_free(endpoint_uri); }
/** * ephy_remove_tracking_from_uri: * @uri_string: a uri * * Sanitize @uri to make sure it does not contain analytics tracking * information. Inspired by the Firefox PureURL add-on: * * * Returns: the sanitized uri, or %NULL on error or when the URI did * not change. */ char * ephy_remove_tracking_from_uri (const char *uri_string) { SoupURI *uri; GList *items, *new_items, *l; const char *query, *host; gboolean has_garbage = FALSE; char *ret = NULL; uri = soup_uri_new (uri_string); if (!uri) return ret; host = soup_uri_get_host (uri); query = soup_uri_get_query (uri); if (!query) goto bail; items = query_split (query); if (!items) goto bail; new_items = NULL; for (l = items; l != NULL; l = l->next) { QueryItem *item = l->data; if (!is_garbage (item->decoded_name, host)) new_items = g_list_prepend (new_items, item); else has_garbage = TRUE; } if (has_garbage) { char *new_query; new_items = g_list_reverse (new_items); new_query = query_concat (new_items); soup_uri_set_query (uri, new_query); g_free (new_query); ret = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); } g_list_free_full (items, (GDestroyNotify) query_item_free); g_list_free (new_items); bail: soup_uri_free (uri); return ret; }
/* Add an URI to completion model for autocompletion */ static void _interface_tweaks_add_uri_to_completion_model(InterfaceTweaks *self, const gchar *inURI) { g_return_if_fail(IS_INTERFACE_TWEAKS(self)); g_return_if_fail(inURI!=NULL); InterfaceTweaksPrivate *priv=self->priv; SoupURI *soupURI; gchar *modelURI; GtkTreeIter iter; /* Create SoupURI from URI to retrieve host and/or scheme for completion */ soupURI=soup_uri_new(inURI); g_return_if_fail(soupURI!=NULL); /* Add URI with scheme and host to completion */ modelURI=g_strdup_printf("%s://%s", soup_uri_get_scheme(soupURI), soup_uri_get_host(soupURI)); if(modelURI && g_hash_table_lookup(priv->completionModelDomains, modelURI)==NULL) { gtk_list_store_append(priv->completionModel, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(priv->completionModel, &iter, 0, modelURI, -1); g_hash_table_insert(priv->completionModelDomains, modelURI, GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE)); } if(modelURI) g_free(modelURI); /* Add URI without scheme - only host - to completion */ modelURI=g_strdup(soup_uri_get_host(soupURI)); if(modelURI && g_hash_table_lookup(priv->completionModelDomains, modelURI)==NULL) { gtk_list_store_append(priv->completionModel, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(priv->completionModel, &iter, 0, modelURI, -1); g_hash_table_insert(priv->completionModelDomains, modelURI, GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE)); } if(modelURI) g_free(modelURI); /* Release allocated resources */ soup_uri_free(soupURI); }
static void history_service_host_deleted_cb (EphyHistoryService *service, const char *deleted_url, EphyEmbedShell *shell) { EphyEmbedShellPrivate *priv = ephy_embed_shell_get_instance_private (shell); GList *l; SoupURI *deleted_uri; deleted_uri = soup_uri_new (deleted_url); for (l = priv->web_extensions; l; l = g_list_next (l)) { EphyWebExtensionProxy *web_extension = (EphyWebExtensionProxy *)l->data; ephy_web_extension_proxy_history_delete_host (web_extension, soup_uri_get_host (deleted_uri)); } soup_uri_free (deleted_uri); }
static char * get_server_uri (SoupServer *server, const char *filename) { GSList *uris; SoupURI *uri; char *ret; uris = soup_server_get_uris (server); g_assert (uris); uri = uris->data; ret = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s:%d/%s", soup_uri_get_scheme (uri), soup_uri_get_host (uri), soup_uri_get_port (uri), filename); g_slist_free_full (uris, (GDestroyNotify) soup_uri_free); return ret; }
static ProtectionSpace protectionSpaceFromSoupAuthAndMessage(SoupAuth* soupAuth, SoupMessage* message) { const char* schemeName = soup_auth_get_scheme_name(soupAuth); ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationScheme scheme; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(schemeName, "basic")) scheme = ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeHTTPBasic; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(schemeName, "digest")) scheme = ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeHTTPDigest; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(schemeName, "ntlm")) scheme = ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeNTLM; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(schemeName, "negotiate")) scheme = ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeNegotiate; else scheme = ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeUnknown; SoupURI* soupURI = soup_message_get_uri(message); return ProtectionSpace(String::fromUTF8(soup_uri_get_host(soupURI)), soup_uri_get_port(soupURI), protectionSpaceServerTypeFromURI(soupURI, soup_auth_is_for_proxy(soupAuth)), String::fromUTF8(soup_auth_get_realm(soupAuth)), scheme); }
GSList * domain_get_cookie_domains(WebKitWebView *wv) { GSList *ret = NULL; WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(wv); WebKitWebDataSource *data = webkit_web_frame_get_data_source(frame); if (data == NULL) return NULL; WebKitNetworkRequest *request = webkit_web_data_source_get_request(data); if (request == NULL) return NULL; SoupMessage *msg = webkit_network_request_get_message(request); if (msg == NULL) return NULL; SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_uri(msg); if (uri == NULL) return NULL; const char *host = soup_uri_get_host(uri); char *base_host = g_strconcat(".", host, NULL); const char *base_domain = domain_get_base_for_host(base_host); char *cur = base_host; char *nextdot; while (cur != base_domain) { nextdot = strchr(cur, '.'); ret = g_slist_append(ret, nextdot); cur = nextdot+1; ret = g_slist_append(ret, cur); } return ret; }
static gchar * trust_prompt_get_host_from_url (const gchar *url) { SoupURI *suri; gchar *host; if (!url || !*url) return NULL; suri = soup_uri_new (url); if (!suri) return NULL; host = g_strdup (soup_uri_get_host (suri)); if (!host || !*host) { g_free (host); host = NULL; } soup_uri_free (suri); return host; }
/** * e_webdav_discover_content_refresh: * @content: a WebDAV discovery content, created by e_webdav_discover_content_new() * @display_name: (allow-none): optional display name to use for scratch sources * @cancellable: (allow-none): optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL * @callback: (scope async): a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request * is satisfied * @user_data: (closure): data to pass to the callback function * * Asynchronously starts refresh of the @content. This means to access the server * and search it for available sources. The @content shows a feedback and a Cancel * button during the operation. * * The @display_name is used only if the @content wasn't created with an #ESource and * it's shown in the password prompts, if there are required any. * * When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then * call e_webdav_discover_content_refresh_finish() to get the result of the operation. * * Since: 3.18 **/ void e_webdav_discover_content_refresh (GtkWidget *content, const gchar *display_name, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { EWebDAVDiscoverContentData *data; RefreshData *rd; ESource *source; SoupURI *soup_uri; GtkWidget *label; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_GRID (content)); data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (content), WEBDAV_DISCOVER_CONTENT_DATA_KEY); g_return_if_fail (data != NULL); g_return_if_fail (data->base_url != NULL); soup_uri = soup_uri_new (data->base_url); if (!soup_uri) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; simple = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (content), callback, user_data, e_webdav_discover_content_refresh); g_simple_async_result_set_error (simple, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, _("Invalid URL")); g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); g_object_unref (simple); return; } if (!soup_uri_get_user (soup_uri)) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; soup_uri_free (soup_uri); simple = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (content), callback, user_data, e_webdav_discover_content_refresh); g_simple_async_result_set_error (simple, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, _("User name not filled")); g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); g_object_unref (simple); return; } rd = g_new0 (RefreshData, 1); rd->content = g_object_ref (content); rd->cancellable = cancellable ? g_object_ref (cancellable) : g_cancellable_new (); rd->simple = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (content), callback, user_data, e_webdav_discover_content_refresh); rd->base_url = g_strdup (data->base_url); rd->credentials = NULL; if (data->source) { source = g_object_ref (data->source); } else { ESourceWebdav *webdav_extension; ESourceAuthentication *auth_extension; source = e_source_new_with_uid (data->base_url, NULL, NULL); g_return_if_fail (source != NULL); webdav_extension = e_source_get_extension (source, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_WEBDAV_BACKEND); auth_extension = e_source_get_extension (source, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_AUTHENTICATION); if (display_name && *display_name) e_source_set_display_name (source, display_name); e_source_webdav_set_soup_uri (webdav_extension, soup_uri); e_source_authentication_set_host (auth_extension, soup_uri_get_host (soup_uri)); e_source_authentication_set_port (auth_extension, soup_uri_get_port (soup_uri)); e_source_authentication_set_user (auth_extension, soup_uri_get_user (soup_uri)); } gtk_list_store_clear (GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (data->sources_tree_view))); if (data->email_addresses_combo) gtk_combo_box_text_remove_all (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (data->email_addresses_combo)); if (data->info_bar) gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (data->info_bar)); data->info_bar = GTK_INFO_BAR (gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, NULL)); gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (data->info_bar, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO); gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button (data->info_bar, FALSE); label = gtk_label_new (_("Searching server sources...")); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (data->info_bar)), label); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (data->info_bar)); g_signal_connect (data->info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (e_webdav_discover_info_bar_response_cb), rd); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (data->sources_tree_view), FALSE); if (data->email_addresses_combo) gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (data->email_addresses_combo), FALSE); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (content), GTK_WIDGET (data->info_bar), 0, 2, 1, 1); e_webdav_discover_sources (source, rd->base_url, E_WEBDAV_DISCOVER_SUPPORTS_NONE, rd->credentials, rd->cancellable, e_webdav_discover_content_refresh_done_cb, rd); g_object_unref (source); soup_uri_free (soup_uri); }
static void do_soup_uri_null_tests (void) { SoupURI *uri, *uri2; char *uri_string; debug_printf (1, "\nsoup_uri_new (NULL)\n"); uri = soup_uri_new (NULL); if (SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri) || SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_new(NULL) returns valid URI?\n"); errors++; } /* This implicitly also verifies that none of these methods g_warn */ if (soup_uri_get_scheme (uri) || soup_uri_get_user (uri) || soup_uri_get_password (uri) || soup_uri_get_host (uri) || soup_uri_get_port (uri) || soup_uri_get_path (uri) || soup_uri_get_query (uri) || soup_uri_get_fragment (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_new(NULL) returns non-empty URI?\n"); errors++; } expect_warning = TRUE; uri2 = soup_uri_new_with_base (uri, "/path"); if (uri2 || expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_new_with_base didn't fail on NULL URI?\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } expect_warning = TRUE; uri_string = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); if (expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string didn't fail on NULL URI?\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } else if (*uri_string) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string on NULL URI returned '%s'\n", uri_string); errors++; } g_free (uri_string); soup_uri_set_scheme (uri, SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP); if (SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri) || SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting scheme on NULL URI makes it valid?\n"); errors++; } expect_warning = TRUE; uri_string = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); if (expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string didn't fail on scheme-only URI?\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } else if (strcmp (uri_string, "http:") != 0) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string returned '%s' instead of 'http:'\n", uri_string); errors++; } g_free (uri_string); soup_uri_set_host (uri, "localhost"); if (SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting scheme+host on NULL URI makes it valid?\n"); errors++; } if (SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting scheme+host on NULL URI makes it valid for http?\n"); errors++; } expect_warning = TRUE; uri_string = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); if (expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string didn't fail on scheme+host URI?\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } else if (strcmp (uri_string, "http://localhost/") != 0) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string with NULL path returned '%s' instead of 'http://localhost/'\n", uri_string); errors++; } g_free (uri_string); expect_warning = TRUE; uri2 = soup_uri_new_with_base (uri, "/path"); if (expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_new_with_base didn't warn on NULL+scheme URI?\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } else if (!uri2) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_new_with_base didn't fix path on NULL+scheme URI\n"); errors++; } if (uri2) { uri_string = soup_uri_to_string (uri2, FALSE); if (!uri_string) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string failed on uri2?\n"); errors++; } else if (strcmp (uri_string, "http://localhost/path") != 0) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string returned '%s' instead of 'http://localhost/path'\n", uri_string); errors++; } g_free (uri_string); soup_uri_free (uri2); } expect_warning = TRUE; soup_uri_set_path (uri, NULL); if (expect_warning) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting path to NULL doesn't warn\n"); errors++; expect_warning = FALSE; } if (!uri->path || *uri->path) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting path to NULL != \"\"\n"); errors++; soup_uri_set_path (uri, ""); } uri_string = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); if (!uri_string) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string failed on complete URI?\n"); errors++; } else if (strcmp (uri_string, "http://localhost/") != 0) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: soup_uri_to_string with empty path returned '%s' instead of 'http://localhost/'\n", uri_string); errors++; } g_free (uri_string); if (!SOUP_URI_IS_VALID (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting scheme+path on NULL URI doesn't make it valid?\n"); errors++; } if (!SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (uri)) { debug_printf (1, " ERROR: setting scheme+host+path on NULL URI doesn't make it valid for http?\n"); errors++; } soup_uri_free (uri); }
static void _temporary_token_callback (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { GError* error = NULL; GSignondOauthPlugin *self = GSIGNOND_OAUTH_PLUGIN(user_data); if (msg->status_code != SOUP_STATUS_OK) { error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Temporary token endpoint returned an error: %d %s", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); goto out; } SoupBuffer* response_s = soup_message_body_flatten(msg->response_body); GHashTable* response = soup_form_decode(response_s->data); soup_buffer_free(response_s); const gchar* callback_confirmed = g_hash_table_lookup(response, "oauth_callback_confirmed"); const gchar* token = g_hash_table_lookup(response, "oauth_token"); const gchar* token_secret = g_hash_table_lookup(response, "oauth_token_secret"); if (token == NULL || token_secret == NULL || g_strcmp0(callback_confirmed, "true") != 0) { g_hash_table_destroy(response); error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Temporary token endpoint returned an invalid response"); goto out; } const gchar* callback_url = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(self->oauth1_request, "Callback"); if (callback_url == NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(response); error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Client did not supply Callback"); goto out; } const gchar* authorization_url_s = gsignond_dictionary_get_string(self->oauth1_request, "AuthorizationEndpoint"); if (authorization_url_s == NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(response); error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Client did not supply AuthorizationEndpoint"); goto out; } SoupURI* authorization_url = soup_uri_new(authorization_url_s); if (authorization_url == NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(response); error = g_error_new(GSIGNOND_ERROR, GSIGNOND_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Client did not supply a valid AuthorizationEndpoint"); goto out; } gsignond_oauth_plugin_check_host(soup_uri_get_host(authorization_url), gsignond_session_data_get_allowed_realms (self->oauth1_request), &error); if (error != NULL) { soup_uri_free(authorization_url); g_hash_table_destroy(response); return; } GHashTable* query = g_hash_table_new((GHashFunc)g_str_hash, (GEqualFunc)g_str_equal); const gchar* authorization_query_s = soup_uri_get_query(authorization_url); GHashTable *auth_query = NULL; if (authorization_query_s != NULL) { auth_query = soup_form_decode(authorization_query_s); g_hash_table_foreach(auth_query, _insert_key_value, query); } g_hash_table_insert(query, "oauth_token", (gchar*)token); soup_uri_set_query_from_form(authorization_url, query); if (auth_query) g_hash_table_destroy(auth_query); g_hash_table_destroy(query); gchar* open_url = soup_uri_to_string(authorization_url, FALSE); soup_uri_free(authorization_url); gsignond_dictionary_set_string(self->oauth1_request, "_OauthTemporaryToken", token); gsignond_dictionary_set_string(self->oauth1_request, "_OauthTemporaryTokenSecret", token_secret); GSignondSignonuiData* ui_request = gsignond_dictionary_new(); gsignond_signonui_data_set_open_url(ui_request, open_url); g_free(open_url); if (g_strcmp0(callback_url, "oob") != 0) gsignond_signonui_data_set_final_url(ui_request, callback_url); /* add username and password, for fields initialization (the * decision on whether to actually use them is up to the signon UI */ const gchar* username = gsignond_session_data_get_username(self->oauth1_request); if (username != NULL) gsignond_signonui_data_set_username(ui_request, username); const gchar* secret = gsignond_session_data_get_secret(self->oauth1_request); if (secret != NULL) gsignond_signonui_data_set_password(ui_request, secret); gsignond_plugin_user_action_required(GSIGNOND_PLUGIN(self), ui_request); gsignond_dictionary_unref(ui_request); g_hash_table_destroy(response); out: if (error != NULL) { _do_reset_oauth1(self); gsignond_plugin_error (GSIGNOND_PLUGIN(self), error); g_error_free(error); } }