Exemple #1
void redraw(void)


    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    drawLines(rp, rv);

    glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    drawLines(bp, bv);
    glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    drawLines(gp, gv);

    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    drawLines(yp, yv);

    glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    drawLines(mp, mv);

Exemple #2
void R3Sphere::
Draw(const R3DrawFlags draw_flags) const
    // Draw sphere - sphdraw uses n3f only ???
    float sphparams[4];
    sphparams[0] = center.X();
    sphparams[1] = center.Y();
    sphparams[2] = center.Z();
    sphparams[3] = radius;
    if (draw_flags[R3_SURFACES_DRAW_FLAG]) {
	sphmode(SPH_PRIM, SPH_MESH);
    if (draw_flags[R3_EDGES_DRAW_FLAG]) {
	sphmode(SPH_PRIM, SPH_LINE);

#elif (RN_3D_GRFX == RN_OPENGL)
    // Create GLU quadric
    static GLUquadricObj *sphere = gluNewQuadric(); // ???

    // Push matrix 
    R4Matrix matrix = R4identity_matrix;

    // Draw surface
    if (draw_flags[R3_SURFACES_DRAW_FLAG]) {
	if (draw_flags[R3_VERTEX_NORMALS_DRAW_FLAG]) gluQuadricNormals(sphere, (GLenum) GLU_SMOOTH);
	else if (draw_flags[R3_SURFACE_NORMALS_DRAW_FLAG]) gluQuadricNormals(sphere, (GLenum) GLU_FLAT);
	if (draw_flags[R3_VERTEX_TEXTURE_COORDS_DRAW_FLAG]) gluQuadricTexture(sphere, GL_TRUE);
	else gluQuadricTexture(sphere, GL_FALSE);
	gluQuadricDrawStyle(sphere, (GLenum) GLU_FILL);
	gluSphere(sphere, radius, 8, 8);

    // Draw edges
    if (draw_flags[R3_EDGES_DRAW_FLAG]) {
	gluQuadricNormals(sphere, (GLenum) GLU_NONE);
	gluQuadricTexture(sphere, GL_FALSE);
	gluQuadricDrawStyle(sphere, (GLenum) GLU_SILHOUETTE);
	gluSphere(sphere, radius, 8, 8);

    // Pop matrix
    RNAbort("Not Implemented");
Exemple #3
int main ()
    object ellipsoid;
    int depth;
    int run;

    long min_syscall = -1;
    long min_init = -1;
    long min_seq = -1;
    long min_par = -1;
    long min_libsphere_draw = -1;
    long min_libsphere = -1;

    // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
    // of gettimeofday system call.
    for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
        //gettimeofday (&t0);
        //gettimeofday (&t1);

 //       microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
        if (min_syscall > microsec || min_syscall < 0)
            min_syscall = microsec;

    // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
    // of ellipsoid initialization for each depth.
    for (depth = 1; depth <= max_depth; depth++) {
        for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
            //gettimeofday (&t0);
            ellipsoid_init (depth);
            //gettimeofday (&t1);
            ellipsoid_done ();

  //          microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
            if (min_init > microsec || min_init < 0)
                min_init = microsec;
        min_init -= min_syscall;
        timing[depth-1].init = min_init;
        min_init = -1;

    // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
    // of ellipsoid generation by ellipsoid_seq() for each depth.
    ellipsoid_init (max_depth);
    for (depth = 1; depth <= max_depth; depth++) {
        for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
            //gettimeofday (&t0);
            ellipsoid_seq (&ellipsoid, depth, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
            //gettimeofday (&t1);
            ellipsoid_free (&ellipsoid);

//            microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
            if (min_seq > microsec || min_seq < 0)
                min_seq = microsec;
        min_seq -= min_syscall;
        timing[depth-1].seq = min_seq;
        min_seq = -1;

    // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
    // of ellipsoid generation by ellipsoid_par() for each depth.
    ellipsoid_init (max_depth);
    for (depth = 1; depth <= max_depth; depth++) {
        for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
            //getrimeofday (&t0);
            ellipsoid_par (&ellipsoid, depth, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
            //getrimeofday (&t1);
            ellipsoid_free (&ellipsoid);

            //microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
            if (min_par > microsec || min_par < 0)
                min_par = microsec;
        min_par -= min_syscall;
        timing[depth-1].par = min_par;
        min_par = -1;

    // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
    // of sphere generation by IRIS GL sphere library for each depth.
    foreground ();
    noport ();
    winopen ("");
    sphmode (SPH_TESS, SPH_OCT); /* octahedral subdivision */
    sphmode (SPH_PRIM, SPH_POLY);
    for (depth = 1; depth <= SPH_MAXDEPTH; depth++) {
        static float sphparams[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };

        // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
        // of sphere drawing by IRIS GL sphere library.
        sphmode (SPH_DEPTH, depth);
        sphdraw (sphparams); /* generation and drawing of the sphere */
        for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
            finish (); /* block until the geometry pipeline is empty */
            //getrimeofday (&t0);
            sphdraw (sphparams); /* drawing only without generation */
            //getrimeofday (&t1);

            //microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
            if (min_libsphere_draw > microsec || min_libsphere_draw < 0)
                min_libsphere_draw = microsec;
        sphfree ();
        min_libsphere_draw -= min_syscall;

        // Find the fastest execution time among 100 runs
        // of sphere generation by IRIS GL sphere library.
        for (run = 1; run <= max_run; run++) {
            sphmode (SPH_DEPTH, depth);
            finish ();
            //getrimeofday (&t0);
            sphdraw (sphparams); /* generation and drawing of the sphere */
            //getrimeofday (&t1);
            sphfree ();

            //microsec = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
            if (min_libsphere > microsec || min_libsphere < 0)
                min_libsphere = microsec;
        min_libsphere -= min_libsphere_draw + min_syscall;
        timing[depth-1].libsphere = min_libsphere;
        min_libsphere = -1;

    for (depth = 1; depth <= max_depth; depth++) {
        printf ("depth = %3d: nv = %8d, nf = %8d, init = %8ld, seq = %8ld, par = %8ld",
            depth, 4*depth*depth + 2, 8*depth*depth,
            timing[depth-1].init, timing[depth-1].seq, timing[depth-1].par);
        if (depth <= SPH_MAXDEPTH)
            printf (", libsphere = %8ld", timing[depth-1].libsphere);
        printf ("\n");

    return 0;