static void phone_number_stripped_reversed(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv) { if (argc != 1) { sqlite3_result_int(context, 0); return; } char const * number = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]); if (number == NULL) { sqlite3_result_null(context); return; } char out[PHONE_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE]; int outlen = 0; android::phone_number_stripped_reversed_inter(number, out, PHONE_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE, &outlen); sqlite3_result_text(context, (const char*)out, outlen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); }
static void powerFunc(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv) { assert(argc == 2); if (sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) == SQLITE_NULL || sqlite3_value_type(argv[1]) == SQLITE_NULL) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } else { double r1 = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); double r2 = sqlite3_value_double(argv[1]); errno = 0; double val = pow(r1, r2); if (errno == 0) { sqlite3_result_double(context, val); } else { sqlite3_result_error(context, platformStrerr(errno).c_str(), errno); } } }
extern void my_ceil(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv) { double val; int typ; typ = sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]); if (typ == SQLITE_NULL) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } else { if ((typ == SQLITE_INTEGER) || (typ == SQLITE_FLOAT)) { val = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); sqlite3_result_int64(context, (long)ceil(val)); } else { //Wrong input sqlite3_result_int(context, 0); } } }
/* ** largest integer value not greater than argument */ void myfloorFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ double rVal=0.0; switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){ case SQLITE_INTEGER: { i64 iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal); break; } case SQLITE_NULL: { sqlite3_result_null(context); break; } default: { rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); sqlite3_result_int64(context, (i64) floor(rVal)); break; } } }
/* ** Implementation of the sign() function */ static void msignFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ assert( argc==1 ); switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){ case SQLITE_INTEGER: { long long int iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); iVal = ( iVal > 0) ? 1 : ( iVal < 0 ) ? -1 : 0; sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal); break; } case SQLITE_NULL: { sqlite3_result_null(context); break; } default: { double rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); rVal = ( rVal > 0) ? 1 : ( rVal < 0 ) ? -1 : 0; sqlite3_result_double(context, rVal); break; } } }
/* ** Implementation of the abs() function */ static void absFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ assert( argc==1 ); switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){ case SQLITE_INTEGER: { i64 iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); if( iVal<0 ) iVal = iVal * -1; sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal); break; } case SQLITE_NULL: { sqlite3_result_null(context); break; } default: { double rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); if( rVal<0 ) rVal = rVal * -1.0; sqlite3_result_double(context, rVal); break; } } }
static void callCastedDoubleFunc(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv, DoubleDoubleFunction f) { double rVal = 0.0; assert(argc == 1); switch (sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: { int64_t iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal); break; } case SQLITE_NULL: sqlite3_result_null(context); break; default: rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); sqlite3_result_int64(context, (int64_t)f(rVal)); break; } }
/* wrapper for Jaro-Winkler string comparison */ void jarowinkler_wrapper(sqlite3_context *ctx, int n_values, sqlite3_value **value) { // check for NULL values, return NULL if any of the input strings is NULL if(sqlite3_value_type(value[0]) == SQLITE_NULL || sqlite3_value_type(value[1]) == SQLITE_NULL) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx); return; } const unsigned char *str1 = sqlite3_value_text(value[0]); const unsigned char *str2 = sqlite3_value_text(value[1]); #ifdef DEBUG Rprintf("String 1: %s\n", str1); Rprintf("String 2: %s\n", str2); #endif double result; result = jarowinkler_core(str1, str2, 1.0/3, 1.0/3, 1.0/3, 0.5); #ifdef DEBUG Rprintf("Ergebnis des Stringvergleichs: %f\n", result); #endif sqlite3_result_double(ctx, result); }
/** * @brief Call a math function that takes a double and returns a double. */ static void callDoubleFunc(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv, DoubleDoubleFunction f) { double rVal = 0.0, val; assert(argc == 1); switch (sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])) { case SQLITE_NULL: sqlite3_result_null(context); break; default: rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); errno = 0; val = f(rVal); if (errno == 0) { sqlite3_result_double(context, val); } else { sqlite3_result_error(context, platformStrerr(errno).c_str(), errno); } break; } }
static void string_reverse_implementation(sqlite3_context* ctx, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv) { const unsigned char* input = 0; int input_type; sqlite_uint64 input_length; char* result; int* decoded; if (argc < 1) { sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "not enough parameters", -1); return; } if (argc > 1) { sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "too many parameters", -1); return; } input_type = sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]); if (input_type != SQLITE_NULL) { input = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]); } if (input == 0) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx); return; } input_length = strlen_utf8(input); result = sqlite3_malloc(4 * input_length + 1); decoded = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(int) * input_length); decode_utf8(input, decoded); reverse_string(decoded, result, input_length); sqlite3_free(decoded); sqlite3_result_text(ctx, result, -1, result_string_destructor); }
static void GPKG_CheckSpatialMetaData(sqlite3_context *context, int nbArgs, sqlite3_value **args) { spatialdb_t *spatialdb; FUNCTION_TEXT_ARG(db_name); FUNCTION_INT_ARG(check); FUNCTION_INT_ARG(type); FUNCTION_START(context); spatialdb = (spatialdb_t *)sqlite3_user_data(context); if (nbArgs == 0) { FUNCTION_SET_TEXT_ARG(db_name, "main"); FUNCTION_SET_INT_ARG(check, 0); } else if (nbArgs == 1) { FUNCTION_GET_TYPE(type, 0); if (type == SQLITE_TEXT) { FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, db_name, 0); } else { FUNCTION_SET_TEXT_ARG(db_name, "main"); FUNCTION_GET_INT_ARG(check, 0); } } else { FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, db_name, 0); FUNCTION_GET_INT_ARG(check, 1); } if (check != 0) { check = SQL_CHECK_ALL; } FUNCTION_RESULT = spatialdb->check_meta(FUNCTION_DB_HANDLE, db_name, check, FUNCTION_ERROR); if (FUNCTION_RESULT == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } FUNCTION_END(context); FUNCTION_FREE_TEXT_ARG(db_name); FUNCTION_FREE_INT_ARG(check); FUNCTION_FREE_INT_ARG(type); }
static void GPKG_CreateTilesTable(sqlite3_context *context, int nbArgs, sqlite3_value **args) { spatialdb_t *spatialdb; FUNCTION_TEXT_ARG(db_name); FUNCTION_TEXT_ARG(table_name); FUNCTION_START(context); spatialdb = (spatialdb_t *)sqlite3_user_data(context); if (nbArgs == 2) { FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, db_name, 0); FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, table_name, 1); } else { FUNCTION_SET_TEXT_ARG(db_name, "main"); FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, table_name, 0); } if (spatialdb->create_tiles_table == NULL) { error_append(FUNCTION_ERROR, "Tiles tables are not supported in %s mode", spatialdb->name); goto exit; } FUNCTION_START_TRANSACTION(__create_tiles_table); FUNCTION_RESULT = spatialdb->init_meta(FUNCTION_DB_HANDLE, db_name, FUNCTION_ERROR); if (FUNCTION_RESULT == SQLITE_OK) { FUNCTION_RESULT = spatialdb->create_tiles_table(FUNCTION_DB_HANDLE, db_name, table_name, FUNCTION_ERROR); } FUNCTION_END_TRANSACTION(__create_tiles_table); if (FUNCTION_RESULT == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } FUNCTION_END(context); FUNCTION_FREE_TEXT_ARG(db_name); FUNCTION_FREE_TEXT_ARG(table_name); }
static void convert_lua_value_to_sqlite(lua_State *L, sqlite3_context *ctx) { switch(lua_type(L, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { size_t length; const char *value; value = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &length); sqlite3_result_text(ctx, value, length, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); break; } case LUA_TNUMBER: sqlite3_result_double(ctx, lua_tonumber(L, -1)); break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: sqlite3_result_int(ctx, lua_toboolean(L, -1)); break; case LUA_TNIL: sqlite3_result_null(ctx); break; case LUA_TTABLE: case LUA_TFUNCTION: case LUA_TTHREAD: case LUA_TUSERDATA: { char *error = NULL; error = sqlite3_mprintf("Invalid return type from lua(): %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1))); sqlite3_result_error(ctx, error, -1); sqlite3_free(error); } } lua_pop(L, 1); }
static int set_geos_geom_result(sqlite3_context *context, const geos_context_t *geos_context, const GEOSGeometry *geom, errorstream_t *error) { int result = SQLITE_OK; if (geom == NULL) { sqlite3_result_null(context); return result; } else { geom_blob_writer_t writer; geos_context->spatialdb->writer_init_srid(&writer, GEOSGetSRID_r(geos_context->geos_handle, geom)); result = geos_read_geometry(geos_context->geos_handle, geom, geom_blob_writer_geom_consumer(&writer), error); if (result == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_result_blob(context, geom_blob_writer_getdata(&writer), geom_blob_writer_length(&writer), sqlite3_free); } else { sqlite3_result_error(context, error_message(error), -1); } geos_context->spatialdb->writer_destroy(&writer, 0); return result; } }
static void ST_Buffer(sqlite3_context *context, int nbArgs, sqlite3_value **args) { GEOS_START(context); GEOS_GET_GEOM(g1, args, 0); double distance = sqlite3_value_double(args[1]); if (g1 == NULL) { if (error_count(&error) > 0) { sqlite3_result_error(context, error_message(&error), -1); } else { sqlite3_result_null(context); } return; } GEOSGeometry *result = GEOSBuffer_r(GEOS_HANDLE, g1->geometry, distance, DEFAULT_QUADRANT_SEGMENTS); if (result != NULL) { set_geos_geom_result(context, GEOS_CONTEXT, result, &error); GEOSGeom_destroy_r( GEOS_HANDLE, result ); } else { geom_geos_get_error(&error); sqlite3_result_error(context, error_message(&error), -1); } GEOS_FREE_GEOM( g1, 0 ); }
static void mm_cipher_key_func(sqlite3_context *db, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv) { mm_cipher_context_t *ctx; // only accept 1 BLOB argument. if (argc != 1) goto error_misuse; if (sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) != SQLITE_BLOB) goto error_misuse; if (sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]) != 16) goto error_misuse; ctx = (mm_cipher_context_t *) sqlite3_user_data(db); memcpy(ctx->key, sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]), 16); sqlite3_result_null(db); return; error_misuse: sqlite3_result_error_code(db, SQLITE_MISUSE); return; }
bool Command::DoReturn( void ) { if( mpExpr ) { sqlite3_context* ctx = mpVM->mpContext; Value vl = mpExpr->get_Value(); if( mpVM->mType != kUnknown && vl.mType != mpVM->mType ) vl.Convert( mpVM->mType ); switch( vl.mType ) { case kDouble : RESULT_DOUBLE( vl.ToDouble() ); break; case kInt : RESULT_INT( vl.ToInt() ); break; case kText : RESULT_WTEXT( vl.ToString() ); break; default: sqlite3_result_null( mpVM->mpContext ); } } return false; }
static void sqlite3_do_callback(sqlite3_context *context, const Variant& callback, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv, bool is_agg) { Array params = Array::Create(); php_sqlite3_agg_context *agg_context = nullptr; if (is_agg) { agg_context = (php_sqlite3_agg_context *)sqlite3_aggregate_context (context, sizeof(php_sqlite3_agg_context)); params.appendRef(agg_context->context); params.append(agg_context->row_count); } for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { params.append(get_value(argv[i])); } Variant ret = vm_call_user_func(callback, params); if (!is_agg || !argv) { /* only set the sqlite return value if we are a scalar function, * or if we are finalizing an aggregate */ if (ret.isInteger()) { sqlite3_result_int(context, ret.toInt64()); } else if (ret.isNull()) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } else if (ret.isDouble()) { sqlite3_result_double(context, ret.toDouble()); } else { String sret = ret.toString(); sqlite3_result_text(context,, sret.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } } else { /* we're stepping in an aggregate; the return value goes into * the context */ agg_context->context = ret; } }
/* ** Implementation of the abs() function. ** ** IMP: R-23979-26855 The abs(X) function returns the absolute value of ** the numeric argument X. */ static void absFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ assert( argc==1 ); UNUSED_PARAMETER(argc); switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){ case SQLITE_INTEGER: { i64 iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]); if( iVal<0 ){ if( (iVal<<1)==0 ){ /* IMP: R-35460-15084 If X is the integer -9223372036854775807 then ** abs(X) throws an integer overflow error since there is no ** equivalent positive 64-bit two complement value. */ sqlite3_result_error(context, "integer overflow", -1); return; } iVal = -iVal; } sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal); break; } case SQLITE_NULL: { /* IMP: R-37434-19929 Abs(X) returns NULL if X is NULL. */ sqlite3_result_null(context); break; } default: { /* Because sqlite3_value_double() returns 0.0 if the argument is not ** something that can be converted into a number, we have: ** IMP: R-57326-31541 Abs(X) return 0.0 if X is a string or blob that ** cannot be converted to a numeric value. */ double rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]); if( rVal<0 ) rVal = -rVal; sqlite3_result_double(context, rVal); break; } } }
static void ST_Relate(sqlite3_context *context, int nbArgs, sqlite3_value **args) { GEOS_START(context); GEOS_GET_GEOM(g1, args, 0); GEOS_GET_GEOM(g2, args, 1); const unsigned char *pattern = sqlite3_value_text(args[2]); if (g1 == NULL || g2 == NULL || pattern == NULL) { if (error_count(&error) > 0) { sqlite3_result_error(context, error_message(&error), -1); } else { sqlite3_result_null(context); } return; } char result = GEOSRelatePattern_r(GEOS_HANDLE, g1->geometry, g2->geometry, (const char *)pattern); if (result == 2) { geom_geos_get_error(&error); sqlite3_result_error(context, error_message(&error), -1); } else { sqlite3_result_int(context, result); } GEOS_FREE_GEOM(g1, 0); GEOS_FREE_GEOM(g2, 1); }
static void GPKG_InitSpatialMetaData(sqlite3_context *context, int nbArgs, sqlite3_value **args) { spatialdb_t *spatialdb; FUNCTION_TEXT_ARG(db_name); FUNCTION_START(context); spatialdb = (spatialdb_t *)sqlite3_user_data(context); if (nbArgs == 0) { FUNCTION_SET_TEXT_ARG(db_name, "main"); } else { FUNCTION_GET_TEXT_ARG(context, db_name, 0); } FUNCTION_START_TRANSACTION(__initspatialdb); FUNCTION_RESULT = spatialdb->init_meta(FUNCTION_DB_HANDLE, db_name, FUNCTION_ERROR); FUNCTION_END_TRANSACTION(__initspatialdb); if (FUNCTION_RESULT == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_result_null(context); } FUNCTION_END(context); FUNCTION_FREE_TEXT_ARG(db_name); }
GEOPACKAGE_DECLARE void fnct_gpkgMakePointZMWithSRID (sqlite3_context * context, int argc UNUSED, sqlite3_value ** argv) { /* SQL function: / gpkgMakePointZM(x, y, z, m, srid) / / Creates a GeoPackage geometry POINT ZM / / returns nothing on success, raises exception on error */ unsigned int len; int int_value; unsigned char *p_result = NULL; double x; double y; double z; double m; int srid; GEOPACKAGE_UNUSED (); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[0]) == SQLITE_FLOAT) { x = sqlite3_value_double (argv[0]); } else if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[0]) == SQLITE_INTEGER) { int_value = sqlite3_value_int (argv[0]); x = int_value; } else { sqlite3_result_null (context); return; } if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[1]) == SQLITE_FLOAT) { y = sqlite3_value_double (argv[1]); } else if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[1]) == SQLITE_INTEGER) { int_value = sqlite3_value_int (argv[1]); y = int_value; } else { sqlite3_result_null (context); return; } if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[2]) == SQLITE_FLOAT) { z = sqlite3_value_double (argv[2]); } else if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[2]) == SQLITE_INTEGER) { int_value = sqlite3_value_int (argv[2]); z = int_value; } else { sqlite3_result_null (context); return; } if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[3]) == SQLITE_FLOAT) { m = sqlite3_value_double (argv[3]); } else if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[3]) == SQLITE_INTEGER) { int_value = sqlite3_value_int (argv[3]); m = int_value; } else { sqlite3_result_null (context); return; } if (sqlite3_value_type (argv[4]) != SQLITE_INTEGER) { sqlite3_result_null (context); return; } srid = sqlite3_value_int (argv[4]); gpkgMakePointZM (x, y, z, m, srid, &p_result, &len); if (!p_result) { sqlite3_result_null (context); } else { sqlite3_result_blob (context, p_result, len, free); } }
extern void pg_age(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv) { struct tm age; struct tm beg; struct tm tmbuff; struct tm *bp; struct tm *bigger; struct tm *smaller; time_t currTime; double seconds; char *rp; int rplen; char buff[BUFF_LEN]; char *arg1; char *arg2; _ksu_check_arg_cnt(argc, 1, 2, "age"); if (ksu_prm_ok(context, argc, argv, "age", KSU_PRM_DATETIME, KSU_PRM_DATETIME)) { (void)memset(&age, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); arg1 = (char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]); if ((sscanf(arg1, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &age.tm_year, &age.tm_mon, &age.tm_mday, &age.tm_hour, &age.tm_min, &age.tm_sec) < 3)) { ksu_err_msg(context, KSU_ERR_ARG_N_NOT_DATETIME, 1, "age"); return; } age.tm_mon -= 1; age.tm_year -= 1900; if (argc == 1) { time(&currTime); if (currTime != -1) { bp = localtime_r(&currTime, &tmbuff); if (bp) { bp->tm_hour = 0; bp->tm_min = 0; bp->tm_sec = 0; bp->tm_gmtoff = 0; bp->tm_isdst = 0; seconds = currTime - mktime(&age); if (seconds > 0) { bigger = bp; smaller = &age; } else { bigger = &age; smaller = bp; } } else { // Not expected sqlite3_result_null(context); return; } } else { // Not expected sqlite3_result_null(context); return; } } else { (void)memset(&beg, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); arg2 = (char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]); if ((sscanf(arg2, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &beg.tm_year, &beg.tm_mon, &beg.tm_mday, &beg.tm_hour, &beg.tm_min, &beg.tm_sec) < 3)) { ksu_err_msg(context, KSU_ERR_ARG_N_NOT_DATETIME, 2, "age"); return; } beg.tm_mon -= 1; beg.tm_year -= 1900; seconds = mktime(&age) - mktime(&beg); if (seconds > 0) { bigger = &age; smaller = &beg; } else { bigger = &beg; smaller = &age; } bp = &age; } findDifference(bigger, smaller); if ((rp = (char *)sqlite3_malloc(AGE_LEN)) == NULL) { sqlite3_result_error_nomem(context); return; } rp[0] = '\0'; rplen = 0; if (bigger->tm_year) { snprintf(buff, BUFF_LEN, "%s%d years", (bigger == bp ? "" : "-"), bigger->tm_year); strncat(rp, buff, AGE_LEN - rplen); rplen = strlen(rp); } if (bigger->tm_mon) { snprintf(buff, BUFF_LEN, "%s%s%d mons", (rplen ? " " : ""), (bigger == bp ? "" : "-"), bigger->tm_mon); strncat(rp, buff, AGE_LEN - rplen); rplen = strlen(rp); } if (bigger->tm_mday) { snprintf(buff, BUFF_LEN, "%s%s%d days", (rplen ? " " : ""), (bigger == bp ? "" : "-"), bigger->tm_mday); strncat(rp, buff, AGE_LEN - rplen); } sqlite3_result_text(context, rp, -1, sqlite3_free); } }
void context::result(null_type) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx_); }
static void result_or_bind(sqlite3_context *ctx, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int idx, char *data, int len, int type) { char *endp; if (!data) { if (ctx) { sqlite3_result_null(ctx); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, idx); } return; } if (type == SQLITE_INTEGER) { sqlite_int64 val; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) char endc; if (sscanf(data, "%I64d%c", &val, &endc) == 1) { if (ctx) { sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, val); } else { sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, val); } return; } #else endp = 0; #ifdef __osf__ val = strtol(data, &endp, 0); #else val = strtoll(data, &endp, 0); #endif if (endp && (endp != data) && !*endp) { if (ctx) { sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, val); } else { sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, val); } return; } #endif } else if (type == SQLITE_FLOAT) { double val; endp = 0; val = strtod(data, &endp); if (endp && (endp != data) && !*endp) { if (ctx) { sqlite3_result_double(ctx, val); } else { sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, idx, val); } return; } } if (ctx) { sqlite3_result_text(ctx, data, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else { sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, idx, data, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } }
static void OGR2SQLITE_ogr_geocode_reverse(sqlite3_context* pContext, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv) { OGRSQLiteExtensionData* poModule = (OGRSQLiteExtensionData*) sqlite3_user_data(pContext); double dfLon = 0.0, dfLat = 0.0; int iAfterGeomIdx = 0; int bGotLon = FALSE, bGotLat = FALSE; if( argc >= 2 ) { dfLon = OGR2SQLITE_GetValAsDouble(argv[0], &bGotLon); dfLat = OGR2SQLITE_GetValAsDouble(argv[1], &bGotLat); } if( argc >= 3 && bGotLon && bGotLat && sqlite3_value_type (argv[2]) == SQLITE_TEXT ) { iAfterGeomIdx = 2; } else if( argc >= 2 && sqlite3_value_type (argv[0]) == SQLITE_BLOB && sqlite3_value_type (argv[1]) == SQLITE_TEXT ) { OGRGeometry* poGeom = OGR2SQLITE_GetGeom(pContext, argc, argv, NULL); if( poGeom != NULL && wkbFlatten(poGeom->getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint ) { OGRPoint* poPoint = (OGRPoint*) poGeom; dfLon = poPoint->getX(); dfLat = poPoint->getY(); delete poGeom; } else { delete poGeom; sqlite3_result_null (pContext); return; } iAfterGeomIdx = 1; } else { sqlite3_result_null (pContext); return; } const char* pszField = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[iAfterGeomIdx]); int i; char** papszOptions = NULL; for(i = iAfterGeomIdx + 1; i < argc; i++) { if( sqlite3_value_type (argv[i]) == SQLITE_TEXT ) { papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i])); } } OGRGeocodingSessionH hSession = poModule->GetGeocodingSession(); if( hSession == NULL ) { hSession = OGRGeocodeCreateSession(papszOptions); if( hSession == NULL ) { sqlite3_result_null (pContext); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); return; } poModule->SetGeocodingSession(hSession); } if( strcmp(pszField, "raw") == 0 ) papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, "RAW_FEATURE=YES"); OGRLayerH hLayer = OGRGeocodeReverse(hSession, dfLon, dfLat, papszOptions); OGR2SQLITE_ogr_geocode_set_result(pContext, hLayer, pszField); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); return; }
void context::result() { sqlite3_result_null(handle); }
static int vxpath_column (sqlite3_vtab_cursor * pCursor, sqlite3_context * pContext, int column) { /* fetching value for the Nth column */ VirtualXPathCursorPtr cursor = (VirtualXPathCursorPtr) pCursor; xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset = cursor->xpathObj->nodesetval; xmlNodePtr node = nodeset->nodeTab[cursor->xpathIdx]; xmlNodePtr parent = node->parent; char *xParent = NULL; char *xNode = NULL; char *xAttribute = NULL; char *xValue = NULL; char *prefix; if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (parent != NULL) { if (parent->ns != NULL && parent->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (parent->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, parent->name); } else if (parent->name != NULL) xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", parent->name); } if (node->ns != NULL && node->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (node->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, node->name); } else if (node->name != NULL) xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", node->name); } else if (node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { if (parent != NULL) { xmlNodePtr granpa = parent->parent; if (granpa != NULL) { if (granpa->ns != NULL && granpa->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (granpa->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, granpa->name); } else if (granpa->name != NULL) xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", granpa->name); } if (parent->ns != NULL && parent->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (parent->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, parent->name); } else if (parent->name != NULL) xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", parent->name); } if (node->ns != NULL && node->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (node->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xAttribute = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, node->name); } else if (node->name != NULL) xAttribute = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", node->name); if (node->children != NULL) { if (node->children->content != NULL) xValue = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", node->children->content); } } else if (node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { if (parent != NULL) { xmlNodePtr granpa = parent->parent; if (granpa != NULL) { if (granpa->ns != NULL && granpa->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (granpa->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, granpa->name); } else if (granpa->name != NULL) xParent = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", granpa->name); } if (parent->ns != NULL && parent->name != NULL) { prefix = (char *) (parent->ns->prefix); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = "dflt"; xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s:%s", prefix, parent->name); } else if (parent->name != NULL) xNode = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", parent->name); } if (node->content != NULL) xValue = sqlite3_mprintf ("%s", node->content); } if (column == 0) sqlite3_result_int64 (pContext, cursor->current_row); else if (column == 1) sqlite3_result_int (pContext, cursor->xpathIdx); else if (column == 2) { if (!xParent) sqlite3_result_null (pContext); else sqlite3_result_text (pContext, xParent, strlen (xParent), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (column == 3) { if (!xNode) sqlite3_result_null (pContext); else sqlite3_result_text (pContext, xNode, strlen (xNode), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (column == 4) { if (!xAttribute) sqlite3_result_null (pContext); else sqlite3_result_text (pContext, xAttribute, strlen (xAttribute), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (column == 5) { if (!xValue) sqlite3_result_null (pContext); else sqlite3_result_text (pContext, xValue, strlen (xValue), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (column == 6) sqlite3_result_text (pContext, cursor->xpathExpr, strlen (cursor->xpathExpr), SQLITE_STATIC); else sqlite3_result_null (pContext); if (xParent) sqlite3_free (xParent); if (xNode) sqlite3_free (xNode); if (xAttribute) sqlite3_free (xAttribute); if (xValue) sqlite3_free (xValue); return SQLITE_OK; }
static int do_callback(struct pdo_sqlite_fci *fc, zval *cb, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv, sqlite3_context *context, int is_agg) { zval *zargs = NULL; zval retval; int i; int ret; int fake_argc; zend_reference *agg_context = NULL; if (is_agg) { is_agg = 2; } fake_argc = argc + is_agg; fc->fci.size = sizeof(fc->fci); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&fc->fci.function_name, cb); fc->fci.object = NULL; fc->fci.retval = &retval; fc->fci.param_count = fake_argc; /* build up the params */ if (fake_argc) { zargs = safe_emalloc(fake_argc, sizeof(zval), 0); } if (is_agg) { agg_context = (zend_reference*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(zend_reference)); if (!agg_context) { ZVAL_NULL(&zargs[0]); } else { if (Z_ISUNDEF(agg_context->val)) { GC_REFCOUNT(agg_context) = 1; GC_TYPE_INFO(agg_context) = IS_REFERENCE; ZVAL_NULL(&agg_context->val); } ZVAL_REF(&zargs[0], agg_context); } ZVAL_LONG(&zargs[1], sqlite3_aggregate_count(context)); } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { /* get the value */ switch (sqlite3_value_type(argv[i])) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: ZVAL_LONG(&zargs[i + is_agg], sqlite3_value_int(argv[i])); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: ZVAL_DOUBLE(&zargs[i + is_agg], sqlite3_value_double(argv[i])); break; case SQLITE_NULL: ZVAL_NULL(&zargs[i + is_agg]); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: case SQLITE3_TEXT: default: ZVAL_STRINGL(&zargs[i + is_agg], (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i]), sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[i])); break; } } fc->fci.params = zargs; if ((ret = zend_call_function(&fc->fci, &fc->fcc)) == FAILURE) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "An error occurred while invoking the callback"); } /* clean up the params */ if (zargs) { for (i = is_agg; i < fake_argc; i++) { zval_ptr_dtor(&zargs[i]); } if (is_agg) { zval_ptr_dtor(&zargs[1]); } efree(zargs); } if (!is_agg || !argv) { /* only set the sqlite return value if we are a scalar function, * or if we are finalizing an aggregate */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { switch (Z_TYPE(retval)) { case IS_LONG: sqlite3_result_int(context, Z_LVAL(retval)); break; case IS_NULL: sqlite3_result_null(context); break; case IS_DOUBLE: sqlite3_result_double(context, Z_DVAL(retval)); break; default: convert_to_string_ex(&retval); sqlite3_result_text(context, Z_STRVAL(retval), Z_STRLEN(retval), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); break; } } else { sqlite3_result_error(context, "failed to invoke callback", 0); } if (agg_context) { zval_ptr_dtor(&agg_context->val); } } else { /* we're stepping in an aggregate; the return value goes into * the context */ if (agg_context) { zval_ptr_dtor(&agg_context->val); } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&agg_context->val, &retval); ZVAL_UNDEF(&retval); } else { ZVAL_UNDEF(&agg_context->val); } } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } return ret; }
void FunctionContext::SetNullResult() { sqlite3_result_null(context_); }