Exemple #1
void caerConfigInit(const char *configFile, int argc, char *argv[]) {
	// If configFile is NULL, no config file will be accessed at all,
	// and neither will it be written back at shutdown.
	if (configFile != NULL) {
		// Let's try to open the file for reading, or create it.
		int configFileFd = open(configFile, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP);

		if (configFileFd >= 0) {
			// File opened for reading successfully.
			// This means it exists and we can access it, so let's remember
			// it for writing the config later at shutdown (if permitted).
			caerConfigFilePath = realpath(configFile, NULL);

			// Determine if there is actual content to parse first.
			struct stat configFileStat;
			fstat(configFileFd, &configFileStat);

			if (configFileStat.st_size > 0) {
				sshsNodeImportSubTreeFromXML(sshsGetNode(sshsGetGlobal(), "/"), configFileFd, true);


			// Ensure configuration is written back at shutdown.
		else {
			caerLog(CAER_LOG_EMERGENCY, "Config",
				"Could not create and/or read from the configuration file '%s'. Error: %d.", configFile, errno);
	else {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_EMERGENCY, "Config", "No configuration file defined, using default values for everything.");

	// Override with command line arguments if requested.
	if (argc > 1) {
		// Format: -o node key type value (5 arguments). Equal to caerctl format.
		for (size_t i = 1; i < (size_t) argc; i += 5) {
			if ((i + 4) < (size_t) argc && caerStrEquals(argv[i], "-o")) {
				sshsNode node = sshsGetNode(sshsGetGlobal(), argv[i + 1]);
				if (node == NULL) {
					caerLog(CAER_LOG_EMERGENCY, "Config", "SSHS Node %s doesn't exist.", argv[i + 1]);

				if (!sshsNodeStringToNodeConverter(node, argv[i + 2], argv[i + 3], argv[i + 4])) {
					caerLog(CAER_LOG_EMERGENCY, "Config", "Failed to convert attribute %s of type %s with value %s.",
						argv[i + 2], argv[i + 3], argv[i + 4]);
Exemple #2
void caerConfigWriteBack(void) {
	if (caerConfigFilePath != NULL) {
		int configFileFd = open(caerConfigFilePath, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);

		if (configFileFd >= 0) {
			sshsNodeExportSubTreeToXML(sshsGetNode(sshsGetGlobal(), "/"), configFileFd, (const char *[] ) { "running",
					"connectedClients" }, 2, (const char *[] ) { "sourceInfo" }, 1);
Exemple #3
static int caerConfigServerRunner(void *inPtr) {

	// Get the right configuration node first.
	sshsNode serverNode = sshsGetNode(sshsGetGlobal(), "/server/");

	// Ensure default values are present.
	sshsNodePutStringIfAbsent(serverNode, "ipAddress", "");
	sshsNodePutIntIfAbsent(serverNode, "portNumber", 4040);
	sshsNodePutShortIfAbsent(serverNode, "backlogSize", 5);
	sshsNodePutShortIfAbsent(serverNode, "concurrentConnections", 5);

	// Open a TCP server socket for configuration handling.
	// TCP chosen for reliability, which is more important here than speed.
	int configServerSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
	if (configServerSocket < 0) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "Config Server", "Could not create server socket. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	// Make socket address reusable right away.
	socketReuseAddr(configServerSocket, true);

	struct sockaddr_in configServerAddress;
	memset(&configServerAddress, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

	configServerAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
	configServerAddress.sin_port = htons(sshsNodeGetInt(serverNode, "portNumber"));
	char *ipAddress = sshsNodeGetString(serverNode, "ipAddress");
	inet_aton(ipAddress, &configServerAddress.sin_addr); // htonl() is implicit here.

	// Bind socket to above address.
	if (bind(configServerSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &configServerAddress, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "Config Server", "Could not bind server socket. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	// Listen to new connections on the socket.
	if (listen(configServerSocket, sshsNodeGetShort(serverNode, "backlogSize")) < 0) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "Config Server", "Could not listen on server socket. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	// Control message format: 1 byte ACTION, 1 byte TYPE, 2 bytes EXTRA_LEN,
	// 2 bytes NODE_LEN, 2 bytes KEY_LEN, 2 bytes VALUE_LEN, then up to 4086
	// bytes split between EXTRA, NODE, KEY, VALUE (with 4 bytes for NUL).
	// Basically: (EXTRA_LEN + NODE_LEN + KEY_LEN + VALUE_LEN) <= 4086.
	// EXTRA, NODE, KEY, VALUE have to be NUL terminated, and their length
	// must include the NUL termination byte.
	// This results in a maximum message size of 4096 bytes (4KB).
	uint8_t configServerBuffer[4096];

	caerLog(CAER_LOG_NOTICE, "Config Server", "Ready and listening on %s:%" PRIu16 ".",
		inet_ntoa(configServerAddress.sin_addr), ntohs(configServerAddress.sin_port));

	size_t connections = (size_t) sshsNodeGetShort(serverNode, "concurrentConnections") + 1;// +1 for listening socket.

	struct pollfd pollSockets[connections];

	// Initially ignore all pollfds, and react only to POLLIN events.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
		pollSockets[i].fd = -1;
		pollSockets[i].events = POLLIN;

	// First pollfd is the listening socket, always.
	pollSockets[0].fd = configServerSocket;

	while (atomic_load_explicit(&configServerThread.running, memory_order_relaxed)) {
		int pollResult = poll(pollSockets, (nfds_t) connections, 1000);

		if (pollResult > 0) {
			// First let's check if there's a new connection waiting to be accepted.
			if ((pollSockets[0].revents & POLLIN) != 0) {
				int newClientSocket = accept(pollSockets[0].fd, NULL, NULL);

				if (newClientSocket >= 0) {
					// Put it in the list of watched fds if possible, or close.
					bool putInFDList = false;

					for (size_t i = 1; i < connections; i++) {
						if (pollSockets[i].fd == -1) {
							// Empty place in watch list, add this one.
							pollSockets[i].fd = newClientSocket;
							putInFDList = true;

					// No space for new connection, just close it (client will exit).
					if (!putInFDList) {
						caerLog(CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Config Server", "Rejected client (fd %d), queue full.",
					else {
						caerLog(CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Config Server", "Accepted new connection from client (fd %d).",

			for (size_t i = 1; i < connections; i++) {
				// Work on existing connections, valid and with read events.
				if (pollSockets[i].fd != -1 && (pollSockets[i].revents & POLLIN) != 0) {
					// Accepted client connection, let's get all the data we need: first
					// the 10 byte header, and then whatever remains based on that.
					if (!recvUntilDone(pollSockets[i].fd, configServerBuffer, 10)) {
						// Closed on other side or error. Let's just close here too.

						caerLog(CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Config Server", "Disconnected client on recv (fd %d).",
						pollSockets[i].fd = -1;


					// Decode header fields (all in little-endian).
					uint8_t action = configServerBuffer[0];
					uint8_t type = configServerBuffer[1];
					uint16_t extraLength = le16toh(*(uint16_t * )(configServerBuffer + 2));
					uint16_t nodeLength = le16toh(*(uint16_t * )(configServerBuffer + 4));
					uint16_t keyLength = le16toh(*(uint16_t * )(configServerBuffer + 6));
					uint16_t valueLength = le16toh(*(uint16_t * )(configServerBuffer + 8));

					// Total length to get for command.
					size_t readLength = (size_t) (extraLength + nodeLength + keyLength + valueLength);

					if (!recvUntilDone(pollSockets[i].fd, configServerBuffer + 10, readLength)) {
						// Closed on other side or error. Let's just close here too.

						caerLog(CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Config Server", "Disconnected client on recv (fd %d).",
						pollSockets[i].fd = -1;


					// Now we have everything. The header fields are already
					// fully decoded: handle request (and send back data eventually).
					caerConfigServerHandleRequest(pollSockets[i].fd, action, type, configServerBuffer + 10, extraLength,
						configServerBuffer + 10 + extraLength, nodeLength,
						configServerBuffer + 10 + extraLength + nodeLength, keyLength,
						configServerBuffer + 10 + extraLength + nodeLength + keyLength, valueLength);
		else if (pollResult < 0) {
			caerLog(CAER_LOG_ALERT, "Config Server", "poll() failed. Error: %d.", errno);
		// pollResult == 0 just means nothing to do (timeout reached).

	// Shutdown!

	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemple #4
static void caerConfigServerHandleRequest(int connectedClientSocket, uint8_t action, uint8_t type, const uint8_t *extra,
	size_t extraLength, const uint8_t *node, size_t nodeLength, const uint8_t *key, size_t keyLength,
	const uint8_t *value, size_t valueLength) {

	caerLog(CAER_LOG_DEBUG, "Config Server",
		"Handling request: action=%" PRIu8 ", type=%" PRIu8 ", extraLength=%zu, nodeLength=%zu, keyLength=%zu, valueLength=%zu.",
		action, type, extraLength, nodeLength, keyLength, valueLength);

	// Interpretation of data is up to each action individually.
	sshs configStore = sshsGetGlobal();

	switch (action) {
		case NODE_EXISTS: {
			// We only need the node name here. Type is not used (ignored)!
			bool result = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Send back result to client. Format is the same as incoming data.
			const uint8_t *sendResult = (const uint8_t *) ((result) ? ("true") : ("false"));
			size_t sendResultLength = (result) ? (5) : (6);
			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, NODE_EXISTS, BOOL, sendResult, sendResultLength);


		case ATTR_EXISTS: {
			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Check if attribute exists.
			bool result = sshsNodeAttributeExists(wantedNode, (const char *) key, type);

			// Send back result to client. Format is the same as incoming data.
			const uint8_t *sendResult = (const uint8_t *) ((result) ? ("true") : ("false"));
			size_t sendResultLength = (result) ? (5) : (6);
			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, ATTR_EXISTS, BOOL, sendResult, sendResultLength);


		case GET: {
			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Check if attribute exists. Only allow operations on existing attributes!
			bool attrExists = sshsNodeAttributeExists(wantedNode, (const char *) key, type);

			if (!attrExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Attribute of given type doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			union sshs_node_attr_value result = sshsNodeGetAttribute(wantedNode, (const char *) key, type);

			char *resultStr = sshsHelperValueToStringConverter(type, result);

			if (resultStr == NULL) {
				// Send back error message to client.
				caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Failed to allocate memory for value string.");
			else {
				caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, GET, type, (const uint8_t *) resultStr,
					strlen(resultStr) + 1);


			// If this is a string, we must remember to free the original result.str
			// too, since it will also be a copy of the string coming from SSHS.
			if (type == STRING) {


		case PUT: {
			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Check if attribute exists. Only allow operations on existing attributes!
			bool attrExists = sshsNodeAttributeExists(wantedNode, (const char *) key, type);

			if (!attrExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Attribute of given type doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// Put given value into config node. Node, attr and type are already verified.
			const char *typeStr = sshsHelperTypeToStringConverter(type);
			if (!sshsNodeStringToNodeConverter(wantedNode, (const char *) key, typeStr, (const char *) value)) {
				// Send back error message to client.
				caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Impossible to convert value according to type.");


			// Send back confirmation to the client.
			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, PUT, BOOL, (const uint8_t *) "true", 5);


		case GET_CHILDREN: {
			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Get the names of all the child nodes and return them.
			size_t numNames;
			const char **childNames = sshsNodeGetChildNames(wantedNode, &numNames);

			// No children at all, return empty.
			if (childNames == NULL) {
				// Send back error message to client.
				caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Node has no children.");


			// We need to return a big string with all of the child names,
			// separated by a NUL character.
			size_t namesLength = 0;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < numNames; i++) {
				namesLength += strlen(childNames[i]) + 1; // +1 for terminating NUL byte.

			// Allocate a buffer for the names and copy them over.
			char namesBuffer[namesLength];

			for (size_t i = 0, acc = 0; i < numNames; i++) {
				size_t len = strlen(childNames[i]) + 1;
				memcpy(namesBuffer + acc, childNames[i], len);
				acc += len;

			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, GET_CHILDREN, STRING, (const uint8_t *) namesBuffer,


			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Get the keys of all the attributes and return them.
			size_t numKeys;
			const char **attrKeys = sshsNodeGetAttributeKeys(wantedNode, &numKeys);

			// No attributes at all, return empty.
			if (attrKeys == NULL) {
				// Send back error message to client.
				caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Node has no attributes.");


			// We need to return a big string with all of the attribute keys,
			// separated by a NUL character.
			size_t keysLength = 0;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
				keysLength += strlen(attrKeys[i]) + 1; // +1 for terminating NUL byte.

			// Allocate a buffer for the keys and copy them over.
			char keysBuffer[keysLength];

			for (size_t i = 0, acc = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
				size_t len = strlen(attrKeys[i]) + 1;
				memcpy(keysBuffer + acc, attrKeys[i], len);
				acc += len;

			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, GET_ATTRIBUTES, STRING, (const uint8_t *) keysBuffer,


		case GET_TYPES: {
			bool nodeExists = sshsExistsNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Only allow operations on existing nodes, this is for remote
			// control, so we only manipulate what's already there!
			if (!nodeExists) {
				// Send back error message to client.
					"Node doesn't exist. Operations are only allowed on existing data.");


			// This cannot fail, since we know the node exists from above.
			sshsNode wantedNode = sshsGetNode(configStore, (const char *) node);

			// Check if any keys match the given one and return its types.
			size_t numTypes;
			enum sshs_node_attr_value_type *attrTypes = sshsNodeGetAttributeTypes(wantedNode, (const char *) key,

			// No attributes for specified key, return empty.
			if (attrTypes == NULL) {
				// Send back error message to client.
				caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Node has no attributes with specified key.");


			// We need to return a big string with all of the attribute types,
			// separated by a NUL character.
			size_t typesLength = 0;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) {
				const char *typeString = sshsHelperTypeToStringConverter(attrTypes[i]);
				typesLength += strlen(typeString) + 1; // +1 for terminating NUL byte.

			// Allocate a buffer for the types and copy them over.
			char typesBuffer[typesLength];

			for (size_t i = 0, acc = 0; i < numTypes; i++) {
				const char *typeString = sshsHelperTypeToStringConverter(attrTypes[i]);
				size_t len = strlen(typeString) + 1;
				memcpy(typesBuffer + acc, typeString, len);
				acc += len;

			caerConfigSendResponse(connectedClientSocket, GET_TYPES, STRING, (const uint8_t *) typesBuffer,


			// Unknown action, send error back to client.
			caerConfigSendError(connectedClientSocket, "Unknown action.");
