Exemple #1
void MyProcess::SLOT_Stdout( Opie::Core::OProcess * , char * Buf, int len ) {
      if( EchoMode ) {
        write( 1, Buf, len );

      char * LB = (char *)alloca( len + 1 );
      memcpy( LB, Buf, len );
      LB[len] = '\0';

      // now input is zero terminated
      StdoutBuffer += LB;

      odebug << "Received " << len << " bytes on stdout" << oendl;
      // see if we have some lines (allow empty lines)
      QStringList SL = QStringList::split( "\n", StdoutBuffer, TRUE );

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < SL.count()-1; i ++ ) {
        Log(( "Stdout : \"%s\"\n", SL[i].latin1() ) );
        emit stdoutLine( SL[i] );

      // last line is rest
      StdoutBuffer = SL[ SL.count()-1 ];
Exemple #2
void K3b::VcdJob::vcdxBuild()
    emit newTask( i18n( "Creating image files" ) );

    m_stage = stageUnknown;
    firstTrack = true;
    delete m_process;
    m_process = new K3b::Process();
    m_process->setSplitStdout( true );

    emit infoMessage( i18n( "Creating Cue/Bin files..." ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
    const K3b::ExternalBin* bin = k3bcore ->externalBinManager() ->binObject( "vcdxbuild" );
    if ( !bin ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) could not find vcdxbuild executable";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not find %1 executable." , QString("vcdxbuild") ), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "To create Video CDs you have to install VcdImager version %1." ,QString( ">= 0.7.12") ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from http://www.vcdimager.org" ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        jobFinished( false );
        return ;

    if ( bin->version() < K3b::Version( "0.7.12" ) ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild executable too old!";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "%1 executable too old: need version %2 or greater." ,QString( "Vcdxbuild" ),QString( "0.7.12" )), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from http://www.vcdimager.org" ), K3b::Job::MessageInfo );
        jobFinished( false );
        return ;

    if ( !bin->copyright().isEmpty() )
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Using %1 %2 – Copyright © %3" , bin->name() , bin->version() ,bin->copyright() ), MessageInfo );

    *m_process << bin;

    // additional user parameters from config
    const QStringList& params = k3bcore->externalBinManager() ->program( "vcdxbuild" ) ->userParameters();
    for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
        *m_process << *it;

    if ( vcdDoc() ->vcdOptions() ->Sector2336() ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) Write 2336 Sectors = on";
        *m_process << "--sector-2336";

    *m_process << "--progress" << "--gui";

    *m_process << QString( "--cue-file=%1" ).arg( m_cueFile );

    *m_process << QString( "--bin-file=%1" ).arg( m_doc->vcdImage() );

    *m_process << d->xmlFile->fileName();

    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotParseVcdxBuildOutput(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
             this, SLOT(slotVcdxBuildFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) );

    // vcdxbuild commandline parameters
    qDebug() << "***** vcdxbuild parameters:";
    QString s = m_process->joinedArgs();
    qDebug() << s << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild command:", s );

    if ( !m_process->start( KProcess::MergedChannels ) ) {
        qDebug() << "(K3b::VcdJob) could not start vcdxbuild";
        emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not start %1." , QString("vcdxbuild") ), K3b::Job::MessageError );
        jobFinished( false );
Exemple #3
void K3b::IsoImager::startSizeCalculation()
    d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
    if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
        jobFinished( false );


    delete m_process;
    m_process = new K3b::Process( this );

    emit debuggingOutput( QLatin1String( "Used versions" ), QString::fromLatin1( "mkisofs: %1").arg(d->mkisofsBin->version()) );

    *m_process << d->mkisofsBin;

    if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
        !addMkisofsParameters(true) ) {
        jobFinished( false );

    // add empty dummy dir since one path-spec is needed
    // ??? Seems it is not needed after all. At least mkisofs 1.14 and above don't need it. ???
    //  *m_process << dummyDir();

    qDebug() << "***** mkisofs calculate size parameters:";
    QString s = m_process->joinedArgs();
    qDebug() << s << endl << flush;
    emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs calculate size command:", s);

    // since output changed during mkisofs version changes we grab both
    // stdout and stderr

    // mkisofs version >= 1.15 (don't know about 1.14!)
    // the extends on stdout (as lonely number)
    // and error and warning messages on stderr

    // mkisofs >= 1.13
    // everything is written to stderr
    // last line is: "Total extents scheduled to be written = XXXXX"

    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stdoutLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(QString)) );
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
             this, SLOT(slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()) );

    // we also want error messages
    connect( m_process, SIGNAL(stderrLine(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(QString)) );

    m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = QString();
    m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr = QString();
    m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;

    if( !m_process->start( KProcess::SeparateChannels ) ) {
        emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.",QString("mkisofs")), K3b::Job::MessageError );

        jobFinished( false );