Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char** args){
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value, t, res, dp, nu;
	double **U, **V, **P, **F, **G, **RS;
	double **K, **E;					/* turbulent kinetic energy k, dissipation rate epsilon*/
	double Fu, Fv;						/* force integration variables */
	double KI, EI, cn, ce, c1, c2; 			/* K and E: Initial values for k and epsilon */

	int n, it, imax, jmax, itermax, pb, boundaries[4];
	int fluid_cells;		/* Number of fluid cells in our geometry */
	int **Flag;			/* Flagflield matrix */
	char vtkname[200];
	char pgm[200];
	char problem[10];		/* Problem name */
	char fname[200];

		printf("No parameter file specified. Terminating...\n");

	sprintf(fname, "%s%s", CONFIGS_FOLDER, args[1]);
	read_parameters(fname, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &itermax, &eps, boundaries, &dp, &pb, &KI, &EI, &cn, &ce, &c1, &c2, pgm, &nu, problem);

	/* Allocate Flag matrix */
	Flag = imatrix( 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1 );

	U = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	V = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	P = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );

	F = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );
	G = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );
	RS = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );

	K = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	E = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	/* Initialize values to the Flag, u, v and p */
	init_flag(CONFIGS_FOLDER,pgm, imax, jmax, &fluid_cells, Flag );
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, KI, EI, imax, jmax, U, V, P, K, E, Flag, problem );

	printf("Problem: %s\n", problem );
	printf( "xlength = %f, ylength = %f\n", xlength, ylength );
	printf( "imax = %d, jmax = %d\n", imax, jmax );
	printf( "dt = %f, dx = %f, dy = %f\n", dt, dx, dy);
	printf( "Number of fluid cells = %d\n", fluid_cells );
	printf( "Reynolds number: %f\n\n", Re);


	while( t <= t_end ){
		boundaryvalues( imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, boundaries, Flag );

		/* special inflow boundaries, including k and eps */
		spec_boundary_val( problem, imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, Re, dp, cn, ylength);

		/* calculate new values for k and eps */
		comp_KAEP(Re, nu, cn, ce, c1, c2, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, GX, GY, Flag);

		/* calculate new values for F and G */
		calculate_fg( Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, K, E, nu, cn, Flag );

		/* calculate right hand side */
		calculate_rs( dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, RS, Flag );

		it = 0;
		res = 10000.0;
		while( it < itermax && fabs(res) > eps ){
			sor( omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, fluid_cells, P, RS, Flag, &res, problem, dp );

		printf("[%5d: %f] dt: %f, sor iterations: %4d \n", n, t, dt, it);

		/* calculate new values for u and v */
		calculate_uv( dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, Flag );

		t += dt;

	sprintf(vtkname, "%s%s", VISUA_FOLDER,  args[1]);
	write_vtkFile( vtkname, 1, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P, K, E, Flag);
	comp_surface_force( Re, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, P, Flag, &Fu, &Fv);

	printf( "\nProblem: %s\n", problem );
	printf( "xlength = %f, ylength = %f\n", xlength, ylength );
	printf( "imax = %d, jmax = %d\n", imax, jmax );
	printf( "dt = %f, dx = %f, dy = %f\n", dt, dx, dy);
	printf( "Number of fluid cells = %d\n", fluid_cells );
	printf( "Reynolds number: %f\n", Re);
	printf( "Drag force = %f Lift force = %f\n", Fu, Fv);

	/* free memory */


	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(int argn, char** args){

	double **U, **V, **P, **F, **G, **RS;
	int **Flag;
	char problem[60];
	char parameters_filename[60];
	char pgm[60];
	char output_dirname[60];
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value, dp;
	double res = 0, t = 0, n = 0;
	int imax, jmax, itermax, it;
	int wl, wr, wt, wb;
	int timestepsPerPlotting;
	char old_output_filename[128];
	struct dirent *old_outputfile;
	DIR *output_dir;
	/* Variables for parallel program */
	int iproc, jproc, myrank, il, ir, jb, jt, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, omg_i, omg_j, num_proc;
	double min_dt;
	double *bufSend, *bufRecv;
	double totalTime = 0;
	struct timespec previousTime, currentTime;
	MPI_Init(&argn, &args);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_proc);

	/* Read name of the problem from the command line arguments */
	if(argn > 1) {
		strcpy(problem, args[1]);
	} else {
		printf("\n=== ERROR: Please provide the name of the problem\n=== e.g. Run ./sim problem_name if there is a problem_name.dat file.\n\n");
		return 1;

	/* Generate input filename based on problem name */
	strcpy(parameters_filename, problem);
	strcat(parameters_filename, ".dat");

	/* Read the program configuration file using read_parameters() */
	read_parameters(parameters_filename, pgm, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value, problem, &dp, &wl, &wr, &wt, &wb, &timestepsPerPlotting, &iproc, &jproc);
	printf("%s\n", pgm);
	/* Check if the number of processes is correct */
	if(iproc * jproc != num_proc) {
		printf("\n=== ERROR: Number of processes is incorrect (iproc=%d, jproc=%d, -np=%d) ===\n\n", iproc, jproc, num_proc);
		return 1;

	/* Create folder with the name of the problem */
	strcpy(output_dirname, problem);
	strcat(output_dirname, "/");
	strcat(output_dirname, problem);
	mkdir(problem, 0777);
	output_dir = opendir(problem);

	/* Delete existing files in output folder*/
	while((old_outputfile = readdir(output_dir))) {
		sprintf(old_output_filename, "%s/%s", problem, old_outputfile->d_name);
	/* Determine subdomain and neighbours for each process */
	init_parallel(iproc, jproc, imax, jmax, &myrank, &il, &ir, &jb, &jt, &rank_l, &rank_r, &rank_b, &rank_t, &omg_i, &omg_j, num_proc);

	/* Set up the matrices (arrays) needed using the matrix() command */
	U = matrix(il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	V = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	P = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	F = matrix(il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	G = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	RS= matrix(il, ir, jb, jt);
	Flag = imatrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	/* Assign initial values to u, v, p */
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, il, ir, jb, jt, U, V, P);
	/* Allocate memory for buffers */
	bufSend = malloc(max(ir-il+3, jt-jb+3) * sizeof(double));
	bufRecv = malloc(max(ir-il+3, jt-jb+3) * sizeof(double));
	/* Initialize lower part of the domain with UI = 0 for the flow_over_step problem */
	/* (this code might be moved to somewhere else later) */
	if(strcmp(problem, "flow_over_step") == 0) {
		init_matrix(U, il, ir, jb, min(jmax/2, jt), 0);

	/* Initialization of flag field */
	init_flag(pgm, imax, jmax, il, ir, jb, jt, Flag, dp);
	if(myrank == 0) {
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);

	while(t <= t_end){
		/* Select δt */
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, U, V);
		MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &min_dt, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		dt = min_dt;
		/* Set boundary values for u and v */
		boundaryvalues(il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, wl, wr, wt, wb, Flag);
		/* Set special boundary values */
		spec_boundary_val(problem, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, P, Re, xlength, ylength, dp);

		/* Compute F(n) and G(n) */
		calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, Flag);
		/* Compute the right-hand side rs of the pressure equation */
		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, F, G, RS);
		/* Perform SOR iterations */
		it = 0;
		res = 1e6;
		while(it < itermax && res > eps){
			sor(omg, dx, dy, dp, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, P, RS, &res, Flag, bufSend, bufRecv);
		/* Compute u(n+1) and v(n+1) */
		calculate_uv(dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, Flag);
		/* Exchange velocity strips */
		uv_com(U, V, il, ir, jb, jt, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, bufSend, bufRecv);
		t = t + dt;
		/* Generate snapshot for current timestep */
		if((int) n % timestepsPerPlotting == 0) {
			write_vtkFile(output_dirname, myrank, n, xlength, ylength, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);
		/* Print out simulation time and whether the SOR converged */
		if(myrank == 0) {
			/* Print simulation time */
			printf("Time: %.4f", t);
			/* Print runtime */
			previousTime = currentTime;
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
			totalTime += (double)currentTime.tv_sec + 1e-9 * currentTime.tv_nsec - (double)previousTime.tv_sec - 1e-9 * previousTime.tv_nsec;
			printf("\tRuntime: %.3f s (avg runtime/step: %.3f s)", totalTime, totalTime/n);
			if(res > eps) printf("\tDid not converge (res=%f, eps=%f)", res, eps);

	/* Close the output folder */
	/* Tell user where to find the output */
	if(myrank == 0) {
		printf("Please find the output in the folder \"%s\".\n", problem);
	/* Free allocated memory */
	free_matrix(U, il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(V, il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	free_matrix(P, il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(F, il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(G, il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	free_matrix(RS, il, ir, jb, jt);
	free_imatrix(Flag, il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	return 0;