/** Computes the three body angle interaction energy (see \ref tclcommand_inter, \ref tclcommand_analyze). 
    @param p_mid        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p_left        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_right        Pointer to third particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param _energy   return energy pointer.
    @return 0.
inline int angle_harmonic_energy(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			     Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double *_energy)
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3],  d1i, d2i, dist2;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_mid to p_left */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_right to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
  /* bond angle energy */
    double phi;
    phi =  acos(-cosine);
    *_energy = 0.5*iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.bend*SQR(phi - iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.phi0);
  return 0;
Exemple #2
/** Computes the three body angle interaction force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p_mid     Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_left    Pointer to first/left particle.
    @param p_right   Pointer to third/right particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param force1 returns force of particle 1
    @param force2 returns force of particle 2
    @return 0
inline int calc_angle_cosine_force(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			      Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double force1[3], double force2[3])
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3], d1i, d2i, dist2,  fac, f1=0.0, f2=0.0;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_left to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_mid to p_right */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  fac    = iaparams->p.angle_cosine.bend;

  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE ) cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
  fac *= iaparams->p.angle_cosine.sin_phi0 * (cosine/sqrt(1-SQR(cosine))) + iaparams->p.angle_cosine.cos_phi0;
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
    f1               = fac * (cosine * vec1[j] - vec2[j]) * d1i;
    f2               = fac * (cosine * vec2[j] - vec1[j]) * d2i;

    force1[j] = (f1-f2);
    force2[j] = -f1;
  return 0;
Exemple #3
/** Computes the three body angle interaction energy (see \ref tclcommand_inter, \ref tclcommand_analyze). 
    @param p_mid        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p_left        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_right        Pointer to third particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param _energy   return energy pointer.
    @return 0.
inline int angle_cosine_energy(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			     Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double *_energy)
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3],  d1i, d2i, dist2;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_mid to p_left */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_right to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
  /* bond angle energy */

  *_energy = iaparams->p.angle_cosine.bend*(cosine*iaparams->p.angle_cosine.cos_phi0 - sqrt(1-SQR(cosine))*iaparams->p.angle_cosine.sin_phi0+1);

  return 0;
Exemple #4
/** Computes the QUARTIC pair force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref interaction_data.cpp). 
    @param p1        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p2        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref interaction_data.cpp).
    @param dx        particle distance vector
    @param force     returns force of particle 1
    @return 0.
inline int calc_quartic_pair_force(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double force[3])
  int i;
  double fac;
  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);
  double dr;

  if ((iaparams->p.quartic.r_cut > 0.0) &&
      (dist > iaparams->p.quartic.r_cut)) 
    return 1;

  dr = dist - iaparams->p.quartic.r;
  if (fabs(dr) > ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {
     if(dist>ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {  /* Regular case */
        fac = dr / dist;
     } else { /* dx[] == 0: the force is undefined. Let's use a random direction */
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) dx[i] = d_random()-0.5;
        fac = dr / sqrt(sqrlen(dx));
  } else { 
    force[i] = -(iaparams->p.quartic.k0 + iaparams->p.quartic.k1 * dr * dr ) * fac*dx[i];

  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p1->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: QUARTIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p1->f.f[0],p1->f.f[1],p1->f.f[2],p2->p.identity,dist2,fac));
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p2->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: QUARTIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p2->f.f[0],p2->f.f[1],p2->f.f[2],p1->p.identity,dist2,fac));

  return 0;
/** Computes the FENE pair force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref interaction_data.cpp). 
    @param p1        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p2        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref interaction_data.cpp).
    @param dx        particle distance vector
    @param force     returns force of particle 1
    @return true if the bond is broken
inline int calc_fene_pair_force(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double force[3])
  int i;
  double fac, dr, len2, len;
  len2 = sqrlen(dx);
  len = sqrt(len2);
  dr = len - iaparams->p.fene.r0;

  if(dr >= iaparams->p.fene.drmax)
    return 1;

  fac = -iaparams->p.fene.k * dr / ((1.0 - dr*dr*iaparams->p.fene.drmax2i));
  if (fabs(dr) > ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {
     if(len > ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {  /* Regular case */
	fac /= len ; 
     } else { /* dx[] == 0: the force is undefined. Let's use a random direction */
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) dx[i] = d_random()-0.5;
        fac /= sqrt(sqrlen(dx));
  } else { 
    fac = 0.0;
  FENE_TRACE(if(fac > 50) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: FENE force factor between Pair (%d,%d) large: %f at distance %f\n", p1->p.identity,p2->p.identity,fac,sqrt(len2)) );
    force[i] = fac*dx[i];

  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p1->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: FENE f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p1->f.f[0],p1->f.f[1],p1->f.f[2],p2->p.identity,sqrt(len2),fac));
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p2->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: FENE f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p2->f.f[0],p2->f.f[1],p2->f.f[2],p1->p.identity,sqrt(len2),fac));
  return 0;
Exemple #6
/* The force on each particle due to a three-body bonded potential
   is computed. */
inline void calc_angle_cossquare_3body_forces(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left,
        Particle *p_right, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams,
        double force1[3], double force2[3], double force3[3]) {

    int j;
    double pot_dep;
    double cos_phi;
    double sin_phi;
    double vec31[3];
    double vec21[3];
    double vec12[3]; // espresso convention
    double vec21_sqr;
    double vec31_sqr;
    double vec21_magn;
    double vec31_magn;
    double fj[3];
    double fk[3];
    double fac;

    get_mi_vector(vec12, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        vec21[j] = -vec12[j];

    get_mi_vector(vec31, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
    vec21_sqr = sqrlen(vec21);
    vec21_magn = sqrt(vec21_sqr);
    vec31_sqr = sqrlen(vec31);
    vec31_magn = sqrt(vec31_sqr);
    cos_phi = scalar(vec21, vec31) / (vec21_magn * vec31_magn);
    sin_phi = sqrt(1.0 - SQR(cos_phi));

    /* uncomment this block if interested in the angle
    if(cos_phi < -1.0) cos_phi = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
    if(cos_phi >  1.0) cos_phi =  TINY_COS_VALUE;
    phi = acos(cos_phi);
        double K, cos_phi0;
        K = iaparams->p.angle_cossquare.bend;
        cos_phi0 = iaparams->p.angle_cossquare.cos_phi0;

        // potential dependent term [dU/dphi = K * (sin_phi * cos_phi0 - cos_phi * sin_phi)]
        pot_dep = K * (sin_phi * cos_phi0 - cos_phi * sin_phi);

    fac = pot_dep / sin_phi;

    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        fj[j] = vec31[j] / (vec21_magn * vec31_magn) - cos_phi * vec21[j] / vec21_sqr;
        fk[j] = vec21[j] / (vec21_magn * vec31_magn) - cos_phi * vec31[j] / vec31_sqr;

    // note that F1 = -(F2 + F3)
    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        force1[j] = force1[j] - fac * (fj[j] + fk[j]);
        force2[j] = force2[j] + fac * fj[j];
        force3[j] = force3[j] + fac * fk[j];
int calc_angledist_force(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left,
				  Particle *p_right,
                                  Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams,
				  double force1[3], double force2[3])
  double cosine=0.0, vec1[3], vec2[3], d1i=0.0, d2i=0.0, dist2, fac=0.0, f1=0.0, f2=0.0;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_left to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_mid to p_right */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar product of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  fac    = iaparams->p.angledist.bend;

    double phi,sinphi;
    /* NOTE: The angledist is ONLY implemented for the HARMONIC case */
    double phi0 = calc_angledist_param(p_mid, p_left, p_right, iaparams);

      if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE) cosine =  TINY_COS_VALUE;
    if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE) cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
    phi =  acos(-cosine);
    sinphi = sin(phi);
    if ( sinphi < TINY_SIN_VALUE ) sinphi = TINY_SIN_VALUE;
    fac *= (phi - phi0)/sinphi;
    //    fprintf(stdout,"\n force:  z_pmid=%f, phi0=%f  phi=%f fac=%f",p_mid->r.p[2],phi0*180.0/PI,phi*180.0/PI,fac);

  #error angledist ONLY implemented for harmonic case!
  #error angledist ONLY implemented for harmonic case!

  for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
    f1               = fac * (cosine * vec1[j] - vec2[j]) * d1i;
    f2               = fac * (cosine * vec2[j] - vec1[j]) * d2i;

    force1[j] = (f1-f2);
    force2[j] = -f1;
  return 0;
Exemple #8
/** This function returns the angle btw the triangle p1,p2,p3 and p2,p3,p4. 
 *  Be careful, the angle depends on the orientation of the trianlges! 
 *  You need to be sure that the orientation (direction of normal vector) 
 *  of p1p2p3 is given by the cross product p2p1 x p2p3. 
 *  The orientation of p2p3p4 must be given by p2p3 x p2p4. 
 *  Example: p1 = (0,0,1), p2 = (0,0,0), p3=(1,0,0), p4=(0,1,0). 
 *  The orientation of p1p2p3 should be in the direction (0,1,0) 
 *  and indeed: p2p1 x p2p3 = (0,0,1)x(1,0,0) = (0,1,0)
 *  This function is called in the beginning of the simulation when creating 
 *  bonds depending on the angle btw the triangles, the bending_force.
 *  Here, we determine the orientations by looping over the triangles 
 *  and checking the correct orientation. So when defining the bonds by tcl command
 *  "part p2 bond xxxx p1 p3 p4", we correctly input the particle id's.
 *  So if you have the access to the order of particles, you are safe to call this
 *  function with exactly this order. Otherwise you need to check the orientations. */
inline double angle_btw_triangles(double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, double *P4) {
	double phi;
	double u[3],v[3],normal1[3],normal2[3]; //auxiliary variables
	u[0] = P1[0] - P2[0]; // u = P2P1
	u[1] = P1[1] - P2[1]; 
	u[2] = P1[2] - P2[2]; 
	v[0] = P3[0] - P2[0]; // v = P2P3
	v[1] = P3[1] - P2[1]; 
	v[2] = P3[2] - P2[2]; 
	u[0] = P3[0] - P2[0]; // u = P2P3
	u[1] = P3[1] - P2[1]; 
	u[2] = P3[2] - P2[2]; 
	v[0] = P4[0] - P2[0]; // v = P2P4
	v[1] = P4[1] - P2[1]; 
	v[2] = P4[2] - P2[2]; 

	double tmp11,tmp22,tmp33;
	// Now we compute the scalar product of n1 and n2 divided by the norms of n1 and n2
	//tmp11 = dot(3,normal1,normal2);         // tmp11 = n1.n2
	tmp11 = scalar(normal1,normal2);         // tmp11 = n1.n2
	tmp22 = normr(normal1);
	tmp33 = normr(normal2);
	tmp11 /= (tmp22*tmp33);  // tmp11 = n1.n2/(|n1||n2|)
	tmp11 *= fabs(tmp11); // tmp11 = (n1.n2)^2
	tmp22 = sqrlen(normal1);  //tmp22 = |n1|^2
	tmp33 = sqrlen(normal2);  //tmp33 = |n1|^2
	tmp11 /= (tmp22*tmp33);  // tmp11 = (n1.n2/(|n1||n2|))^2
	if (tmp11 > 0 ) {
		tmp11 = sqrt(tmp11);
	} else {
		tmp11 = - sqrt(- tmp11);

	if(tmp11>=1.) { tmp11=0.0;}
	else if(tmp11<=-1.) { tmp11=M_PI;}
	phi = M_PI - acos(tmp11); 	// The angle between the faces (not considering the orientation, always less or equal to Pi) is
								// equal to Pi minus angle between the normals
	// Now we need to determine, if the angle btw two triangles is less than Pi or more than Pi. To do this we check, 
	// if the point P4 lies in the halfspace given by trianlge P1P2P3 and the normal to this triangle. If yes, we have 
	// angle less than Pi, if not, we have angle more than Pi.
	// General equation of the plane is n_x*x + n_y*y + n_z*z + d = 0 where (n_x,n_y,n_z) is the normal to the plane.
	// Point P1 lies in the plane, therefore d = -(n_x*P1_x + n_y*P1_y + n_z*P1_z)
	// Point P4 lies in the halfspace given by normal iff n_x*P4_x + n_y*P4_y + n_z*P4_z + d >= 0
	tmp11 = - (normal1[0]*P1[0] + normal1[1]*P1[1] + normal1[2]*P1[2]);
	if (normal1[0]*P4[0] + normal1[1]*P4[1] + normal1[2]*P4[2] + tmp11 < 0) phi = 2*M_PI - phi;
	return phi;
Exemple #9
/** Computes the three body overlapped angle interaction force.
    Adds this force to the particle forces in forces.hpp (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p_mid     Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_left    Pointer to first/left particle.
    @param p_right   Pointer to third/right particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param force1 returns force of particle 1
    @param force2 returns force of particle 2
    @return 0
    Needs feature OVERLAPPED compiled in (see \ref config.hpp). 
inline int calc_overlap_angle_force(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, 
				  Particle *p_right, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams,
				  double force1[3], double force2[3])
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3], d1i, d2i, dist2,  fac, f1=0.0, f2=0.0;
  int j; 
  int ig;
  double ev;
  double prob=0.; 
  double Apart=0.;

  /* vector from p_left to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_mid to p_right */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  /* Notice: cosine = - costheta */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);

  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE ) cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;

  /* compute fac = - dU/d(costheta) */
  /* prob = sum_(i=1,N) [ a_i * exp(-(costheta -b_i)^2/c_i^2))] */
  /* Apart = sum_(i=1,N) [ a_i * exp(-(costheta -b_i)^2/c_i^2)) * (costheta-b_i) / c_i^2] */
  /* fac = -2.0 * ( Apart / prob ) */

  for(ig=0; ig<iaparams->p.overlap.noverlaps; ig++) {
        ev = (-cosine - iaparams->p.overlap.para_b[ig]) / iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig];
        prob = prob + iaparams->p.overlap.para_a[ig] * exp (-1.0*ev*ev);
        Apart = Apart + iaparams->p.overlap.para_a[ig] * exp (-1.0*ev*ev) * (-cosine-iaparams->p.overlap.para_b[ig]) / (iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig] * iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig]);
  fac = -2. * ( Apart / prob);

  /* compute force */
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
    f1               = fac * (cosine * vec1[j] - vec2[j]) * d1i;
    f2               = fac * (cosine * vec2[j] - vec1[j]) * d2i;

    force1[j] = (f1-f2);
    force2[j] = -f1;
  return 0;
Exemple #10
/** Computes the three body angle interaction force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p_mid     Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_left    Pointer to first/left particle.
    @param p_right   Pointer to third/right particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param force1 returns force of particle 1
    @param force2 returns force of particle 2
    @return 0
inline int calc_angle_harmonic_force(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			      Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double force1[3], double force2[3])
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3], d1i, d2i, dist2,  fac, f1=0.0, f2=0.0;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_left to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_mid to p_right */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  fac    = iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.bend;

    double phi,sinphi;
    if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE) cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
    if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
    phi =  acos(-cosine);

    sinphi = sin(phi);
    if ( sinphi < TINY_SIN_VALUE ) sinphi = TINY_SIN_VALUE;
    fac *= (phi - iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.phi0)/sinphi;

  extern double configtemp[2];
  if (p_left->p.configtemp) {
    configtemp[0] += SQR(fac*sinphi*d1i);
    configtemp[1] -= iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.bend*(1+cosine/sinphi*(phi - iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.phi0))*SQR(d1i);
  if (p_mid->p.configtemp) {
    configtemp[0] += SQR(fac*sinphi) * (1./sqrlen(vec1) + 1./sqrlen(vec2) - 2*cosine*d1i*d2i);
    configtemp[1] -= iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.bend*((1/sqrlen(vec1)+1/sqrlen(vec2)-cosine*d1i*d2i)
      +cosine/sinphi * (1./sqrlen(vec1)+1./sqrlen(vec2)-d1i*d2i/cosine) *(phi - iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.phi0));
  if (p_right->p.configtemp) {
    configtemp[0] += SQR(fac*sinphi*d2i);
    configtemp[1] -= iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.bend*(1+cosine/sinphi*(phi - iaparams->p.angle_harmonic.phi0))*SQR(d2i);


  for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
    f1               = fac * (cosine * vec1[j] - vec2[j]) * d1i;
    f2               = fac * (cosine * vec2[j] - vec1[j]) * d2i;

    force1[j] = (f1-f2);
    force2[j] = -f1;

  return 0;
Exemple #11
/** Computes the three body angle interaction force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p_mid     Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_left    Pointer to first/left particle.
    @param p_right   Pointer to third/right particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param force1 returns force of particle 1
    @param force2 returns force of particle 2
    @return 0
inline int calc_angle_force(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			      Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double force1[3], double force2[3])
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3], d1i, d2i, dist2,  fac, f1=0.0, f2=0.0;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_left to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_mid to p_right */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  fac    = iaparams->p.angle.bend;

    double phi,sinphi;
    if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE) cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
    if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
    phi =  acos(-cosine);
    sinphi = sin(phi);
    if ( sinphi < TINY_SIN_VALUE ) sinphi = TINY_SIN_VALUE;
    fac *= (phi - iaparams->p.angle.phi0)/sinphi;
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE ) cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
  fac *= iaparams->p.angle.sin_phi0 * (cosine/sqrt(1-SQR(cosine))) + iaparams->p.angle.cos_phi0;
  fac *= iaparams->p.angle.cos_phi0 + cosine;
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
    f1               = fac * (cosine * vec1[j] - vec2[j]) * d1i;
    f2               = fac * (cosine * vec2[j] - vec1[j]) * d2i;

    force1[j] = (f1-f2);
    force2[j] = -f1;
  return 0;
Exemple #12
void nsq_calculate_virials()
  Particle *partl, *partg;
  Particle *pt1, *pt2;
  int p, p2, npl, npg, c;
  double d[3], dist2, dist;

  npl   = local->n;
  partl = local->part;

  /* calculate bonded interactions and non bonded node-node */
  for (p = 0; p < npl; p++) {
    pt1 = &partl[p];

    /* other particles, same node */
    for (p2 = p + 1; p2 < npl; p2++) {
      pt2 = &partl[p2];
      get_mi_vector(d, pt1->r.p, pt2->r.p);
      dist2 = sqrlen(d);
      dist = sqrt(dist2);
      if (do_nonbonded(pt1, pt2))
	add_non_bonded_pair_virials(pt1, pt2, d, dist, dist2);

    /* calculate with my ghosts */
    for (c = 0; c < me_do_ghosts.n; c++) {
      npg   = me_do_ghosts.cell[c]->n;
      partg = me_do_ghosts.cell[c]->part;

      for (p2 = 0; p2 < npg; p2++) {
	pt2 = &partg[p2];
	get_mi_vector(d, pt1->r.p, pt2->r.p);
	dist2 = sqrlen(d);
	dist = sqrt(dist2);
	if (do_nonbonded(pt1, pt2))
	  add_non_bonded_pair_virials(pt1, pt2, d, dist, dist2);
inline int bonded_coulomb_pair_energy(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double *_energy)
  double dist = sqrt(sqrlen(dx));

  *_energy = iaparams->p.bonded_coulomb.prefactor * p1->p.q * p2->p.q / dist;
  return 0;
Exemple #14
void print_bond_len()
  int i, k, c, np;
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p;
  Bonded_ia_parameters *b_ia;
  double r_ij[3];
  printf("%d: ", this_node);
  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
             b_ia = &bonded_ia_params[p[i].bl.e[k]];
	     if(b_ia->type == BONDED_IA_RIGID_BOND)
	       Particle *p2 = local_particles[p[i].bl.e[k++]];
           if (!p2) {
           runtimeErrorMsg() <<"rigid bond broken between particles " << p[i].p.identity << " and " << p[i].bl.e[k-1] << " (particles not stored on the same node)";

	       get_mi_vector(r_ij, p[i].r.p , p2->r.p);
	       printf(" bl (%d %d): %f\t", p[i].p.identity, p2->p.identity,sqrlen(r_ij));
	       k += b_ia->num;
       } //while k loop
    } //for i loop
  }// for c loop
Exemple #15
/** Computes the two body overlapped bonded force.
    Adds this force to the particle forces in forces.hpp (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p1        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p2        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param dx        particle distance vector
    @param force     returns force of particle 1
    @return 0.
    Needs feature OVERLAPPED compiled in (see \ref config.hpp).
inline int calc_overlap_bond_force(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double force[3]) 
  int i;
  double fac;

  int ig;
  double ev;
  double prob=0.; 
  double Apart=0.;

  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);

  /* compute fac = - 1/r * dU/dr */
  /* prob = sum_(i=1,N) [ a_i * exp(-(r -b_i)^2/c_i^2))] */
  /* Apart = sum_(i=1,N) [ a_i * exp(-(r -b_i)^2/c_i^2)) * (x-b_i) / c_i^2] */
  /* fac = - 2.0 * ( 1/r + Apart / prob ) */
  for(ig=0; ig<iaparams->p.overlap.noverlaps; ig++) {
        ev = (dist - iaparams->p.overlap.para_b[ig]) / iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig];
        prob = prob + iaparams->p.overlap.para_a[ig] * exp (-1.0*ev*ev); 
        Apart = Apart + iaparams->p.overlap.para_a[ig] * exp (-1.0*ev*ev) * (dist-iaparams->p.overlap.para_b[ig]) / (iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig] * iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig]);
  fac = -2. * ( 1 / dist + Apart / prob);
  fac /= dist;

  /* compute force */
    force[i] = fac*dx[i];

  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p1->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: HARMONIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p1->f.f[0],p1->f.f[1],p1->f.f[2],p2->p.identity,dist2,fac));
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p2->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: HARMONIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p2->f.f[0],p2->f.f[1],p2->f.f[2],p1->p.identity,dist2,fac));

  return 0;
Exemple #16
/* Rectify an image point
 * input and output in normalized coordinates
Vec2d Intrinsic::rectify (Vec2d xd)
	double r2 = len(xd);

		if (dist_model == POLYNOMIAL_DISTORTION) {

		double rd4 = r2*r2;
		double rd6 = rd4*r2;
		double rd8 = rd4*rd4;

		double beta = getKC0()*r2+getKC1()*rd4+getKC0()*getKC0()*rd4+getKC1()*getKC1()*rd8+\
		double alpha = 1 + 4*getKC0()*r2 + 6*getKC1()*rd4;

		return xd * (1 - beta/alpha);
		} else if (dist_model == SPHERICAL_DISTORTION) {

			Vec2d x = xd-cc;
			r2 = sqrlen(x);
			double r_new = value*value / sqrt(fabs(1 - value*value*value*value*r2));

			x = x * r_new+cc; //

			return x;

		printf("undefined distortion model!\n");
		return Vec2d (0,0);
Exemple #17
inline int subt_lj_pair_energy(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double *_energy)
  double energy=0.0;
  IA_parameters *ia_params;
  double r_off, frac2, frac6;
  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);
  if(dist >= iaparams->p.subt_lj.r)
    return 1;
  ia_params = get_ia_param(p1->p.type,p2->p.type);
  if(dist < ia_params->LJ_cut+ia_params->LJ_offset) {
    r_off = dist - ia_params->LJ_offset;
    if(r_off > ia_params->LJ_capradius) {
      /* normal case: resulting force/energy smaller than capping. */
      frac2 = SQR(ia_params->LJ_sig/r_off);
      frac6 = frac2*frac2*frac2;
      energy = 4.0*ia_params->LJ_eps*(SQR(frac6)-frac6+ia_params->LJ_shift);
    else if(dist > 0.0) {
      /* capped part of lj potential. */
      frac2 = SQR(ia_params->LJ_sig/ia_params->LJ_capradius);
      frac6 = frac2*frac2*frac2;
      energy = 4.0*ia_params->LJ_eps*(SQR(frac6)-frac6+ia_params->LJ_shift);
  *_energy = -energy;
  return 0;
void nbhood(double pt[3], double r, IntList *il, int planedims[3] )
  double d[3];
  int i,j;
  double r2;

  r2 = r*r;


  for (i = 0; i<n_part; i++) {
    if ( (planedims[0] + planedims[1] + planedims[2]) == 3 ) {
      get_mi_vector(d, pt, partCfg[i].r.p);
    } else {
      /* Calculate the in plane distance */
      for ( j= 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
	d[j] = planedims[j]*(partCfg[i].r.p[j]-pt[j]);

    if (sqrlen(d) < r2) {
      realloc_intlist(il, il->n + 1);
      il->e[il->n] = partCfg[i].p.identity;
// Update the pos of the given virtual particle as defined by the real 
// particles in the same molecule
void update_mol_pos_particle(Particle *p)
 // First obtain the real particle responsible for this virtual particle:
 // Find the 1st real particle in the topology for the virtual particle's mol_id
 Particle *p_real = vs_relative_get_real_particle(p);
 // Check, if a real particle was found
 if (!p_real)
   char *errtxt = runtime_error(128 + 3*ES_INTEGER_SPACE);
   ERROR_SPRINTF(errtxt,"virtual_sites_relative.cpp - update_mol_pos_particle(): No real particle associated with virtual site.\n");
 // Calculate the quaternion defining the orientation of the vecotr connectinhg
 // the virtual site and the real particle
 // This is obtained, by multiplying the quaternion representing the director
 // of the real particle with the quaternion of the virtual particle, which 
 // specifies the relative orientation.
 double q[4];
 // Calculate the director resulting from the quaternions
 double director[3];
 // normalize
 double l =sqrt(sqrlen(director));
 // Division comes in the loop below
 // Calculate the new position of the virtual sites from
 // position of real particle + director 
 int i;
 double new_pos[3];
 double tmp;
 for (i=0;i<3;i++)
  new_pos[i] =p_real->r.p[i] +director[i]/l*p->p.vs_relative_distance;
  // Handle the case that one of the particles had gone over the periodic
  // boundary and its coordinate has been folded
   if (PERIODIC(i)) 
    tmp =p->r.p[i] -new_pos[i];
    if (tmp > box_l[i]/2.) {
     //printf("greater than box_l/2 %f\n",tmp);
     p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i] + box_l[i];
    else if (tmp < -box_l[i]/2.) {
     //printf("smaller than box_l/2 %f\n",tmp);
     p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i] - box_l[i];
    else p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i];
    else p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i];
//   fold_coordinate(p->r.p,p->l.i,i);

Exemple #20
/// Calculate angle that p1--p2 makes with wall constraint
static double calc_pwangle(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, int *constr)
  int j;
  double dist,di,cosine,phi;
  double vec[3];

  /* vector from p1 to p2 */
  get_mi_vector(vec, p2->r.p, p1->r.p);
  dist = sqrlen(vec);
  di = 1.0/sqrt(dist);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec[j] *= di;
  fprintf(stdout,"Normalised: p1= %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f   p1= %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f   vec= %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n",p1->r.p[0],p1->r.p[1],p1->r.p[2],p2->r.p[0],p2->r.p[1],p2->r.p[2],vec[0],vec[1],vec[2]);
  /* vectors are normalised so cosine is just cos(angle_between_vec1_and_vec2)
   * Wall is closest wall to particle

  cosine = scalar(vec, constraints[*constr].c.wal.n);
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine =  TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;

  fprintf(stdout,"Angle with wall 0=%f  ",(acos(scalar(vec, constraints[0].c.wal.n)))*180.0/PI);
  fprintf(stdout,"Angle with wall 1=%f  ",(acos(scalar(vec, constraints[1].c.wal.n)))*180.0/PI);
  fprintf(stdout,"dxy=%f  dz=%f  angle=%f\n",sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1]),vec[2],atan(sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1])/vec[2])*180.0/PI);
  fprintf(stdout,"Angle with closest wall %d=%f  ",*constr,(acos(scalar(vec, constraints[*constr].c.wal.n)))*180.0/PI);
  return phi;
Exemple #21
int angledist_energy(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right, 
		     Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double *_energy)
  int j;
  double cosine=0.0, d1i, d2i, dist1, dist2;
  double vec1[3], vec2[3];

  //  if (phi0 < PI) {
  //    fprintf(stdout,"\nIn angledist_energy:  z_p_mid=%f, phi0=%f\n",p_mid->r.p[2],phi0*180.0/PI);
  //  }

  /* vector from p_mid to p_left */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist1 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist1);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_right to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;

    double phi;
    double phi0=calc_angledist_param(p_mid, p_left, p_right, iaparams);
    phi =  acos(-cosine);
    *_energy = 0.5*iaparams->p.angledist.bend*SQR(phi - phi0);
    //    fprintf(stdout,"\n energy:  z_pmid=%f  bend=%f  phi0=%f  phi=%f energy=%f",p_mid->r.p[2],iaparams->p.angledist.bend,phi0*180.0/PI,phi*180.0/PI,0.5*iaparams->p.angledist.bend*SQR(phi - phi0));

  #error angledist ONLY implemented for harmonic case!
  #error angledist ONLY implemented for harmonic case!
  return 0;
Exemple #22
/** calculates unit vector */
inline void unit_vector(double v[3],double y[3]) {
  double d = 0.0;
  int i;
  d=sqrt( sqrlen(v) );
    y[i] = v[i]/d;
/**Compute positional corrections*/
void compute_pos_corr_vec(int *repeat_)
  Bonded_ia_parameters *ia_params;
  int i, j, k, c, np, cnt=-1;
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p, *p1, *p2;
  double r_ij_t[3], r_ij[3], r_ij_dot, G, pos_corr, r_ij2;

  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
      p1 = &p[i];
      while(k<p1->bl.n) {
	ia_params = &bonded_ia_params[p1->bl.e[k++]];
	if( ia_params->type == BONDED_IA_RIGID_BOND ) {
	  p2 = local_particles[p1->bl.e[k++]];
	  if (!p2) {
	    char *errtxt = runtime_error(128 + 2*ES_INTEGER_SPACE);
	    ERROR_SPRINTF(errtxt,"{051 rigid bond broken between particles %d and %d (particles not stored on the same node)} ",
		    p1->p.identity, p1->bl.e[k-1]);

	  get_mi_vector(r_ij  , p1->r.p    , p2->r.p    );
	  r_ij2 = sqrlen(r_ij);
	  if(fabs(1.0 - r_ij2/ia_params->p.rigid_bond.d2) > ia_params->p.rigid_bond.p_tol) {
            get_mi_vector(r_ij_t, p1->r.p_old, p2->r.p_old);
	    r_ij_dot = scalar(r_ij_t, r_ij);
	    G = 0.50*(ia_params->p.rigid_bond.d2 - r_ij2 )/r_ij_dot;
#ifdef MASS
	    G /= (PMASS(*p1)+PMASS(*p2));
	    G /= 2;
	    for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
	      pos_corr = G*r_ij_t[j];
	      p1->f.f[j] += pos_corr*PMASS(*p2);
	      p2->f.f[j] -= pos_corr*PMASS(*p1);
	    /*Increase the 'repeat' flag by one */
	      *repeat_ = *repeat_ + 1;
	  /* skip bond partners of nonrigid bond */
      } //while loop
    } //for i loop
  } //for c loop
Exemple #24
/** Computes the HARMONIC pair force and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref interaction_data.cpp). 
    @param p1        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p2        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref interaction_data.cpp).
    @param dx        particle distance vector
    @param force     returns force of particle 1
    @return 0.
inline int calc_harmonic_pair_force(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double force[3])
  int i;
  double fac;
  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);
  double dr;

  if ((iaparams->p.harmonic.r_cut > 0.0) &&
      (dist > iaparams->p.harmonic.r_cut)) 
    return 1;

  dr = dist - iaparams->p.harmonic.r;
  fac = -iaparams->p.harmonic.k * dr;
  if (fabs(dr) > ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {
     if(dist>ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {  /* Regular case */
        fac /= dist;
     } else { /* dx[] == 0: the force is undefined. Let's use a random direction */
        for(i=0;i<3;i++) dx[i] = d_random()-0.5;
        fac /= sqrt(sqrlen(dx));
  } else { 
    force[i] = fac*dx[i];
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p1->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: HARMONIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p1->f.f[0],p1->f.f[1],p1->f.f[2],p2->p.identity,dist2,fac));
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p2->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: HARMONIC f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac %.3e\n",this_node,p2->f.f[0],p2->f.f[1],p2->f.f[2],p1->p.identity,dist2,fac));

  extern double configtemp[2];
  int numfac = 0;
  if (p1->p.configtemp) numfac+=1;
  if (p2->p.configtemp) numfac+=1;
  configtemp[0] += numfac*SQR(iaparams->p.harmonic.k * dr);
  configtemp[1] -= numfac*iaparams->p.harmonic.k*(3-2.*iaparams->p.harmonic.r/dist);

  return 0;
Exemple #25
/** Computes the three body overlapped angle interaction energy (see \ref tclcommand_inter, \ref tclcommand_analyze). 
    @param p_mid        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p_left        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_right        Pointer to third particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param _energy   return energy pointer.
    @return 0.
    Needs feature OVERLAPPED compiled in (see \ref config.hpp). 
inline int overlap_angle_energy(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, 
			      Particle *p_right, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams,
			      double *_energy)
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3],  d1i, d2i, dist2;
  int j;

  int ig;
  double ev;
  double prob=0.; 

  /* vector from p_mid to p_left */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_right to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  /* Notice: cosine = - costheta */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);

  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;

  /* compute overlapped cosangl energy */
  /*prob = sum_(i=1,N) [ a_i * exp(-(costheta -b_i)^2/c_i^2))] */
  /*pot  = -1.0 * Log { prob } */
  for(ig=0; ig<iaparams->p.overlap.noverlaps; ig++) {
        ev = (-cosine - iaparams->p.overlap.para_b[ig]) / iaparams->p.overlap.para_c[ig];
        prob = prob + iaparams->p.overlap.para_a[ig] * exp (-1.0*ev*ev);
  *_energy = - log (prob);

  return 0;

Exemple #26
inline int harmonic_pair_energy(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double *_energy)
  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);

  if ((iaparams->p.harmonic.r_cut > 0.0) && 
      (dist > iaparams->p.harmonic.r_cut)) 
    return 1;

  *_energy = 0.5*iaparams->p.harmonic.k*SQR(dist - iaparams->p.harmonic.r);
  return 0;
Exemple #27
/** Computes the negative of the LENNARD-JONES pair forces 
    and adds this force to the particle forces (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p1        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p2        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param iaparams  Parameters of interaction
    @param dx        change in position
    @param force     force on particles
    @return true if bond is broken
inline int calc_subt_lj_pair_force(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double dx[3], double force[3])
  int i;
  double fac_lj=0.0;
  IA_parameters *ia_params;
  double r_off, frac2, frac6;
  double dist2 = sqrlen(dx);
  double dist = sqrt(dist2);

  if(dist >= iaparams->p.subt_lj.r)
    return 1;

  ia_params = get_ia_param(p1->p.type,p2->p.type);
  if(dist < ia_params->LJ_cut+ia_params->LJ_offset) { 
    r_off = dist - ia_params->LJ_offset;

    if(r_off > ia_params->LJ_capradius) {
      /* normal case: resulting force/energy smaller than capping. */
      frac2 = SQR(ia_params->LJ_sig/r_off);
      frac6 = frac2*frac2*frac2;
      fac_lj = 48.0 * ia_params->LJ_eps * frac6*(frac6 - 0.5) / (r_off * dist);			  
    else if(dist > 0.0) {
      /* capped part of lj potential. */
      frac2 = SQR(ia_params->LJ_sig/ia_params->LJ_capradius);
      frac6 = frac2*frac2*frac2;
      fac_lj = 48.0 * ia_params->LJ_eps * frac6*(frac6 - 0.5) / (ia_params->LJ_capradius * dist);

// #ifdef CONFIGTEMP
//       extern double configtemp[2];
//       int numfac = 0;
//       if (p1->p.configtemp) numfac+=1;
//       if (p2->p.configtemp) numfac+=1;
//       configtemp[0] -= numfac*SQR(48.0 * ia_params->LJ_eps * frac6*(frac6 - 0.5) / r_off);
//       configtemp[1] -= numfac*24.0 * ia_params->LJ_eps * frac6*(-22.0*frac6+5.0) / (SQR(r_off));
// #endif


    force[i] = -fac_lj*dx[i];

  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p1->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: SUBT_LJ f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac_lj %.3e\n",this_node,p1->f.f[0],p1->f.f[1],p1->f.f[2],p2->p.identity,sqrt(dist2),fac_lj));
  ONEPART_TRACE(if(p2->p.identity==check_id) fprintf(stderr,"%d: OPT: SUBT_LJ f = (%.3e,%.3e,%.3e) with part id=%d at dist %f fac_lj %.3e\n",this_node,p2->f.f[0],p2->f.f[1],p2->f.f[2],p1->p.identity,sqrt(dist2),fac_lj));

  return 0;
Exemple #28
/** Computes the three body angle interaction energy (see \ref tclcommand_inter, \ref tclcommand_analyze). 
    @param p_mid        Pointer to first particle.
    @param p_left        Pointer to second/middle particle.
    @param p_right        Pointer to third particle.
    @param iaparams  bond type number of the angle interaction (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param _energy   return energy pointer.
    @return 0.
inline int angle_energy(Particle *p_mid, Particle *p_left, Particle *p_right,
			     Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double *_energy)
  double cosine, vec1[3], vec2[3],  d1i, d2i, dist2;
  int j;

  /* vector from p_mid to p_left */
  get_mi_vector(vec1, p_mid->r.p, p_left->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec1);
  d1i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec1[j] *= d1i;
  /* vector from p_right to p_mid */
  get_mi_vector(vec2, p_right->r.p, p_mid->r.p);
  dist2 = sqrlen(vec2);
  d2i = 1.0 / sqrt(dist2);
  for(j=0;j<3;j++) vec2[j] *= d2i;
  /* scalar produvt of vec1 and vec2 */
  cosine = scalar(vec1, vec2);
  if ( cosine >  TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = TINY_COS_VALUE;
  if ( cosine < -TINY_COS_VALUE)  cosine = -TINY_COS_VALUE;
  /* bond angle energy */
    double phi;
    phi =  acos(-cosine);
    *_energy = 0.5*iaparams->p.angle.bend*SQR(phi - iaparams->p.angle.phi0);
  *_energy = iaparams->p.angle.bend*(cosine*iaparams->p.angle.cos_phi0 - sqrt(1-SQR(cosine))*iaparams->p.angle.sin_phi0+1);
  *_energy = 0.5*iaparams->p.angle.bend*SQR(cosine + iaparams->p.angle.cos_phi0);
  return 0;
Exemple #29
/** Rotate the particle p around the NORMALIZED axis aSpaceFrame by amount phi */
void rotate_particle(Particle* p, double* aSpaceFrame, double phi)
  // Convert rotation axis to body-fixed frame
  double a[3];

  // Apply restrictions from the rotation_per_particle feature
//  printf("%g %g %g - ",a[0],a[1],a[2]);
  // Rotation turned off entirely?
  if (p->p.rotation <2) return;

  // Per coordinate fixing
  if (!(p->p.rotation & 2)) a[0]=0;
  if (!(p->p.rotation & 4)) a[1]=0;
  if (!(p->p.rotation & 8)) a[2]=0;
  // Re-normalize rotation axis
  double l=sqrt(sqrlen(a));
  // Check, if the rotation axis is nonzero
  if (l<1E-10) return;

  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
//  printf("%g %g %g\n",a[0],a[1],a[2]);


  double q[4];
  double tmp=sin(phi/2);
  // Normalize

  // Rotate the particle
  double qn[4]; // Resulting quaternion
  for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
  convert_quat_to_quatu(p->r.quat, p->r.quatu);
#ifdef DIPOLES
  // When dipoles are enabled, update dipole moment
  convert_quatu_to_dip(p->r.quatu, p->p.dipm, p->r.dip);
/* TODO: this function is not used anywhere. To be removed? */
double calc_mol_hydro_radius(Molecule mol) 
  int i, j, id1, id2;
  double rh=0.0, diff_vec[3];

  for(i=0; i<mol.part.n; i++) {
    id1 = mol.part.e[i];
    for(j=i+1; j<mol.part.n; j++) {
      id2 = mol.part.e[i];
      vecsub(partCfg[id1].r.p, partCfg[id2].r.p, diff_vec);
      rh += 1.0/sqrt(sqrlen(diff_vec));
  return 0.5*(mol.part.n*(mol.part.n-1))/rh;