Exemple #1
void mexFunction
    int	nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int	nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]
    double dummy = 0, *px ;
    cholmod_sparse Amatrix, *A, *Lsparse, *R ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
    Long n, minor ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */ 
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cm = &Common ;
    cholmod_l_start (cm) ;
    sputil_config (SPUMONI, cm) ;

    /* convert to packed LL' when done */
    cm->final_asis = FALSE ;
    cm->final_super = FALSE ;
    cm->final_ll = TRUE ;
    cm->final_pack = TRUE ;
    cm->final_monotonic = TRUE ;

    /* no need to prune entries due to relaxed supernodal amalgamation, since
     * zeros are dropped with sputil_drop_zeros instead */
    cm->final_resymbol = FALSE ;

    cm->quick_return_if_not_posdef = (nargout < 2) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (nargin != 1 || nargout > 3)
	mexErrMsgTxt ("usage: [R,p,q] = chol2 (A)") ;

    n = mxGetN (pargin [0]) ;

    if (!mxIsSparse (pargin [0]) || n != mxGetM (pargin [0]))
    	mexErrMsgTxt ("A must be square and sparse") ;

    /* get input sparse matrix A.  Use triu(A) only */
    A = sputil_get_sparse (pargin [0], &Amatrix, &dummy, 1) ;

    /* use natural ordering if no q output parameter */
    if (nargout < 3)
	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NATURAL ;
	cm->postorder = FALSE ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* analyze and factorize */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    L = cholmod_l_analyze (A, cm) ;
    cholmod_l_factorize (A, L, cm) ;

    if (nargout < 2 && cm->status != CHOLMOD_OK)
	mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix is not positive definite") ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* convert L to a sparse matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* the conversion sets L->minor back to n, so get a copy of it first */
    minor = L->minor ;
    Lsparse = cholmod_l_factor_to_sparse (L, cm) ;
    if (Lsparse->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX)
	/* convert Lsparse from complex to zomplex */
	cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, Lsparse, cm) ;

    if (minor < n)
	/* remove columns minor to n-1 from Lsparse */
	sputil_trim (Lsparse, minor, cm) ;

    /* drop zeros from Lsparse */
    sputil_drop_zeros (Lsparse) ;

    /* Lsparse is lower triangular; conjugate transpose to get R */
    R = cholmod_l_transpose (Lsparse, 2, cm) ;
    cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Lsparse, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* return results to MATLAB */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* return R */
    pargout [0] = sputil_put_sparse (&R, cm) ;

    /* return minor (translate to MATLAB convention) */
    if (nargout > 1)
	pargout [1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 1, mxREAL) ;
	px = mxGetPr (pargout [1]) ;
	px [0] = ((minor == n) ? 0 : (minor+1)) ;

    /* return permutation */
    if (nargout > 2)
	pargout [2] = sputil_put_int (L->Perm, n, 1) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free workspace and the CHOLMOD L, except for what is copied to MATLAB */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_l_free_factor (&L, cm) ;
    cholmod_l_finish (cm) ;
    cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ;
    if (cm->malloc_count != (3 + mxIsComplex (pargout[0]))) mexErrMsgTxt ("!") ;
Exemple #2
void mexFunction
    int	nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int	nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]
    void *G ;
    cholmod_dense *X = NULL ;
    cholmod_sparse *A = NULL, *Z = NULL ;
    cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
    Long *Ap = NULL, *Ai ;
    double *Ax, *Az = NULL ;
    char filename [MAXLEN] ;
    Long nz, k, is_complex = FALSE, nrow = 0, ncol = 0, allzero ;
    int mtype ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cm = &Common ;
    cholmod_l_start (cm) ;
    sputil_config (SPUMONI, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2 || nargout > 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("usage: [A Z] = mread (filename, prefer_binary)") ;
    if (!mxIsChar (pargin [0]))
        mexErrMsgTxt ("mread requires a filename") ;
    mxGetString (pargin [0], filename, MAXLEN) ;
    sputil_file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
    if (sputil_file == NULL)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("cannot open file") ;
    if (nargin > 1)
        cm->prefer_binary = (mxGetScalar (pargin [1]) != 0) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* read the matrix, as either a dense or sparse matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    G = cholmod_l_read_matrix (sputil_file, 1, &mtype, cm) ;
    fclose (sputil_file) ;
    sputil_file = NULL ;
    if (G == NULL)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("could not read file") ;

    /* get the specific matrix (A or X), and change to ZOMPLEX if needed */
    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        A = (cholmod_sparse *) G ;
        nrow = A->nrow ;
        ncol = A->ncol ;
        is_complex = (A->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX) ;
        Ap = A->p ;
        Ai = A->i ;
        if (is_complex)
            /* if complex, ensure A is ZOMPLEX */
            cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, A, cm) ;
        Ax = A->x ;
        Az = A->z ;
    else if (mtype == CHOLMOD_DENSE)
        X = (cholmod_dense *) G ;
        nrow = X->nrow ;
        ncol = X->ncol ;
        is_complex = (X->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX) ;
        if (is_complex)
            /* if complex, ensure X is ZOMPLEX */
            cholmod_l_dense_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, X, cm) ;
        Ax = X->x ;
        Az = X->z ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid file") ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* if requested, extract the zero entries and place them in Z */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (nargout > 1)
        if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
            /* A is a sparse real/zomplex double matrix */
            Z = sputil_extract_zeros (A, cm) ;
            /* input is full; just return an empty Z matrix */
            Z = cholmod_l_spzeros (nrow, ncol, 0, CHOLMOD_REAL, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* prune the zero entries from A and set nzmax(A) to nnz(A) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        sputil_drop_zeros (A) ;
        cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (cholmod_l_nnz (A, cm), A, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* change a complex matrix to real if its imaginary part is all zero */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (is_complex)
        if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
            nz = Ap [ncol] ;
            nz = nrow * ncol ;
        allzero = TRUE ;
        for (k = 0 ; k < nz ; k++)
            if (Az [k] != 0)
                allzero = FALSE ;
                break ;
        if (allzero)
            /* discard the all-zero imaginary part */
            if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
                cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_REAL, A, cm) ;
                cholmod_l_dense_xtype (CHOLMOD_REAL, X, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* return results to MATLAB */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        pargout [0] = sputil_put_sparse (&A, cm) ;
        pargout [0] = sputil_put_dense (&X, cm) ;
    if (nargout > 1)
        pargout [1] = sputil_put_sparse (&Z, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free workspace */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_l_finish (cm) ;
    cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ;