Exemple #1
  * Copy one cipher_ctx to another. For instance, assuming that read_ctx is a 
  * fully initialized context, you could copy it to write_ctx and all yet data
  * and pass information across
  * returns SQLITE_OK if initialization was successful
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
static int sqlcipher_cipher_ctx_copy(cipher_ctx *target, cipher_ctx *source) {
  void *key = target->key; 
  void *hmac_key = target->hmac_key; 
  void *provider = target->provider;
  void *provider_ctx = target->provider_ctx;

  CODEC_TRACE(("sqlcipher_cipher_ctx_copy: entered target=%p, source=%p\n", target, source));
  sqlcipher_free(target->pass, target->pass_sz); 
  sqlcipher_free(target->keyspec, target->keyspec_sz); 
  memcpy(target, source, sizeof(cipher_ctx));

  target->key = key; //restore pointer to previously allocated key data
  memcpy(target->key, source->key, CIPHER_MAX_KEY_SZ);

  target->hmac_key = hmac_key; //restore pointer to previously allocated hmac key data
  memcpy(target->hmac_key, source->hmac_key, CIPHER_MAX_KEY_SZ);

  target->provider = provider; // restore pointer to previouly allocated provider;
  memcpy(target->provider, source->provider, sizeof(sqlcipher_provider));

  target->provider_ctx = provider_ctx; // restore pointer to previouly allocated provider context;
  target->provider->ctx_copy(target->provider_ctx, source->provider_ctx);

  if(source->pass && source->pass_sz) {
    target->pass = sqlcipher_malloc(source->pass_sz);
    if(target->pass == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(target->pass, source->pass, source->pass_sz);
  if(source->keyspec && source->keyspec_sz) {
    target->keyspec = sqlcipher_malloc(source->keyspec_sz);
    if(target->keyspec == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(target->keyspec, source->keyspec, source->keyspec_sz);
  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #2
  * Free and wipe memory associated with a cipher_ctx, including the allocated
  * read_ctx and write_ctx.
void sqlcipher_codec_ctx_free(codec_ctx **iCtx) {
  codec_ctx *ctx = *iCtx;
  CODEC_TRACE(("codec_ctx_free: entered iCtx=%p\n", iCtx));
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->kdf_salt, ctx->kdf_salt_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->hmac_kdf_salt, ctx->kdf_salt_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->buffer, 0);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx, sizeof(codec_ctx)); 
Exemple #3
int sqlcipher_register_provider(sqlcipher_provider *p) {
  if(default_provider != NULL && default_provider != p) {
    /* only free the current registerd provider if it has been initialized
       and it isn't a pointer to the same provider passed to the function
       (i.e. protect against a caller calling register twice for the same provider) */
    sqlcipher_free(default_provider, sizeof(sqlcipher_provider));
  default_provider = p;   
  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #4
int sqlcipher_codec_ctx_set_pagesize(codec_ctx *ctx, int size) {
  /* attempt to free the existing page buffer */
  ctx->page_sz = size;

  /* pre-allocate a page buffer of PageSize bytes. This will
     be used as a persistent buffer for encryption and decryption 
     operations to avoid overhead of multiple memory allocations*/
  ctx->buffer = sqlcipher_malloc(size);
  if(ctx->buffer == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #5
  * Set the passphrase for the cipher_ctx
  * returns SQLITE_OK if assignment was successfull
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
static int sqlcipher_cipher_ctx_set_pass(cipher_ctx *ctx, const void *zKey, int nKey) {

  /* free, zero existing pointers and size */
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->pass, ctx->pass_sz);
  ctx->pass = NULL;
  ctx->pass_sz = 0;

  if(zKey && nKey) { /* if new password is provided, copy it */
    ctx->pass_sz = nKey;
    ctx->pass = sqlcipher_malloc(nKey);
    if(ctx->pass == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(ctx->pass, zKey, nKey);
  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #6
  * Free and wipe memory associated with a cipher_ctx
static void sqlcipher_cipher_ctx_free(cipher_ctx **iCtx) {
  cipher_ctx *ctx = *iCtx;
  CODEC_TRACE(("cipher_ctx_free: entered iCtx=%p\n", iCtx));
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->provider, sizeof(sqlcipher_provider)); 
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->key, ctx->key_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->hmac_key, ctx->key_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->pass, ctx->pass_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->keyspec, ctx->keyspec_sz);
  sqlcipher_free(ctx, sizeof(cipher_ctx)); 
Exemple #7
  * Set the keyspec for the cipher_ctx
  * returns SQLITE_OK if assignment was successfull
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
static int sqlcipher_cipher_ctx_set_keyspec(cipher_ctx *ctx, const unsigned char *key, int key_sz, const unsigned char *salt, int salt_sz) {

    /* free, zero existing pointers and size */
  sqlcipher_free(ctx->keyspec, ctx->keyspec_sz);
  ctx->keyspec = NULL;
  ctx->keyspec_sz = 0;

  /* establic a hex-formated key specification, containing the raw encryption key and
     the salt used to generate it */
  ctx->keyspec_sz = ((key_sz + salt_sz) * 2) + 3;
  ctx->keyspec = sqlcipher_malloc(ctx->keyspec_sz);
  if(ctx->keyspec == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  ctx->keyspec[0] = 'x';
  ctx->keyspec[1] = '\'';
  cipher_bin2hex(key, key_sz, ctx->keyspec + 2);
  cipher_bin2hex(salt, salt_sz, ctx->keyspec + (key_sz * 2) + 2);
  ctx->keyspec[ctx->keyspec_sz - 1] = '\'';
  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #8
void sqlcipher_deactivate() {
  /* if no connections are using sqlcipher, cleanup globals */
  if(sqlcipher_activate_count < 1) {
    if(default_provider != NULL) {
      sqlcipher_free(default_provider, sizeof(sqlcipher_provider));
      default_provider = NULL;
    /* last connection closed, free provider mutex*/
    sqlcipher_provider_mutex = NULL;

    sqlcipher_activate_count = 0; /* reset activation count */
Exemple #9
int sqlcipher_codec_add_random(codec_ctx *ctx, const char *zRight, int random_sz){
  const char *suffix = &zRight[random_sz-1];
  int n = random_sz - 3; /* adjust for leading x' and tailing ' */
  if (n > 0 &&
      sqlite3StrNICmp((const char *)zRight ,"x'", 2) == 0 &&
      sqlite3StrNICmp(suffix, "'", 1) == 0 &&
      n % 2 == 0) {
    int rc = 0;
    int buffer_sz = n / 2;
    unsigned char *random;
    const unsigned char *z = (const unsigned char *)zRight + 2; /* adjust lead offset of x' */
    CODEC_TRACE(("sqlcipher_codec_add_random: using raw random blob from hex\n"));
    random = sqlcipher_malloc(buffer_sz);
    memset(random, 0, buffer_sz);
    cipher_hex2bin(z, n, random);
    rc = ctx->read_ctx->provider->add_random(ctx->read_ctx->provider_ctx, random, buffer_sz);
    sqlcipher_free(random, buffer_sz);
    return rc;
  return SQLITE_ERROR;
Exemple #10
static int sqlcipher_openssl_ctx_free(void **ctx) {
  sqlcipher_free(*ctx, sizeof(openssl_ctx));
  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemple #11
int sqlcipher_codec_ctx_migrate(codec_ctx *ctx) {
  u32 meta;
  int rc = 0;
  int command_idx = 0;
  int password_sz;
  int saved_flags;
  int saved_nChange;
  int saved_nTotalChange;
  void (*saved_xTrace)(void*,const char*);
  Db *pDb = 0;
  sqlite3 *db = ctx->pBt->db;
  const char *db_filename = sqlite3_db_filename(db, "main");
  char *migrated_db_filename = sqlite3_mprintf("%s-migrated", db_filename);
  char *pragma_hmac_off = "PRAGMA cipher_use_hmac = OFF;";
  char *pragma_4k_kdf_iter = "PRAGMA kdf_iter = 4000;";
  char *pragma_1x_and_4k;
  char *set_user_version;
  char *key;
  int key_sz;
  int user_version = 0;
  int upgrade_1x_format = 0;
  int upgrade_4k_format = 0;
  static const unsigned char aCopy[] = {
    BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION,     1,  /* Add one to the old schema cookie */
    BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, 0,  /* Preserve the default page cache size */
    BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING,      0,  /* Preserve the text encoding */
    BTREE_USER_VERSION,       0,  /* Preserve the user version */
    BTREE_APPLICATION_ID,     0,  /* Preserve the application id */

  key_sz = ctx->read_ctx->pass_sz + 1;
  key = sqlcipher_malloc(key_sz);
  memset(key, 0, key_sz);
  memcpy(key, ctx->read_ctx->pass, ctx->read_ctx->pass_sz);

    const char* commands[5];
    char *attach_command = sqlite3_mprintf("ATTACH DATABASE '%s-migrated' as migrate KEY '%q';",
                                            db_filename, key);

    int rc = sqlcipher_check_connection(db_filename, key, ctx->read_ctx->pass_sz, "", &user_version);
    if(rc == SQLITE_OK){
      CODEC_TRACE(("No upgrade required - exiting\n"));
      goto exit;
    // Version 2 - check for 4k with hmac format 
    rc = sqlcipher_check_connection(db_filename, key, ctx->read_ctx->pass_sz, pragma_4k_kdf_iter, &user_version);
    if(rc == SQLITE_OK) {
      CODEC_TRACE(("Version 2 format found\n"));
      upgrade_4k_format = 1;

    // Version 1 - check both no hmac and 4k together
    pragma_1x_and_4k = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%s", pragma_hmac_off,
    rc = sqlcipher_check_connection(db_filename, key, ctx->read_ctx->pass_sz, pragma_1x_and_4k, &user_version);
    if(rc == SQLITE_OK) {
      CODEC_TRACE(("Version 1 format found\n"));
      upgrade_1x_format = 1;
      upgrade_4k_format = 1;

    if(upgrade_1x_format == 0 && upgrade_4k_format == 0) {
      CODEC_TRACE(("Upgrade format not determined\n"));
      goto handle_error;

    set_user_version = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA migrate.user_version = %d;", user_version);
    commands[0] = upgrade_4k_format == 1 ? pragma_4k_kdf_iter : "";
    commands[1] = upgrade_1x_format == 1 ? pragma_hmac_off : "";
    commands[2] = attach_command;
    commands[3] = "SELECT sqlcipher_export('migrate');";
    commands[4] = set_user_version;
    for(command_idx = 0; command_idx < ArraySize(commands); command_idx++){
      const char *command = commands[command_idx];
      if(strcmp(command, "") == 0){
      rc = sqlite3_exec(db, command, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if(rc != SQLITE_OK){
    sqlcipher_free(key, key_sz);
    if(rc == SQLITE_OK){
      Btree *pDest;
      Btree *pSrc;
      int i = 0;

      if( !db->autoCommit ){
        CODEC_TRACE(("cannot migrate from within a transaction"));
        goto handle_error;
      if( db->nVdbeActive>1 ){
        CODEC_TRACE(("cannot migrate - SQL statements in progress"));
        goto handle_error;

      /* Save the current value of the database flags so that it can be
      ** restored before returning. Then set the writable-schema flag, and
      ** disable CHECK and foreign key constraints.  */
      saved_flags = db->flags;
      saved_nChange = db->nChange;
      saved_nTotalChange = db->nTotalChange;
      saved_xTrace = db->xTrace;
      db->flags |= SQLITE_WriteSchema | SQLITE_IgnoreChecks | SQLITE_PreferBuiltin;
      db->flags &= ~(SQLITE_ForeignKeys | SQLITE_ReverseOrder);
      db->xTrace = 0;
      pDest = db->aDb[0].pBt;
      pDb = &(db->aDb[db->nDb-1]);
      pSrc = pDb->pBt;
      rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
      rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pSrc, 2);
      rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pDest, 2);
      assert( 1==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pDest) );
      assert( 1==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pSrc) );

      sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, db->nDb - 1, (void**)&key, &password_sz);
      sqlite3CodecAttach(db, 0, key, password_sz);
      sqlite3pager_get_codec(pDest->pBt->pPager, (void**)&ctx);
      ctx->skip_read_hmac = 1;      
      for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aCopy); i+=2){
        sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pSrc, aCopy[i], &meta);
        rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(pDest, aCopy[i], meta+aCopy[i+1]);
        if( NEVER(rc!=SQLITE_OK) ) goto handle_error; 
      rc = sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(pDest, pSrc);
      ctx->skip_read_hmac = 0;
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto handle_error;
      rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(pDest);

      db->flags = saved_flags;
      db->nChange = saved_nChange;
      db->nTotalChange = saved_nTotalChange;
      db->xTrace = saved_xTrace;
      db->autoCommit = 1;
      if( pDb ){
        pDb->pBt = 0;
        pDb->pSchema = 0;
    } else {
      CODEC_TRACE(("*** migration failure** \n\n"));
  goto exit;

  CODEC_TRACE(("An error occurred attempting to migrate the database\n"));

  return rc;
static int sqlcipher_ltc_ctx_free(void **ctx) {
  sqlcipher_free(*ctx, sizeof(ltc_ctx));
  return SQLITE_OK;