// Returns the header length (including "\r\n"), or -1 if we have not received enough data yet.
// If the line is malformed or the status code is not a 3-digit number,
// statusCode and statusText will be set to -1 and a null string, respectively.
int WebSocketHandshake::readStatusLine(const char* header, size_t headerLength, int& statusCode, String& statusText)
    // Arbitrary size limit to prevent the server from sending an unbounded
    // amount of data with no newlines and forcing us to buffer it all.
    static const int maximumLength = 1024;

    statusCode = -1;
    statusText = String();

    const char* space1 = 0;
    const char* space2 = 0;
    const char* p;
    size_t consumedLength;

    for (p = header, consumedLength = 0; consumedLength < headerLength; p++, consumedLength++) {
        if (*p == ' ') {
            if (!space1)
                space1 = p;
            else if (!space2)
                space2 = p;
        } else if (*p == '\0') {
            // The caller isn't prepared to deal with null bytes in status
            // line. WebSockets specification doesn't prohibit this, but HTTP
            // does, so we'll just treat this as an error. 
            m_context->addMessage(JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, "Status line contains embedded null", 0, clientOrigin(), 0);
            return p + 1 - header;
        } else if (*p == '\n')
    if (consumedLength == headerLength)
        return -1; // We have not received '\n' yet.

    const char* end = p + 1;
    int lineLength = end - header;
    if (lineLength > maximumLength) {
        m_context->addMessage(JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, "Status line is too long", 0, clientOrigin(), 0);
        return maximumLength;

    // The line must end with "\r\n".
    if (lineLength < 2 || *(end - 2) != '\r') {
        m_context->addMessage(JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, "Status line does not end with CRLF", 0, clientOrigin(), 0);
        return lineLength;

    if (!space1 || !space2) {
        m_context->addMessage(JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, "No response code found: " + trimConsoleMessage(header, lineLength - 2), 0, clientOrigin(), 0);
        return lineLength;

    String statusCodeString(space1 + 1, space2 - space1 - 1);
    if (statusCodeString.length() != 3) // Status code must consist of three digits.
        return lineLength;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (statusCodeString[i] < '0' || statusCodeString[i] > '9') {
            m_context->addMessage(JSMessageSource, LogMessageType, ErrorMessageLevel, "Invalid status code: " + statusCodeString, 0, clientOrigin(), 0);
            return lineLength;

    bool ok = false;
    statusCode = statusCodeString.toInt(&ok);

    statusText = String(space2 + 1, end - space2 - 3); // Exclude "\r\n".
    return lineLength;
// Returns the header length (including "\r\n"), or -1 if we have not received enough data yet.
// If the line is malformed or the status code is not a 3-digit number,
// statusCode and statusText will be set to -1 and a null string, respectively.
int WebSocketHandshake::readStatusLine(const char* header, size_t headerLength, int& statusCode, String& statusText)
    // Arbitrary size limit to prevent the server from sending an unbounded
    // amount of data with no newlines and forcing us to buffer it all.
    static const int maximumLength = 1024;

    statusCode = -1;
    statusText = String();

    const char* space1 = nullptr;
    const char* space2 = nullptr;
    const char* p;
    size_t consumedLength;

    for (p = header, consumedLength = 0; consumedLength < headerLength; p++, consumedLength++) {
        if (*p == ' ') {
            if (!space1)
                space1 = p;
            else if (!space2)
                space2 = p;
        } else if (*p == '\0') {
            // The caller isn't prepared to deal with null bytes in status
            // line. WebSockets specification doesn't prohibit this, but HTTP
            // does, so we'll just treat this as an error.
            m_failureReason = ASCIILiteral("Status line contains embedded null");
            return p + 1 - header;
        } else if (!isASCII(*p)) {
            m_failureReason = ASCIILiteral("Status line contains non-ASCII character");
            return p + 1 - header;
        } else if (*p == '\n')
    if (consumedLength == headerLength)
        return -1; // We have not received '\n' yet.

    const char* end = p + 1;
    int lineLength = end - header;
    if (lineLength > maximumLength) {
        m_failureReason = ASCIILiteral("Status line is too long");
        return maximumLength;

    // The line must end with "\r\n".
    if (lineLength < 2 || *(end - 2) != '\r') {
        m_failureReason = ASCIILiteral("Status line does not end with CRLF");
        return lineLength;

    if (!space1 || !space2) {
        m_failureReason = makeString("No response code found: ", trimInputSample(header, lineLength - 2));
        return lineLength;

    StringView httpStatusLine(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(header), space1 - header);
    if (!headerHasValidHTTPVersion(httpStatusLine)) {
        m_failureReason = makeString("Invalid HTTP version string: ", httpStatusLine);
        return lineLength;

    StringView statusCodeString(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(space1 + 1), space2 - space1 - 1);
    if (statusCodeString.length() != 3) // Status code must consist of three digits.
        return lineLength;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (!isASCIIDigit(statusCodeString[i])) {
            m_failureReason = makeString("Invalid status code: ", statusCodeString);
            return lineLength;

    bool ok = false;
    statusCode = statusCodeString.toIntStrict(ok);

    statusText = String(space2 + 1, end - space2 - 3); // Exclude "\r\n".
    return lineLength;