Exemple #1
PUBLIC void httpSetAuthForm(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *loginPage, cchar *loginService, cchar *logoutService, cchar *loggedIn)
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    bool        secure;

    secure = 0;
    auth = parent->auth;
    auth->loginPage = sclone(loginPage);
    if (loggedIn) {
        auth->loggedIn = sclone(loggedIn);
        Create routes without auth for the loginPage, loginService and logoutService
    if ((route = httpCreateInheritedRoute(parent)) != 0) {
        if (sstarts(loginPage, "https:///")) {
            loginPage = &loginPage[8];
            secure = 1;
        httpSetRoutePattern(route, loginPage, 0);
        route->auth->type = 0;
        if (secure) {
            httpAddRouteCondition(route, "secure", 0, 0);
    if (loginService && *loginService) {
        if (sstarts(loginService, "https:///")) {
            loginService = &loginService[8];
            secure = 1;
        route = httpCreateActionRoute(parent, loginService, loginServiceProc);
        httpSetRouteMethods(route, "POST");
        route->auth->type = 0;
        if (secure) {
            httpAddRouteCondition(route, "secure", 0, 0);
    if (logoutService && *logoutService) {
        if (sstarts(logoutService, "https://")) {
            logoutService = &logoutService[8];
            secure = 1;
        httpSetRouteMethods(route, "POST");
        route = httpCreateActionRoute(parent, logoutService, logoutServiceProc);
        route->auth->type = 0;
        if (secure) {
            httpAddRouteCondition(route, "secure", 0, 0);
Exemple #2
    function WebSocket(uri: Uri, protocols = null, options)

    options = {
        certificate: Path,
        verify: Boolean,
static EjsWebSocket *wsConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsWebSocket *ws, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    EjsAny      *certificate;
    bool        verify;

    assert(ejsIsPot(ejs, ws));

    ws->ejs = ejs;
    verify = 0;

    ws->uri = httpUriToString(((EjsUri*) argv[0])->uri, 0);
    if (argc >= 2) {
        if (ejsIs(ejs, argv[1], Array)) {
            ws->protocols = sclone((ejsToString(ejs, argv[1]))->value);
        } else if (ejsIs(ejs, argv[1], String)) {
            ws->protocols = sclone(((EjsString*) argv[1])->value);
        } else {
            ws->protocols = sclone("chat");
    } else {
        ws->protocols = sclone("chat");
    if (*ws->protocols == '\0') {
        ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Bad protocol");
        return 0;
    if (argc >= 3) {
        ws->frames = ejsGetPropertyByName(ejs, argv[2], EN("frames")) == ESV(true);
        verify = ejsGetPropertyByName(ejs, argv[2], EN("verify")) == ESV(true);
        if ((certificate = ejsGetPropertyByName(ejs, argv[2], EN("certificate"))) != 0) {
            ws->certFile = ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]);
    if ((ws->conn = httpCreateConn(MPR->httpService, NULL, ejs->dispatcher)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    httpSetAsync(ws->conn, 1);
    httpPrepClientConn(ws->conn, 0);
    httpSetConnNotifier(ws->conn, webSocketNotify);
    httpSetWebSocketProtocols(ws->conn, ws->protocols);
    httpSetConnContext(ws->conn, ws);
    if (sstarts(ws->uri, "wss")) {
        ws->ssl = mprCreateSsl(0);
        mprVerifySslIssuer(ws->ssl, verify);
        mprVerifySslPeer(ws->ssl, verify);
        if (!hp->caFile) {
            //MOB - Some define for this.
            hp->caFile = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "http-ca.crt");
        mprSetSslCaFile(hp->ssl, hp->caFile);
        mprSetSslCaFile(hp->ssl, mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "http-ca.crt"));
    startWebSocketRequest(ejs, ws);
    return ws;
Exemple #3
    Get a printable version of a buffer. Return a pointer to the start of printable data.
    This will use the tx or rx mime type if possible.
    Skips UTF encoding prefixes
PUBLIC cchar *httpMakePrintable(HttpTrace *trace, HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *buf, ssize *lenp)
    cchar   *start, *cp, *digits;
    char    *data, *dp;
    ssize   len;
    int     i;

    if (conn) {
        if (smatch(event, "rx.body")) {
            if (sstarts(mprLookupMime(0, conn->rx->mimeType), "text/")) {
                return buf;
        } else if (smatch(event, "tx.body")) {
            if (sstarts(mprLookupMime(0, conn->tx->mimeType), "text/")) {
                return buf;
    start = buf;
    len = *lenp;
    if (len > 3 && start[0] == (char) 0xef && start[1] == (char) 0xbb && start[2] == (char) 0xbf) {
        /* Step over UTF encoding */
        start += 3;
        *lenp -= 3;
    len = min(len, trace->maxContent);

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (!isprint((uchar) start[i]) && start[i] != '\n' && start[i] != '\r' && start[i] != '\t') {
            data = mprAlloc(len * 3 + ((len / 16) + 1) + 1);
            digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
            for (i = 0, cp = start, dp = data; cp < &start[len]; cp++) {
                *dp++ = digits[(*cp >> 4) & 0x0f];
                *dp++ = digits[*cp & 0x0f];
                *dp++ = ' ';
                if ((++i % 16) == 0) {
                    *dp++ = '\n';
            *dp++ = '\n';
            *dp = '\0';
            start = data;
            *lenp = dp - start;
Exemple #4
PUBLIC int maSetPlatform(cchar *platformPath)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    MprDirEntry     *dp;
    cchar           *platform, *dir, *junk, *appwebExe;
    int             next, i, notrace;

    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    notrace = !platformPath;
    if (!platformPath) {
        platformPath = appweb->localPlatform;
    appweb->platform = appweb->platformDir = 0;
    platform = mprGetPathBase(platformPath);

    if (mprPathExists(platformPath, X_OK) && mprIsPathDir(platformPath)) {
        appweb->platform = platform;
        appweb->platformDir = sclone(platformPath);

    } else if (smatch(platform, appweb->localPlatform)) {
            If running inside an appweb source tree, locate the platform directory 
        appwebExe = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "appweb" BIT_EXE);
        if (mprPathExists(appwebExe, R_OK)) {
            appweb->platform = appweb->localPlatform;
            appweb->platformDir = mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir());

        } else {
                Check installed appweb
            appwebExe = BIT_VAPP_PREFIX "/bin/appweb" BIT_EXE;
            if (mprPathExists(appwebExe, R_OK)) {
                appweb->platform = appweb->localPlatform;
                appweb->platformDir = sclone(BIT_VAPP_PREFIX);
        Last chance. Search up the tree for a similar platform directory.
        This permits specifying a partial platform like "vxworks" without architecture and profile.
    if (!appweb->platformDir) {
        dir = mprGetCurrentPath();
        for (i = 0; !mprSamePath(dir, "/") && i < 64; i++) {
            for (ITERATE_ITEMS(mprGetPathFiles(dir, 0), dp, next)) {
                if (dp->isDir && sstarts(mprGetPathBase(dp->name), platform)) {
                    appweb->platform = mprGetPathBase(dp->name);
                    appweb->platformDir = mprJoinPath(dir, dp->name);
            dir = mprGetPathParent(dir);
Exemple #5
    Common controller run for every action invoked
    This tests if the user is logged in and authenticated.
    Access to certain pages are permitted without authentication so the user can login
static void commonController(HttpConn *conn)
    cchar   *uri;

    if (!httpLoggedIn(conn)) {
        uri = getUri();
        if (sstarts(uri, "/public/") || smatch(uri, "/user/login") || smatch(uri, "/user/logout")) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied. Login required");
Exemple #6
PUBLIC cchar *espGetConfig(HttpRoute *route, cchar *key, cchar *defaultValue)
    cchar       *value;

    if (sstarts(key, "app.")) {
        mprLog("warn esp", 0, "Using legacy \"app\" configuration property");
    if ((value = mprGetJson(route->config, key)) != 0) {
        return value;
    return defaultValue;
Exemple #7
static int blendEnv(MprCmd *cmd, cchar **env, int flags)
    cchar       **ep, *prior;
    int         next;

    cmd->env = 0;

    if ((cmd->env = mprCreateList(128, MPR_LIST_STATIC_VALUES | MPR_LIST_STABLE)) == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_MEMORY;
        Add prior environment to the list
    if (!(flags & MPR_CMD_EXACT_ENV)) {
        for (ep = (cchar**) environ; ep && *ep; ep++) {
            if (sstarts(*ep, "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=")) {
            mprAddItem(cmd->env, *ep);
        Add new env keys. Detect and overwrite duplicates
    for (ep = env; ep && *ep; ep++) {
        prior = 0;
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(cmd->env, prior, next)) {
            if (matchEnvKey(*ep, prior)) {
                mprSetItem(cmd->env, next - 1, *ep);
        if (prior == 0) {
            mprAddItem(cmd->env, *ep);
        Windows requires a caseless sort with two trailing nulls
    mprSortList(cmd->env, (MprSortProc) sortEnv, 0);
    mprAddItem(cmd->env, NULL);
    return 0;
Exemple #8
static HttpRoute *createLoginRoute(HttpRoute *route, cchar *pattern, HttpAction action)
    bool    secure;

    secure = 0;
    if (sstarts(pattern, "https:///")) {
        pattern = &pattern[8];
        secure = 1;
    } else if (sstarts(pattern, "http:///")) {
        pattern = &pattern[7];
    if ((route = httpCreateInheritedRoute(route)) != 0) {
        httpSetRoutePattern(route, sjoin("^", pattern, "$", NULL), 0);
        if (secure) {
            httpAddRouteCondition(route, "secure", "https://", HTTP_ROUTE_REDIRECT);
        if (action) {
            route->handler = route->http->actionHandler;
            httpDefineAction(pattern, action);
    return route;
Exemple #9
    Common base run for every request.
static void commonBase(HttpStream *stream)
    cchar   *uri;

    if (!httpIsAuthenticated(stream)) {
            Access to certain pages are permitted without authentication so the user can login and logout.
        uri = getUri();
        if (sstarts(uri, "/public/") || smatch(uri, "/user/login") || smatch(uri, "/user/logout")) {
        feedback("error", "Access Denied. Login required.");
Exemple #10
   Append a header. If already defined, the value is catenated to the pre-existing value after a ", " separator.
   As per the HTTP/1.1 spec. Except for Set-Cookie which HTTP permits multiple headers but not of the same cookie. Ugh!
PUBLIC void httpAppendHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...)
    va_list     vargs;
    MprKey      *kp;
    char        *value;
    cchar       *cookie;

    if (!conn->tx) {
    assert(key && *key);
    assert(fmt && *fmt);

    va_start(vargs, fmt);
    value = sfmtv(fmt, vargs);

        HTTP permits Set-Cookie to have multiple cookies. Other headers must comma separate multiple values.
        For Set-Cookie, must allow duplicates but not of the same cookie.
    kp = mprLookupKeyEntry(conn->tx->headers, key);
    if (kp) {
        if (scaselessmatch(key, "Set-Cookie")) {
            cookie = stok(sclone(value), "=", NULL);
            while (kp) {
                if (scaselessmatch(kp->key, "Set-Cookie")) {
                    if (sstarts(kp->data, cookie)) {
                        kp->data = value;
                kp = kp->next;
            if (!kp) {
                mprAddDuplicateKey(conn->tx->headers, key, value);
        } else {
            addHdr(conn, key, sfmt("%s, %s", kp->data, value));
    } else {
        addHdr(conn, key, value);
Exemple #11
static void errorRedirect(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri)
    HttpTx      *tx;

        If the response has started or it is an external redirect ... do a redirect
    tx = conn->tx;
    if (sstarts(uri, "http") || tx->flags & HTTP_TX_HEADERS_CREATED) {
        httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, uri);
    } else {
            No response started and it is an internal redirect, so we can rerun the request.
            Set finalized to "cap" any output. processCompletion() in rx.c will rerun the request using the errorDocument.
        tx->errorDocument = uri;
        tx->finalized = tx->finalizedOutput = tx->finalizedConnector = 1;
    Start the user's default browser
static int runBrowser(char *page)
    STARTUPINFO         startInfo;
    char                cmdBuf[ME_MAX_BUFFER];
    char                *path;
    char                *pathArg;
    int                 port;

    port = getAppwebPort();
    if (port < 0) {
        mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot get Appweb listening port");
        return -1;
    path = getBrowserPath(ME_MAX_BUFFER);
    if (path == 0) {
        mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot get browser startup command");
        return -1;
    pathArg = strstr(path, "\"%1\"");
    if (*page == '/') {
    if (sstarts(page, "http")) {
        fmt(cmdBuf, ME_MAX_BUFFER, "%s %s", path, page);
    } else if (pathArg == 0) {
        fmt(cmdBuf, ME_MAX_BUFFER, "%s http://localhost:%d/%s", path, port, page);
    } else {
        *pathArg = '\0';
        fmt(cmdBuf, ME_MAX_BUFFER, "%s \"http://localhost:%d/%s\"", path, port, page);
    mprLog("appweb monitor", 4, "Running %s\n", cmdBuf);
    memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo));
    startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo);

    if (! CreateProcess(0, cmdBuf, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, &startInfo, &procInfo)) {
        mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot create process: %s, %d", cmdBuf, mprGetOsError());
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #13
    Limited expansion of route names. Support ~ and ${app} at the start of the route name
static cchar *expandRouteName(HttpConn *conn, cchar *routeName)
    HttpRoute   *route;

    route = conn->rx->route;
    if (routeName[0] == '~') {
        return sjoin(httpGetRouteTop(conn), &routeName[1], NULL);
    if (sstarts(routeName, "${app}")) {
        return sjoin(httpGetRouteTop(conn), &routeName[6], NULL);
    //  DEPRECATED in version 6
    if (routeName[0] == '|') {
        assert(routeName[0] != '|');
        return sjoin(route->prefix, &routeName[1], NULL);
    return routeName;
Exemple #14
    Internal convenience: Used for incoming and outgoing packets.
PUBLIC bool httpTraceBody(HttpConn *conn, bool outgoing, HttpPacket *packet, ssize len)
    cchar   *event, *type;

    if (!conn) {
        return 0;
    if (len < 0) {
        len = httpGetPacketLength(packet);
    if (outgoing) {
        if (conn->endpoint) {
            type = "body";
            event = "tx.body.data";
        } else {
            if (sstarts(conn->tx->mimeType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
                type = "form";
                event = "tx.body.form";
            } else {
                type = "body";
                event = "tx.body.data";
    } else {
        if (conn->endpoint) {
            if (conn->rx->form) {
                type = "form";
                event = "rx.body.form";
            } else {
                type = "body";
                event = "rx.body.data";
        } else {
            type = "body";
            event = "rx.body.data";
    return httpTracePacket(conn, event, type, packet, "length: %zd", len);
Exemple #15
static void testRelPath(MprTestGroup *gp)
    char    *path, *absPath;
    path = mprGetRelPath("Makefile", 0);
    assert(strcmp(path, "Makefile") == 0);
    path = mprNormalizePath("../a.b");
    assert(strcmp(path, "../a.b") == 0);

    path = mprGetRelPath("/", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath("//", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath("/tmp", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);

    path = mprGetRelPath("/Unknown/someone/junk", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath("/Users/mob/junk", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath("/Users/mob/././../mob/junk", 0);
    assert(strncmp(path, "../", 3) == 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath(".", 0);
    assert(strcmp(path, ".") == 0);

    path = mprGetRelPath("..", 0);
    assert(strcmp(path, "..") == 0);

    path = mprGetRelPath("/Users/mob/github/admin", 0);
    assert(sstarts(path, ".."));

    path = mprGetRelPath("/Users/mob/git", 0);
    path = mprGetRelPath("/Users/mob/git/mpr/test", 0);
    /* Can't really test the result of this */

    absPath = mprGetAbsPath("Makefile");
    path = mprGetRelPath(absPath, 0);
    assert(strcmp(path, "Makefile") == 0);

    //  MOB - problem in that we don't know the cwd when testMpr runs
    //  Test relative to an origin

    out = mprGetAbsPath("../../out");
    cwd = mprGetCurrentPath();
    assert(smatch(mprGetRelPath(cwd, out), "../src/test"));