__declspec(dllexport) int DllRegisterServerEx(LPCSTR fileName) { VS("DllRegisterServerEx from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (gPythoncom == 0) startUp(); return Pyc_DllRegisterServerEx(fileName); }
Boolean FreducedFoldNode::walk(void){ switch(entryPoint){ case firstVertex: if(v==ZERO)nodeErr(4); if(v->Qideal())nodeErr(11); startUp(); foldThisVertex(v->bv); entryPoint=nextVertex; //control flows directly to nextVertex case nextVertex:{ // if we find a vertex that isn't dead, we // fold it. It is the responsibility of the // folding routine to set the vertex ID to IDnotInStack // when it is done. Ptr DEREF; GLref ref; while(TRUE){ childVertices->Pop(ref); if(isNull(ref)){ return finish(); } v->bv=ref; if(!v->isDead()) break; } entryPoint=firstVertex; func=FGLwalkNode::vertexFunc; return TRUE; } default: nodeErr(6); } nodeErr(8); }
void snake::getInput() { //Checking if key is pressed if (_kbhit()) { //Checking which character is pressed switch (_getch()) { case 'a': direction = gameInput::LEFT; // 'a' will be left break; case 'd': direction = gameInput::RIGHT; // 'd' will be right break; case 'w': direction = gameInput::UP; // 'w' will be up break; case 's': direction = gameInput::DOWN; // 's' will be down break; case 'x': startUp(); // 'x' will exit the game break; default: break; } } }
Boolean FrTreeNode::walk(void){ switch(entryPoint){ case firstVertex: if(v==ZERO)nodeErr(4); if(v->Qideal())nodeErr(11); startUp(); virginVertex(v->bv); entryPoint=nextVertex; case nextVertex: return(processVertex()); case firstEdge: // Create the first admissible edge, if it exists. // if there is no admissible edge, control flows to nextVertex v->e=0; entryPoint=nextEdge; // control flows to next case case nextEdge: if(((FrTree*)v)->eNext()){ v->V(); virginVertex(v->cv); return(TRUE); } else{ entryPoint=nextVertex; return(TRUE); } default: nodeErr(6); } nodeErr(8); }
int main(void) { init(); startUp(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) LEEnabel(i); while (1) { fireMode = getFireMode(); newMagSize = getMag(); //save the Mag size if(newMagSize == -1) { newMag = 0; //Mag-slot empty ammoCounter = -1; } if(((newMag == 0) & !(newMagSize == -1))) //Mag-slot not empty anymore { ammoCounter = newMagSize; newMag = 1; } if(adcOn == 0) display(ammoCounter); if(adcOn == 1) { volt |= (ADCL); volt |= (ADCH << 8); volt = volt *15; volt = volt /1023; display(volt); } displaySpeed(speed, motorOn); setSpeed(speed, motorOn); } }
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer() { int rc, pyrc; if (gPythoncom == 0) startUp(); PI_PyEval_AcquireThread(thisthread); rc = callSimpleEntryPoint("DllUnregisterServer", &pyrc); PI_PyEval_ReleaseThread(thisthread); return rc==0 ? pyrc : SELFREG_E_CLASS; }
void CClientRegister::setRhoconnectCredentials(const String& user, const String& pass, const String& session) { LOG(INFO) + "New Sync credentials - user: "******", sess: " + session; setState(stRegister); notifyLoggedIn(user,pass,session); startUp(); }
/** * Main. * * Initialises SDL and launches game. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; // Early platform init #ifdef PSP pspDebugScreenInit(); atexit(sceKernelExitGame); sceIoChdir("ms0:/PSP/GAME/OpenJazz"); #elif defined(WII) fatInitDefault(); Wii_SetConsole(); #endif // Initialise SDL if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { logError("Could not start SDL", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } // Load configuration and establish a window try { startUp(argc, argv); } catch (int e) { SDL_Quit(); return -1; } // Play the opening cutscene, run the main menu, etc. ret = play(); // Save configuration and shut down shutDown(); SDL_Quit(); return ret; }
//__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall DllGetClassObject(void *rclsid, void *riid, void *ppv) HRESULT __stdcall DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { HRESULT rc; VS("DllGetClassObject from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (gPythoncom == 0) startUp(); rc = Pyc_DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv); VS("DllGetClassObject set %x and returned %x", *ppv, rc); return rc; }
void CClientRegister::setDevicehPin(const String& pin) { m_strDevicePin = pin; if (pin.length() > 0) { startUp(); } else { doStop(); } }
void CWsShellLogon::ConstructL(RFs &) { CActiveScheduler::Add(this); TPtrC shellCmd; _LIT(KWSERVIniFileVarShellCmd,"SHELLCMD"); WsIniFile->FindVar(KWSERVIniFileVarShellCmd,shellCmd); _LIT(KWSERVShellName,"SHELL"); TPtrC startUp(KWSERVShellName); _LIT(KWSERVIniFileVarStartUp,"STARTUP"); WsIniFile->FindVar(KWSERVIniFileVarStartUp,startUp); TParse fileName; _LIT(KWSERVArmShellLocationPattern,"Z:\\sys\\bin\\.EXE"); User::LeaveIfError(fileName.SetNoWild(startUp,&KWSERVArmShellLocationPattern,NULL)); #if defined(__WINS__) TInt err=iShellProcess.Create(fileName.FullName(),shellCmd); if (err == KErrNone) { Request(); iShellProcess.Resume(); } else { // Try loading the matching DLL name instead? _LIT(KWSERVShellExtension,"Z:.DLL"); User::LeaveIfError(fileName.Set(KWSERVShellExtension,&startUp,NULL)); User::LeaveIfError(iLib.Load(fileName.FullName())); ShellEntryPoint libFunc=(ShellEntryPoint)iLib.Lookup(1); if (!libFunc) User::Leave(KErrGeneral); TBuf<256> name; TInt num=0; TInt ret=KErrNone; do { _LIT(KWSERVWinsShellInstanceName,"Shell%d"); name.Format(KWSERVWinsShellInstanceName,num++); ret=iShellThread.Create(name,libFunc,KDefaultStackSize,&shellCmd,&iLib,NULL,KHeapSize,KMaxHeapSize,EOwnerProcess); } while(ret==KErrAlreadyExists); User::LeaveIfError(ret); Request(); iShellThread.Resume(); } #else // not __WINS__ User::LeaveIfError(iShell.Create(fileName.FullName(),shellCmd)); Request(); iShell.Resume(); #endif return; }
void CClientRegister::dropRhoconnectCredentials(const String& session,const String& clientID) { LOG(INFO) + "Dropping credentials - sess: " + session; setState(stUnregister); m_unregisterSession = session; m_unregisterClientID = clientID; notifyLoggedOut(session); startUp(); }
void game::play ( ) { startUp (); while (m_gameaction != gameaction::Exit) { m_rw.clear (sf::Color::Green); prepareData (); prepareScreenElements (); draw (m_ses, m_rw); m_rw.display (); handleEvents (); } shutDown (); }
//__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall DllCanUnloadNow(void) //__declspec(dllexport) //STDAPI HRESULT __stdcall DllCanUnloadNow(void) { HRESULT rc; VS("DllCanUnloadNow from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (gPythoncom == 0) startUp(); rc = Pyc_DllCanUnloadNow(); VS("DllCanUnloadNow returns %x", rc); //if (rc == S_OK) // PyCom_CoUninitialize(); return rc; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HFragmentVector ImplFragmentor::fragment( HAlignment & ali, const HAlignandum & row, const HAlignandum & col) { startUp(ali, row, col ); performFragmentation( ali, row, col ); cleanUp( ali, row, col ); return mFragments; }
Q_DECL_EXPORT Controller::Controller(int argc, char *argv[], QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { //qInstallMessageHandler(customMessageHandler); app = new QApplication(argc, argv); qmlviewer = new QQuickView(); setScreenControllers(); setQmlProperties(); startUp(); setMainWindow(); qmlRegisterType<FileIO, 1>("FileIO", 1, 0, "FileIO"); screenSettings->setAudioDevices(settings->m_inputDevice.m_name, settings->m_outputDevice.m_name); }
// timer callback int EventHandler::handle_timeout(const ACE_Time_Value &, const void *arg) { switch ((const int)arg) { case STARTUP: startUp(); break; case WATCHDOG: watchdogCancel(); break; default: throw Miro::Exception("mcpEventHandler: Unknown timeout type."); } return 0; }
bool ExtraRfbServers::reload(bool asService, RfbClientManager *mgr) { Log::detail(_T("Considering to reload extra RFB servers")); Conf newConf; getConfiguration(&newConf); bool noConfigChanges = newConf.equals(&m_effectiveConf); bool enoughServers = (newConf.extraPorts.count() == m_servers.size()); Log::detail(_T("Same Extra Ports configuration = %d, enough servers = %d"), (int)noConfigChanges, (int)enoughServers); if (noConfigChanges && enoughServers) { return true; } Log::message(_T("Need to reconfigure extra RFB servers")); shutDown(); return startUp(asService, mgr); }
void TestSuite::run(TestOutput& output) { mOutput = &output; startUp(); for (auto& testEntry : mTests) { mActiveTestName = testEntry.name; (this->*(testEntry.test))(); } for (auto& suite : mSuites) { suite->run(output); } shutDown(); }
ManagerGui::ManagerGui(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::ManagerGui) { ui->setupUi(this); //Tables init: //Those lines adapt the vertical headers within the content leaving users resize capabilities. ui->sentTable->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); ui->notSentTable->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); //Window init: this->centerWindow(); setWindowTitle(tr("OpenGooDebugSenderTool Manager")); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/res/images/res/icon.png")); startUp(); //TODO: Check for new updates downloading the xml file with solved uuid. }
void MainWindow::verifyCredentialsFinished(const QTweetUser& userinfo) { qDebug() << "Verify Credential succesfull"; QTweetAccountVerifyCredentials *tweetVerifyCredentials = qobject_cast<QTweetAccountVerifyCredentials*>(sender()); if (tweetVerifyCredentials) { QSettings settings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "QTwitdget", "QTwitdget"); settings.setValue("oauth_token", m_oauthTwitter->oauthToken()); settings.setValue("oauth_token_secret", m_oauthTwitter->oauthTokenSecret()); settings.setValue("user_id", userinfo.id()); settings.setValue("user_screenname", userinfo.screenName()); m_userId = userinfo.id(); m_userScreenName = userinfo.screenName(); emit userScreenNameChanged(); tweetVerifyCredentials->deleteLater(); startUp(); } }
bool ExtraRfbServers::reload(bool asService, RfbClientManager *mgr) { m_log->detail(_T("Considering to reload extra RFB servers")); Conf newConf; getConfiguration(&newConf); bool noConfigChanges = newConf.equals(&m_effectiveConf); bool enoughServers = (newConf.extraPorts.count() == m_servers.size()); m_log->detail(_T("Same Extra Ports configuration = %d, enough servers = %d"), (int)noConfigChanges, (int)enoughServers); if (noConfigChanges && enoughServers) { return true; // no work needed, no errors encountered } // Either configuration was actually changed, or our number of actually // running servers does not match the configuration. In either case, // restart the servers. m_log->message(_T("Need to reconfigure extra RFB servers")); shutDown(); return startUp(asService, mgr); }
int main() { //Call start up function startUp(); //Create image processor //imageProcessor processor = imageProcessor(); //Init the processing of images //processor.init(); //Create solver and cube objects rCube rcube1 = rCube(); solver solver1 = solver(); rcube1.printCube(); //Apply random solver to the cube solver1.randomSolver(rcube1); renderCube(rcube1); return 0; }
int main() { if(!startUp()) { std::cout << "\n\tGame failed to start!\n\n"; } else { bool quit = false; SDL_Event userEvent; // initialize character EDIT: as this exists now, it's just a test rendering. character sophia; sophia.setTexurePath("./rsc/img/character/SophiaBig.png"); sophia.load_texture(gScreen, sophia.getTexturePath()); while(!quit) { while(SDL_PollEvent(&userEvent) != 0) { if(userEvent.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = true; } } SDL_RenderClear(gScreen); sophia.draw(gScreen); // This is where we would call the getScene() function *Ref: TODO #2* SDL_RenderPresent(gScreen); } } close(); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplTreetorDistance::calculateTree( HTree & tree, const HMultipleAlignment & mali ) const { debug_func_cerr( 5 ); startUp( tree, mali ); DistanceMatrixSize swap_temp; // for swapping indices #define SWAP(x,y) { swap_temp = x; x = y; y = swap_temp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // start up DistanceMatrixSize width = mWorkMatrix->getWidth(); DistanceMatrixSize i; /* in this algorithm I assume that the matrix I use is only a half-matrix using the lower diagonal */ tree->setNumLeaves( width ); // allocate memory for tree mIndices = new Node[width]; /* allocate array to keep track of indices */ for (i = 0; i < width; i++) mIndices[i] = i; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform hierarchical clustering DistanceMatrixSize last_row = width - 1; /* shrink distance matrix, until it contains only a single cluster */ while (last_row > 0) { debug_cerr( 6, "Last row " << last_row ); debug_cerr( 6, "Work matrix " << endl << *mWorkMatrix ); // find minimum distance in matrix /* - -- --- ---- -x--- ------ ------- -------- */ calculateMinimumDistance(); DistanceMatrixSize min_row = mMinimumCoord.row; DistanceMatrixSize min_col = mMinimumCoord.col; debug_cerr( 5, "Joining nodes -> " << "minimum distance :" << mMinimumValue << " " << "node 1: " << mIndices[min_row] << " (" << min_row << ") " << "node 2: " << mIndices[min_col] << " (" << min_col << ") " ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // move rows around, so that the last two joined cluster are in the two last rows /* - - y- -- -y- --- -y-- -> ---- xOxx- ----- -y--x- ------ -y--x-- xxxxxxx -y--x--- yyyyyyyy */ DistanceMatrixSize second_row = last_row - 1; // second to last row // exchange row with last row mWorkMatrix->swap( min_row, last_row); SWAP( mIndices[min_row], mIndices[last_row]); swapHelpers( min_row, last_row); // exchange col with second to last row mWorkMatrix->swap( min_col, second_row); SWAP( mIndices[min_col], mIndices[second_row]); swapHelpers( min_col, second_row); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // join the two nodes in the tree giving the correct edge weights Node new_node = joinNodes( tree, second_row, last_row ); debug_cerr( 6, "-> new node " << new_node ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // calculate distance to new cluster and put them in second to last row updateDistanceMatrix( tree, second_row, last_row); /* delete last row, update mIndices, so that the last row now contains the number of the new cluster id */ /* - - -- -- --- --- ---- -> ---- ----- ----- ------ ------ xxxxxxx xxxxxxx yyyyyyyy */ mWorkMatrix->shrink(); mIndices[last_row - 1] = new_node; last_row = mWorkMatrix->getWidth() - 1; } delete [] mIndices; cleanUp(); // cleans up mWorkMatrix }
void SCollision::update(Map * world, float frameTime) { EntityManager * entM = world->getEntityManager(); // if entity manager has changed, ( happens when switching worlds ), cache new entity manager's entities who have hitboxes if( this->entM != entM ) startUp( entM ); auto deletedlist = entM->getDeletedEntities(); auto newlist = entM->getNewEntities(); PPosition * pos1, * pos2; PBoundingBox * hitbox1, * hitbox2; PImage * img1, * img2; // query entity manager for newly created entities and // update system's vectors with new entities if new entities exist acknowledgeInserts( newlist, entM ); for(size_t cache_index = 0; cache_index < pboxes.size(); cache_index++) { pos1 = pposes[cache_index]; hitbox1 = pboxes[cache_index]; img1 = images[cache_index]; // clear this entity of the previous pass's colliding entities. if ( cache_index == 0 ) hitbox1->collidingEntities.clear(); // if this entity was marked for deletion... if( removeDelEnt( deletedlist, hitbox1->entity_id, cache_index ) ) { // continue on to next entity cache_index--; continue; } for( size_t cache_index_inner = cache_index+1; cache_index_inner < pboxes.size(); cache_index_inner++ ) { pos2 = pposes[cache_index_inner]; hitbox2 = pboxes[cache_index_inner]; img2 = images[cache_index_inner]; if ( cache_index == 0 ) hitbox2->collidingEntities.clear(); // if this entity was marked for deletion... if( removeDelEnt( deletedlist, hitbox2->entity_id, cache_index_inner ) ) { // continue on to next entity cache_index_inner--; continue; } if(hitbox1->active && hitbox2->active) { if(collisionOccurring(entM, pos1, hitbox1, pos2, hitbox2)) { hitbox1->collidingEntities.push_back(hitbox2->entity_id); hitbox2->collidingEntities.push_back(hitbox1->entity_id); // notify scripts of collision event LuaDoa::fireEventMulti(ON_COLLIDE, hitbox1->entity_id, hitbox2->entity_id); LuaDoa::fireEventMulti(ON_COLLIDE, hitbox2->entity_id, hitbox1->entity_id); } } } } // acknowledge the deletions so that the entity manager may remove marked entities from store for(auto it = deletedlist.begin(); it != deletedlist.end(); it++) { if(!entM->acknowledgedDelete[this->sys_id][(*it)]) entM->acknowledgeDelete(this->sys_id, (*it)); } }
__declspec(dllexport) int DllUnregisterServerEx(LPCSTR fileName) { if (gPythoncom == 0) startUp(); return Pyc_DllUnregisterServerEx(fileName); }
Boolean FTTdriverNode::walk(void){ // the following code is identical to that of FGLwalkNode::walk(). // We need to repeat it here so that FTTdriverNode overriding // subroutines virginVertex and processEdge will be called // // Is there a more elegant solution that doesn't require // code replication? switch(entryPoint){ case firstVertex: if(v==ZERO)nodeErr(4); if(v->Qideal())nodeErr(11); // OUTPUT DISPLAY //@rn tout <= "*** pass " <= pTree->passNumber <=" ***" <= "\n"; //@rn ask me if I care // END OUTPUT DISPLAY startUp(); virginVertex(v->bv); entryPoint=nextVertex; case nextVertex: return(processVertex()); case firstEdge:{ // Process the first edge, if there is one. // if there is no defined edge, control flows to GLnextVertex Ptr DEREF=v&v->bv; GLref startRef; v->xGetPacketRef(startRef,GLr,DEREF); v-v->bv; if(isNull(startRef)){ entryPoint=nextVertex; // no real link return(TRUE); } // start search for first edge at the very beginning GLref entryPacketRef; v->xsetToFirstPacket(entryPacketRef,startRef); if(itsStepper->firstEdge(entryPacketRef)){ // first edge detected GLref ref; v->xEdgeEntryToOwner(ref,itsStepper->refDatum); v->cv=ref; entryPoint=nextEdge; return(processEdge()); } else{ // real link has no edges entryPoint=nextVertex; return(TRUE); } } case nextEdge:{ if(itsStepper->nextEdge()){ // next edge detected GLref ref; v->xEdgeEntryToOwner(ref,itsStepper->refDatum); v->cv=ref; entryPoint=nextEdge; return(processEdge()); } else{ // real link has no more edges entryPoint=nextVertex; return(TRUE); } } default: nodeErr(6); } nodeErr(8); }
Boolean FcloneNode::walk(void){ switch(entryPoint){ case firstVertex: if(v==ZERO)nodeErr(4); if(v->Qideal())nodeErr(11); startUp(); virginCloneVertex(v->bv,vClone->bv); entryPoint=nextVertex; //control flows directly to GLrun case nextVertex: return(processVertex()); case firstEdge:{ // Process the first edge, if there is one. // if there is no defined edge, control flows to GLnextVertex Ptr DEREF=v&v->bv; GLref startRef; v->xGetPacketRef(startRef,GLr,DEREF); v-v->bv; if(isNull(startRef)){ entryPoint=nextVertex; // no real link return(TRUE); } // start search for first edge at the very beginning GLref entryPacketRef; v->xsetToFirstPacket(entryPacketRef,startRef); if(itsStepper->firstEdge(entryPacketRef)){ // first edge detected GLref ref; v->xEdgeEntryToOwner(ref,itsStepper->refDatum); v->cv=ref; entryPoint=nextEdge; return(processEdge()); } else{ // real link has no edges entryPoint=nextVertex; return(TRUE); } } case nextEdge:{ if(itsStepper->nextEdge()){ // next edge detected GLref ref; v->xEdgeEntryToOwner(ref,itsStepper->refDatum); v->cv=ref; entryPoint=nextEdge; return(processEdge()); } else{ // real link has no more edges entryPoint=nextVertex; return(TRUE); } } default: nodeErr(6); } nodeErr(8); }
int GameManager::startUp() { return startUp(false, time(NULL)); }