static float cfo_cp_estimate(srslte_sync_t *q, const cf_t *input) { uint32_t cp_offset = 0; cp_offset = srslte_cp_synch(&q->cp_synch, input, q->max_offset, q->cfo_cp_nsymbols, SRSLTE_CP_LEN_NORM(1,q->fft_size)); cf_t cp_corr_max = srslte_cp_synch_corr_output(&q->cp_synch, cp_offset); float cfo = -carg(cp_corr_max) / M_PI / 2; return cfo; }
/** Finds the PSS sequence previously defined by a call to srslte_sync_set_N_id_2() * around the position find_offset in the buffer input. * Returns 1 if the correlation peak exceeds the threshold set by srslte_sync_set_threshold() * or 0 otherwise. Returns a negative number on error (if N_id_2 has not been set) * * The maximum of the correlation peak is always stored in *peak_position */ int srslte_sync_find(srslte_sync_t *q, cf_t *input, uint32_t find_offset, uint32_t *peak_position) { int ret = SRSLTE_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; if (q != NULL && input != NULL && srslte_N_id_2_isvalid(q->N_id_2) && fft_size_isvalid(q->fft_size)) { int peak_pos; ret = SRSLTE_SUCCESS; if (peak_position) { *peak_position = 0; } /* Estimate CFO using CP */ if (q->enable_cfo_corr) { uint32_t cp_offset = srslte_cp_synch(&q->cp_synch, input, q->nof_symbols, q->nof_symbols, SRSLTE_CP_LEN_NORM(1,q->fft_size)); cf_t cp_corr_max = srslte_cp_synch_corr_output(&q->cp_synch, cp_offset); float cfo = -carg(cp_corr_max) / M_PI / 2; /* compute cumulative moving average CFO */ INFO("cp_offset_pos=%d, abs=%f, cfo=%f, mean_cfo=%f, nof_symb=%d\n", cp_offset, cabs(cp_corr_max), cfo, q->mean_cfo, q->nof_symbols); if (q->mean_cfo) { q->mean_cfo = SRSLTE_VEC_EMA(cfo, q->mean_cfo, q->cfo_ema_alpha); } else { q->mean_cfo = cfo; } /* Correct CFO with the averaged CFO estimation */ srslte_cfo_correct(&q->cfocorr, input, input, -q->mean_cfo / q->fft_size); } if (q->find_cfo_i && q->enable_cfo_corr) { float peak_value; float max_peak_value = -99; peak_pos = 0; srslte_pss_synch_t *pss_obj[3] = {&q->pss_i[0], &q->pss, &q->pss_i[1]}; for (int cfo_i=0;cfo_i<3;cfo_i++) { srslte_pss_synch_set_N_id_2(pss_obj[cfo_i], q->N_id_2); int p = srslte_pss_synch_find_pss(pss_obj[cfo_i], &input[find_offset], &peak_value); if (peak_value > max_peak_value) { max_peak_value = peak_value; peak_pos = p; q->peak_value = peak_value; q->cfo_i = cfo_i-1; } } if (q->cfo_i != 0) { srslte_vec_prod_ccc(input, q->cfo_i_corr[q->cfo_i<0?0:1], input, q->frame_size); INFO("Compensating cfo_i=%d\n", q->cfo_i); } } else { srslte_pss_synch_set_N_id_2(&q->pss, q->N_id_2); peak_pos = srslte_pss_synch_find_pss(&q->pss, &input[find_offset], &q->peak_value); if (peak_pos < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error calling finding PSS sequence\n"); return SRSLTE_ERROR; } } q->mean_peak_value = SRSLTE_VEC_EMA(q->peak_value, q->mean_peak_value, MEANPEAK_EMA_ALPHA); if (peak_position) { *peak_position = (uint32_t) peak_pos; } /* If peak is over threshold, compute CFO and SSS */ if (q->peak_value >= q->threshold) { // Try to detect SSS if (q->sss_en) { // Set an invalid N_id_1 indicating SSS is yet to be detected q->N_id_1 = 1000; if (sync_sss(q, input, find_offset + peak_pos, q->cp) < 0) { DEBUG("No space for SSS processing. Frame starts at %d\n", peak_pos); } } if (q->detect_cp) { if (peak_pos + find_offset >= 2*(q->fft_size + SRSLTE_CP_LEN_EXT(q->fft_size))) { srslte_sync_set_cp(q, srslte_sync_detect_cp(q, input, peak_pos + find_offset)); } else { DEBUG("Not enough room to detect CP length. Peak position: %d\n", peak_pos); } } // Return 1 (peak detected) even if we couldn't estimate CFO and SSS ret = 1; } else { ret = 0; } DEBUG("SYNC ret=%d N_id_2=%d find_offset=%d pos=%d peak=%.2f threshold=%.2f sf_idx=%d, CFO=%.3f KHz\n", ret, q->N_id_2, find_offset, peak_pos, q->peak_value, q->threshold, q->sf_idx, 15*(q->cfo_i+q->mean_cfo)); } else if (srslte_N_id_2_isvalid(q->N_id_2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Must call srslte_sync_set_N_id_2() first!\n"); } return ret; }