Exemple #1
void TrackMouseEffect::mouseChanged( const QPoint&, const QPoint&, Qt::MouseButtons,
    Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::KeyboardModifiers )
    if( modifiers == ( Qt::CTRL | Qt::META ))
        if( !active )
            if( texture == NULL )
            if( texture == NULL )
            active = true;
            angle = 0;
        for( int i = 0;
             i < STARS;
             ++i )
            effects->addRepaint( starRect( i ));
        if( active )
            for( int i = 0;
                 i < STARS;
                 ++i )
                effects->addRepaint( starRect( i ));
            active = false;
Exemple #2
void TrackMouseEffect::postPaintScreen()
    if( active )
        for( int i = 0;
             i < STARS;
             ++i )
            effects->addRepaint( starRect( i ));
void LocationCompleterDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;
    initStyleOption(&opt, index);

    const QWidget* w = opt.widget;
    const QStyle* style = w ? w->style() : QApplication::style();

    const int height = opt.rect.height();
    const int center = height / 2 + opt.rect.top();

    // Prepare title font
    QFont titleFont = opt.font;
    titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 1);

    const QFontMetrics titleMetrics(titleFont);

    int leftPosition = m_padding * 2;
    int rightPosition = opt.rect.right() - m_padding;

    opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;

    if (m_view->hoveredIndex() == index) {
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
    else {
        opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = QPalette::Link;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Link;

    // Draw background
    style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, w);

    // Draw icon
    const int iconSize = 16;
    const int iconYPos = center - (iconSize / 2);
    QRect iconRect(leftPosition, iconYPos, iconSize, iconSize);
    QPixmap pixmap = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(iconSize);
    painter->drawPixmap(iconRect, pixmap);
    leftPosition = iconRect.right() + m_padding * 2;

    // Draw star to bookmark items
    int starPixmapWidth = 0;
    if (index.data(LocationCompleterModel::BookmarkRole).toBool()) {
        const QIcon icon = IconProvider::instance()->bookmarkIcon();
        const QSize starSize(16, 16);
        starPixmapWidth = starSize.width();
        QPoint pos(rightPosition - starPixmapWidth, center - starSize.height() / 2);
        QRect starRect(pos, starSize);
        painter->drawPixmap(starRect, icon.pixmap(starSize));

    const QString searchText = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::SearchStringRole).toString();

    // Draw title
    const int leftTitleEdge = leftPosition + 2;
    // RTL Support: remove conflicting of right-aligned text and starpixmap!
    const int rightTitleEdge = rightPosition - m_padding - starPixmapWidth;
    QRect titleRect(leftTitleEdge, opt.rect.top() + m_padding, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, titleMetrics.height());
    QString title = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TitleRole).toString();

    viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, titleRect, title, colorRole, searchText);

    // Draw link
    const int infoYPos = titleRect.bottom() + opt.fontMetrics.leading() + 2;
    QRect linkRect(titleRect.x(), infoYPos, titleRect.width(), opt.fontMetrics.height());
    const QByteArray linkArray = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toByteArray();

    // Let's assume that more than 500 characters won't fit in line on any display...
    // Fixes performance when trying to get elidedText for a really long
    // (length() > 1000000) urls - data: urls can get that long

    QString link;
    if (!linkArray.startsWith("data") && !linkArray.startsWith("javascript")) {
        link = QString::fromUtf8(QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(linkArray)).left(500);
    else {
        link = QString::fromLatin1(linkArray.left(500));


    // Draw url (or switch to tab)
    int tabPos = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TabPositionTabRole).toInt();

    if (drawSwitchToTab() && tabPos != -1) {
        const QIcon tabIcon = QIcon(QSL(":icons/menu/tab.png"));
        QRect iconRect(linkRect);
        iconRect.setWidth(m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        tabIcon.paint(painter, iconRect);

        QRect textRect(linkRect);
        textRect.setX(textRect.x() + m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, textRect, LocationCompleterView::tr("Switch to tab"), colorLinkRole);
    else {
        viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, linkRect, link, colorLinkRole, searchText);

    // Draw line at the very bottom of item if the item is not highlighted
    if (!(opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
        QRect lineRect(opt.rect.left(), opt.rect.bottom(), opt.rect.width(), 1);
        painter->fillRect(lineRect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::AlternateBase));
void LocationCompleterDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;
    initStyleOption(&opt, index);

    const QWidget* w = opt.widget;
    const QStyle* style = w ? w->style() : QApplication::style();

    const int height = opt.rect.height();
    const int center = height / 2 + opt.rect.top();

    // Prepare title font
    QFont titleFont = opt.font;
    titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 1);

    const QFontMetrics titleMetrics(titleFont);

    int leftPosition = m_padding * 2;
    int rightPosition = opt.rect.right() - m_padding;

    opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;

    if (m_view->hoveredIndex() == index) {
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
    else {
        opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = QPalette::Link;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Link;

    // Draw background
    style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, w);

    // Draw icon
    const int iconSize = 16;
    const int iconYPos = center - (iconSize / 2);
    QRect iconRect(leftPosition, iconYPos, iconSize, iconSize);
    QPixmap pixmap = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(iconSize);
    painter->drawPixmap(iconRect, pixmap);
    leftPosition = iconRect.right() + m_padding * 2;

    // Draw star to bookmark items
    int starPixmapWidth = 0;
    if (index.data(LocationCompleterModel::BookmarkRole).toBool()) {
        const QPixmap starPixmap = qIconProvider->bookmarkIcon();
        QSize starSize = starPixmap.size();
        starPixmapWidth = starSize.width();
        QPoint pos(rightPosition - starPixmapWidth, opt.rect.top() + m_padding);
        QRect starRect(pos, starSize);
        painter->drawPixmap(starRect, starPixmap);

    const QString &searchText = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::SearchStringRole).toString();

    // Draw title
    const int leftTitleEdge = leftPosition + 2;
    // RTL Support: remove conflicting of right-aligned text and starpixmap!
    const int rightTitleEdge = rightPosition - m_padding - starPixmapWidth;
    QRect titleRect(leftTitleEdge, opt.rect.top() + m_padding, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, titleMetrics.height());
    QString title(titleMetrics.elidedText(index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TitleRole).toString(), Qt::ElideRight, titleRect.width()));

    drawHighlightedTextLine(titleRect, title, searchText, painter, style, opt, colorRole);

    // Draw link
    const int infoYPos = titleRect.bottom() + opt.fontMetrics.leading() + 2;
    QRect linkRect(titleRect.x(), infoYPos, titleRect.width(), opt.fontMetrics.height());
    QString link(opt.fontMetrics.elidedText(index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(), Qt::ElideRight, linkRect.width()));
    TabPosition pos = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TabPositionRole).value<TabPosition>();
    if (m_drawSwitchToTab && pos.windowIndex != -1) {
        const QIcon tabIcon = QIcon(":icons/menu/tab.png");
        QRect iconRect(linkRect);
        iconRect.setWidth(m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        tabIcon.paint(painter, iconRect);

        QRect textRect(linkRect);
        textRect.setX(textRect.x() + m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        drawTextLine(textRect, LocationCompleterView::tr("Switch to tab"), painter, style, opt, colorLinkRole);
    else {
        drawHighlightedTextLine(linkRect, link, searchText, painter, style, opt, colorLinkRole);

    // Draw line at the very bottom of item if the item is not highlighted
    if (!(opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
        QRect lineRect(opt.rect.left(), opt.rect.bottom(), opt.rect.width(), 1);
        painter->fillRect(lineRect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::AlternateBase));