Exemple #1
/* returns rough sin(x) approximation. the period is 2 (real sin has 2*Pi period). */
inline vec_float4 fast_sinf(vec_float4 x) {
    vec_uint4 xi = (vec_uint4)x;
    xi = spu_and(xi, 0x7fffffffU);
    vec_uint4 ui = spu_convtu((vec_float4)xi, 0);
    vec_float4 neg = (vec_float4)spu_sl(ui, 31u);
    vec_float4 t = spu_splats(.5f) - (((vec_float4)xi) - spu_convtf(ui, 0));
    vec_float4 s = spu_splats(1.f) - spu_splats(4.f)*t*t;
    return spu_or(s, neg);
Exemple #2
void draw_frame(uint64_t buf_ea) {
    vec_uint4 buf[2*1920/4];
    int row, col, i, tag = 0;
    float step = 4.0f/spu.width*spu.zoom;
    float xbeg = spu.xc - spu.width*step*0.5f;
    vec_float4 vxbeg = spu_splats(xbeg)
    + spu_splats(step) * (vec_float4) {
    vec_float4 xstep = spu_splats(step)*spu_splats(4.f);
    vec_float4 vyp = spu_splats(spu.yc - spu.height*step*0.5f + step*spu.rank);
    const vec_float4 vinc = spu_splats(spu.count * step);
    const vec_float4 esc2 = spu_splats(BAILOUT*BAILOUT);
#if BAILBITS != 1
    const vec_float4 esc21 = spu_splats(4.f/(BAILOUT*BAILOUT));
    const vec_float4 two = spu_splats(2.f);
    const vec_float4 zero = spu_splats(0.f);
    const vec_float4 colsc = spu_splats(255.f);
    const vec_float4 ccr = spu_splats(4.f*BAILOUT/(3.5f*3.141592654f));
    const vec_float4 ccg = spu_splats(4.f*BAILOUT/(5.f*3.141592654f));
    const vec_float4 ccb = spu_splats(4.f*BAILOUT/(9.f*3.141592654f));
    vec_float4 x, y, x2, y2, m2, vxp;
    vec_uint4 cmp, inc;
    vec_uint4 vi;
    vec_uint4 *p, *b;
    vec_float4 co;

    /* Process the full image. As there are 6 SPUs working in parallel, each with
     * a different rank from 0 to 5, each SPU processes only the line numbers:
     * rank, rank+6, rank+12, ...
     * The program uses a SPU DMA programming technique known as "double buffering",
     * where the previously generated line is transmitted to main memory while we
     * compute the next one, hence the need for a local buffer containing two lines.
    for (row = spu.rank; row < spu.height; row += spu.count) {
        /* Pixel buffer address (in local memory) of the next line to be drawn */
        b = p = buf + ((1920/4)&-tag);
        vxp = vxbeg; /* first four x coordinates */
        /* Process a whole screen line by packets of 4 pixels */
        for (col = spu.width/4; col > 0 ; col--) {
            vi = spu_splats(0u);
            x = vxp;
            y = vyp;
            i = 0;
            cmp = spu_splats(-1u);
            inc = spu_splats(1u);
            m2 = zero;

            /* This loop processes the Mandelbrot suite for the four complex numbers
             * whose real part are the components of the x vector, and the imaginary
             * part are in y (as we process the same line, all initial values of y
             * are equal).
             * We perform loop unrolling for SPU performance optimization reasons,
             * hence the 4x replication of the same computation block.
            do {
                x2 = x*x;
                y2 = y*y;
                m2 = spu_sel(m2, x2+y2, cmp);
                cmp = spu_cmpgt(esc2, m2);
                inc = spu_and(inc, cmp); /* increment the iteration count only if */
                vi = vi + inc;           /* we're still inside the bailout radius */
                y = two*x*y + vyp;
                x = x2-y2 + vxp;

                x2 = x*x;
                y2 = y*y;
                m2 = spu_sel(m2, x2+y2, cmp);
                cmp = spu_cmpgt(esc2, m2);
                inc = spu_and(inc, cmp);
                vi = vi + inc;
                y = two*x*y + vyp;
                x = x2-y2 + vxp;

                x2 = x*x;
                y2 = y*y;
                m2 = spu_sel(m2, x2+y2, cmp);
                cmp = spu_cmpgt(esc2, m2);
                inc = spu_and(inc, cmp);
                vi = vi + inc;
                y = two*x*y + vyp;
                x = x2-y2 + vxp;

                x2 = x*x;
                y2 = y*y;
                m2 = spu_sel(m2, x2+y2, cmp);
                cmp = spu_cmpgt(esc2, m2);
                inc = spu_and(inc, cmp);
                vi = vi + inc;
                y = two*x*y + vyp;
                x = x2-y2 + vxp;

                i += 4;
            /* Exit the loop only if the iteration limit of 128 has been reached,
             * or all current four points are outside the bailout radius.
             * The __builtin_expect(xxx, 1) construct hints the compiler that the xxx
             * test has greater chance of being true (1), so a branch hinting
             * instruction is inserted into the binary code to make the conditional
             * branch faster in most cases (except the last one when we exit the
             * loop). This results in performance increase.
            while (__builtin_expect((i < 128) &
                                    (si_to_int((qword)spu_gather(cmp)) != 0), 1));
            /* smooth coloring: compute the fractional part */
            co = spu_convtf(vi, 0) + spu_splats(1.f);
            co -= fast_logf(fast_logf(m2) * spu_splats(.5f));
#if BAILBITS != 1
            co = spu_re(spu_rsqrte(co*esc21));
            /* Compute the red, green an blue pixel components */
            vec_uint4 cr = spu_convtu(mcos(co * ccr) * colsc, 0);
            vec_uint4 cg = spu_convtu(mcos(co * ccg) * colsc, 0);
            vec_uint4 cb = spu_convtu(mcos(co * ccb) * colsc, 0);
            /* Put the 4 pixel values in the buffer */
            *p++ = (spu_sl(cr, 16) | spu_sl(cg, 8) | cb) & ~-inc;

            vxp += xstep;

        /* double-buffered dma: initiate a dma transfer of last computed scanline
         * then wait for completion of the second last transfer (previous computed
         * line). This is done by changing the tag value.
        mfc_put(b, buf_ea+(spu.width*4)*row, spu.width*4, tag, 0, 0);
        tag = 1 - tag;
        vyp += vinc;
    /* wait for completion of last sent image line */
Exemple #3
/* returns rough log2(x) approximation. */
inline vec_float4 fast_logf(vec_float4 x) {
    return spu_convtf(((vec_int4)(qword)x) - spu_splats((127<<23)-486411), 23);
Exemple #4
void f1 (vec_int4 *in)
  vec_float4 out = spu_convtf (in[0], 128); /* { dg-error "expects an integer literal in the range" "0, 127"  }*/
Exemple #5
void f5 (vec_int4 *in, int n)
  vec_float4 out = spu_convtf (in[0], n);