Exemple #1
int main() {
	Stack *pila1;
	pila1 = stack_create();
	stack_data(pila1)[0] = 2;
	stack_data(pila1)[1] = 8;
	stack_data(pila1)[2] = 14;
	stack_back(pila1) = 2;

	pila1 = stack_push(pila1,4);

	pila1 = stack_pop(pila1);

	int i;
	for(i = 0; i<=stack_back(pila1) && stack_back(pila1) != stack_maxstack(pila1) ; i++)
				stack_data(pila)[i] = 3;

	pila1 = stack_reverse(pila1);


 extracted_ptree_iterator(const extracted_ptree& extracted_ptree,
                          const pqrs::string::replacement& replacement,
                          const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt) :
   stack_size_(extracted_ptree.stack_.size() + 1)
   if (! pt.empty()) {
     extracted_ptree_.stack_.push(stack_data(pt, replacement));
    void extract_include_(void) const {
      if (ended_()) return;

      const auto& xml_compiler = extracted_ptree_.xml_compiler_;

      auto& top = extracted_ptree_.stack_.top();
      const auto& it = *(top.it);

      if (it.first != "include") return;

      // ----------------------------------------
      // replacement
      std::tr1::shared_ptr<pqrs::string::replacement> replacement_ptr(new pqrs::string::replacement);
      if (! it.second.empty()) {
        replacement_loader loader(xml_compiler, *replacement_ptr);
        loader.traverse(extracted_ptree(extracted_ptree_, top.parent_replacement, it.second));

      auto end = replacement_ptr->end();
      for (const auto& i : top.parent_replacement) {
        if (replacement_ptr->find(i.first) == end) {
          (*replacement_ptr)[i.first] = i.second;

      // ----------------------------------------
      std::string xml_file_path;
        auto path = it.second.get_optional<std::string>("<xmlattr>.path");
        if (path) {
          if (extracted_ptree_.included_files_.empty()) {
            throw xml_compiler_logic_error("included_files_.empty() in extracted_ptree_iterator::extract_include_.");
          xml_file_path = xml_compiler.make_file_path(pqrs::file_path::dirname(extracted_ptree_.included_files_.back()),

      if (! xml_file_path.empty()) {
        for (const auto& i : extracted_ptree_.included_files_) {
          if (i == xml_file_path) {
            xml_compiler.error_information_.set("An infinite include loop is detected:\n" + xml_file_path);

        ptree_ptr pt_ptr;

        if (pt_ptr) {
          // Skip <include> next time.
          // Do not call collapse_ here.
          // (Keep included_files_ to detect an infinite include loop.)

          if (! pt_ptr->empty()) {
            auto root_node = pt_ptr->begin();
            const auto& root_children = root_node->second;
            if (! root_children.empty()) {
              extracted_ptree_.stack_.push(stack_data(pt_ptr, replacement_ptr, root_children));

StackValueCollection* interpretedVFrame::expressions() const {
  return stack_data(true);
StackValueCollection* interpretedVFrame::locals() const {
  return stack_data(false);
// This test is disable because it is for generating test data.
TEST(libbacktrace, DISABLED_generate_offline_testdata) {
  // Create a thread to generate the needed stack and registers information.
  const size_t stack_size = 16 * 1024;
  void* stack = mmap(NULL, stack_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
  uintptr_t stack_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack);
  pthread_attr_t attr;
  ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_attr_init(&attr));
  ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_attr_setstack(&attr, reinterpret_cast<void*>(stack), stack_size));
  pthread_t thread;
  OfflineThreadArg arg;
  arg.exit_flag = 0;
  ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&thread, &attr, OfflineThreadFunc, &arg));
  // Wait for the offline thread to generate the stack and unw_context information.
  // Copy the stack information.
  std::vector<uint8_t> stack_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(stack),
                                  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(stack) + stack_size);
  arg.exit_flag = 1;
  ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_join(thread, nullptr));
  ASSERT_EQ(0, munmap(stack, stack_size));

  std::unique_ptr<BacktraceMap> map(BacktraceMap::Create(getpid()));
  ASSERT_TRUE(map != nullptr);

  backtrace_stackinfo_t stack_info;
  stack_info.start = stack_addr;
  stack_info.end = stack_addr + stack_size;
  stack_info.data = stack_data.data();

  // Generate offline testdata.
  std::string testdata;
  // 1. Dump pid, tid
  testdata += android::base::StringPrintf("pid: %d tid: %d\n", getpid(), arg.tid);
  // 2. Dump maps
  for (auto it = map->begin(); it != map->end(); ++it) {
    testdata += android::base::StringPrintf(
        "map: start: %" PRIxPTR " end: %" PRIxPTR " offset: %" PRIxPTR " load_bias: %" PRIxPTR
        " flags: %d name: %s\n",
        it->start, it->end, it->offset, it->load_bias, it->flags, it->name.c_str());
  // 3. Dump registers
  testdata += android::base::StringPrintf("registers: %zu ", sizeof(arg.unw_context));
  testdata += RawDataToHexString(&arg.unw_context, sizeof(arg.unw_context));

  // 4. Dump stack
  testdata += android::base::StringPrintf(
      "stack: start: %" PRIx64 " end: %" PRIx64 " size: %zu ",
      stack_info.start, stack_info.end, stack_data.size());
  testdata += RawDataToHexString(stack_data.data(), stack_data.size());

  // 5. Dump function symbols
  std::vector<FunctionSymbol> function_symbols = GetFunctionSymbols();
  for (const auto& symbol : function_symbols) {
    testdata += android::base::StringPrintf(
        "function: start: %" PRIxPTR " end: %" PRIxPTR" name: %s\n",
        symbol.start, symbol.end, symbol.name.c_str());

  ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile(testdata, "offline_testdata"));