Exemple #1
unsigned int mb_getmbox( )
	do {
	      * Do other useful work while waiting.
	} while ( !spu_readchcnt( SPU_RdInMbox ) );
	return spu_readch( SPU_RdInMbox );
int spu_thread_send_event(uint8_t spup,uint32_t data0,uint32_t data1)
	uint32_t val = ((spup<<EVENT_PORT_SHIFT) | (data0&EVENT_DATA0_MASK));

	if(spup>EVENT_PORT_MAX_NUM) return 0x80010002;
	if(spu_readchcnt(SPU_RdInMbox)>0) return 0x8001000A;


	return (int)spu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);
int spu_thread_receive_event(uint32_t spuq,uint32_t *data0,uint32_t *data1,uint32_t *data2)
	int ret;

	if(spu_readchcnt(SPU_RdInMbox)>0) return 0x8001000A;


	ret = spu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);
	if(ret) return ret;

	*data0 = spu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);
	*data1 = spu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);
	*data2 = spu_readch(SPU_RdInMbox);

	return ret;
Exemple #4
void process_render_tasks(unsigned long eah_render_tasks, unsigned long eal_render_tasks)
    const vec_uchar16 SHUFFLE_MERGE_BYTES = (vec_uchar16) {	// merge lo bytes from unsigned shorts (array)

    const vec_uchar16 SHUFFLE_GET_BUSY_WITH_ONES = (vec_uchar16) {	// get busy flag with ones in unused bytes
        0xc0, 0xc0, 2, 3, 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0, 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0

    const vec_uchar16 ZERO_BYTES = (vec_uchar16) spu_splats(0);

    char trianglebuffer[ 256 + TRIANGLE_MAX_SIZE ];

    char	sync_buffer[128+127];
    void*	aligned_sync_buffer = (void*) ( ((unsigned long)sync_buffer+127) & ~127 );

    RenderableCacheLine* cache = (RenderableCacheLine*) aligned_sync_buffer;
    unsigned long long cache_ea;

    spu_mfcdma64(&cache_ea, eah_render_tasks, eal_render_tasks, sizeof(cache_ea), 0, MFC_GET_CMD);

    while (cache_ea) {
        // terminate immediately if possible
        if (spu_stat_in_mbox())

        // read the cache line
        spu_mfcdma64(cache, mfc_ea2h(cache_ea), mfc_ea2l(cache_ea), 128, 0, MFC_GETLLAR_CMD);

        unsigned int endTriangle = cache->endTriangle;
        vec_ushort8 testTriangle = spu_splats((unsigned short) endTriangle);

        // first look for short chunks
        vec_uchar16 next = cache->chunkNext;
        vec_uchar16 nextmask = spu_and(next, spu_splats((unsigned char)CHUNKNEXT_MASK));

        // change next to word offset, note we don't care what the low bit shifted in is
        vec_uchar16 firstshuf = (vec_uchar16) spu_sl( (vec_ushort8)nextmask, 1 );
        vec_uchar16 trishufhi = spu_or ( firstshuf, spu_splats((unsigned char) 1));
        vec_uchar16 trishuflo = spu_and( firstshuf, spu_splats((unsigned char) 254));

        vec_ushort8 start0 = cache->chunkStart[0];
        vec_ushort8 start1 = cache->chunkStart[1];

        vec_ushort8 nstart0 = spu_shuffle( start0, start1, spu_shuffle( trishuflo, trishufhi, SHUF0 ) );
        vec_ushort8 nstart1 = spu_shuffle( start0, start1, spu_shuffle( trishuflo, trishufhi, SHUF1 ) );

        vec_ushort8 starteq0 = spu_cmpeq( nstart0, spu_splats((unsigned short)0) );
        vec_ushort8 starteq1 = spu_cmpeq( nstart1, spu_splats((unsigned short)0) );

        vec_ushort8 end0 = spu_sel( nstart0, spu_splats((unsigned short)4096), starteq0);
        vec_ushort8 end1 = spu_sel( nstart1, spu_splats((unsigned short)4096), starteq1);

        vec_ushort8 len0 = spu_sub( end0, start0);
        vec_ushort8 len1 = spu_sub( end1, start1);

        vec_ushort8 small0 = spu_cmpgt( spu_splats((unsigned short)17), len0);
        vec_ushort8 small1 = spu_cmpgt( spu_splats((unsigned short)17), len1);
        vec_uchar16 small = (vec_uchar16) spu_shuffle( small0, small1, MERGE );
        vec_uint4 smallChunkGather = spu_gather(small);

        // check to see if chunk is already at the last triangle
        vec_uint4 doneChunkGather = spu_gather( (vec_uchar16) spu_shuffle(
                (vec_uchar16) spu_cmpeq(testTriangle, cache->chunkTriangle[0]),
                (vec_uchar16) spu_cmpeq(testTriangle, cache->chunkTriangle[1]),
                SHUFFLE_MERGE_BYTES) );

        // check if the chunk is free
        vec_uint4 freeChunkGather = spu_gather(
                                        spu_cmpeq( spu_splats( (unsigned char) CHUNKNEXT_FREE_BLOCK ), cache->chunkNext ) );

        // check to see if the chunk is being processed
        vec_uint4 busyChunkGather = spu_gather(
                                        spu_cmpgt( cache->chunkNext, //spu_and(cache->chunkNext, CHUNKNEXT_MASK),
                                                spu_splats( (unsigned char) (CHUNKNEXT_BUSY_BIT-1) ) ) );

        // doneChunkGather, freeChunkGather, busyChunkGather - rightmost 16 bits of word 0
        // note that if freeChunkGather is true then busyChunkGather must also be true

        // done=false, free=false, busy=false -> can process
        // free=false, busy=false -> can be merged

        // decide which chunk to process
        vec_uint4 mayProcessGather = spu_nor( doneChunkGather, busyChunkGather );
        vec_uint4 mayProcessShortGather = spu_and( mayProcessGather, smallChunkGather );

        vec_uint4 shortSelMask = spu_cmpeq( mayProcessShortGather, spu_splats(0U) );
        vec_uint4 mayProcessSelection = spu_sel( mayProcessShortGather, mayProcessGather, shortSelMask );

        		if (!spu_extract(shortSelMask, 0))
        			printf("taken short: may=%04x short=%04x mayshort=%04x mask=%04x sel=%04x\n",
        				spu_extract(mayProcessGather, 0) & 0xffff,
        				spu_extract(smallChunkGather, 0),
        				spu_extract(mayProcessShortGather, 0),
        				spu_extract(shortSelMask, 0) & 0xffff,
        				spu_extract(mayProcessSelection, 0) & 0xffff );

        vec_uint4 mayProcessBits = spu_sl( mayProcessSelection, 16);
        unsigned int chunkToProcess = spu_extract( spu_cntlz( mayProcessBits ), 0);
        unsigned int freeChunk = spu_extract( spu_cntlz( spu_sl( freeChunkGather, 16 ) ), 0);

        // if there's nothing to process, try the next cache line in the rendering tasks list
        if (!spu_extract(mayProcessBits, 0)) {
            cache_ea = cache->next;
            // sleep();

        unsigned int chunkStart    	= cache->chunkStartArray   [chunkToProcess];
        unsigned int chunkTriangle	= cache->chunkTriangleArray[chunkToProcess];
        unsigned int chunkNext		= cache->chunkNextArray	   [chunkToProcess] & CHUNKNEXT_MASK;
        unsigned int chunkEnd		= (cache->chunkStartArray  [chunkNext]-1) & (NUMBER_OF_TILES-1);
        unsigned int chunkLength	= 1 + chunkEnd-chunkStart;

        // only need an extra block if the block is especially long
        if (chunkLength <= NUMBER_OF_TILES_PER_CHUNK) {
            freeChunk = 32;

        // mark this block as busy
        cache->chunkNextArray[chunkToProcess] |= CHUNKNEXT_BUSY_BIT;

        // if there's at least one free chunk, claim it
        if (freeChunk != 32) {
            cache->chunkNextArray[freeChunk] = CHUNKNEXT_RESERVED;
            cache->chunkTriangleArray[freeChunk] = chunkTriangle;

        // write the cache line back
        spu_mfcdma64(cache, mfc_ea2h(cache_ea), mfc_ea2l(cache_ea), 128, 0, MFC_PUTLLC_CMD);
        if (spu_readch(MFC_RdAtomicStat) & MFC_PUTLLC_STATUS)

#ifdef INFO
        printf("[%d] Claimed chunk %d (%d-%d len %d) at tri %x end %x with free chunk %d\n", _SPUID,
               chunkToProcess, chunkStart, chunkEnd, chunkLength, chunkTriangle, endTriangle,
               freeChunk!=32 ? freeChunk : -1 );
//		debug_render_tasks(cache);

        Triangle* triangle;
        int firstTile;
        do {
            // read the triangle data for the current triangle
            unsigned int extra = chunkTriangle & 127;
            unsigned long long trianglebuffer_ea = cache_ea + TRIANGLE_OFFSET_FROM_CACHE_LINE + (chunkTriangle & ~127);
            triangle = (Triangle*) (trianglebuffer+extra);
            unsigned int length = (extra + TRIANGLE_MAX_SIZE + 127) & ~127;

            // ensure DMA slot available
            do {} while (!spu_readchcnt(MFC_Cmd));

            spu_mfcdma64(trianglebuffer, mfc_ea2h(trianglebuffer_ea), mfc_ea2l(trianglebuffer_ea),
                         length, 0, MFC_GET_CMD);

            // get the triangle deltas
            firstTile = findFirstTriangleTile(triangle, chunkStart, chunkEnd);

            if (firstTile>=0)

            // no match, try next triangle
            chunkTriangle = triangle->next_triangle;
        } while (chunkTriangle != endTriangle);

        // if we actually have something to process...
        if (firstTile>=0) {
            // the "normal" splitting will now become:
            // chunkStart .. (firstTile-1)	-> triangle->next_triangle
            // firstTile .. (firstTile+NUM-1) -> chunkTriangle (BUSY)
            // (firstTile+NUM) .. chunkEnd -> chunkTriangle (FREE)

            int tailChunk;
            int thisChunk;
            int nextBlockStart;
            int thisBlockStart;
            int realBlockStart;
            do {
                // read the cache line
                spu_mfcdma64(cache, mfc_ea2h(cache_ea), mfc_ea2l(cache_ea), 128, 0, MFC_GETLLAR_CMD);

                // calculate start of next block
                nextBlockStart = firstTile + NUMBER_OF_TILES_PER_CHUNK;
                if (nextBlockStart > chunkEnd)
                    nextBlockStart = chunkEnd+1;

                // calculate start of block to mark as busy
                thisBlockStart = nextBlockStart - NUMBER_OF_TILES_PER_CHUNK;
                if (thisBlockStart < chunkStart)
                    thisBlockStart = chunkStart;
                realBlockStart = thisBlockStart;

#ifdef INFO
                printf("[%d] nextBlockStart=%d, realBlockStart=%d, thisBlockStart=%d, chunkStart=%d\n", _SPUID,
                       nextBlockStart, realBlockStart, thisBlockStart, chunkStart);

                // allocate some more free chunks
                vec_uint4 freeChunkGather2 = spu_sl(spu_gather(spu_cmpeq(
                                                        spu_splats((unsigned char)CHUNKNEXT_FREE_BLOCK), cache->chunkNext)), 16);
                unsigned int freeChunk2 = spu_extract(spu_cntlz(freeChunkGather2), 0);

                if (freeChunk == 32) {
                    // if we didn't have one before, try again
                    freeChunk = freeChunk2;

                    // and try to get the second one
                    freeChunkGather2 = spu_andc( freeChunkGather2, spu_promote(0x80000000>>freeChunk2, 0) );
                    freeChunk2 = spu_extract(spu_cntlz(freeChunkGather2), 0);
                } else {
                    // speculatively clear the free chunk just in case we don't need it
                    cache->chunkNextArray[freeChunk] = CHUNKNEXT_FREE_BLOCK;

#ifdef INFO
                printf("[%d] Free chunks %d and %d, cN=%d, nBS=%d, cE=%d, tBS=%d, cS=%d\n",
                       _SPUID, freeChunk, freeChunk2, chunkNext, nextBlockStart, chunkEnd, thisBlockStart, chunkStart );

                // mark region after as available for processing if required
                if (nextBlockStart < chunkEnd) {
                    if (freeChunk==32) {
                        // if no free chunk, relinquish entire block and write back
                        cache->chunkNextArray[chunkToProcess] = chunkNext;
                        spu_mfcdma64(cache, mfc_ea2h(cache_ea), mfc_ea2l(cache_ea), 128, 0, MFC_PUTLLC_CMD);
                        // if writeback failed, we *might* have a free block, retry
                        if (spu_readch(MFC_RdAtomicStat) & MFC_PUTLLC_STATUS)
                            goto retry;

                        // otherwise give up and try the next cache line
                        goto trynextcacheline;
                    cache->chunkStartArray[freeChunk] = nextBlockStart;
                    cache->chunkNextArray[freeChunk] = chunkNext;
                    cache->chunkTriangleArray[freeChunk] = chunkTriangle;
                    cache->chunkNextArray[chunkToProcess] = freeChunk | CHUNKNEXT_BUSY_BIT;
                    tailChunk = freeChunk;
#ifdef INFO
                    printf("[%d] Insert tail, tailChunk=%d, chunkNext=%d, chunkToProcess=%d\n", _SPUID, tailChunk, chunkNext, chunkToProcess);
                } else {
                    // we're gonna use freeChunk2 for the "in front" block, as we've not
                    // used freeChunk, let's use it as it's more likely to have a free chunk
                    freeChunk2 = freeChunk;
                    tailChunk = chunkNext;

                // mark region before as available if required and possible
                thisChunk = chunkToProcess;
                if (thisBlockStart > chunkStart) {
                    if (freeChunk2 != 32) {
                        // mark this region as busy
                        cache->chunkNextArray[freeChunk2]=tailChunk | CHUNKNEXT_BUSY_BIT;

                        // mark region before as available for processing
                        thisChunk = freeChunk2;
#ifdef INFO
                        printf("[%d] Insert new head, tailChunk=%d, chunkNext=%d, thisChunk=%d\n", _SPUID, tailChunk, chunkNext, thisChunk);
                    } else {
                        // need to keep whole block, update info and mark bust
                        cache->chunkNextArray[chunkToProcess]=tailChunk | CHUNKNEXT_BUSY_BIT;
                        realBlockStart = chunkStart;
                        printf("[%d] Keep whole block, tailChunk=%d, chunkNext=%d, thisChunk=%d\n", _SPUID, tailChunk, chunkNext, thisChunk);
#ifdef INFO

                // merge chunks

                // write the cache line back
                spu_mfcdma64(cache, mfc_ea2h(cache_ea), mfc_ea2l(cache_ea), 128, 0, MFC_PUTLLC_CMD);
            } while (spu_readch(MFC_RdAtomicStat) & MFC_PUTLLC_STATUS);

            // finally after the write succeeded, update the variables
            chunkNext = tailChunk;
            chunkToProcess = thisChunk;
            chunkStart = firstTile; //thisBlockStart;
            chunkLength = nextBlockStart - firstTile;
            chunkEnd = chunkStart + chunkLength - 1;
            freeChunk = 32;

            // now we can process the block up to endTriangle
            initTileBuffers(thisBlockStart, chunkEnd);

            int ok=0;
            while (chunkTriangle != endTriangle) {
#ifdef INFO
                printf("[%d] Processing chunk %d at %4d len %4d, triangle %04x first=%d tbs=%d\n",
                       _SPUID, chunkToProcess, chunkStart, chunkLength,
                       chunkTriangle, firstTile, thisBlockStart);
                // and actually process that triangle on these chunks
                processTriangleChunks(triangle, cache, thisBlockStart, chunkEnd, chunkTriangle, ok);
#ifdef PAUSE
                // and advance to the next-triangle
                chunkTriangle = triangle->next_triangle;

                // this should only ever happen if we're running really low on cache line slots
                // basically, if we pick up a block with more than NUMBER_OF_TILES_PER_CHUNK and
                // there's no slot to store the pre-NUMBER_OF_TILES_PER_CHUNK tiles.
                // in this case, we process from thisBlockStart only (because we know that from
                // chunkStart to there has no result) and then we only process one triangle
                if (chunkStart != realBlockStart) {
                    printf("[%d] chunkStart=%d != realBlockStart %d, chunkEnd=%d, "
                    	"firstTile=%d chunk=%d\n",
                    	_SPUID, chunkStart, realBlockStart, chunkEnd,
                    	firstTile, chunkToProcess);

                    // abort the while loop

                // read the next triangle
                unsigned int extra = chunkTriangle & 127;
                unsigned long long trianglebuffer_ea = cache_ea + TRIANGLE_OFFSET_FROM_CACHE_LINE + (chunkTriangle & ~127);
                triangle = (Triangle*) (trianglebuffer+extra);
                unsigned int length = (extra + TRIANGLE_MAX_SIZE + 127) & ~127;

                // ensure DMA slot available
                do {} while (!spu_readchcnt(MFC_Cmd));

                spu_mfcdma64(trianglebuffer, mfc_ea2h(trianglebuffer_ea),
                             mfc_ea2l(trianglebuffer_ea), length, 0, MFC_GET_CMD);
            } // until chunkTriangle == endTriangle

            // flush any output buffers
            flushTileBuffers(thisBlockStart, chunkEnd);

        } // firstTile>=0