Exemple #1
int empty(void)
    int m, n;
    int k;
    int m1, n1, p1;
    int m2, n2, p2;
    int NZMAX = 1;
    int jc = 5;
    int ir;
    int *header;
    double *value;
    GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &p1);
    GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m2, &n2, &p2);
    m = (int) * stk(p1);
    n = (int) * stk(p2);
    CreateData(3, (6 + n + 1)*sizeof(int) + sizeof(double));
    header = (int *) GetData(3);
    value = (double *) header;
    header[0] = 7;
    header[1] = m;
    header[2] = n;
    header[3] = 0;
    header[4] = NZMAX;
    header[jc] = 0;
    ir = jc + n + 1;
    for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
        header[jc + k + 1] = 0;
    header[ir] = 0;
    value[(5 + header[2] + header[4]) / 2 + 1] = 0.0;
    LhsVar(1) = 3;
    return 1;
Exemple #2
*  hand written interface
*  Interface for cdfchn
*  Non-central Chi-Square
int cdfchnI(char* fname, unsigned long l)
    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0, mDf = 0, nDf = 0, lDf = 0, i = 0;
    double *Df = NULL;
    Nbvars = 0;
    CheckRhs(4, 5);
    CheckLhs(1, 2);
    GetRhsVar(1, STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1);
    if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "PQ") == 0)
        static int callpos[5] = {3, 4, 0, 1, 2};
        GetRhsVar(3, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mDf, &nDf, &lDf);
        Df = stk(lDf);
        for (i = 0; i < mDf * nDf; ++i)
            if ((int) Df[i] - Df[i] != 0)
                sciprint(_("%s: Warning: using non integer values for argument #%d may lead to incorrect results.\n"), fname, 3);
        CdfBase(fname, 3, 2, callpos, "PQ", _("X,Df and Pnonc"), 1, C2F(cdfchn),
    else if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "X") == 0)
        static int callpos[5] = {2, 3, 4, 0, 1};
        GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mDf, &nDf, &lDf);
        Df = stk(lDf);
        for (i = 0; i < mDf * nDf; ++i)
            if ((int) Df[i] - Df[i] != 0)
                sciprint(_("%s: Warning: using non integer values for argument #%d may lead to incorrect results.\n"), fname, 2);
        CdfBase(fname, 4, 1, callpos, "X", _("Df,Pnonc,P and Q"), 2, C2F(cdfchn),
    else if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "Df") == 0)
        static int callpos[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 0};
        CdfBase(fname, 4, 1, callpos, "Df", _("Pnonc,P,Q and X"), 3, C2F(cdfchn),
    else if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "Pnonc") == 0)
        static int callpos[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
        GetRhsVar(5, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mDf, &nDf, &lDf);
        Df = stk(lDf);
        for (i = 0; i < mDf * nDf; ++i)
            if ((int) Df[i] - Df[i] != 0)
                sciprint(_("%s: Warning: using non integer values for argument #%d may lead to incorrect results.\n"), fname, 5);
        CdfBase(fname, 4, 1, callpos, "Pnonc", _("P,Q,X and Df"), 4, C2F(cdfchn),
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 1, "PQ", "X", "Df", "Pnonc");

    return 0;
Exemple #3
int interface_gravite(char *fname)
  static int un = 1, nddl = N_DOF;
  static int n, nbis;
  static int q, G;

  /*    Define minls=1, maxlhs, minrhs, maxrhs   */
  static int minlhs = 1, minrhs = 1, maxlhs = 1, maxrhs = 1;

  /*   Check rhs and lhs   */
  CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs) ;
  CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs) ;

  GetRhsVar(1, "d", &n, &nbis, &q);
  if (n * nbis != N_DOF)
    sciprint("Wrong size!\r\n");
    return 0;

  CreateVar(2, "d", &nddl, &un, &G);

  modele_gravite(stk(q), stk(G));

  LhsVar(1) = 2;
  return 0;
Exemple #4
int TagsInterface(char *fname)
  static int one = 1, ndof = NDOF;
  static int n, nbis;
  static int q, N;

  /*    Define minls=1, maxlhs, minrhs, maxrhs   */
  static int minlhs = 1, minrhs = 2, maxlhs = 1, maxrhs = 2;

  /*   Check rhs and lhs   */
  CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs) ;
  CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs) ;

  GetRhsVar(1, "d", &n, &nbis, &q);
  if (n * nbis != NDOF)
    sciprint("Wrong size!\r\n");
    return 0;

  CreateVar(2, "d", &ndof, &one, &N);

  Tags(stk(N), stk(q));

  LhsVar(1) = 2;

  return 0;
int sci_multiply_by_two(char * fname)
    int m_in_var, n_in_var, l_in_var;
    int m_out_var, n_out_var, l_out_var;
    int i_row, j_col;

    // First, access to the input variable (a matrix of doubles)
    GetRhsVar(1, "d", &m_in_var, &n_in_var, &l_in_var);

    // Create the returned variable (a matrix of doubles)
    m_out_var = m_in_var;
    n_out_var = n_in_var;
    CreateVar(2, "d", &m_out_var, &n_out_var, &l_out_var);

    // Perform some simple operations on the matrix
    for (i_row = 0; i_row < m_in_var; i_row++)
        for (j_col = 0; j_col < n_in_var; j_col++)
            *stk(l_out_var + i_row + j_col * m_out_var) = 2 * (*stk(l_in_var + i_row + j_col * m_in_var));

    // Return the output variable
    LhsVar(1) = 2;

    return 0;
Exemple #6
int InertiaInterface(char *fname)
    static int ndof = NDOF;
    static int n, nbis;
    static int q, M;

    /*    Define minls=1, maxlhs, minrhs, maxrhs   */
    static int minlhs = 1, minrhs = 1, maxlhs = 1, maxrhs = 1;

    /*   Check rhs and lhs   */
    CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs) ;
    CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs) ;

    GetRhsVar(1, "d", &n, &nbis, &q);
    if (n * nbis != NDOF)
        sciprint("Wrong size!\r\n");
        return 0;

    CreateVar(2, "d", &ndof, &ndof, &M);

    Inertia(stk(M), stk(q));

    LhsVar(1) = 2;
    return 0;
Exemple #7
* Used to call the overloading function when testing unknown data type  for equality
* @param double *d1: pointer on the beginning of the first variable structure
* @param int n1: memory size used by the first variable, only used for overloading
* @param double *d2: pointer on the beginning of the first variable structure
* @param int n2: memory size used by the second variable, only used for overloading
* @return 0 is the variables differ and 1 if they are identical, -1 for recursion purpose
* @author Serge Steer
* @see IsEqualVar
int IsEqualOverloaded(double *d1, int n1, double *d2, int n2)
    int *id1 = (int *) d1;
    int *id2 = (int *) d2;
    int il, lw;
    int l1, l2;


    if (Rstk[Pt] == 914 || Rstk[Pt] == 915) /* coming back after evaluation of overloading function */
        /* Get the computed value */
        il = iadr(*Lstk(Top));
        return  *istk(il + 3);

    /* Prepare stack for calling overloading function */
    /* put references to d1 and d2 variable at the top of the stack */
    l1 = *Lstk(1) + (int)(d1 - stk(*Lstk(1))); /*compute index in stk from absolute adress value */
    l2 = *Lstk(1) + (int)(d2 - stk(*Lstk(1))); /*compute index in stk from absolute adress value */

    Top = Top + 1;

    il = iadr(*Lstk(Top));
    *istk(il) = -id1[0];
    *istk(il + 1) = l1; /* index othe first element of the variable in stk */
    *istk(il + 2) = 0; /* variable number unknown */
    *istk(il + 3) = n1; /* variable memory size  */
    *Lstk(Top + 1) = *Lstk(Top) + 2;

    Top = Top + 1;
    il = iadr(*Lstk(Top));
    *istk(il) = -id2[0];
    *istk(il + 1) = l2; /* index othe first element of the variable in stk */
    *istk(il + 2) = 0; /*variable number unknown */
    *istk(il + 3) = n2; /*variable memory size */
    *Lstk(Top + 1) = *Lstk(Top) + 2;

    Rhs = 2;
    lw = Top - 1;

    if ( GetDoubleCompMode() == 0)
        C2F(overload)(&lw, "isequalbitwise", 14L);
        Rstk[Pt] = 914;
        C2F(overload)(&lw, "isequal", 7L);
        Rstk[Pt] = 915;

    /*DEBUG_OVERLOADING("IsEqualVar Overloaded calls the parser Top=%d, Rhs=%d, Pt=%d\n",Top,Rhs,Pt);*/

    return -1;
int main(int, char**)

//  Test the explicit deduction guides
    std::vector<int> v{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
    std::stack stk(v);

    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk), std::stack<int, std::vector<int>>>, "");
    assert(stk.size() == v.size());
    assert(stk.top() == v.back());

    std::list<long, test_allocator<long>> l{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 };
    std::stack stk(l, test_allocator<long>(0,2)); // different allocator
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::container_type, std::list<long, test_allocator<long>>>, "");
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::value_type, long>, "");
    assert(stk.size() == 10);
    assert(stk.top() == 19);
//  I'd like to assert that we've gotten the right allocator in the stack, but
//  I don't know how to get at the underlying container.

//  Test the implicit deduction guides

//  We don't expect this one to work - no way to implicitly get value_type
//  std::stack stk(std::allocator<int>()); // stack (allocator &)

    std::stack<A> source;
    std::stack stk(source); // stack(stack &)
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::value_type, A>, "");
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::container_type, std::deque<A>>, "");
    assert(stk.size() == 0);

//  This one is odd - you can pass an allocator in to use, but the allocator
//  has to match the type of the one used by the underlying container
    typedef short T;
    typedef test_allocator<T> A;
    typedef std::deque<T, A> C;

    C c{0,1,2,3};
    std::stack<T, C> source(c);
    std::stack stk(source, A(2)); // stack(stack &, allocator)
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::value_type, T>, "");
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(stk)::container_type, C>, "");
    assert(stk.size() == 4);
    assert(stk.top() == 3);

  return 0;
Exemple #9
int sci_get_if(char *fname)
    static int l1, m1, n1;
    void *p_sci;
    static int l2, m2, n2;
    static int lr3, lc3;
    static int minrhs=2, maxrhs=2;
    static int minlhs=0, maxlhs=1;
    static int err;
    struct sci_var s_v;

    debug_3 ("[if_sci_get] ..................... \r\n");
    // example: pfir1
    // example: SCI_TAPS
    GetRhsVar(2, "i", &m2, &n2, &l2);

    p_sci = (void *) ((unsigned long int) *stk(l1));
    s_v = sci_get_ifcpp(p_sci, *istk(l2));

    if (sci_err) {
        sciprint("\n%s:\n info:%d\n",sci_err_msg,sci_info);
        Scierror(999,"%s failed err=%d", fname, sci_err);
        return 0;
    // now when m3,n3 are set - create [mxn] sci variable on stack (it=is_complex)
    if (s_v.is_double)
    {   CreateCVar(3,"d", &s_v.is_complex, &s_v.m, &s_v.n, &lr3, &lc3);
        // alocated mem on scilab stack for [mxn] of (complex) double
    else if (s_v.is_boolean)
    {   CreateVar(3,"b", &s_v.m, &s_v.n, &lr3);
        // alocated mem on scilab stack for [mxn] boolean
    {   lr3 = I_INT32;;
        CreateVar(3,"I", &s_v.m, &s_v.n, &lr3);
        // alocated mem on scilab stack for [mxn] of U_INT32
    // copy values
    // remove data from heap
    LhsVar(1) = 3; /* return var */
    debug_3 ("[if_sci_get] +++++++++++++++++++++ \r\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #10
int intfun1(char *fname)
    int m1, n1, l1;
    CheckRhs(1, 1);
    CheckLhs(1, 1);
    GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1);
    fun1(stk(l1), stk(l1));
    LhsVar(1) = 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #11
static int sci_emptystr_two_rhs(char *fname)
    /*value_param_pos_1 is the number of row ; value_param_pos_2 is the number of col*/

    int Type_One = GetType(1);
    int Type_Two = GetType(2);

    if ((Type_One == sci_matrix) && (Type_Two == sci_matrix))
        double value_param_pos_1 = 0;
        double value_param_pos_2 = 0;
        int matrixdimension = 0;

        int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0;
        int m2 = 0, n2 = 0, l2 = 0;
        GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1);
        GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m2, &n2, &l2);

        value_param_pos_1 = *stk(l1);
        value_param_pos_2 = *stk(l2);

        matrixdimension = (int)(value_param_pos_1 * value_param_pos_2);

        if (matrixdimension > 0)
            int m = (int)value_param_pos_1;
            int n = (int)value_param_pos_2;
            CreateVarFromPtr(Rhs + 1, MATRIX_OF_STRING_DATATYPE, &m, &n, NULL);
            /* returns [] */
            int l = 0;
            int m = 0;
            int n = 0;
            CreateVar(Rhs + 1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l);
        LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1;

        if (Type_One != sci_matrix)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix of integers expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        else /* Type_Two */
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix of integers expected.\n"), fname, 2);
    return 0;
Exemple #12
int sci_create_list(char * fname)
    int m_list_out, n_list_out;
    int m_var1,     n_var1,     l_var1,  l_list_var1;
    int m_var2,     n_var2,     l_var2,  l_list_var2;
    int m_mlist,    n_mlist,    l_mlist;

    // The labels of our mlist
    static const char * ListLabels [] = {"mylist", "var1", "var2"};

    // First, we create the variables using a classical way
    // The size of the Scilab variables
    m_var1  = 1;
    n_var1  = strlen("a string") + 1; // a null terminated string
    m_var2  = 2;
    n_var2  = 2; // A 2x2 double matrix
    m_mlist = 3;
    n_mlist = 1; // A mlist with 3 elements

    // Creation of the Scilab variables
    // A('var1')
    CreateVar(1, "c", &m_var1,  &n_var1,  &l_var1);
    // A('var2')
    CreateVar(2, "d", &m_var2,  &n_var2,  &l_var2);
    // A
    CreateVar(3, "m", &m_mlist, &n_mlist, &l_mlist);

    // We store values in the create variables
    // The matrix will be stored in A('var2')
    *stk(l_var2 + 0) = 1;
    *stk(l_var2 + 1) = 2;
    *stk(l_var2 + 2) = 3;
    *stk(l_var2 + 3) = 4;

    // The string will be stored in A('var1')
    strncpy(cstk(l_var1), "a string\0", n_var1);

    m_list_out = 3;
    n_list_out = 1;

    // now, affect the variable  to the mlist
    // The labels (it corresponds to A = mlist(['mylist','var1','var2'], ...
    CreateListVarFromPtr(3, 1, "S", &m_list_out, &n_list_out, ListLabels);
    // The value stored in A('var1') (it corresponds to A = ...,'a string', ...
    CreateListVarFrom(3, 2, "c", &m_var1, &n_var1, &l_list_var1, &l_var1);
    // The value stored in A('var2') (it corresponds to A = ...,[1 2,3 4]);
    CreateListVarFrom(3, 3, "d", &m_var2, &n_var2, &l_list_var2, &l_var2);

    // We return only the mlist which has been created at position 3
    LhsVar(1) = 3;

    return 0;
int get_rect_arg(char *fname,int pos,rhs_opts opts[], double ** rect )
	int m,n,l,first_opt=FirstOpt(),kopt,i;

	if (pos < first_opt)
			if (VarType(pos)) {
				GetRhsVar(pos,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l);
				if (m * n != 4) {
					Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d expected\n",fname,pos,4);
					return 0;
				*rect = stk(l);

					if(finite((*rect)[i]) == 0){
						Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong values (Nan or Inf) for input argument: %d finite values expected\n",fname,4);
						return 0;
					/** global value can be modified  **/
					double zeros[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } ;
					setDefRect( zeros ) ;
					*rect = getDefRect() ;
	else if ((kopt=FindOpt("rect",opts))) {/* named argument: rect=value */
		GetRhsVar(kopt,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m, &n, &l);
		if (m * n != 4) {
			Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d expected\n",fname,kopt,4);
			return 0;
		*rect = stk(l);

			if(finite((*rect)[i]) == 0){
				Scierror(999,"%s: Wrong values (Nan or Inf) for input argument: %d finite values expected\n",fname,4);
				return 0;
			/** global value can be modified  **/
			double zeros[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } ;
			setDefRect( zeros ) ;
			*rect = getDefRect() ;

	return 1;
Exemple #14
int ext8c(double *y)
    static int m, n, lp, i;
    GetMatrixptr("param", &m, &n, &lp);
    /* param can be changed */
    *stk(lp) = 18.0;
    /* param can be read */
    for (i = 0; i < m * n ; i++ )
        y[i] = (*stk(lp + i));
    return 0;
Exemple #15
int cdfpoiI(char* fname, unsigned long l)
    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0, mS = 0, nS = 0, lS = 0, i = 0;
    double *S = NULL;
    Nbvars = 0;
    CheckRhs(3, 4);
    CheckLhs(1, 2);
    GetRhsVar(1, STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1);
    if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "PQ") == 0)
        static int callpos[4] = {2, 3, 0, 1};
        GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mS, &nS, &lS);
        S = stk(lS);
        for (i = 0; i < mS * nS; ++i)
            if (S[i] == S[i] && S[i] + 1 != S[i]) // NaN and Inf will be handled in the program
                if ((int) S[i] - S[i] != 0)
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A matrix of integer value expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                    return 0;
        CdfBase(fname, 2, 2, callpos, "PQ", _("S and Xlam"), 1, C2F(cdfpoi),
    else if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "S") == 0)
        static int callpos[4] = {1, 2, 3, 0};
        CdfBase(fname, 3, 1, callpos, "S", _("Xlam,P and Q"), 2, C2F(cdfpoi),
    else if ( strcmp(cstk(l1), "Xlam") == 0)
        static int callpos[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
        GetRhsVar(4, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mS, &nS, &lS);
        S = stk(lS);
        for (i = 0; i < mS * nS; ++i)
            if (S[i] == S[i] && S[i] + 1 != S[i]) // NaN and Inf will be handled in the program
                if ((int) S[i] - S[i] != 0)
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A matrix of integer value expected.\n"), fname, 4);
                    return 0;
        CdfBase(fname, 3, 1, callpos, "Xlam", _("P,Q and S"), 3, C2F(cdfpoi),
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s', '%s' or '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 1, "PQ", "S", "Xlam");
    return 0;
Exemple #16
static int cre_hmat(int pos, HyperMat *H)
    /*  dans cette version, seuls les champs dimsize, size et it sont definis
     *  et on alloue alors la memoire des champs dims, R (et I si it=1) dans
     *  la pile scilab (juste � la place occupee par la variable).
    static char *Str[] = { "hm", "dims", "entries"};
    int m1 = 1, n1 = 3;
    int mL = 3, nL = 1, lL, one = 1, lr, lc, lar, lac;
    CreateListVarFromPtr(pos, 1, MATRIX_OF_STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, Str);
    lr = 4;
    lar = -1;
    CreateListVarFrom(pos, 2, MATRIX_OF_VARIABLE_SIZE_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &one, &H->dimsize, &lr, &lar);
    H->dims = istk(lr);

    lar = -1;
    lac = -1;

    switch (H->type)
        case (sci_matrix):
            CreateListCVarFrom(pos, 3, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &H->it, &H->size, &one , &lr, &lc, &lar, &lac);
            H->R = stk(lr);
            if ( H->it == 1)
                H->I = stk(lc);
            return 1;

        case (sci_boolean):
            CreateListVarFrom(pos, 3, MATRIX_OF_BOOLEAN_DATATYPE, &H->size, &one, &lr, &lar);
            H->P = (void *) istk(lr);
            return 1;

        case (sci_ints):
            lr = H->it;
            CreateListVarFrom(pos, 3, MATRIX_OF_VARIABLE_SIZE_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &H->size, &one, &lr, &lar);
            H->P = (void *) istk(lr);
            return 1;

    /* Ajout Allan CORNET Correction Warning */
    /* warning C4715: 'cre_hmat' : not all control paths return a value */
    return 1;

Exemple #17
int sci_exec_if(char *fname)
    static int l1, m1, n1;
    void *p_sci;
    static int l2, m2, n2;
    static int minrhs=2, maxrhs=2;
    static int err;

    debug_3 ("[sci_exec_if] ..................... \r\n");
    // example: pfir1
    // example: SCI_RESET
    GetRhsVar(2, "i", &m2, &n2, &l2);
    p_sci = (void *) ((unsigned long int) *stk(l1));
    sci_exec_ifcpp(p_sci, *(istk(l2)));
    if (sci_err) {
        sciprint("\n%s:\n info:%d\n",sci_err_msg,sci_info);
        Scierror(999,"%s failed err=%d", fname, sci_err);
        return 0;
    debug_3 ("[sci_exec_if] +++++++++++++++++++++ \r\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #18
int sci_timer(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len)
	double timerval = 0;

	Rhs = Max(0, Rhs);

	timerval = scilab_timer();

	if (timerval >= 0.)
		int l1 = 0, n1 = 1;

		CreateVar(Rhs+1,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &n1, &n1,&l1);
		*stk(l1) = (double)timerval;

		LhsVar(1) = Rhs+1;
		Scierror(999,_("%s: An error occurred.\n"), fname);

	return 0;
Exemple #19
int set_figure_size_property(void* _pvCtx, char* pobjUID, size_t stackPointer, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol )
    double * values = stk( stackPointer ) ;
    BOOL status = FALSE;
    int intValues[2];

    if ( !( valueType == sci_matrix ) )
        Scierror(999, _("Wrong type for '%s' property: Real matrix expected.\n"), "figure_size");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR ;

    if ( nbRow * nbCol != 2 )
        Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: %d elements expected.\n"), "figure_size", 2) ;
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR ;

    intValues[0] = (int)values[0];
    intValues[1] = (int)values[1];

    status = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_SIZE__, intValues, jni_int_vector, 2);

    if (status == TRUE)
        return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED;
        Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "figure_size");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;
Exemple #20
int sci_curblockc(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len)
    * variables declaration

    /* address of the data of the output parameter */
    int l1 = 0;
    /* local counter variable */
    int j = 1, k = 1;
    /* definition of min/max output argument */
    static int minlhs = 1, maxlhs = 1;

    * Check number of  outputs
    CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs);

    * Create double variable
    /* Create int32 variable at the top addr. of the stack */
    CreateVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &j, &k, &l1);

    /* Store value of C2F(curblk).kfun at the l1 address in istk */
    *stk(l1) = (double)C2F(curblk).kfun;

    /* return the value stored at Top address to lhs variable */
    LhsVar(1) = 1;

    /* return 0 as default value */
    return 0;
Exemple #21
int sci_exportUI(char * fname, unsigned long fname_len)
    int iFigureId = 0; // id of the figure to export
    int iRows = 0;
    int iCols = 0;
    size_t stackPointer = 0;

    CheckLhs(0, 1);
    CheckRhs(1, 1);

    if (GetType(1) == sci_handles) // exportUI(figHandle)
        const char *pstFigureUID = NULL;
        int iHandleType = -1;
        int *piHandleType = &iHandleType;
        int *piFigureId = &iFigureId;

        GetRhsVar(1, GRAPHICAL_HANDLE_DATATYPE, &iRows, &iCols, &stackPointer);
        if (iRows * iCols != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A Real Scalar or a 'Figure' handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);

        pstFigureUID = getObjectFromHandle((unsigned long) * (hstk(stackPointer)));

        getGraphicObjectProperty(pstFigureUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_int, (void **)&piHandleType);
        if (iHandleType == __GO_FIGURE__)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A Real Scalar or a 'Figure' handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return FALSE;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(pstFigureUID, __GO_ID__, jni_int, (void **)&piFigureId);
    else if (GetType(1) == sci_matrix) // exportUI(figId)
        GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &iRows, &iCols, &stackPointer);
        if (iRows * iCols != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A Real Scalar or a 'Figure' handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return FALSE;

        iFigureId = (int) * (stk(stackPointer));
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A Real Scalar or a 'Figure' handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        return FALSE;

    // call the export function

    LhsVar(1) = 0;


    return 0;
Exemple #22
int set_z_shift_property(void* _pvCtx, char * pobjUID, size_t stackPointer, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol )
    BOOL result = FALSE;
    double* shiftCoordinates = NULL;
    int nbElement = nbRow * nbCol;
    int iNumElements = 0;
    int* piNumElements = &iNumElements;

    if ( !( valueType == sci_matrix ) )
        Scierror(999, _("Wrong type for '%s' property: Real matrix expected.\n"), "z_shift");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    if ( nbRow > 1 && nbCol > 1 )
        Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"), "z_shift", "0x0, 1xn, nx1");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    getGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_NUM_ELEMENTS__, jni_int, (void**)&piNumElements);

    if (piNumElements == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "z_shift");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    if ( nbElement != 0 && nbElement != iNumElements) /* we can specify [] (null vector) to reset to default */
        Scierror(999, _("Wrong size for '%s' property: %d or %d elements expected.\n"), "z_shift", 0, iNumElements);
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    if ( nbElement != 0 )
        shiftCoordinates = (double*) stk(stackPointer);

        result = setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Z_COORDINATES_SHIFT__, shiftCoordinates, jni_double_vector, iNumElements);

        /* The FALSE value is used for now to identify a failed memory allocation */
        if (result == FALSE)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "set_z_shift_property");
            return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;
         * Setting the shift flag to 0 directly in the model
         * when filling the shift coordinates array (0-element case)
         * would probably be better.
        int shiftSet = 0;
        setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_DATA_MODEL_Z_COORDINATES_SHIFT_SET__, &shiftSet, jni_double_vector, 1);

Exemple #23
void test_expression_evaluator_each(GLEPolish* polish, const std::string& expression, const std::string& expectedValue) {
	int cp = 0;
	int rtype = 0;
	GLEPcodeList pc_list;
	GLEPcode pcode(&pc_list);
	polish->polish(expression.c_str(), pcode, &rtype);
	GLERC<GLEArrayImpl> stk(new GLEArrayImpl());
	std::ostringstream msg;
	msg << expression << ": ";
	if (is_float(expectedValue)) {
		GLEMemoryCell* mc = evalGeneric(stk.get(), &pc_list, (int*)&pcode[0], &cp);
		gle_memory_cell_check(mc, GLEObjectTypeDouble);
		double expectedDouble = tokenizer_string_to_double(expectedValue.c_str());
		msg << mc->Entry.DoubleVal << " == " << expectedValue;
		if (expectedDouble == 0.0) {
			unit_test_msg(fabs(mc->Entry.DoubleVal) < CUTILS_REL_PREC_FINE, msg.str());
		} else {
			unit_test_msg(equals_rel_fine(mc->Entry.DoubleVal, expectedDouble), msg.str());
	} else {
		GLERC<GLEString> result(evalString(stk.get(), &pc_list, (int*)&pcode[0], &cp, true));
		std::string computedString(result->toUTF8());
		msg << computedString << " == " << expectedValue;
		unit_test_msg(expectedValue == computedString, msg.str());
Exemple #24
static int GetScalarDouble(char *fname, int *prev, int *arg, int narg, int *ic, int ir, double *dval)
    int mx = 0, nx = 0, lx = 0;

    if (*prev != 1)
        *arg = *arg + 1;
        *ic = 1;
        *prev = 1;
    GetRhsVar(*arg, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lx);
    if (*ic > nx)
        *arg = *arg + 1;
        if (*arg > narg )
            return NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;
        *ic = 1;
        GetRhsVar(*arg, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lx);
    if (ir > mx)
        return RET_END;
    *dval =  *(stk(lx + ir - 1 + mx * (*ic - 1)));
    *ic = *ic + 1;
    return OK;
Exemple #25
int C2F(sci_mode)(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len)
	Rhs = Max(0, Rhs);


	if (Rhs == 0)
		int n = 1 ,l = 0;
		execMode mode = getExecMode();

		CreateVar(Rhs+1, MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &n, &n,&l);
		*istk(l) = (int)mode;
		LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1;
		if ( VarType(1)== sci_matrix )
			int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0;
			GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &l1);
			if ( (m1 == n1) && (n1 == 1) )
				double dmode = *stk(l1);
				int mode = (int) dmode;

				if (dmode != (double)mode)
					Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: A int expected.\n"),fname,1);
					return 0;


				if ( (mode == 7) || (mode == 4) )
					int code_message = 26;
					int val_message = 0;
					C2F(msgs)(&code_message, &val_message);
				LhsVar(1) = 0;
				Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"),fname,1);
				return 0;
			Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A scalar expected.\n"),fname,1);
			return 0;

	return 0;
int sci_umf_ludel(char* fname, unsigned long l)
    int mLU_ptr = 0, nLU_ptr = 0, lLU_ptr = 0, it_flag = 0;
    void * Numeric = NULL;
    CellAdr *Cell = NULL;

    Rhs = Max(Rhs, 0);

    /* Check numbers of input/output arguments */
    CheckRhs(0, 1);
    CheckLhs(1, 1);

    if (Rhs == 0)      /* destroy all */ 
        while ( ListNumeric )
            Cell = ListNumeric;
            ListNumeric = ListNumeric->next;
            if (Cell->it == 0) 
        /* get the pointer to the LU factors */
        GetRhsVar(1,SCILAB_POINTER_DATATYPE, &mLU_ptr, &nLU_ptr, &lLU_ptr);
        Numeric = (void *) ((unsigned long int) *stk(lLU_ptr));

        /* Check if the pointer is a valid ref to ... */
        if (RetrieveAdrFromList(Numeric, &ListNumeric, &it_flag)) 
            /* free the memory of the numeric object */
            if ( it_flag == 0 )
            Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be a valid reference to (umf) LU factors.\n"),fname,1);
            return 0;

    return 0;
Exemple #27
ehval_p Function::exec(ehval_p base_object, ehval_p function_object, ehval_p args, EHI *ehi) {
	Function::t *f = function_object->get<Function>();

	switch(f->type) {
		case lib_e: {
			ehstack_entry_t stk(function_object->get_full_name(), nullptr, ehi->get_stack());
			return f->libmethod_pointer(base_object, args, ehi);
		case compiled_e: {
			ehval_p newcontext = Function_Scope::make(f->parent, ehi->get_parent());
			ehstack_entry_t stk(function_object->get_full_name(), newcontext, ehi->get_stack());
			return f->compiled_pointer(base_object, args, ehi, ehcontext_t(base_object, newcontext));
		case user_e: {
			ehval_p newcontext = Function_Scope::make(f->parent, ehi->get_parent());
			ehstack_entry_t stk(function_object->get_full_name(), newcontext, ehi->get_stack());
			ehcontext_t context(base_object, newcontext);

			// set arguments
			attributes_t attributes(private_e, nonstatic_e, nonconst_e);
			ehi->set(f->args, args, &attributes, context);

			// execute the function
			ehval_p ret = ehi->eh_execute(f->code, context);
			return ret;
		case bytecode_e: {
			ehval_p newcontext = Function_Scope::make(f->parent, ehi->get_parent());
			ehstack_entry_t stk(function_object->get_full_name(), newcontext, ehi->get_stack());
			ehcontext_t context(base_object, newcontext);

			if(f->is_generator) {
				auto frame = new eh_frame_t(eh_frame_t::generator_e, f->bytecode.co, f->bytecode.offset, context, args);
				auto gen = Generator::make(function_object, frame, ehi);
				// execute the argument-setting code of the generator function
				eh_execute_frame(frame, ehi);
				return gen;
			} else {
				eh_frame_t frame(eh_frame_t::function_e, f->bytecode.co, f->bytecode.offset, context, args);
				return eh_execute_frame(&frame, ehi);
Exemple #28
void GLEPolish::internalEval(const char *exp, double *x) throw(ParserError) {
	// difference with eval: no try / catch
	int rtype = 1, cp = 0;
	GLEPcodeList pc_list;
	GLEPcode pcode(&pc_list);
	internalPolish(exp, pcode, &rtype);
	GLERC<GLEArrayImpl> stk(new GLEArrayImpl());
	*x = evalDouble(stk.get(), &pc_list, (int*)&pcode[0], &cp);
 vector<int> findRedundantDirectedConnection(vector<vector<int>>& edges) {
     //construct the graph, and record the node which has 2 parents if possible
     int N = edges.size();
     for(int n=1; n<=N; ++n)
         getNode[n] = Node();
     int node2parents = -1;
     for(int i=0; i<N; ++i){
         int p = edges[i][0];
         int c = edges[i][1];
         edgeOrder[p][c] = i;
         if(getNode[c].from.size()==2) //we find a node with 2 parents
             node2parents = c;
     //doing DFS to find the loop if loop exists
     vector<int> status(N+1,0); // status 0,1,2 ==> 0:unvisited, 1:visiting, 2:visited
     stack<int> loop;
     bool loopfound = false;
     for(int i=1; i<=N; ++i){
         if(loopfound)   break;
         if(status[i] == 0){ //DFS started with node i
             status[i] = 1;
             stack<int> stk({i});
             status[i] = 2;
     if(!loopfound){ // Case 1
         int parent1 = getNode[node2parents].from[0];
         int parent2 = getNode[node2parents].from[1];
         return (edgeOrder[parent1][node2parents] > edgeOrder[parent2][node2parents]) ?
                 vector<int>({parent1,node2parents}) : vector<int>({parent2,node2parents});
     int last_occur_order = 0;
     vector<int> last_occur_edge;
     int begin = loop.top();
         int child = loop.top();
         int parent = loop.top();
         if(node2parents != -1 && child == node2parents) // Case 2
             return vector<int>({parent,child});
         int order = edgeOrder[parent][child];
         if(order > last_occur_order){
             last_occur_order = order;
             last_occur_edge = vector<int>({parent,child});
         if(parent == begin)
             break; //loop ends
     return last_occur_edge; // Case 3
Exemple #30
void GLEPolish::internalEvalString(const char* exp, string* str) throw(ParserError) {
	// difference with eval_string: no try / catch
	int rtype = 2, cp = 0;
	GLEPcodeList pc_list;
	GLEPcode pcode(&pc_list);
	internalPolish(exp, pcode, &rtype);
	GLERC<GLEArrayImpl> stk(new GLEArrayImpl());
	GLERC<GLEString> result(::evalString(stk.get(), &pc_list, (int*)&pcode[0], &cp, true));
	*str = result->toUTF8();