Exemple #1
void uncompress(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out) {
  while (in) {
    int32_t uncompress_size = rawReadInt(in);
    if (uncompress_size == 0) {
      // empty block
    } else if (uncompress_size < 0) {
      // end of file

    int32_t compress_size = rawReadInt(in);
    StreamSource ssrc(in, compress_size);
    StreamSink ssink(out);
    snappy::Uncompress(&ssrc, &ssink);
Exemple #2
std::vector<std::uint8_t> cryptoprocess_buffer(
		const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &buffer,
		size_t constant_size,
		const std::string &symmetric_key,
		const std::array<uint8_t, 12> &initialization_vector){
	CryptoPP::PKCS12_PBKDF<CryptoPP::SHA256> derivation;
	CryptoPP::SecByteBlock key(CryptoPP::Twofish::MAX_KEYLENGTH);
	derivation.DeriveKey(key.data(), key.size(), 0, (const byte *)symmetric_key.c_str(), symmetric_key.size(), salt, sizeof(salt), 1 << 10, 0);
	typename T::algo_type e;
	e.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), initialization_vector.data(), initialization_vector.size());
	e.SpecifyDataLengths(0, constant_size, 0);

	std::string pre,
	std::copy(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), pre.begin());
	CryptoPP::StringSource ssrc(pre, true, new typename T::filter_type(e, new CryptoPP::StringSink(post)));

	std::vector<std::uint8_t> ret;
	std::copy(post.begin(), post.end(), ret.begin());
	return ret;
void UT_CRtpSDES::UT_CRtpSDES_GetSdesSsrcL(  )
       TInt result( KErrNone );
    CRtpSDES* rtpSdes( NULL );
    TInt err( KErrNone );

    // "" ) );
    // "Test description: Get SSRC that does not exist" ) );
    // "CRtpSDES::GetSdesSsrc( TRtpSSRC aSSRC )") );
    // "CRtpSDES::AddSsrcToSdesL( const TRtpSSRC aSSRC )") );

    TRAP( err, rtpSdes = CRtpSDES::NewL() )
    if ( err != KErrNone )
        delete rtpSdes;
        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( err != KErrNoMemory, User::Leave( KErrNoMemory ) );
        // "CRtpSDES: ERROR, could not create CRtpSDES object" ) );
        EUNIT_ASSERT( EFalse );
    CleanupStack::PushL( rtpSdes );
    TRtpSSRC ssrc( 0 );
    TBool gotSSRC( rtpSdes->GetSdesSsrc( ssrc ) ); 
    if ( gotSSRC )
        // "ERROR, should not have found SSRC") );

    ssrc = 1;
    rtpSdes->AddSsrcToSdesL( ssrc );
    if ( rtpSdes->iSndSSRCArray->Count() != 1 )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, incorrect number of SSRC:s in array (1)") );

    ssrc = 1;
    rtpSdes->AddSsrcToSdesL( ssrc );
    if ( rtpSdes->iSndSSRCArray->Count() != 1 )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, incorrect number of SSRC:s in array (2)") );

    ssrc = 2;
    rtpSdes->AddSsrcToSdesL( ssrc );
    if ( rtpSdes->iSndSSRCArray->Count() != 2 )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, incorrect number of SSRC:s in array (3)") );

    gotSSRC = rtpSdes->GetSdesSsrc( 3 ); 
    if ( gotSSRC )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, should not have found SSRC 3") );

    gotSSRC = rtpSdes->GetSdesSsrc( 1 ); 
    if ( !gotSSRC )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, should have found SSRC 1") );

    if ( rtpSdes->iSndSSRCArray->Count() != 2 )
        result = KErrGeneral;
        // "ERROR, incorrect number of SSRC:s in array (4)") );

    if ( result == KErrNone )
        // "CRtpSDES::GetSdesSsrc - passed" ) );
        // "CRtpSDES::AddSsrcToSdesL - passed" ) );
        // "CRtpSDES::GetSdesSsrc - FAILED" ) );
        // "CRtpSDES::AddSsrcToSdesL - FAILED" ) );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rtpSdes );
