int kick_user( struct user_info *userinfo ) { int id, ind; struct user_info uin; struct userec kuinfo; char kickuser[40], buffer[40]; if (uinfo.mode != LUSERS && uinfo.mode != OFFLINE && uinfo.mode != FRIEND) { modify_user_mode(ADMIN); stand_title("踢使用者下站"); move(1, 0); usercomplete("输入使用者帐号: ", kickuser); if (*kickuser == '\0') { clear(); return 0; } if (!(id = getuser(kickuser))) { move(3, 0); prints("无效的用户 ID!"); clrtoeol(); pressreturn(); clear(); return 0; } move(1, 0); clrtoeol(); sprintf(genbuf,"踢掉使用者 : [%s].", kickuser); move(2, 0); if (askyn(genbuf, NA, NA) == NA) { move(2, 0); prints("取消踢使用者..\n"); pressreturn(); clear(); return 0; } search_record(PASSFILE, &kuinfo, sizeof(kuinfo), cmpuids, kickuser); ind = search_ulist(&uin, t_cmpuids, id); } else { uin = *userinfo; strcpy(kickuser, uin.userid); ind = YEA; } if (!ind||!||( && kill(, 0)==-1)) { if(uinfo.mode!=LUSERS&&uinfo.mode!=OFFLINE&&uinfo.mode!=FRIEND) { move(3, 0); prints("用户 [%s] 不在线上",kickuser); clrtoeol(); pressreturn(); clear(); } return 0; } kill(, SIGHUP); //sprintf(buffer, "kicked %s", kickuser); //report(buffer); if(strcmp(currentuser.userid , kickuser)) { char secu[STRLEN]; sprintf(secu, "将用户[%s]踢下站", kickuser); securityreport(secu); } sprintf(genbuf, "%s (%s)", kuinfo.userid, kuinfo.username); log_usies("KICK ", genbuf); move(2, 0); if(uinfo.mode!=LUSERS&&uinfo.mode!=OFFLINE&&uinfo.mode!=FRIEND) { prints("用户 [%s] 已经被踢下站.\n",kickuser); pressreturn(); clear(); } return 1; }
int mainNum(int fighting /* Thor.990317: 對戰模式 */) { Num myNumber; char buf[80]; int money; /* 倍率 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 */ float bet[11]={0,100, 50, 10, 3 ,1.5,1.2,0.9, 0.8 ,0.5,0.1}; /* initialize variables */ #if 1 if(!hisList) hisList = (His *)malloc(sizeof(His)); /* pseudo */ if(!numSet) numSet = (char *)malloc(10*9*8*7*sizeof(char)); #endif hisNum = 0; numNum = 10*9*8*7; memset(numSet, 0, numNum*sizeof(char)); srand(time(NULL)); /* Thor.990317:對戰模式 */ stand_title(fighting ? "猜數字大戰" :"傻瓜猜數字"); /* clear(); */ do{ move(0,0); prints("您身上還有 [1;44;33m%d[m 元",cuser.silvermoney); getdata(1, 0, "要押注多少錢(1 - 250000)? ", buf, 7, DOECHO,0); money=atoi(buf); if(!buf[0])return; if(check_money(money,SILVER)) return; }while((money<1)||(money>250000)); /* Thor.990221: 有人反應離不開 */ if(answer("想好您的數字了嗎?[y/N]")!='y') { pressanykey("不玩了啊? 下次再來哦! ^_^"); return 0; } if(fighting) ord2Num(rand() % numNum, myNumber); /* Thor.990317:對戰模式 */ demoney(money); /* while there is possibility */ for(;;) { Num myGuess, yourGuess; int youA,youB, myA, myB; if(fighting) /* Thor.990317:對戰模式 */ { int i , a , b; char tmp[50]; do{ getdata(b_lines-3, 0, "您猜我的數字是[????]:", tmp, 5, DOECHO,0); /* Thor.990317: 為簡化, 不作checking */ if(!tmp[0]) goto abort_game; if(tmp[0] == '!' && HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) pressanykey("%d%d%d%d",myNumber[0],myNumber[1],myNumber[2],myNumber[3]); for (a=0;a<3;a++) for (b=a+1;b<4;b++) if(tmp[a]==tmp[b]) tmp[0]=0; if(!tmp[0]) { pressanykey("輸入數字有問題!!"); } }while (!tmp[0]); for(i=0;i<4;i++) yourGuess[i] = tmp[i] - '0'; AB(myNumber,yourGuess, &myA, &myB); move(b_lines-2,0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines-2,0); prints("我說 \033[1m%dA%dB \033[m", myA, myB); if(myA==4) { int m = money ,e = ba ; /* you win */ #if 1 game_log(NumFight,"猜了%d次,贏了%d元,EXP %d 點" , hisNum,(int)bet[hisNum]*money,(int)bet[hisNum]*ba); #endif if(hisNum > 10) hisNum = 10; m *= bet[hisNum]; e *= bet[hisNum]; inmoney(m); // inexp(e); // pressanykey("您贏了! 好崇拜 ^O^,獎金 %d 元,經驗值 %d 點!",m,e); pressanykey("您贏了! 好崇拜 ^O^,獎金 %d 元!",m); return 0; } } /* pickup a candidate number */ for(;;) { int i; /* pickup by random */ if(numNum<=0) goto foolme; i = rand() % numNum; i = getth(i, numSet); /* i-th ordering num */ numSet[i] = 1; numNum--; /* filtered out */ ord2Num(i, myGuess); /* convert ordering num to Num */ /* check history */ if(matchHis(myGuess)) break; } /* show the picked number */ move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(b_lines - 1, 0); prints("我猜您的數字是 \033[1;37m%d%d%d%d\033[m",myGuess[0], myGuess[1], myGuess[2], myGuess[3]); /* get ?A?B */ for(;;) { char buf[5]; /* get response */ getdata(b_lines, 0, "您的回答[?A?B]:", buf, 5, DOECHO,0); if(!buf[0]) { abort_game: /* abort */ pressanykey("不玩了啊? 下次再來哦! ^_^"); #if 1 game_log(NumFight,"猜了%d次,不想玩了!", hisNum); #endif return 0; } if(isdigit(buf[0]) && (buf[1]|0x20) == 'a' &&isdigit(buf[2]) && (buf[3]|0x20) == 'b' ) { youA = buf[0] - '0'; youB = buf[2] - '0'; /* check legimate */ if(youA >= 0 && youA <=4 && youB >=0 && youB <= 4 && youA + youB <= 4) { /* if 4A, end the game */ if(youA == 4) { int m=money,e=ba; #if 1 game_log(NumFight,"猜了%d次,輸給電腦!", hisNum); #endif /* I win */ if(hisNum > 10) hisNum = 10; m *= bet[10 - hisNum]*0.1; e *= bet[10 - hisNum]; // pressanykey("我贏了! 厲害吧 ^O^,賠你 %d 元,得到 %d 點經驗值",m,e); pressanykey("我贏了! 厲息a ^O^,賠你 %d 元!",m); inmoney(m); // inexp(e); return 0; } else break; } } /* err A B */ outmsg("輸入格式有誤"); } /* put in history */ hisNum ++; hisList = (His *) realloc(hisList, hisNum * sizeof(His)); /* assume must succeeded */ memcpy(hisList[hisNum - 1].n, myGuess, sizeof(Num)); hisList[hisNum - 1].A=youA; hisList[hisNum - 1].B=youB; move(2+hisNum,0); if(fighting) /* Thor.990317: 對戰模式 */ prints("第 \033[1;37m%d\033[m 次, 你猜 \033[1;36m%d%d%d%d\033[m, 我說 \033[1;33m%dA%dB\033[m; 我猜 \033[1;33m%d%d%d%d\033[m, 你說 \033[1;36m%dA%dB\033[m", hisNum, yourGuess[0], yourGuess[1], yourGuess[2], yourGuess[3], myA, myB, myGuess[0], myGuess[1], myGuess[2], myGuess[3], youA, youB); else prints("第 \033[1;37m%d\033[m 次, 我猜 \033[1;33m%d%d%d%d\033[m, 你說 \033[1;36m%dA%dB\033[m", hisNum, myGuess[0], myGuess[1], myGuess[2], myGuess[3], youA, youB); } foolme: /* there is no posibility, show "you fool me" */ pressanykey("你騙我! 不跟你玩了 ~~~>_<~~~"); #if 1 game_log(NumFight,"猜了%d次,耍電腦,被趕出去!", hisNum); #endif return 0; }
int scan_register_form(char* regfile) { static char *field[] = {"usernum", "userid", "realname", "dept", "addr", "phone", "regip", NULL }; static char *finfo[] = {"帐号位置", "申请帐号", "真实姓名", "学校系级", "目前住址", "连络电话", "注册ip ", NULL }; static char *reason[] = {"请确实填写真实姓名(不可使用拼音).", "请详填学校院系与年级 (注明系和年级或者工作单位和工作部门).", "请填写完整的住址资料 (完整详细,能够通信).", "请详填连络电话 (固定电话需填写区号).", "请勿穿梭注册.", "请如实详细填写注册申请表.", "请用中文填写申请表.", "同一个用户注册了过多ID.", NULL }; struct userec uinfo; FILE *fn, *fout, *freg; char fdata[7][STRLEN]; char fname[STRLEN], buf[STRLEN]; char ans[5], *ptr, *uid; int n, unum; uid = currentuser.userid; char numofreason[2];//tdhlshx for refuse. int total; int iis; int realnumofrea[8];//add end stand_title("依序设定所有新注册资料"); sprintf(fname, "%s.tmp", regfile); move(2, 0); if (dashf(fname)) { move(1, 0); prints("其他 SYSOP 正在查看注册申请单, 请检查使用者状态.\n"); getdata(2, 0, "你确定没有其他 SYSOP 在审核注册单吗 ? [y/N]: ", ans, 2, DOECHO, YEA); if (ans[0] == 'Y' || ans[0] == 'y') f_cp(fname, regfile, O_APPEND); else { pressreturn(); return -1; } } rename(regfile, fname); if ((fn = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { move(2, 0);//请管理员输入未通过原因: prints("系统错误, 无法读取注册资料档: %s\n", fname); pressreturn(); return -1; } memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) != NULL) { if ((ptr = (char *) strstr(genbuf, ": ")) != NULL) { *ptr = '\0'; for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) { if (strcmp(genbuf, field[n]) == 0) { strcpy(fdata[n], ptr + 2); if ((ptr = (char *) strchr(fdata[n], '\n')) != NULL) *ptr = '\0'; } } } else if ((unum = getuser(fdata[1])) == 0) { move(2, 0); clrtobot(); prints("系统错误, 查无此帐号.\n\n"); for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s : %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); pressreturn(); memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); } else { memcpy(&uinfo, &lookupuser, sizeof(uinfo)); move(1, 0); prints("帐号位置 : %d\n", unum); disply_userinfo(&uinfo); move(15, 0); printdash(NULL); for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s : %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); if (uinfo.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { move(t_lines - 1, 0); prints("此帐号不需再填写注册单.\n"); igetkey(); ans[0] = 'D'; } else { getdata(t_lines - 1, 0, "是否接受此资料 (Y/N/Q/Del/Skip)? [S]: ", ans, 3, DOECHO, YEA); } move(1, 0); clrtobot(); switch (ans[0]) { case 'D': case 'd': break; case 'Y': case 'y': prints("以下使用者资料已经更新:\n"); n = strlen(fdata[5]); if (n + strlen(fdata[3]) > 60) { if (n > 40) fdata[5][n = 40] = '\0'; fdata[3][60 - n] = '\0'; } strncpy(uinfo.realname, fdata[2], NAMELEN); strncpy(uinfo.address, fdata[4], NAMELEN); sprintf(genbuf, "%s$%s@%s", fdata[3], fdata[5], uid); genbuf[STRLEN - 16] = '\0'; strncpy(uinfo.reginfo, genbuf, STRLEN - 17); #ifdef ALLOWGAME = 1000; #endif uinfo.lastjustify = time(0); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); sethomefile(buf, uinfo.userid, "register"); if (dashf(buf)) { sethomefile(genbuf, uinfo.userid, "register.old"); rename(buf, genbuf); } if ((fout = fopen(buf, "w")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(fout, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); n = time(NULL); getdatestring(n,NA); fprintf(fout, "Date: %s\n", datestring); fprintf(fout, "Approved: %s\n", uid); fclose(fout); } mail_file("etc/s_fill", uinfo.userid, "恭禧你,你已经完成注册。"); mail_file("etc/fornewcomers",uinfo.userid,"欢迎加入 [33m"BBSNAME"[m 大家庭");//tdhlshx 新手FAQ信件 sethomefile(buf, uinfo.userid, "mailcheck"); unlink(buf); sprintf(genbuf, "让 %s 通过身份确认.", uinfo.userid); securityreport4(genbuf); break; case 'Q': case 'q': if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) != NULL) fputs(genbuf, freg); fclose(freg); } break; case 'N': case 'n': for(total=0; total<8; total++) realnumofrea[total]=0; for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%s: %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); printdash(NULL); move(9, 0); prints("请依次输入退回申请表原因的序号并回车确认,直接回车结束.\n\n"); // prints("请选择/输入退回申请表原因, 按 <enter> 取消.\n\n"); for (n = 0; reason[n] != NULL; n++) prints("%d) %s\n", n, reason[n]); getdata(12+n,0,"退回原因:",numofreason,2,DOECHO,YEA); // getdata(12 + n, 0, "退回原因: ", buf, 60, DOECHO, YEA); if(numofreason[0]!='\0'&&numofreason[0]>='0'&&numofreason[0]<='7') { total=atoi(numofreason); realnumofrea[total]=1; move(14+n,0); prints("您已经选择的理由有:\n%d ",total); } while(numofreason[0]!='\0') { getdata(12+n,0,"退回原因:",numofreason,2,DOECHO,YEA); if(numofreason[0]>='0'&&numofreason[0]<='7') { total=atoi(numofreason); if(realnumofrea[total]==0) realnumofrea[total]=1; else realnumofrea[total]=0; move(14+n,0); clrtobot(); prints("您已经选择的理由有:\n"); for(iis=0; iis<8; iis++) { if(realnumofrea[iis]==1) prints("%d ",iis); } } } system("cp /home/bbs/etc/f_fill /home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); char FL[STRLEN]; sprintf(FL,"/home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); FILE * fail=fopen(FL,"a"); if(fail==NULL) { prints("Error,创建临时文件错误.请与系统维护联系或再次尝试!"); pressanykey(); return -1; } { fprintf(fail,"\n\n您被拒绝注册的原因大概如下:\n"); for(total=0; total<8; total++) { if(realnumofrea[total]==1) { strcpy(buf,reason[total]); fprintf(fail,"\n%s",buf); } } sprintf(genbuf,"很抱歉的告诉您,您这次注册失败.:("); strncpy(uinfo.address, genbuf, NAMELEN); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); fclose(fail); mail_file(FL,uinfo.userid, uinfo.address); system("rm -f /home/bbs/tmp/fletter"); } break; /*if (buf[0] != '\0') { if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] < '0' + n) { strcpy(buf, reason[buf[0] - '0']); } sprintf(genbuf, "<注册失败> - %s", buf); strncpy(uinfo.address, genbuf, NAMELEN); substitute_record(PASSFILE, &uinfo, sizeof(uinfo), unum); mail_file("etc/f_fill", uinfo.userid, uinfo.address);*/ /* user_display( &uinfo, 1 ); */ /* pressreturn(); */ /* break; } move(10, 0); clrtobot(); prints("取消退回此注册申请表.\n");*/ /* run default -- put back to regfile */ default: if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a")) != NULL) { for (n = 0; field[n] != NULL; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); fclose(freg); } } memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); } } fclose(fn); unlink(fname); return (0); }