void DJGameUser::setSpeed( quint8 speed ) { if ( m_speed != speed ) { m_speed = speed; emit speedChanged( this ); } }
void PositionSource::updatePosition() { if ( m_marbleModel ) { bool const hasPosition = m_marbleModel->positionTracking()->status() == Marble::PositionProviderStatusAvailable; if ( hasPosition ) { Marble::GeoDataCoordinates position = m_marbleModel->positionTracking()->currentLocation(); m_position.setLongitude( position.longitude( Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); m_position.setLatitude( position.latitude( Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ); m_position.setAltitude( position.altitude() ); } m_speed = m_marbleModel->positionTracking()->speed() * Marble::METER2KM / Marble::SEC2HOUR; emit speedChanged(); if ( hasPosition != m_hasPosition ) { m_hasPosition = hasPosition; emit hasPositionChanged(); } if ( hasPosition ) { emit positionChanged(); } } }
void Monster::setSpeed(int speed){ if (m_speed == speed) return; m_speed = speed; emit speedChanged(speed); }
void djvImagePlay2TestPlayback::setSpeed(const djvSpeed & speed) { if (speed == _speed) return; _speed = speed; Q_EMIT speedChanged(_speed); }
void QDeclarativePosition::setSpeed(double speed) { if (speed == m_speed) return; m_speed = speed; if (!m_speedValid) { m_speedValid = true; emit speedValidChanged(); } emit speedChanged(); }
void FileListModel::AddFile( FileStreamer const * fileStreamer ) { FileReceivedModel * newFile = new FileReceivedModel( fileStreamer ); connect( newFile, SIGNAL( progressChanged() ), this, SLOT( fileChanged() ) ); connect( newFile, SIGNAL( speedChanged() ), this, SLOT( fileChanged() ) ); beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount() ); m_files << newFile; endInsertRows(); }
void AVPlayer::setSpeed(qreal speed) { if (speed == mSpeed) return; mSpeed = speed; //TODO: check clock type? if (_audio && _audio->isAvailable()) { qDebug("set speed %.2f", mSpeed); _audio->setSpeed(mSpeed); } else { masterClock()->setSpeed(mSpeed); } emit speedChanged(mSpeed); }
void SGMVATValveState::setSpeed(AMControl *newControl) { if (speed_ != newControl) { if (speed_) removeChildControl(speed_); speed_ = newControl; if (speed_) addChildControl(speed_); emit speedChanged(speed_); } }
/* void adjustMotor(float lSpd, float rSpd) { if (lCurrentSpd <=0 && lSpd >0) //left going backward and want forward { analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, 0); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, 0); delay(DELAY_STOP); //need to stop a bit digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_L, HIGH); } if (lCurrentSpd >=0 && lSpd <0) //left going forward and want backward { analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, 0); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, 0); delay(DELAY_STOP); //need to stop a bit digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_L, LOW); } if (rCurrentSpd <=0 && rSpd >0) //right going backward and want forward { analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, 0); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, 0); delay(DELAY_STOP); //need to stop a bit digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_R, HIGH); } if (rCurrentSpd >=0 && rSpd <0) //right going forward and want backward { analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, 0); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, 0); delay(DELAY_STOP); //need to stop a bit digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_R, LOW); } lCurrentSpd = lSpd; rCurrentSpd = rSpd; lSpd = abs((int) (lSpd*(hasSerial ? 255 : 200))); //get correction rSpd = abs((int) (rSpd*(hasSerial ? 251 : 255))); //get correction int s1 = (int) lSpd; analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L,s1); int s2 = (int) rSpd; analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R,s2); } */ void adjustMotor(float motor_l, float motor_r){ if (motor_l > 0){ digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_L, HIGH); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, ((int)(MOTOR_CORRECTION_L*motor_l))); }else{ digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_L, LOW); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_L, ((int)(MOTOR_CORRECTION_L*-motor_l))); } if (motor_r > 0){ digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_R, HIGH); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, ((int)(MOTOR_CORRECTION_R*motor_r))); }else{ digitalWrite(ID_DIRECTION_R, LOW); analogWrite(ID_SPEED_R, ((int)(MOTOR_CORRECTION_R*-motor_r))); } speedChanged(motor_l, motor_r); }
void MasterThread::Decoding(QString comdata) { QString header = comdata.left(6); if (header == "$GPGGA") { QStringList list = comdata.split(','); QString time = list.at(1); int time_hour = time.mid(0, 2).toInt(); int time_minute = time.mid(2, 2).toInt(); int time_second = time.mid(4, 2).toInt(); int time_msec = time.right(3).toInt(); QString latlon = list.at(2) + ',' +list.at(4).mid(1); qDebug()<<"latLon"<<latlon; QString timeStr = QString("%1:%2:%3:%4").arg(time_hour).arg(time_minute).arg(time_second).arg(time_msec); qDebug()<<"timeStr"<<timeStr; emit positionChanged(QVariant::fromValue(latlon)); emit timeChanged(QVariant::fromValue(timeStr)); } else if (header == "$GPRMC") { QStringList list = comdata.split(','); QString time = list.at(1); int time_hour = time.mid(0, 2).toInt(); int time_minute = time.mid(2, 2).toInt(); int time_second = time.mid(4, 2).toInt(); int time_msec = time.right(3).toInt(); QString timeStr = QString("%1:%2:%3:%4").arg(time_hour).arg(time_minute).arg(time_second).arg(time_msec); emit timeChanged(QVariant::fromValue(timeStr)); QString state = list.at(2); QString lat = DMTODMS(list.at(3)); QString lon = DMTODMS(list.at(5)); QString latlon = lat + "," + lon; QString speed = QString::number(list.at(7).toDouble() * 1.852) + "km/h"; QString heading = list.at(8); // emit stateChanged(QVariant::fromValue(state)); emit positionChanged(QVariant::fromValue(latlon)); emit speedChanged(QVariant::fromValue(speed)); emit headingChanged(QVariant::fromValue(heading)); double dLat = DMTodecimalDegrees(list.at(3)); double dLon = DMTodecimalDegrees(list.at(5)); emit avaliblePosition(dLat, dLon, heading.toDouble()); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { //if the speed has changed we need to clear the lines. // we can't test for float equality or non-equality // (speed.getValue() != preSpeed) // so we look at the change and if the change is greater then a certain // amount we clear. if( fabs(speed.getValue() - preSpeed) > 0.00001f ) { speedChanged(); } preSpeed = speed.getValue(); t = ofGetElapsedTimef(); if(trail[0].size()==0) { initTime = t; } t = t - initTime; x = int(t*speed.getValue())%(ofGetWidth()-rightMargin); y[1] = 60*3+ofNoise(t*freq.getValue())*yFactor.getValue(); y[2] = 60*4+ofSignedNoise(t*freq.getValue())*yFactor.getValue(); float test = 60*4+ofSignedNoise(t*freq.getValue())*yFactor.getValue(); cout<< test << endl; y[3] = 60*5+ofRandom(-1,1)*yFactor.getValue(); // random can't be dependent on time or frequency y[4] = 60*6+sin(t*freq.getValue()*TWO_PI)*yFactor.getValue(); y[5] = 60*7+(sin(t*freq.getValue()*TWO_PI)+1)*.5*yFactor.getValue(); y[6] = 60*8+fmod(t*freq.getValue(),1)*yFactor.getValue(); y[7] = 60*9+(fmod(t*freq.getValue(),1)*2-1)*yFactor.getValue(); for(int i=0; i<(int)trail.size(); i++) { if(x<prevX) { trail[i].clear(); } else { trail[i].addVertex(ofPoint(x,y[i])); } } prevX = x; }
/** * @brief SubteStatus::updateSpeed: checkea que haya un cambio de velocidad, si hay, * actualiza el valor en el modelo y en caso de volver a velocidad 0 reactiva la * evaluacion del sistema de cierre de puertas. * @param value: nueva velocidad */ void SubteStatus::updateSpeed(double value){ if(m_speed != value){ m_speed = value; emit speedChanged(m_speed); if( m_speed <= 0 && m_cscp->getBypass()){ m_cscp->setBypass(false); emit CSCPChanged(m_cscp->evalCircuit()); } if( m_speed <= 0 && m_brake->getEmergencyBrake()){ m_brake->setEmergencyBrake_atp(false); } if((m_speed>4) && (m_cscp->leftDoors() || m_cscp->rightDoors())){ m_cscp->notifyActionLeftDoors(CSCP::CLOSE); m_cscp->notifyActionRightDoors(CSCP::CLOSE); } } }
void QMLBridge::setActive(bool b) { if(b) { connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(speedChanged(double)), this, SLOT(speedChanged(double)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(turboModeChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(turboModeChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(stopped()), this, SIGNAL(isRunningChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(started(bool)), this, SIGNAL(isRunningChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(suspended(bool)), this, SIGNAL(isRunningChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(resumed(bool)), this, SIGNAL(isRunningChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(started(bool)), this, SLOT(started(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(resumed(bool)), this, SLOT(resumed(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&emu_thread, SIGNAL(suspended(bool)), this, SLOT(suspended(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); // We might have missed some events. turboModeChanged(); speedChanged(); isRunningChanged(); } else {
void GPSSpeedData::locationUpdated(const DeviceLocation &location) { if(location.m_positionLog.size() < 2) return; auto currentPos = location.m_positionLog.at(location.m_positionLog.length()-1); auto prevPos = location.m_positionLog.at(location.m_positionLog.length()-2); if(!currentPos.isValid() && !prevPos.isValid()) return; qreal delta_s = currentPos.coordinate().distanceTo(prevPos.coordinate()); qreal delta_t = (currentPos.timestamp().toMSecsSinceEpoch() - prevPos.timestamp().toMSecsSinceEpoch())/1000.0f; if(delta_t > 0) { m_speedData = delta_s/delta_t * 3600.0 / 1000.0; m_deltat = delta_t; m_deltas = delta_s; } m_smoothedSpeedData = MathUtils::exponentialFilter(m_speedData, m_prevSpeedData, m_alpha); m_prevSpeedData = m_smoothedSpeedData; m_avgSpeedData = m_avgSpeedData + (m_speedData - m_avgSpeedData) / ++m_pointsCount; emit speedChanged(); }
void LocationData::onPositionChanged(const QGeoPositionInfo& info) { emit positionChanged(info); if (info.isValid()) { const QGeoCoordinate& c = info.coordinate(); if (c.isValid()) { double lat = c.latitude(); double lon = c.longitude(); double alt = c.altitude(); //qDebug() << "LocationData::onPositionChanged()" << lat << lon << alt; if ((latitude != lat) || (longitude != lon)) { latitude = lat; mask |= LATMASK; longitude = lon; mask |= LONMASK; } if (altitude != alt) { altitude = alt; mask |= ALTMASK; } emit positionChanged(lat,lon,alt); } if (info.hasAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed)) { double s = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed); emit speedChanged(s); } if (info.hasAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction)) { double c = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction); emit courseChanged(c); } } }
void senseSoarMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface *link, mavlink_message_t message) { #ifdef MAVLINK_ENABLED_SENSESOAR if (message.sysid == uasId) // make sure the message is for the right UAV { if (!link) return; switch (message.msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_CMD_AIRSPEED_ACK: // TO DO: check for acknowledgement after sended commands { mavlink_cmd_airspeed_ack_t airSpeedMsg; mavlink_msg_cmd_airspeed_ack_decode(&message,&airSpeedMsg); break; } /*case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_CMD_AIRSPEED_CHNG: only sent to UAV { break; }*/ case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILT_ROT_VEL: // rotational velocities { mavlink_filt_rot_vel_t rotVelMsg; mavlink_msg_filt_rot_vel_decode(&message,&rotVelMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); for(unsigned char i=0;i<3;i++) { this->m_rotVel[i]=rotVelMsg.rotVel[i]; } emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "rad/s", this->m_rotVel[2], time); emit attitudeRotationRatesChanged(uasId, this->m_rotVel[0], this->m_rotVel[1], this->m_rotVel[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LLC_OUT: // low level controller output { mavlink_llc_out_t llcMsg; mavlink_msg_llc_out_decode(&message,&llcMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 1", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 2", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 3", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[2], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo. 4", "rad", llcMsg.servoOut[3], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor. 1", "raw", llcMsg.MotorOut[0] , time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor. 2", "raw", llcMsg.MotorOut[1], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_AIR_TEMP: { mavlink_obs_air_temp_t airTMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_air_temp_decode(&message,&airTMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Air Temp", "°", airTMsg.airT, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_AIR_VELOCITY: { mavlink_obs_air_velocity_t airVMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_air_velocity_decode(&message,&airVMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. mag", "m/s", airVMsg.magnitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. AoA", "rad", airVMsg.aoa, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "AirVel. Slip", "rad", airVMsg.slip, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_ATTITUDE: { mavlink_obs_attitude_t quatMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_attitude_decode(&message,&quatMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); this->quat2euler(quatMsg.quat,this->roll,this->pitch,this->yaw); emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "rad", roll, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "rad", pitch, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "rad", yaw, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll deg", "deg", (roll/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch deg", "deg", (pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "heading deg", "deg", (yaw/M_PI)*180.0, time); emit attitudeChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_BIAS: { mavlink_obs_bias_t biasMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_bias_decode(&message, &biasMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasX", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasY", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "acc. biasZ", "m/s^2", biasMsg.accBias[2], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasX", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasY", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro. biasZ", "rad/s", biasMsg.gyroBias[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_POSITION: { mavlink_obs_position_t posMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_position_decode(&message, &posMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); this->longitude = posMsg.lon/(double)1E7; this->latitude = posMsg.lat/(double)1E7; this->altitude = posMsg.alt/1000.0; emit valueChanged(uasId, "latitude", "deg", this->latitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "longitude", "deg", this->longitude, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "altitude", "m", this->altitude, time); emit globalPositionChanged(this, this->latitude, this->longitude, this->altitude, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_QFF: { mavlink_obs_qff_t qffMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_qff_decode(&message,&qffMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "QFF", "Pa", qffMsg.qff, time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_VELOCITY: { mavlink_obs_velocity_t velMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_velocity_decode(&message, &velMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "x speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "y speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "z speed", "m/s", velMsg.vel[2], time); emit speedChanged(this, velMsg.vel[0], velMsg.vel[1], velMsg.vel[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_OBS_WIND: { mavlink_obs_wind_t windMsg; mavlink_msg_obs_wind_decode(&message, &windMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed x", "m/s", windMsg.wind[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed y", "m/s", windMsg.wind[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Wind speed z", "m/s", windMsg.wind[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PM_ELEC: { mavlink_pm_elec_t pmMsg; mavlink_msg_pm_elec_decode(&message, &pmMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Battery status", "%", pmMsg.BatStat, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power consuming", "W", pmMsg.PwCons, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys1", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[0], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys2", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[1], time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Power generating sys3", "W", pmMsg.PwGen[2], time); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SYS_STAT: { #define STATE_WAKING_UP 0x0 // TO DO: not important here, only for the visualisation needed #define STATE_ON_GROUND 0x1 #define STATE_MANUAL_FLIGHT 0x2 #define STATE_AUTONOMOUS_FLIGHT 0x3 #define STATE_AUTONOMOUS_LAUNCH 0x4 mavlink_sys_stat_t statMsg; mavlink_msg_sys_stat_decode(&message,&statMsg); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); // check actuator states emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor1 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x01), time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Motor2 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x02)>>1, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo1 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x04)>>2, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo2 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x08)>>3, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo3 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x10)>>4, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "Servo4 status", "on/off", (statMsg.act & 0x20)>>5, time); // check the current state of the sensesoar this->senseSoarState = statMsg.mod; emit valueChanged(uasId,"senseSoar status","-",this->senseSoarState,time); // check the gps fixes emit valueChanged(uasId,"Lat Long fix","true/false", (statMsg.gps & 0x01), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"Altitude fix","true/false", (statMsg.gps & 0x02), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"GPS horizontal accuracy","m",((statMsg.gps & 0x1C)>>2), time); emit valueChanged(uasId,"GPS vertiacl accuracy","m",((statMsg.gps & 0xE0)>>5),time); // Xbee RSSI emit valueChanged(uasId, "Xbee strength", "%", statMsg.commRssi, time); //emit valueChanged(uasId, "Xbee strength", "%", statMsg.gps, time); // TO DO: define gps bits break; } default: { // Let UAS handle the default message set UAS::receiveMessage(link, message); break; } } } #else // Let UAS handle the default message set UAS::receiveMessage(link, message); Q_UNUSED(link); Q_UNUSED(message); #endif // MAVLINK_ENABLED_SENSESOAR }
void QDeclarativePosition::setPosition(const QGeoPositionInfo &info) { // timestamp const QDateTime pTimestamp = m_info.timestamp(); const QDateTime timestamp = info.timestamp(); bool emitTimestampChanged = pTimestamp != timestamp; // coordinate const QGeoCoordinate pCoordinate = m_info.coordinate(); const QGeoCoordinate coordinate = info.coordinate(); bool emitCoordinateChanged = pCoordinate != coordinate; bool emitLatitudeValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pCoordinate.latitude(), coordinate.latitude()); bool emitLongitudeValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pCoordinate.longitude(), coordinate.longitude()); bool emitAltitudeValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pCoordinate.altitude(), coordinate.altitude()); // direction const qreal pDirection = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction); const qreal direction = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction); bool emitDirectionChanged = !equalOrNaN(pDirection, direction); bool emitDirectionValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pDirection, direction); // ground speed const qreal pSpeed = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed); const qreal speed = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed); bool emitSpeedChanged = !equalOrNaN(pSpeed, speed); bool emitSpeedValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pSpeed, speed); // vertical speed const qreal pVerticalSpeed = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalSpeed); const qreal verticalSpeed = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalSpeed); bool emitVerticalSpeedChanged = !equalOrNaN(pVerticalSpeed, verticalSpeed); bool emitVerticalSpeedValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pVerticalSpeed, verticalSpeed); // magnetic variation const qreal pMagneticVariation = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::MagneticVariation); const qreal magneticVariation = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::MagneticVariation); bool emitMagneticVariationChanged = !equalOrNaN(pMagneticVariation, magneticVariation); bool emitMagneticVariationValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pMagneticVariation, magneticVariation); // horizontal accuracy const qreal pHorizontalAccuracy = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy); const qreal horizontalAccuracy = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy); bool emitHorizontalAccuracyChanged = !equalOrNaN(pHorizontalAccuracy, horizontalAccuracy); bool emitHorizontalAccuracyValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pHorizontalAccuracy, horizontalAccuracy); // vertical accuracy const qreal pVerticalAccuracy = m_info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalAccuracy); const qreal verticalAccuracy = info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalAccuracy); bool emitVerticalAccuracyChanged = !equalOrNaN(pVerticalAccuracy, verticalAccuracy); bool emitVerticalAccuracyValidChanged = exclusiveNaN(pVerticalAccuracy, verticalAccuracy); m_info = info; if (emitTimestampChanged) emit timestampChanged(); if (emitCoordinateChanged) emit coordinateChanged(); if (emitLatitudeValidChanged) emit latitudeValidChanged(); if (emitLongitudeValidChanged) emit longitudeValidChanged(); if (emitAltitudeValidChanged) emit altitudeValidChanged(); if (emitDirectionChanged) emit directionChanged(); if (emitDirectionValidChanged) emit directionValidChanged(); if (emitSpeedChanged) emit speedChanged(); if (emitSpeedValidChanged) emit speedValidChanged(); if (emitVerticalSpeedChanged) emit verticalSpeedChanged(); if (emitVerticalSpeedValidChanged) emit verticalSpeedValidChanged(); if (emitHorizontalAccuracyChanged) emit horizontalAccuracyChanged(); if (emitHorizontalAccuracyValidChanged) emit horizontalAccuracyValidChanged(); if (emitVerticalAccuracyChanged) emit verticalAccuracyChanged(); if (emitVerticalAccuracyValidChanged) emit verticalAccuracyValidChanged(); if (emitMagneticVariationChanged) emit magneticVariationChanged(); if (emitMagneticVariationValidChanged) emit magneticVariationValidChanged(); }
void IniReader::setSpeed(const int &s){settings.insert("speed",s);emit speedChanged();}
void IniReader::finished() { settings=watcher->result(); emit readConfigChanged(); emit writeConfigChanged(); emit romPathChanged(); emit hashPathChanged(); emit samplePathChanged(); emit artPathChanged(); emit ctrlrPathChanged(); emit iniPathChanged(); emit fontPathChanged(); emit cheatPathChanged(); emit crosshairPathChanged(); emit cfgDirChanged(); emit nvramDirChanged(); emit inputDirChanged(); emit stateDirChanged(); emit snapshotDirChanged(); emit diffDirChanged(); emit commentDirChanged(); emit stateChanged(); emit autoSaveChanged(); emit playbackChanged(); emit recordChanged(); emit mngWriteChanged(); emit aviWriteChanged(); emit wavWriteChanged(); emit snapNameChanged(); emit snapSizeChanged(); emit snapViewChanged(); emit snapBilinearChanged(); emit stateNameChanged(); emit burninChanged(); emit autoFrameSkipChanged(); emit frameSkipChanged(); emit secondsToRunChanged(); emit throttleChanged(); emit sleepChanged(); emit speedChanged(); emit refreshSpeedChanged(); emit rotateChanged(); emit rorChanged(); emit rolChanged(); emit autoRorChanged(); emit autoRolChanged(); emit flipXChanged(); emit flipYChanged(); emit artworkCropChanged(); emit useBackdropsChanged(); emit useOverlaysChanged(); emit useBezelsChanged(); emit useCPanelsChanged(); emit useMarqueesChanged(); emit brightnessChanged(); emit contrastChanged(); emit gammaChanged(); emit effectChanged(); emit beamChanged(); emit flickerChanged(); emit sampleRateChanged(); emit samplesChanged(); emit volumeChanged(); emit coinLockoutChanged(); emit ctrlrChanged(); emit mouseChanged(); emit joystickChanged(); emit lightgunChanged(); emit multiKeyboardChanged(); emit multiMouseChanged(); emit steadyKeyChanged(); emit uiActiveChanged(); emit offScreenReloadChanged(); emit joystickMapChanged(); emit joystickDeadzoneChanged(); emit joystickSaturationChanged(); emit naturalChanged(); emit joystickContradictoryChanged(); emit coinImpulseChanged(); emit paddleDeviceChanged(); emit adstickDeviceChanged(); emit pedalDeviceChanged(); emit dialDeviceChanged(); emit trackballDeviceChanged(); emit lightgunDeviceChanged(); emit positionalDeviceChanged(); emit mouseDeviceChanged(); emit verboseChanged(); emit logChanged(); emit osLogChanged(); emit debugChanged(); emit updateInPauseChanged(); emit debugScriptChanged(); emit sdlVideoFPSChanged(); emit commLocalHostChanged(); emit commLocalPortChanged(); emit commRemoteHostChanged(); emit commRemotePortChanged(); emit antiAliasChanged(); emit drcChanged(); emit drcUseCChanged(); emit drcLogUMLChanged(); emit drcLogNativeChanged(); emit biosChanged(); emit cheatChanged(); emit skipGameInfoChanged(); emit uiFontChanged(); emit ramSizeChanged(); emit confirmQuitChanged(); emit uiMouseChanged(); emit autoBootCommandChanged(); emit autoBootDelayChanged(); emit autoBootScriptChanged(); emit httpChanged(); emit httpPortChanged(); emit httpPathChanged(); emit consoleChanged(); emit multiThreadingChanged(); emit numProcessorsChanged(); emit videoChanged(); emit numScreensChanged(); emit windowChanged(); emit maximizeChanged(); emit keepAspectChanged(); emit unevenStretchChanged(); emit waitVSyncChanged(); emit syncRefreshChanged(); emit screenChanged(); emit aspectChanged(); emit resolutionChanged(); emit viewChanged(); emit switchResChanged(); emit filterChanged(); emit prescaleChanged(); emit glForcePow2TextureChanged(); emit glNoTextureRectChanged(); emit glVboChanged(); emit glPboChanged(); emit glGlslChanged(); emit glGlslFilterChanged(); emit soundChanged(); emit audioLatencyChanged(); emit centerHChanged(); emit centerVChanged(); emit scaleModeChanged(); emit useAllHeadsChanged(); emit keymapChanged(); emit keymapFileChanged(); emit sixAxisChanged(); emit videoDriverChanged(); emit renderDriverChanged(); emit audioDriverChanged(); emit glLibChanged(); }
void ChocoboEditor::SpeedChanged(int speed) { choco_data.speed = speed; emit speedChanged(choco_data.speed); }
void ConnectionParameters::speedValueChanged(int n) { emit speedChanged(n); }