int procauth_addprocess(char *conf) {
    procpid pp;
    int srvcode;
    char pidfilename[FILENAME_MAX];

    /* ensure the filename length is within system limit */ 
    if (memchr(conf, '\0', FILENAME_MAX) == NULL)
    return -1;

    /* conf format:     service_code:pid_filename   */
    if (sscanf(conf, "%d:%s", &srvcode, pidfilename) != 2)
        return -1;

    pp.service_code = srvcode;
    pp.filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(pidfilename) + 1);
    strcpy(pp.filename, pidfilename);
    /* get current pid */
    pp.current_pid = procauth_getprocpid(pidfilename);

    /* append process block to the list */
    list_append(&proclist, &pp);
    sshguard_log(LOG_INFO, "authenticating service %d with process ID from %s", pp.service_code, pp.filename);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
static int install_temporary_conffile() {
    if (rename(tempflname, HOSTSFILE_PATH) != 0) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_CRIT, "OUCHH! Could not rename temp file '%s' to '%s' (%s).", tempflname, HOSTSFILE_PATH, strerror(errno));
        return FWALL_ERR;

    return FWALL_OK;
Exemple #3
int fw_init() {
    char buf[HOSTS_MAXCMDLEN];
    FILE *tmp, *deny;

    /* set the filename of the temporary configuration file */
    if (snprintf(tempflname, MAX_TEMPFILE_NAMELEN, "%s-sshguard.%u", HOSTSFILE_PATH, getpid()) >= MAX_TEMPFILE_NAMELEN) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "'tempflname' buffer too small to hold '%s-sshguard.%u!'", HOSTSFILE_PATH, getpid());
        return FWALL_ERR;


    /* place sshguard block delimiters (header/footer) into HOSTSFILE_PATH */
    deny = fopen(HOSTSFILE_PATH, "r+");
    if (deny == NULL) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize " HOSTSFILE_PATH " for use by sshguard: %s", strerror(errno));
        return FWALL_ERR;

    tmp = make_temporary_conffile();
    if (tmp == NULL) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not create temporary file %s!", tempflname);
        return FWALL_ERR;

    /* copy the original content of HOSTSFILE_PATH into tmp */
    while (fgets(buf, HOSTS_MAXCMDLEN, deny) != NULL) {
        fprintf(tmp, "%s", buf);

    /* install temporary conf file into main file */
    if (install_temporary_conffile() != FWALL_OK)
        return FWALL_ERR;

    list_attributes_copy(&hosts_blockedaddrs, addr_service_meter, 1);
    list_attributes_comparator(&hosts_blockedaddrs, addr_service_comparator);

    return FWALL_OK;
static pid_t procauth_getprocpid(char *filename) {
    FILE *pf;
    pid_t pid;

    pf = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (pf == NULL) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_NOTICE, "unable to open pidfile '%s': %s.", filename, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (fscanf(pf, "%d", &pid) != 1) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_INFO, "pid file '%s' malformed. Expecting one pid.", filename);
        return -1;

    return pid;
Exemple #5
static FILE *make_temporary_conffile(void) {
    FILE *f;

    f = fopen(tempflname, "w+");
    if (f == NULL) return NULL;

    /* make sure to secure file permissions (-rw-r--r--) */
    if (chmod(tempflname, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) != 0) {
        /* could not secure perms, return full failure */
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Error in chmod(): %s", strerror(errno));
        return NULL;

    return f;
int procauth_refreshpids() {
    procpid *pp;
    pid_t newpid;
    int changed = 0;

    /* update each process in list with the current pid */
    while (list_iterator_hasnext(&proclist)) {
        pp = (procpid *)list_iterator_next(&proclist);
        newpid  = procauth_getprocpid(pp->filename);
        if (newpid != pp->current_pid) changed++;
        pp->current_pid = newpid;
    sshguard_log(LOG_DEBUG,"refreshing the list of pids from pidfiles... %d pids changed", changed);

    return changed;
int logsuck_init() {
    list_init(& sources_list);
    list_attributes_copy(& sources_list, list_meter_sourceentry, 1);

#if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
    /* will need file descriptor seeker to look up source items from fds */
    list_attributes_seeker(& sources_list, list_seeker_filedescriptor);

#if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
    /* initialize kqueue */
    if ((kq = kqueue()) == -1) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_CRIT, "Unable to create kqueue! %s.", strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    /* re-test sources every this interval */
    kev_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
    kev_timeout.tv_nsec = 500 * 1000 * 1000;

    return 0;
list_t *blacklist_load(const char *filename) {
    char blacklist_line[BL_MAXBUF];
    unsigned int linecnt;

    assert(blacklist_file == NULL && blacklist == NULL);
    blacklist_file = fopen(filename, "a+");
    if (blacklist_file == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    blacklist = (list_t *)malloc(sizeof(list_t));
    list_attributes_copy(blacklist, attacker_el_meter, 1);

    /* loading content of the file in the blacklist */
    for (linecnt = 1; fgets(blacklist_line, BL_MAXBUF, blacklist_file) != NULL; ++linecnt) {
        attacker_t newattacker;

        /* discard empty lines and lines starting with a white-space or # */
        if (isspace(blacklist_line[0]) || blacklist_line[0] == '#') {
            while (blacklist_line[strlen(blacklist_line)-1] != '\n') {
                /* consume until end of line */
                if (fgets(blacklist_line, BL_MAXBUF, blacklist_file) == NULL) return blacklist;

        long long blacklist_time;
        int service_no;
        if (sscanf(blacklist_line, "%lld|%d|%d|%" stringify(ADDRLEN) "s",
                    &blacklist_time, &service_no,
                    newattacker.attack.address.value) != 4) {
                    "blacklist: ignoring malformed line %d", linecnt);
        newattacker.whenlast = (time_t)blacklist_time;
        newattacker.attack.service = (enum service)service_no;

        if (newattacker.attack.address.kind != ADDRKIND_IPv4 &&
                newattacker.attack.address.kind != ADDRKIND_IPv6) {
            /* unknown address type */
                    "blacklist: unknown address type on line %d", linecnt);

        /* initialization of other default information */
        newattacker.attack.dangerousness = 1;
        newattacker.whenfirst = 0;
        newattacker.pardontime = 0;
        newattacker.numhits = 1;
        newattacker.cumulated_danger = 1;

        /* add new element to the blacklist */
        list_append(blacklist, & newattacker);

    return blacklist;
static int procauth_ischildof(pid_t child, pid_t parent) {
    int ischild;
    int ret;
    int curchild, curparent;
    char mystring[20];
    int ps2me[2];
    pid_t pid;
    FILE *psout;

    sshguard_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Testing if %d is child of %d.", (int)child, (int)parent);

    if (pipe(ps2me) == -1) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't create pipe! %s.", strerror(errno));
        return 0;

    /* execute ps command, pipe result to us */
    if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
        /* child */
        dup2(ps2me[1], 1);

        sshguard_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Running 'ps axo pid,ppid'.");
        execlp("ps", "ps", "axo", "pid,ppid", NULL);

        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to run 'ps axo pid,ppid': %s.", strerror(errno));

    /* father */

    /* read lines returned the ps' output, and match pschild_re */
    psout = fdopen(ps2me[0], "r");
    if (psout == NULL) return 0;

    ischild = 0;
    while (fgets(mystring, sizeof(mystring), psout) != NULL) {
        /* sshguard_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Testing child/parent line: '%s' --> %d@%d", mystring, curchild, curparent); */
        sscanf(mystring, " %d %d ", & curchild, & curparent);
        if (curchild == child && curparent == parent) {
            ischild = 1;

    waitpid(pid, & ret, 0);
    if (! WIFEXITED(ret) || WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 0) {
        sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "ps command failed to run.");
        return 0;
    sshguard_log(LOG_INFO, "Process %d %s child of %d.", (int)child, (ischild ? "is" : "is not"), (int)parent);
    /* return YES or NO answer */
    if (ischild)
        return 1;

    return -1;