Exemple #1
double Param2FunctionInt::isolateDegPar(int dir, int deg_edge, 
					double threshold)
    // Specify boundary parameters
    int  deg = (deg_edge == 3) ? 1 : deg_edge;
    int bd_idx = 2*dir + deg - 1;
    double bd_par = (deg == 1) ? startParam(dir) : endParam(dir);
    if (deg == 0 || deg_tol_ < 0 || !bd_deg_[bd_idx])
	return bd_par;  // No degeneracy

    // Compute the end parameter of the domain corresponding to a 
    // piece of the surface of size fac*epsge from the degenerate edge
    double fac = 10.0;
    int nsample = 5;
    double param[2], delta;
    int ki;

    param[dir] = bd_par;
    param[1-dir] = startParam(1-dir);
    delta = (endParam(1-dir) - param[1-dir])/(double)(nsample-1);

    Point der[2];
    double length;
    double delta_par = 0.0;
    for (ki=0; ki<nsample; ki++, param[1-dir] += delta)
	derivs(param[0], param[1], der[0], der[1]);
	length = der[dir].length();
	delta_par = std::max(delta_par, fac*deg_tol_/length);

    return (deg == 1) ? bd_par + delta_par : bd_par - delta_par;
Exemple #2
void Param2FunctionInt::getLengthAndWiggle(double *length, double *wiggle)
    int nsample_u = 5; // We sample in a nsample*nsample grid.
    int nsample_v = 5;
    int ki, kj;
    double tl1 = 0.0, tw1 = 0.0, tl2 = 0.0, tw2 = 0.0;
    Point pt, vec1_1, vec1_2, vec2_1, vec2_2;
    double umin = startParam(0);
    double ustep = (endParam(0) - umin)/(nsample_u - 1);
    double vmin = startParam(1);
    double vstep = (endParam(1) - vmin)/(nsample_v - 1);
    vector<Point> pts; // We store our sampled pts in a vector for
                       // easy access.  We look upon the function as
                       // embedded in 3D: (u, v, f(u, v)).
    for (ki = 0; ki < nsample_v; ++ki) {
	double vpar = vmin + ki*vstep;
	for (kj = 0; kj < nsample_u; ++kj) {
	    double upar = umin + kj*ustep;
	    surf_->point(pt, upar, vpar);
	    pts.push_back(Point(upar, vpar, pt[0]));

    // We then compute the total dist and wiggle in both parameter directions.
    for (ki = 0; ki < nsample_u; ++ki) {
	for (kj = 0; kj < nsample_v; ++kj) {
	    if (ki < nsample_u - 1) {
		tl1 += pts[kj*nsample_u+ki].dist(pts[kj*nsample_u+ki+1]);
		if (ki > 0) {
		    vec1_1 = pts[kj*nsample_u+ki] - pts[kj*nsample_u+ki-1];
		    vec1_2 = pts[kj*nsample_u+ki+1] - pts[kj*nsample_u+ki];
		    if (vec1_1.length2() != 0.0 && vec1_2.length2() != 0.0)
			tw1 += vec1_1.angle(vec1_2);
	    if (kj < nsample_v - 1) {
		tl2 += pts[kj*nsample_u+ki].dist(pts[(kj+1)*nsample_u+ki]);
		if (kj > 0) {
		    vec2_1 = pts[kj*nsample_u+ki] - pts[(kj-1)*nsample_u+ki];
		    vec2_2 = pts[(kj+1)*nsample_u+ki] - pts[kj*nsample_u+ki];
		    if (vec2_1.length2() != 0.0 && vec2_2.length2() != 0.0)
			tw2 += vec2_1.angle(vec2_2);

    // To minimize dependency on # samples we divide by nsample (in case
    // function is used as a measure of sf characteristic).
    length[0] = tl1/nsample_v;
    wiggle[0] = tw1/nsample_v;
    length[1] = tl2/nsample_u;
    wiggle[1] = tw2/nsample_u;
Exemple #3
QgarAppDescr::startElement(const std::string& uri,
			   const std::string& localName,
			   const std::string& qName,
			   const Attributes& atts)
  // Check if document is really an application description

  if ((_parseData->firstElt) && (localName != "application"))
      throw QgarErrorUser(__FILE__, __LINE__,
			  "void qgar::startElement(const std::string&, const std::string&,const std::string&, const qgxml::Attributes&)",
			  "Invalid document type.");
      _parseData->firstElt = false;

  // Reset buffer

  _parseData->buffer = "";

  // Redirect action on the function matching the tag.

  if (localName == ELT_PARAM)
Exemple #4
vector<double> ParamCurveInt::getCriticalVals(int pardir) const
  // Some values might be more critical than others (according to the
  // priority in segment_). Other might not be really critical. Should
  // all values be returned?
  // What about sorting? According to priority? According to the distance
  // from the middle of this curve? At least it exists more information
  // valuable for sorting here than in the Intersectors.

  // @@@ VSK. For the time being I sort according to priorites, but not
  // accoring to the parameter. I return all values.

  vector<double> vals;
  if (segment_.size() > 0)
      // Sort the segment array.
      vector<pair<double, int> > segment_copy = segment_;
      std::sort(segment_copy.begin(), segment_copy.end(), compare_prio);

      int ki;
      for (ki=0; ki<int(segment_copy.size()); ki++)
  // The seem of a periodic curve is also a critical parameter
  int per = checkPeriodicity(pardir);
  if (per >= 1)
      vals.insert(vals.begin(), startParam(pardir));

  return vals;
Exemple #5
void Param2FunctionInt::assureInRange(int pardir, double& t)
  double tmin = startParam(pardir);
  double tmax = endParam(pardir);
  if (t < tmin)
    t = tmin;
  else if (t > tmax)
    t = tmax;
Exemple #6
void ParamCurveInt::axisFromEndpts(Point& axis) const
    double start = startParam(0);
    double end = endParam(0);
    Point pt1, pt2;
    point(pt1, &start);
    point(pt2, &end);
    axis = pt2 - pt1;
Exemple #7
bool ParamCurveInt::boundaryPoint(const double* par, double tol) const
  ASSERT(par != NULL);

  double d1 = fabs(*par - startParam(0));
  double d2 = fabs(*par - endParam(0));

  return min(d1, d2) < tol;
Exemple #8
double Param2FunctionInt::
nextSegmentVal(int pardir, double par, bool forward) const
    // No inner knots expected to exist.
    if (forward) {
	return endParam(pardir);
    } else {
	return startParam(pardir);
Exemple #9
int Param2FunctionInt::
knotIntervalFuzzy(int pardir, double& t, double tol) const
  double tmin = startParam(pardir);
  double tmax = endParam(pardir);
  if (t < tmin || fabs(t-tmin)<tol) {
    t = tmin;
    return 0;
  else if (t > tmax || fabs(t-tmax)<tol) {
    t = tmax;
    return 1;
    return 0;

Exemple #10
vector<double> SplineCurveInt::getCriticalValsAndKnots(int pardir) const 
    vector<double> critical = getCriticalVals(pardir);
    vector<double> knots = getInnerKnotVals(pardir, false);
    vector<double> vals;
    double ta = startParam(pardir);
    double tb = endParam(pardir);
    int ki, kj;
    for (ki=0, kj=0; ;)
	if (ki >= int(critical.size()) && kj >= int(knots.size()))
	else if (ki >= int(critical.size()))
	    if (knots[kj] > vals[vals.size()-1])
	else if (kj >= int(knots.size()))
	    if (critical[ki] > vals[vals.size()-1])
	else if (critical[ki] < knots[kj])
	    if (critical[ki] > vals[vals.size()-1])
	    if (critical[ki] > vals[vals.size()-1])
    if (tb > vals[vals.size()-1])

    return vals;
Exemple #11
void ParamCurveInt::setCriticalVal(int pardir, double par) 
    if (segment_.size() == 0 || par > segment_[segment_.size()-1].first)
	double prev = startParam(0);
	for (int ki=0; ki<(int)(segment_.size()); ki++)
	    if (prev < par && par < segment_[ki].first)
		segment_.insert(segment_.begin()+ki, make_pair(par,1));
	    prev = segment_[ki].first;
Exemple #12
bool Param2FunctionInt::canDivide(int pardir)
    // Flatness should be handled by sortParameterDirections() in intersector.
//     // @@sbr Stop dividing if almost (tol-equal) flat?
//     // Maybe more corresponding to shouldDivide() ... ?
//     bool is_deg = isDegenerate(deg_tol_, pardir);
//     if (is_deg)
// 	return false;

    // This test must check whether the parameter interval of the surf
    // is long enough and probably also some other critera
    // @@@ VSK, for the time being ...
    double ta = startParam(pardir);
    double tb = endParam(pardir);
    double tc = 0.5*(ta+tb);

    double rel_par_res = 1e-10; // = epsge_->getRelParRes();
    if (min(fabs(tc-ta), fabs(tb-tc)) < rel_par_res)
	return false;
	return true;
Exemple #13
void Param2FunctionInt::
subdivide(int pardir, double par,
	  vector<shared_ptr<ParamFunctionInt> >& subdiv_objs,
	  vector<shared_ptr<ParamFunctionInt> >& bd_objs)
  double start = startParam(pardir);
  double end = endParam(pardir);

  int other_pardir = (pardir == 1) ? 0 : 1;
  double other_start = startParam(other_pardir);
  double other_end = endParam(other_pardir);

  shared_ptr<SplineSurface> spline_sf =
      dynamic_pointer_cast<SplineSurface, ParamSurface>(surf_);
  ASSERT(spline_sf.get() != 0); // @@sbr Does not cope well with a
				// trimmed sf ...

  // Perform subdivision
  // @@@ VSK, This calls should be made more effective, but can do for
  // the time being
  shared_ptr<ParamSurface> sf1, sf2;
  // @@sbr But what if sf is trimmed ...
  double fuzzy_tol = DEFAULT_PARAMETER_EPSILON; //1e-08;
  try {
      if (pardir == 1) {
	  sf1 = shared_ptr<ParamSurface>(spline_sf->
					 subSurface(other_start, start,
						    other_end, par,
	  sf2 = shared_ptr<ParamSurface>(spline_sf->
					 subSurface(other_start, par,
						    other_end, end,
      } else {
	  sf1 = shared_ptr<ParamSurface>(spline_sf->
					 subSurface(start, other_start,
						    par, other_end,
	  sf2 = shared_ptr<ParamSurface>(spline_sf->
					 subSurface(par, other_start,
						    end, other_end,
  } catch (...) {
      THROW("Failed extracting subsurface!");
  DEBUG_ERROR_IF(sf1.get()==0 || sf2.get()==0, "Error in subdivide");

  // Get the subdivision curve
  // pardir == 1 => par is a v-par.
  int bdidx = (pardir == 0) ? 3 : 1; // @@sbr Is this correct?
  int sub_pardir;
  double sub_tpar;
  shared_ptr<SplineSurface> spline_sf1 =
      dynamic_pointer_cast<SplineSurface, ParamSurface>(sf1);
  shared_ptr<ParamCurve> subsf_cv(extractBdCurve(*spline_sf1, bdidx,
						 sub_pardir, sub_tpar));
  // Make intersection objects
		    (new Spline1FunctionInt(subsf_cv, this))); // @@sbr
							       // Instead
							       // of
							       // Param1F...